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68.62% Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami / Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Capítulo 35: Chapter 35

~3 days later. 2.5 weeks after their arrival in Wave.

"I know you've been working hard, but do try and take it easy for a bit," Naruto said.

Haku didn't respond as she used her ice jutsu to make yet another snow cone for one of the kids in Wave.

From a deadly weapon, reliable and effective in any task…reduced to this. An oversized snow cone maker. Haku sighed, yet as she watched the smile of the kids as they bit into the melon flavoured snow cone, trying a delicacy from her homeland for the first time, she felt something in her soul lift up in pride.

Naruto was disguised in a henge as he didn't want to get crowded as he so often did these days. He didn't regret making the offer about people going up and speaking to his shadow clones but he didn't realise that it would be this bad. Each clone now normally had a contingent of people following them, speaking about what they could do to help with this new church and whatnot. It was sort of a alot to process but training his mind with Ino, doing Yamanaka clan mental exercises that her father allowed together, had made his mind into something of a machine.

Not in the way where he could crunch numbers or suddenly became a tactical genius like shikamaru but just in the capacity for output in input alone from his clones. He barely even has a headache now when thousands pop at the same time…which happened rather recently with how much he had to do around here. Practically everyone needed help putting their lives back together and Naruto wouldn't just sit by when he was available.

"This is nice," Haku said simply. Over the past few days after Haku's separation from Zabuza, she'd been in a bit of a fugue, not knowing what to do with her life now that she was no longer a tool. Good thing Naruto offered to help her find her way in doing seemingly simple tasks in helping the citizens of Wave.

Sometimes she would use her ice powers to help make ice blocks for freezer boxes, preserving food, sometimes she didn't need ice powers at all and was just doing mundane chores that needed to be done. It…set her mind at ease, somewhat. It helped keep her grounded amidst all the turmoil in her life.

"Your ice powers are so…cool," Naruto said, uncaring of the pun and Haku's unimpressed stare, "I've never seen anything like it."

"It's nothing much," Haku responded monotonously. She held out her hand and a crystal snowflake formed. "It's a one trick pony kind of thing."

"No it's not," Naruto disagreed, "It's unique and can be even more powerful with time."

Haku looked at Naruto, feeling lost at what to do. "I don't know what I'm going to do now. You make it sound like I will continue on my journey like it's nothing but I'm…I'm stuck."

"You're free to do whatever you wish now, Haku," Naruto said.

Haku shook her head. "I'm alone now. I hate being alone…"

"...then you can come with me," Naruto offered.

Haku looked at him, shocked. "What?"

"You can come with me, with us," Naruto clarified, "I didn't free you to have you feel that you're obligated to follow us along but I want to leave this as an option for you."

Naruto gestured to himself, patting the chest of his usual henged form. The Naru Yuki one. "I care about you, Haku. You know that I do, but you don't know why…and I can't really tell you why, just that I do…it's a cycle of confusion, really."

Haku lost her breath a bit, unbelieving that someone would offer to take her in once more.

"You won't be a tool if you decide to come with us," Naruto said sternly, "I didn't free you of your responsibilities for you to become someone else's tool. No, you'll be our friend, a woman who is dangerous yet has a soul so kind as to use senbon instead of kunai in a profession of death."

Haku looked shaken. Her arms were trembling and her normally stoic expression trying to hold itself together. "You…you mean it?"

"...Yes, it's a promise," Naruto smiled, "We'll take care of you, Haku, so you don't have to worry."

Tears were now flowing from her eyes, crystallising into tiny balls of ice as they dropped from her face.

Naruto wondered if he's said too much. He truly had just wanted to help Haku. "You don't have to make a decision now. Just think about–"

"-I'll go with you," Haku cut him off. "I…I know who you are through your…ninshu. I think you won't be another Zabuza…so I'll go with you. If–if you'll have me."

Naruto smiled at her. "If that's what you want. If you follow us, you can leave at any time. Remember that."

