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10. first Singularity, dragon witch

After summoning the servants, Ritsuka Fujimaru headed to Chaldea's simulator, an advanced virtual reality system, at the request of one of his new servants. However, Ritsuka wasn't going to fight Aśvatthāman; it was Igris who would face him. Upon witnessing Igris's aura, Aśvatthāman agreed to spar with him.

Currently, Ritsuka was worried about Aśvatthāman because all his other shadow servants were angry at him for asking to test Ritsuka, their king. Beru, in particular, was ready to devour him alive.

Bellion was absent from the group as per Ritsuka's orders, stationed within his mother's shadow for her protection.

Just as Ritsuka anticipated, Igris thoroughly overwhelmed Aśvatthāman in their spar. With effortless precision, Igris dominated the fight, leaving Aśvatthāman defeated on the ground. Despite his victory, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for his opponent.

However, Ritsuka understood that Igris was holding back, choosing not to unleash his full skills and strength against Aśvatthāman. As one of the greatest swordsmen in Ritsuka's army, Igris's prowess surpassed any other in the world, having honed his skills long before the universe of Sung Jin Woo came into existence. Through Ritsuka's shared knowledge, Igris's swordsmanship had transcended, enabling him to wield the power of darkness to such an extent that he could slice through space itself and He had even mastered the creation of swords forged from darkness, reminiscent of Vergil from Devil May Cry.

This unparalleled skill was a testament to Igris's dedication and talent, which he had achieved through his own efforts. Despite his awe-inspiring abilities, Ritsuka regarded Igris with deep respect and admiration, considering him not just an shadow, but a close friend.

"Good work, my friend" I said to Igris

{A/N: I'm establishing Igris as the strongest swordsman in this story. Sorry Igris, but you're going to face challenges from many servants (Musashi) in the future, now that you've entered the Fate story. }

Da Vinci went to check on the female servants to ensure they weren't impostors. Later, she confirmed they were normal and summoned to fight for the human order.

Ritsuka was surprised to summon Aśvatthāman, given his Indian background in his past life, making him familiar with the figure. He had hoped to summon gods like Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Hanuman, or demi god Karna, having heard their stories in his youth. He particularly anticipated Krishna, believing the greatest kingmaker could assist him in winning battles. However, he understood the importance of relying on himself and accepting fate's workings.

Later, Olga scolded at Ritsuka and Romani for allowing the spar in the simulator because new servants saint graph may disappear because of this. It will take some time and materials for them to stable their saint graphs. Then Ritsuka realised Aśvatthāman even after Igris beat the shit of him , he is still didn't disappear. Ritsuka was amazed at this fact.


(2 hours before Rayshift)

"I'm not going to wear any Chaldea Combat Uniform. It looks like a comedian's outfit," I remarked to Romani, who was concerned about the effects of Rayshifting. Nevertheless, I was confident that my body could handle it.

"Okay, Ritsuka, but the Director won't be happy about this. I'll come up with some excuse to appease her. Meet me in the monitoring room in 10 minutes, okay?" Romani said before departing.

'He's a really good person, just like the Chairman. Is it fate that I've met someone like the Chairman?' I thought to myself, reflecting on one of Jinwoo's close companions while thinking about Dr. Romani.

I glanced at myself in the mirror. Surprisingly, I was wearing a grey shirt, and to my further surprise, I resembled a young Sung Jinwoo when he entered the Red Gate (drip Jinwoo). I realized that I had created this attire because my taste had been influenced by Jinwoo's memories. I had developed a preference for simple clothes, mainly black, white, or grey.

"Let's go,"

I proceeded to the Chaldea monitor room, with Igris and Beru following behind me. Everyone was ready for their first mission to save the human order.

I observed the Rayshift chambers, all prepared and waiting for use. Yes, this time I opted for the Rayshift chamber, as Romani had requested. He was overly concerned about this first mission, and I couldn't fault him for it. His worries were valid. So, I decided to agree to use the Rayshift chamber for this initial mission. Afterwards, I planned to rely on my own Rayshift ability.

"It's about time you showed up, Ritsuka. If you're late again, I'm going to complain to Ms. Fujimaru next time," Olga said sternly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ready," I replied nonchalantly, knowing my mom wouldn't scold me even if you said something to her, hehe.

