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8.33% True Dragon Reincarnation / Chapter 2: Journey Begins

Capítulo 2: Journey Begins

"Hello?" As I was still in the middle of sleeping I heard a voice.

"Hello?" It was pretty damn constant. Can't they see I'm sleeping?


"Five more minutes." I said to the voice to get them to shut up. I need my sleep. I then felt some hands grab hold onto my shoulders. They began shaking violently. The type to give a newborn "Shaking Baby Syndrome". It was horrible, I could feel myself getting dizzy.

"Velzura, wake up!"

I managed to open my eyes mid shaking session to see a tall and tan muscular man.

'Who is he? How the hell does he know my name?' I believe he noticed that I opened my eyes, even if it was only a split second.

"Oh your awake." He said as he released me, dropping me but first onto the ground, butt first.

"Tis' I, Veldora Tempest! Kuhahahaha!"

"Veldora? Thats you, how did you get your human form?" I asked curiously.

"That assistant you have with you guided me. She said it would be beneficial for our journey."

"Cool, I think. I believe I have been in here long enough. Lets leave shall we." I asked the great storm dragon.

"Hm, of course little brother." With our current job taken care of, it is time to leave this place. I was not in there for so long, but I wonder what we will encounter upon this journey of ours.

2 Hours Later:


It took a few hours but we finally made it to the exit of this gate. As we were both hiding our Auras, many monsters came up to attack us.

Veldora has lived in this world long enough and he definitely knows how to fight. So I told him to hold back on the monsters since I wished to fight them myself.

Actually the more appropriate term would be 'decimate', but I guess it works.

In a very little amount of time too, we made it to massive gate, which I believe is the exit to this cave.

"You mind pushing this open?" I asked my newest brother.

"Kuhahahaha! Already asking for your older brother's assistance? Very well! I shall provide you with the power of the storm dragon!" He boasted once more. Man, how much does he like to boast of his strength? Not that I don't mind it that much, If I had his power, I would boast that too.

The big guy approached the door and cocked his fist back. And I mean way back. In a single motion, he threw his hand forward, shattering the entire door in a single strike. The damage was like an indestructible semi-truck plowing straight through a reinforced titanium building.


That was all I could manage to utter. He is a True Dragon as well, so that may mean I have a lot of latent potential to get as strong as him.

"Hahahahahaha!" I began to laugh manically at the thought of being even stronger than I am now.

"Hm? Oh yes, Kuhahahahaha! The showcase of my mighty power impressed you, did it?" He asked as he looked over at me with an expectant smile.

"It was impressive, but soon... I will be stronger than older brother." I said in an attempt to motivate him to not let me surpass him.

"Hoh... challenge accepted little brother." He said as he raised out his fist for a fist bump.

"Hahaha, it's a deal." I said as I answered his fist bump. A deal to not let me surpass him. That may be fun.

With the one obstacle that was obstructing out journey out of the way gone, we are now free to continue.

The first thing I got hit by was the sunlight. Hah.... It felt good to feel it again. Although it has not been awhile since I was last in the sun, I have felt like complete shit. I felt like a complete shut in again. I never want to live that life again in this new one.

"Well.... What do you wish to do little brother?" Veldora asked me with curious look in his eyes.

Hm? What do I want to do? To be honest, I have no idea.

"You know, I am new to this world. Are there any interesting people?" I asked.

"Well... that would be the demon lords. They are strong enough to be a playmate. With a few exceptions that could pose a threat. With the power I sense coming from you, it may be possible for you to defeat a few."

"Oh, really? Now I want to fight some."

"Unfortunately, you might not be able to. Those guys take everything so seriously. An attack on one of them is essentially an attack on all of them. The same essentially goes for us dragons."

"So no fighting them. Damn, that sounds boring. Fine then. We dragons can be called the pinnacle if power right?"

"That is correct little one."

"Then how about I raise an entire kingdom centered around us. Not just any kingdom, but one of monsters. Right here in your territory. A kingdom of monsters led by the strongest of monsters. That sounds like a dream, we can live in luxury as well as having all this power."

As I presented my idea to Veldora, he seemed lost in thought as he placed his hand on his chin. Then I could see a smirk form on his face.

"Very well! I Veldora Tempest, shall assist my little brother in creating that nation!"

"Sounds like a plan. Now, of course we need somewhere to start."

"Although they are feeble weaklings, there is a goblin village around here. Their presence is so faint. And there seems to be a groups presence who is fading."

"Fading? As in dying? If thats the case lets go to them!" I shouted as Veldora and I bolted in their direction. In this kingdom, I don't plan on discriminating against any monsters. So might as well save all I can, instead of saving none at all.

Due to our insane speed, Veldora and I arrived very shortly.