Haku, for the first time since he met her, gave a tentative smile. It was a small smile, but it was genuine. She nodded. "Hai."


~four days later. 3 weeks after Wave arrival.

The bridge building and shrine building was currently being worked on. Though, thanks to Naruto's mass hunting for food, there wasn't that desperation to get it done as fast as possible else they'd starve. While the progress was slower than his original timeline, Naruto didn't mind it one bit. He was enjoying getting to know the citizens of wave and they were nothing but extremely kind to him. They were good people, hunters, fishermen, cooks, smiths, bakers and practically every profession was covered in this little village.

"Naruto-sama," Haku addressed, to his embarrassment, "you're spacing out again."

"Would you stop calling me that, dattebayo," Naruto complained though he knew how ineffective it was against the stoic Haku.

She was too used to being in a role of subservience that she didn't know what it was like to be equal. So Naruto always quipped back everytime she used the overly formal suffix for him.

"Haku-sama," Naruto addressed, "I apologise for the loss of my attention. I was distracted."

Haku's eyebrows twitched and Naruto heard Kushina giggling from the background. Haku turned away from him, as expressive as the surface of a cardboard.

"It's time to eat dinner, Naruto-kun," Kushina said, "come on over and bring Haku with you. She likes to eat away from us if we don't tell her."

Naruto smiled as Haku's eyebrows twitched again. So many things about their relationship dynamic were different from the one she's had with Zabuza. Unlike the usual requirement for servitude and obedience, Naruto and Kushina encouraged individual initiative, whether that be on something mundane or important.

She…was still getting used to it but…she didn't hate it.

Breakfast was eels again, grilled and smoked over the fire. Naruto loved the new delicacy and wished that he had it more often. It had such a unique taste that worked so nicely with the glaze that complimented it.

"The Eel is a dish that represents the encouragement of a male libido in the local cultures, so I believe," Haku commented.

Naruto nearly spat the eel out that he was chewing. He coughed and choked.

'This is like dealing with another Sai…'

Naruto regained himself to glance incredulously at Haku…who was blushing lightly, seeing how the comment she made was awkward.

'Well at least she's a more socially aware, expressive Sai…'

Kushina giggled to break the momentarily silent room and Tsunami and Tazuna joined in. Even Inari was looking like he was trying to hold back his laughter.

"Haku-neechan is quite informed, isn't she?" Inari said and caused another round of laughter.

Haku blushed and looked down to her hands which were clutching her loose pants. Another hand came to lay on top of hers and she gazed at the amused but caring visage of Naruto.

"Don't feel embarrassed dattebayo," Naruto said, "you're not the only one with social awkwardness. You'll get better but never change, Haku, you're bringing some much needed joy with your comments."

Haku's blush became redder. "This is why I didn't want to sit with people…"

"Too bad," Kushina said, "If you're sticking with us then dinner together is compulsory in our family."

'Family…' Haku thought, 'They already consider me family…'

Haku smiled and started eating the delicious meal in front of her. The feeling she had in her gut was warm and fuzzy, unlike anything she ever felt before.

She could get used to this.


When they all gathered to leave, Kushina and Haku were to accompany Tazuna with the bridge building whilst Naruto and his clones helped out in the village as well as with the building of his church. He'd gotten some woodworking tips from Tazuna and the old man occasionally came by to check up on the construction project. As stated before, they were no longer in a rush to get it done so they had time to construct it properly. Naruto's church design was simple, with a wide hall for meditation sessions for anyone who wished to come by. It had been simple at first, but Tazuna had insisted that ornate carvings were essential for churches and that he would send some of his crew to help Naruto in that regard.

Inari, too, was going to the village with Naruto to boost morale, as he so aptly put it.

Kushina, Tazuna and Haku had left first and Naruto was waiting on Inari who had just gone to the bathroom.

"Naruto-kun," Tsunami said from where she was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. She didn't turn around to face him but Naruto could see the redness on her neck.