"From now on, Da Vinci will direct the process. Just listen to him," Romani instructed me.

"Yes, protagonist, I will help. Let's talk about your powers later, once you've solved this singularity," she said.

"Hmm, genuine pervert, stop wasting time," Alter interjected, addressing Da Vinci.

"Fufu, you've got a sharp tongue, King," Da Vinci remarked, brushing off the comment.

"How long are we going to wait, Master? Let's go and defeat the enemies," Artoria Alter urged.

Beru admired her attitude and felt in his mind that she had earned approval to be with his Liege side.

"Where is Scathach?" I asked.

"She is not suitable for this singularity, sadly. So she went to her room. And Aśvatthāman is not allowed to participate because of his behavior and health," Olga informed me.

I believe Scathach is monitoring me. She is probably trying to discern the type of person I am and how I plan to resolve this singularity. Regardless, I won't force anyone to participate. I'll try talking to her later.

[A/n: it will take sometime for shishou for get along with mc (no shishou for now), and her wish is main theme for future chapters]

"Fujimaru, from here on, you'll be the center of this story not as a God, but as a normal human being. This is the role you've been given in this battle to determine the fate of the planet. Your judgment will be what saves us. Saying that, the opposite would also be true," Da Vinci said to me.

"My... Judgment. Don't worry, I won't fail you guys," I said, recalling my mother's words: 'Do what you can do, but don't overdo yourself.'

"Hmm" I heard Tamamo's voice, and I saw her looking unwell.

"Are you alright, Tamamo?" I asked, feeling concerned for her well-being.

"Nothing, Master," she said with a smile, her carefree attitude returning.

'Thank goodness. Now I can control myself. I don't know how he will react to my past. So I should keep my feelings in check and be normal, instead of getting betrayed like in the past. Yes, I will meet my fated one in the future, but Master looks so good in that shirt,' Tamamo thought to herself.

"Okay then, let's go," I said, stepping into the Rayshift coffin.

I took one last look at Romani before the door closed.

"Sir, entering first sequence. Placement in coffins are completed," someone announced.

"Okay, well then everyone, shall we get started?" Romani said, trying to put on a brave face.

"Entering second sequence, beginning Spiritron conversion," the voice continued.

Hearing this, Romani shouted, "How's the third sequence, Da Vinci?"

"Calm down, everything is under control. With my intelligence, with my knowledge, no mistakes will occur," Da Vinci reassured.

"All is well, all is well," Olga murmured to herself as she watched the process on the screen.

"All Sequences Clear! Commander Archaman."

Romani Archaman wore a serious expression, having awaited this day all his human life. He had prepared tirelessly for this moment.

Taking a deep breath, his hair falling over his eyes, he placed his hand on his face.

Lifting his hair from his face, he opened his serious eyes and declared,

"This Is Where It Starts."

Then Ritsuka, Artoria Alter, and Tamamo were Rayshifted and entered Singularity 1 in France.

"Commencing mission: Grand Order."


Ritsuka fujimaru pov

Few seconds later after Rayshifting, we found ourselves in a forest surrounded by tall trees.

"It will take some time to adjust to Rayshift," Tamamo said.

"It seems like we're in the middle of a forest," Alter remarked.

"Fou fou!" Suddenly, we heard Fou's voice, and I saw Fou perched on my shoulders.

I hadn't even sensed it. Fou is really strong. I should catch up to its strength one day.

"Why did you come with us, cath—... Fou?" Alter asked, catching herself before revealing Fou's true identity.

"Fou fou fou."

"I see, you want to travel with us. Okay, Fou, you are welcome," I said.

Beru and Igris emerged from my shadow, but Beru was eyeing Fou suspiciously.

'How dare that little rat,' Beru thought.

"Master, are you injured anywhere?" Tamamo said, coming close to check me.

Before I could answer, I heard a call from the transmission.

"Guys, are you okay?" Romani said from the transmission screen.

"Yeah, doctor, we are fine, and the Rayshift is completed," I said.

"My Liege, look at the sky," Igris said, and everyone looked up, shocked.