As we arrived I saw the ground stained with blood. It was brutal. There were little green people, injured and bleeding profusely. Surprisingly, some of them were not dead yet. Just very injured as I could still see them breathing. But there were also some whos presence of life has completely faded. There were also some wolves of varying color from grey to black.

A little bit in the distance there was another green man. There was a major difference between him and the others. He was taller, as tall as a human. Rather than the short stature his group had.

But the similarities they shared was he was about to join them on the ground. He was bleeding from head to toe. He was surrounded by a pack of wolves.

He was covered in wounds. One of his legs seemed useless as he could not stand and was stuck kneeling. Even though he was put in such an unfavorable position, he did not waver. He pointed his rusty and dull sword towards the wolves in defiance. He gritted his teeth as blood trickled down from his mouth.

"That does not look good." Veldora said as he has his eyes on the goblin in front of us.

"I'll help him. If you can please heal the goblins that aren't dead."

I said as I rushed off towards the goblin. Veldora simply gave me a thumbs up as he faced the goblins. I could kill these wolves in an instant and save him thanks to [Destruction]. But that skill is a cheat. It would get me through any conflict with an opponent weaker than me. It would not be good if I win fights so easily without any actual training.

As of right now, this will be my first physical fight. No training or anything. Perhaps sometime in the future I will ask Veldora to teach me some hand to hand or even with a weapon.

{It is possible for me to create some combat art for you to make use of}

'That will be useful too. But for right now, lets focus on the threat in front of us.' I said as I brought all my attention to the wolves about to strike the goblin down.

Just as the leader of these wolves pounced at the goblin, I arrived just in time.

The result of that was devastating.

With that wolf specifically as my target, I kept up my speed and did not dare to halt for fear of not making it. I threw a punch at the wolf and he....


Nothing more

Nothing less

He simply splattered. However there was no blood on me besides my hand. I guess I was able to move faster than the splattering blood. That was a pleasant surprise.

Concealing my shock, I faced the rest of the wolves. I was now standing in front of the goblin.

"Rest. Leave the rest to me." I said to him. I turned my head a little to look at him. He now had a relieved smile and passed out on the ground.

I turned my attention back to the wolves. There were 10 of them.

Ten Wolves vs One Dragon.

This totally isn't a one sided battle.

"Bring it" I said to the wolves as provocation. It worked too. They got angrier as they growled at me.

"Kill this lowly human!" One of the wolves said. The entire pack charged me at once from each angle.

I was completely surrounded. I could easily escape with the goblin in tow, but I wish to test myself even further. If I intend to be a ruler in this world, killing is something I will have to do sooner or later. Even though these are monsters and not humans, it is still good to prepare myself should that time arrives.

At once they all charged me from the directions they were in. But something weird happened. They all slowed down.

'What is going on?' I thought to myself. But Raphael spoke up and told what the hell was going on.

{I activated [Thought Acceleration]. The way this works is it accelerates ones thought process by however much times to the point where everything else moves slower. However if you lack the speed to move accordingly, you cannot dodge attacks. But your speed is fast enough to move by times one million.}

'Ohohoho, that is interesting. It is somewhat like slowing time from the way I heard it. But that is useful. All these wolves cannot even fathom my speed. But as I said it is best to train myself accordingly. I can't be all power and no skill. Just look at Gilgamesh from Fate Stay/Night. He should have won against Shirou but he lost due to arrogance and lack of skill.

That is a fate I don't want to encounter.

With my thoughts collected and came to a conclusion, I told Raphael to deactivate it. But not before I get a grasp on their current attack pattern.

After that, Raphael fully deactivated it. My perception of time was now back to normal and the wolves attacks were back in motion. However I memorized their attacks and dodged accordingly. Hahaha! The way I was dodging looked like Goku in ultra instinct.

Due to this, all of wolves went crashing head first into eachother. But one of the wolves quickly recuperated and came straight at me.

It quickly went for my neck, but I shut that down. He received a kick to the stomach sending him flying back through a tree. I made sure to put enough force in that kick to kill him and thats just what I did.

The group if wolves arose from their mistake and noticed that I killed another one of their own. That got them pretty angry. But that is good. No remorse for when I kill them.

They got up and faced me all at once again. I got into a combat stance and readied for their attack. Two of the wolves pounced from a further distance. One of them bit my right arm. And like I anticipated, It did not hurt one bit. But the wolf was still hanging onto my arm. So I threw him, still hanging onto my arm into the other one pouncing on me. They ended up into a tree with blood pouring out their mouths.

'That makes 3/10' I thought as the rest was making their way for me.

Three wolves simultaneously pounced in the air with the trajectory to land upon me. Getting ready for it, once they were close enough I moved my hand in a horizontal motion very quickly, which I doubt they could react to. But the result was all three of them being sliced in half.


