"When are you going to show Annalise the dungeon? She was asking me about it but since you didn't tell her, I did not share its location. Is there someone down here she wants to meet?" River asked, walking toward the door to enter the dungeon.
"No. She just wants to look around. She sees it as a room to pass the time in. I'm thinking of putting dresses at all the entrances so she turns back," said Rafael.
The dungeon door opened for Rafael and River to walk in to find Olivia. After sitting around talking they realised they had nothing to do since the women were busy. It was becoming too cold outside for them to spar against each other and if they did it inside, Beatrice would scold them for not relaxing.
Rafael looked in the cells at the people he still had here. One he passed was the man Connor sent to snoop around his study and then he reached Olivia who sat in the corner of her cell.