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Ch-03 Vs Konoha guards.

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Their actions were not concealed from Kratos; he keenly observed their vigilance without any difficulty. Nevertheless, Kratos found no necessity to elucidate to these Uchiha ninjas. From his leather pouch, he deftly extracted a metal plate identical to the ones adorning the forehead protectors of the ninjas. It's noteworthy that Kratos doesn't sport a ninja forehead protector on his person, opting to retain this particular metal plate. This plate prominently displays his Ninja Registration number and serves the dual purpose of functioning as his identification.

The metal plate was then extended by Kratos to Uchiha Ika. Following a thorough examination, Ika remarked, "With this, your identity as a distinguished ninja of Konoha stands duly verified. However, I'm curious as to why you seek passage to the formidable Forest of Death."

Kratos responded, "Within the perilous confines of the Forest of Death lies my loyal mount. I ventured here with the singular purpose of retrieving it before departing from Konoha."

Upon absorbing the initial segment of Kratos's narrative, Iko nodded sagaciously. Yet, as the revelation of Kratos's departure from Konoha unfolded, a quizzical expression overcame him. He inquired, "You intend to leave Konoha village? Do you possess the requisite permit for departure from our esteemed village?"

"You're undeniably hindering my progress, wasting valuable time. Permit requirements are unnecessary for me to enter or exit Konoha," Kratos asserted with an air of impatience.

In response, Iko, sporting a derisive sneer, inquired, "Is that so? Do you fancy yourself the Hokage of Konoha, exempt from such formalities?"

Kratos, sensing the escalating tension, offered a final ultimatum, "I extend to you one last opportunity. Step aside and consult with your Konoha guard Captain to ascertain my identity and the legitimacy of my departure. Alternatively, face the consequences – a beating so severe you won't stand, and then I shall depart." Impatience fueled Kratos as he comprehended that each passing moment in this exchange jeopardized the life of a Senju Clan member on the battlefield.

As Kratos concluded his declaration, Iko's countenance darkened, his expression turning cold. He declared, "It appears that the strength of our Uchiha Clan has been forgotten. Today, I shall demonstrate that our dignity is not to be trampled upon." With determination, Iko activated his two-tomoe Sharingan.

Without further delay, Kratos, propelled by impatience, initiated a swift advance towards Ika. Opting against wielding his iconic axe, a testament to his intent not to lethally harm these Uchiha ninjas, he opted for a direct assault. Kratos's movements became a blur, showcasing the extent of his remarkable speed, as he unleashed a thunderous punch aimed directly at Ika's face.

Ika, a formidable opponent in his own right, had already activated his Sharingan, which granted him extraordinary perception. The crimson hue of the Sharingan allowed him to keenly observe Kratos' every move with a heightened level of detail. However, as the saying goes, seeing is not always equivalent to reacting in the complex dance of battle.

Kratos moved with a velocity that defied comprehension. The speed at which he closed the gap was beyond Ika's initial expectations, leaving him momentarily stunned. Despite the Sharingan's ability to track Kratos's movements, the sheer velocity of Kratos' assault left Ika struggling to keep up with the fluidity of the attack.

Reacting on pure instinct, Ika managed to contort his body just enough to narrowly evade the full brunt of Kratos' initial strike. Yet, Kratos, a seasoned warrior with battles etched into his very being, seamlessly transitioned his attack strategy. In a swift and unexpected maneuver, his hand veered sideways, connecting with Ika's head with bone-shattering force.

The impact sent shockwaves through Ika's body, propelling him through the air with an almost inhuman force. Although Ika quickly recovered from the physical impact, utilizing his agility to perform a mid-air flip and gracefully land on his feet, the intense attack on his face left him feeling dizzy. Despite his Special Jonin status, he couldn't help but be astounded that the man in front of him had managed to induce such disorientation with just a single, potent strike.

Facing the relentless onslaught of two formidable ninjas, Kratos seamlessly blurred into motion, exhibiting an inhuman speed that left his adversaries momentarily bewildered. As the first ninja lunged forward with intent, Kratos displayed remarkable agility, deftly evading the strike. In a swift and calculated response, he countered with a lightning-quick kick to the stomach of the second ninja. The impact was not just forceful; it was so potent that the unfortunate assailant was sent soaring through the air, crashing violently into the imposing gate guarding the entrance to the Death Forest.

The gate, initially a robust construction of iron fencing, proved no match for the sheer force of the collision. It crumbled under the impact, reducing the once imposing entrance to a wreckage-strewn scene. The defeated ninja, now unconscious, lay sprawled on the ground amidst the debris.

Turning swiftly to confront the remaining adversary, Kratos unleashed a resounding shout that echoed through the encompassing trees. With a series of devastating punches, each strike resonating with formidable power, he subjected the second ninja to a relentless barrage. In the culmination of this onslaught, Kratos executed a final blow that sent the ninja hurtling through the air.

The airborne warrior collided with a colossal tree, the impact reverberating through the dense woods. Gravity took its inexorable course as the ninja slid down the massive trunk, leaving a trail of broken branches and disturbed foliage in their wake. Eventually, the defeated ninja succumbed to unconsciousness, crumpling at the base of the tree in a testament to Kratos's overwhelming prowess.

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