We saw a giant circle in the form of light, resembling a white hole.

Romani was visibly shaken. "A ring of light? No, some kind of Magecraft ritual, extending from an orbital satellite?" Romani said.

"What is it?" Tamamo said, her voice tinged with concern.

"Is it something related to the destruction of humanity?" Alter said, her tone urgent.

"The ring of light in this era, there's no record of this happening in 1431. History is already beginning to change. This situation is far beyond our expectations," Romani said, his voice filled with apprehension.

"So this Singularity was created by the Holy Grail. Then we should find the 'people' who shouldn't exist in 1431 France, or 'events' which should not have happened," I said, determination in my voice.

"Correct, Ritsuka," Romani affirmed.

"We will find out about that later. First, we should sol---" Suddenly, I felt mana waves.

'Mana waves.'

Then I took Tamamo into my arms in a princess carry style.

"Ahu..." Tamamo gave a cute sound, surprised by the sudden action.

"Let's go, guys," I said, and started running towards the mana waves.

'Too close... too close,' Tamamo thought in her mind, her face flushed as it rested against Ritsuka's chest.


In just 10 seconds, they reached their destination. Upon arrival, they saw that the town was under attack by WYVERNS.

"Why are WYVERNS attacking France?" Romani wondered aloud. I dropped Tamamo.

"Come forth," I commanded, summoning Bear's shadow soldiers. All of my beastly soldiers emerged, ready for battle.

'I don't care about what others think about my actions. I will do what I want to do,' I thought and turn my head.

"Master," Tamamo said, and Alter stood ready, awaiting my orders.

"Tank, Alter, and all of you, eliminate all wyverns in this area. Protect the people with kindness. Beru, Igris, both of you hide inside my shadow. I don't want to reveal my cards too early," I commanded, and they understood that they were different from Bear's soldiers.

"Yes, master," Alter acknowledged and rushed to engage the wyverns. My bears followed her lead.


A roar echoed from a large wyvern standing on a building in the center of town. It seemed to be the leader of the wyverns group.

Then I appeared infront of it. The leader jumped on ground


It roared out furiously, the ground seemingly quaking under its might!

As the wyvern roared furiously, the ground seemed to quake under its might. All the people froze stiff with fear, except for Ritsuka, who remained calm. Suddenly, he disappeared from sight.

The wyvern turned its head, searching for Ritsuka, but it was too late. Ritsuka reappeared above the wyvern's head. With a swift and powerful punch from his right hand, he struck the monster's forehead.


The wyvern's head slammed down on the ground with explosive force. Its skull was completely obliterated, and with its limp tongue hanging outside the slack maw, the wyvern stopped moving completely.

"What? He killed it with his bare hands?"

"You… you, just what are you??"

Ritsuka heard the trembling voices and looked behind him, only to see everyone's speechless faces staring back at him.

Feeling annoyed, he responded, "I'm a traveler, don't mind me. These bears are my pets. If you're unhappy with my methods, then…. I can always leave this place." Ritsuka placed his finger on his lips and gestured for everyone to keep quiet.

The townspeople stopped talking, realizing they didn't want to provoke someone with such immense strength. They recognized Ritsuka and his servants as the heroes who were there to help them. Meanwhile, Tamamo supported Ritsuka's shadow soldiers by casting buffing magic and aiding in the rescue of children.

Meanwhile, Artoria Alter was overjoyed. She had chosen to follow this youth based on her instincts, but she quickly realized that she had stumbled upon an unexpected jackpot.

"I was not wrong. He is strong in both body and mind. I like powerful things, and his scent is nice," she said to herself.

All the bears brought the dead bodies of the wyverns.


Ritsuka commanded, turning them into his shadow soldiers. He immediately sent them into his shadow before anyone could notice. Having flying shadows was indeed advantageous, he thought to himself.


Suddenly, an elderly woman intervened, slapping the man's face to silence him.


I realized she must be the mother of the famous Jeanne, Da Vinci talked about in class.

"DON'T MESS WITH ME, YOU HAG-" While the bears brought wyvern bodies, suddenly a wyvern that appeared to be dead rushed towards the man and bit his head off. Then it attempted to attack the elder woman, but I quickly intervened, using Ruler's Authority to crush the wyvern into the ground, turning it into a meat paste.