Another two of them pounced for my arms, like one of the previous wolves. One went for my left arm and the other for my left leg. I left them there and continued to let them gnaw on my arms. While another was quickly approaching my left leg. So I made a move by twisting my arms fast enough to loosen their grip on my arms. Grabbed them by their heads as their grip was gone. Lastly, I plummeted them into the ground as they were now within my grip. The wolf in my left hand.... His skull met the wolf that was going for my left leg. While the one in my right met the ground below. All three died upon impact.


As I was observing the area for the last wolf. I noticed that it was trying to get by unnoticed to go for the goblin.

'He is still trying to get a meal out of this?' I thought to myself. But an idea erupted as I saw a small rock on the ground that was covered in blood.

"Hey you!" I shouted to get the wolfs attention. Luckily it did. It saw me as I was just throwing the rock up and catching it.

"Catch." I said as I threw the rock at him at a very fast speed. I believe you would not be able to react to this if you don't have [Thought Acceleration] including the fact that it caused a shockwave. The rock passed by very closely to the wolfs head. Not even an inch away from their head. The very trees within its path got decimated, about 15 trees got destroyed.

The wolf turned its head as it heard many things come tumbling down behind him. And there he saw many trees behind him have gotten split. He stood there with all his hairs on end and a shocked expression written all over his face. He turned back to me in fear and disbelief.

"Y-You.... You did a-all that?" The wolf asked trembling, its tail tucked between its legs.

"Yes. Now if you don't want the same to happen to you.... Scram." My voice lacked all emotion. I spoke like a robot, completely devoid of any kind of feeling. Of course, this was but an act. I wanted to put some fear into our little puppy. If he has a pack, he will retreat to them and give their leader warning about me. Well.... Thats if this was not their whole pack, then that leader might be dead.

But all in all, the wolf ran off as fast as it could. I was about to approach the goblin that was still alive, but I turned around to see him completely healed and standing up fine. As well as his friends. Everyone was cleaned up like nothing has just happened. Veldora was a little away from their reunion and was looking at me with a satisfactory smile. Of course I wanted to hear what he had to say and I approached him.

"Kuhahahaha! My little brother has just been born and already displays such skill as a brawler! I shall teach you more about fighting young one!" Veldora said, all with a hearty laugh. Although he is quite boastful about his power and can sometimes be annoying, this praise for my pretty much lacking fighting skill really did make me happy. I could not help but to show a genuine smile.

"Ummm... excuse me?" Another voice was heard from behind Veldora. As soon as he heard it, Veldora stopped laughing and turned around. It was the human like goblin.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked calmly.

"I would like to give you my thanks for saving all of us. So if it is not too much.... Can I know the names of our saviors?" He asked as he knelt to the ground, head bowed and all.

"Sure thing, I am Velzura Tempest and this is my older brother. You probably know him as the Storm Dragon Veldora. But now he is Veldora Tempest." I said casually. However the goblins had a less than normal and casual reaction. The goblins that were not speaking to us heard it and what did they do?

They ran straight towards us and literally prostrated themselves.

'What is going on right now?'

{The are reacting this way because Veldoras presence was what kept all the other monsters at bay. The see him as a god that kept other races in check. With his sealing inside the cave, they kept their aggressive actions to a minimum in fear of breaking his seal. Even the demon lords stopped any action here for fear of breaking his seal.}

'Oh, that is nice. If that makes him a god and I am the younger brother to that god.... How will they see me?'

"PLEASE FORGIVE US FOR SPEAKING SO DIRECTLY WITH YOU LORD VELDORA!" The leader of the goblins shouted in a panic. Damn, are they really all that afraid of him. All this time I spent with him so far, I have not seen a drop of something I should be afraid of. I guess this is a privilege of knowing powerful figures.

"Calm down please. I told you our names is there anything else you want?" I asked the goblins. Hopefully the atmosphere I tried to reign in would calm them down to the point where they aren't scared shitless.

"It would be wrong of us to request something of Veldora-sama and his little brother." The leader exclaimed.

"Quit being scared. As it stands we managed to save some of you. Our kindness does not end there, so ask away." As I said this, I could see him gulp out of sheer nervousness.

"OUR VILLAGE IS BEING ATTACKED BY THE DIRE-WOLVES! EVER SINCE VELDORA-SAMAS DISAPPEARANCE THEY HAVE BEEN OCCASIONALLY ATTACKING US! PLEASE HELP US!" The leader shouted. Compared to rest he looked strong by goblin standards, so I am sure he has has his pride as a warrior. To be able to bow down to us despite having his pride. It is admirable.

"What will you do?" Veldora asked me.

This is an easy answer. Of course I will help them. What I can gain out of this are followers and a home. Although I will not dare to say my intentions aloud.

"We will help you with your problem."

(To those who read this, I am having a hard time deciding, Velzura(Rimuru) X Luminous or Velzura(Rimuru) X Ciel or I could say screw it and do Rimuru x Both)

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