Over the past week, she'd paused in her training now that Wave was free of gato and subsequently their…intimate sessions came to an end. It had only been Kushina who was present in helping him with his…Hagoromo lust.

The meekness in her voice set Naruto on alert.

"I'm ready…" She said and immediately Naruto's breathing hitched, " give you your reward."

"Reward for what, mom?" Inari suddenly spoke up, breaking the tension of the moment. He was still too young and innocent to have any suspicions to what this…reward may be.

"It's for helping me out with Training," Tsunami responded immediately. "I promised that I would…teach him to cook that eel dish he liked."

"Eeeehhh," Inari said, finding the idea of cooking boring, "Well I'll be going to the village with one of his clones then."

Naruto nodded and made a clone, which proceeded to hold Inari's hand to lead him to the village. Once they were gone and out of sight, the awkward silence remained once more. Tsunami was still doing the dishes but Naruto could see her hands were shaky every time she placed a dish on the drying rack.

Was it shaky because of nervousness? Anticipation? Regret?

"You…don't have to do this you know…" Naruto said, "...but you already said you wanted to…and I won't lie, Tsunami, I want you as well."

Tsunami only paused in her washing, turning off the water. "I…I know. I don't regret my decision to give you…me for an hour but know that despite this, I am still Kaiza's wife. My heart belongs to him even though I'm going to…do this with you."

Naruto nodded. "I understand."

He sensed her emotions to make sure she was okay with it and was surprised at what he found.

Anticipation. Excitement. Nervousness. Lust. Desire.

There wasn't anything negative. There was no guilt despite what she'd just said, no hint of remorse either.

'Some girls just want to be fucked, Naruto, not loved,' Kushina had told him.

Now he knew what she meant.

Tsunami was wearing something different today. A simple yukata that wasn't too ornate to be noticed as something abnormal by her father but it was still much nicer than her usual pink shirt and simple long dress.

Naruto walked over to her and each step he took, she tensed up more and more. She was like a cat trying to flee but was held down by something on its tail.

Yet her emotions spoke differently.

Anticipation. Excitement. DESIRE. DESIRE. DESIRE.

"You're lying," Naruto said.

"Eh?" Tsunami, who had turn around to face him, said, "What do you–"

"-when you said that your heart still belonged to your husband," Naruto continued.

Tsunami's words died in her throat.

Anticipation. Confusion. LUST.

"You feel guilty because you're still Inari's mother, and that connection ties you to Kaiza, who was the father he'd never had," Naruto muttered, "but you yourself, no longer love him."

Tsunami gulped as she fiddled with the ring on her ring finger.

Guilt. Anticipation. Subservience. Lust. Desire. LUST. DESIRE. LUST. DESIRE.

Ah, now there was guilt, he sensed a bit of it before it was drowned out by the lust and desire. It only pinged because he addressed the issue right to the point.

"For one hour," Naruto whispered just as he got right up to her. He grabbed her fiddling palms and to her shock, he took off her ring. He then walked away to place it near the clock that was placed about a shelf. "For one hour, you are mine. Everything that you have, you will give to me. Your body, your heart, your soul. And when the hour is over, you can determine whether you want it back."

This…domination play that Naruto was using was…new to him, though Kushina had described in detail. He found that he sort of enjoyed asserting himself over Tsunami.

She looked like a small mouse now, who was caught in a trap. A buxom, thick thighed, giant assed mouse with big flaring hips and melons for tits. Her chubby waist had slimmed down considerably over eating a healthy diet as well as being supplemented by Naruto's seed. She had a delicious mature body and a gorgeous face. If she continues her training, she'll no doubt compete with the select few kunoichi's that he had as the best of the best.

This would be his first time having sex in this world and if he discounted the one he had with Sakura, his first time in general. He…was excited for this, and he would do it right this time.

"Shall we start now?" Naruto asked, almost growling into her ear.

Tsunami was breathing heavily but she gave a small nod.

She…she was enjoying this. The emotions she gave off told him so.