As I heard footsteps approaching, I turned to see a person wearing a hood rushing towards us. After ensuring the elder woman's safety, the hooded figure continued past her without acknowledgment.

"JANET! JANET, IS THAT YOU?" the elder woman called out, but the hooded person didn't stop, continuing to move forward.

"WAIT! DON'T GO! LET ME SEE YOUR FACE ONE MORE TIME!" the elder woman cried out as she fell to her knees.

I saw Alter, Tamamo, and Tank understanding my eye signal. We left the town and followed the mysterious person. After leaving the town, I called back my bear shadows into my shadow.

Because this person is a servant.

(Outskirts of Vaucouleurs)

The mysterious person stopped moving.

"We've come far from that town. You'd better reveal your identity. saint, or should I call you the Dragon Witch?" Alter said, her sword ready to fight.

Igris and Beru emerged from my shadow too, and Fou rested on my shoulders.

"Ritsuka, be careful," Olga said from the transmission screen.

"Thanks for following me. Sorry for asking you to follow me this far," Jeanne said.

"It's okay. I understand you wanted to talk with us when I saw your eyes," I replied.

"I have a reason. I can't show my face or true name there. It should be fine here, since there's no one around. Let me introduce myself," she continued.

She removed her hood.

"I am Ruler Servant Jeanne d'Arc," she said.

Then both Igris and Alter prepared to fight with Jeanne. Seeing this, she said, "It's natural that you're going on the defence, but could you please listen to what I have to say?"

"Okay Jeanne, let's exchange information first," I said and created a table and chairs to sit. Then we sat down.

"Okay first let me clarify this. Please, call me Da Vinci-chan. A person who should have been dead has come back to life. The Maiden of Orleans, Saint Jeanne d'Arc. According to Tamamo's report, Jeanne d'Arc's attacks have already forced the English to retreat from France. France's King, Charles VII, has been killed, and the country is unable to function. Jeanne d'Arc occupied Orleans, using it as a base of operations to attack the other towns. Am I right?" Da Vinci said.

"Yes," Jeanne confirmed.

"From what we've heard, this 'evil' Jeanne is using dragons. The problem is that in 15th century France, dragons should not exist. In other words, Jeanne d'Arc has summoned the dragon to that era like summoning servants. She is likely in possession of a Holy Grail. I'm certain about that," Da Vinci finished her analysis.

"Stop it, Da Vinci. You are mean to her," Olga smacked her head.

"What's wrong with that? She is stating facts. And it doesn't matter. I will kill any dragon master," Alter said.

"It's okay. I fear I can't answer properly. Physically it's impossible for me to become a Dragon Witch. But my memories are blurry," Jeanne said.

"It's likely because her Spirit Origin... her existence is unstable," Olga said through the transmission screen.

"If she had a master, she would become better than now," Romani said.

"Let's get back on topic, Saint Jeanne... Your abilities have been lowered across the board. You can't use some of the skills and knowledge you should be able to, right?" Romani said, looking at her abilities.

"It's embarrassing. I feel as though I'm not capable as a Heroic Spirit, like a rookie servant," Jeanne said.

" Saint, what do you plan to do from here on?" Tamamo said.

"I will set free Orleans once again. I will defeat the Dragon Witch, Jeanne d'Arc. I've had no revelation. I don't know how I'll achieve it. But even if I have to do it alone, I can't turn a blind eye to this," Jeanne said with a determined look.

"Now it's our turn to introduce ourselves. I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, she is Artoria Alter, and she is Tamamo. Igris and Beru are here too, along with Fou," I said, introducing myself as the leader and my subordinates.

"Then, do you believe me?" Jeanne said hopefully.

"I trust your pure soul, Jeanne. You are not evil," I said, offering a handshake. I can see her soul.

"I look forward to working together with you, Fujimaru," she accepted my handshake.

"Then listen to our story," I said, and began explaining what happened to humanity in the future and why we came to this place.



All shadow soilders have their own Noble phantasm and all of them are Arts cards. And Tamamo magic support us perfect for their Noble phantasms.

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