Because of the illustrated book that the Duke of Orville had given her the other day, Chad rushed back to her apartment after work and, after a quick wash, lit a paraffin lamp and began to read hard.
She flipped through the dictionary with one hand, trying not to pay attention to the men and women entwined at the top of the atlas, and trying to focus on the explanatory text next to it, often turning red in the face.
Chad learnt to write late, and can't read, so she can only use this stupid way to memorise, sometimes she can't find it in the book, she can't hold this obscene book to ask others, so she had to hide in the house and worry about herself.
Hans has long been in that half-open window stood, he stood there without saying a word, listening to the people in the room to turn the pages of the book "swish" sound, inadvertently hooked up the corner of the lips, a little fleeting smile between the eyes, no one can capture.
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