That was all Naruto needed. He glanced at the clock.

It was 8:00 AM on the dot.

He stepped in and kissed her. His tongue danced around hers immediately, asserting his will and she could only reciprocate by losing herself to the sensations. She moaned into his mouth but her hands remained on the sinktop.

"I've missed this," Naruto said, breaking away from her, "I've missed you."

Tsunami didn't say anything in response but her emotions were as loud as day to Naruto.

Appreciation. Adoration. WANT. DESIRE. NEED.

He proceeded to lift her up off her feet, turned around and took her to the dining table.

Once he laid her down in the position she had been in so many nights ago, he licked his lips. "Now we're back to where we started, and this time, I'll finish the job."

He kissed her harder than he'd kissed anyone in his life. She mewled but her hands remained still instead of going with the flow and the passion of the moment.

Naruto's eyes narrowed and he pinged his empath ability again.


Naruto stopped channelling his empath abilities, having gotten the gist of it but let it still remain subtly active in the background of his mind so that he'd know what she liked and disliked.

From what he sensed, she wanted to be…taken without her having any say in it. She wanted a notion of resistance on her part, as if to say she'd put up a fight for her husband but was overpowered by this strong blonde shinobi such that she had no choice but to give him what he wanted. She wanted…

…to be dominated.

Naruto could do that. He could definitely do that.

Naruto's kiss travelled to her cheek, to her neck, to the spot that she loved which made her toes curl, then…then he travelled lower. He kissed her shoulder blades, tracing them down where it met the other at the centre. Then Naruto leaned back to peer at the red-faced panting visage of Tsunami, to see the wonderful visage of her needy but still reluctant expression, to see what he did to her.

Naruto suspected now that something had happened with his saliva. It had become something of a very mild aphrodisiac now, as well as a medium that made everything it touched more sensitive. A lesser version of his seed almost.

From the quivering of her shoulders and the intake of breath every time he kissed and sucked on an area, he had reason to believe that he was right.

"You dressed up for me, haven't you?" Naruto commented as his arms slowly began to trace down the lapels of her yukata. "It's like a late birthday present, and the gift is…you."

He untied the knot tucked on the obi that held the yukata together, making it unravel and the folds of the yukata were now loose. All he needed to do was open it like a doorway and…


Tsunami was in what seemed to be her most exquisite pair of underwear. It was a floral patterned sexy lingerie that was slightly see-through. It was made of a mixture of cotton and silk that very few people could afford in Wave. It was a black bra and lacy panties combo that left her slightly fatty midriff and heer plump thick thighs bare.

"Wow…" Naruto was momentarily stunned at the sight. "You look incredible…"

Tsunami blushed, her sight still away from him. "It…it was what I wore on my wedding night…"

Naruto smiled. "Wow…you shouldn't have…but I will repay you for your efforts."

Before Tsunami could ask how, Naruto began licking and kissing her stomach, sending shivers down her spine, then he began to go lower and lower until she reached the sweet smelling scent of her pussy.

He kissed her clit lovingly through the lacy material and Tsunami gave a yelp of surprise, so intense the feeling of his mouth was mixed with the sensitivity inducing saliva that she couldn't help but moan into the sensation. Naruto licked and sucked like her clit was the most delicious piece of candy in the world. It didn't take long for Tsunami to reach her crescendo and climax into his mouth, gushing her delicious juices that…tasted like shortbread cookies…

…huh, that was new.

Naruto waited out her orgasm before he lifted his head from her crotch.

He smirked at her.

"My my, Tsunami-chan. If I didn't know any better I'd say that you're enjoying this," Naruto teased.

Tsunami gasped for air as she regathered herself. She glanced at the clock before looking back at him. "You only have 52 minutes left. You shouldn't have wasted it on pleasuring me."

Naruto's foxy grin grew wider. "Oh, don't you worry about that, Tsunami-chan. I just wanted to take my time with something so…precious."

Tsunami shivered as he began to undress himself.


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