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80.4% The Ape From Space / Chapter 119: No Cell Games, But Saiyan’s…

Capítulo 119: No Cell Games, But Saiyan’s…



I and Vegeta flew until Vegeta, and I found a suitable place to test his resolve. Vegeta landed first, across from me upon a lonely hill overlooking some valley in the ass end of nowhere. He Powered up suddenly, the hill began to collapse under the sheer weight of his Ki and then he ascended to 'Super Saiyan' before his muscles began to bulk up, to that 'Ascended Super Saiyan' level he had reached while in the Time-Chamber. He tensed up as his Ki finally started to settle, he then smirked my way, holding his arms out to the side as he smirked.


"Go on then Kron, show me what you've got!" he said, already smirking, thinking that he had eclipsed me in strength. I would make him aware just what level he is at.


I concentrated, getting to 'Super Saiyan' was quick. Now though as my Ki spiked, I begun to howl and I went for 'Super Saiyan Two', taking more time and concentration. The golden aura around me thickened and random wisps of lightning danced around me, I looked at Vegeta, who looked ready. He felt my Ki and then started to stutter in shock. I didn't give him a chance to back out now, afterimaging across the empty space between us, engaging him in a very fast-paced brawl of blows, he couldn't even keep up in this 'Ascended form' of his. I landed opportune blows anywhere I wanted while Vegeta tried, either to land his own punch or to counter with precision. Vegeta was too damned slow… the fight if you could call it that, will be quick. I elbowed Vegeta's chin, hearing him cough from the blow, like the wind was knocked out of him and I blasted upwards while he was knocked into the ground. The crater he created was a small one, though as he recovered, he blasted upwards, his Ki ripping apart the crater, widening it as he came at me.


I landed a punch into his armored abdomen, keeling him over, where I used both hands like a hammer down upon him. He spiraled into the ground below and I waited for him to recover. He roared, before yelling, rock and debris exploded around him.


"Take this Kron, 'Final Flash'!!" he launched his signature Ki-blast, holding onto it as the Ki-sphere grew in size as he fed it more Ki. He launched it, still in rage as I watched it approach me, fiercely. It was an impressive display… but taking the attack head on confused Vegeta. I was engulfed in the explosion, closing my eyes as the impact and devastating explosion ripped through the nearby landscape, the crater formed underneath my feet continued to expand even after the detonation.


The battlefield was still tense, Vegeta didn't wait, he could sense me and attacked with abandon, our afterimaging in combat made the obscuring smoke and dust to quickly dissipate, his swings more thug-like with his over-sized muscles. He was still too slow to manage landing a hit-


-My right leg came up in a swift kick, quickened by the state of 'Super Saiyan Two' and my power level. He took the blow, eyes shut in pain as he flew upwards uncontrollably from the impact. I spoke, seeing him grimacing from the blow still, one eye opened as he glared downwards.


"Finished yet, you stand no chance Vegeta. You need to train more." I smirked, Vegeta grunted, glaring as he stopped himself from falling as he hovered there. Grunting, Vegeta pushed both his hands forward and launched a volley of Yellow-colored Ki blasts, randomly pelting the ground around or nearly hitting me, I flickered through the hundred sized or more volley, he continued to launch more, there's Ki-blasts homed in on me too.


"Yahhh yahhh Yahhh-" Vegeta continued to push out blast after blast in quick succession, they blast's that didn't explode either on me or hit the ground as they tried to home in on my position just slightly off the ground continued to crudely try and hit me. I continued to demonstrate my superior speed in action, his attack had zero chance of hurting me, a mere nuisance really.


But Vegeta, not one for giving up and stubborn to a fault continued to try and hit me- suddenly he begun powering up as his Ki took on a vortex-like wave heading to him. Vegeta cupped his hands as I watched stoically. He was in that position he would have used in canon, powering up his 'Gatlick Gun', Feeding more and more Ki into it and at a pretty close range too. If this missed… the planet could be done for. I guess… I'll just have to kick it out into space… Hmph, you can't win Vegeta…




He was just getting started. Vegeta had plenty of Ki to waste, he continued to glare at Kron as he just stood there while he continued to power up his 'Gatlick Gun'. His favorite attack could be overcharged, his Ki warped around him as the sky darkened by his attack's charge. Vegeta's smirked, knowing that if Kron dodged this, the planet would be hit and with the amount of Ki pumping into his attack… well, Vegeta grinned.


"Let's just see how strong you are Kron! Don't dodge this now… you'll regret it. 'Gatlick Gun'!' he aimed his hands downward as a beam of yellow engulfed his entire body and travelled towards Kron at a marginally slow in terms of Saiyan's pace.


The beam hit its target, Kron but didn't explode and Vegeta watched on as the beam he continued to feed was slowly rising upwards, as if Kron-


"-He is strong enough to do this!" Vegeta grunted, feeding more Ki but the beam clashed against Kron though he could see him as he held Vegeta's attack. It continued to travel towards Vegeta, the impact of the blast was expanding even more both from Vegeta feeding Ki and it is getting closer to him. Finally, though, a sudden anomaly interrupted the sphere like shape of the impacting beam, Vegeta seen that it was kicked upwards. Kron's leg made impact which caused the anomaly, distorting the shape of the beam and Vegeta flickered to the side as he cut off connection with his attack. He looked upwards, breathing heavily but still fine. Vegeta turned, smirking down at Kron who looked at him neutrally, his hands were not even burnt.


Engaging into close range, he was sucker punched in the face, then gut. Vegeta then felt two fists hit the top of his head as one, knocking him downwards once more.


Vegeta grinned through it, being pushed like this… it was what he lived for- to fight in life-or-death battles. To constantly improve in power, technique and to dominate his opponents. Training against this… mutant of a Saiyan made him grow much faster.


"Alright Kron, let's give it our all now. No more holding back, show me your power so that I might ascend to the same peak you've climbed!" Vegeta said, making hand gestures as if to call Kron over.


"Fine then Vegeta, let's see it. One last bout." Kron said, nodding in agreement as Vegeta smirked, already powering up to his maximum once more, pulling every essence of his power to be used. Not even his supposed son, Trunks could push him like this, he didn't blame to boy from the alternate timeline, but Vegeta done his best to impart on him his way of training, which Trunks took to like water.


That kid surprised him in the end of their stint inside that room. It was a shame he was not 'his' son in what Trunks mentioned was a different timeline than his, but he had a son with Raven now, she bore him a strong heir, his son but that damnable woman didn't like him naming him after himself, so he named his boy Tarble-


"-Come at me Vegeta, I'm waiting." Kron said, his Ki fluctuated randomly, offshoots of lightning danced around his golden aura randomly as wisps of Ki aggressively flared at his words. Vegeta swallowed, having not felt anything this powerful since he was but a boy, seeing the God of Destruction come to their planet when he was but a boy. Kron wasn't using his signature technique' Kaio-ken either. Vegeta, then attacked heading into melee range, their dance begun anew.




Pacing around Capsule Corp, her son Tarble in her arms, she left the private area of Capsule Corps living area, for the Brief family. Seeing Weiss distraught by the death of her elder sister Winter still made her uncomfortable. She took her brat outside to get some fresh air and to feed her son. A capsule in her pants had what she needed to feed him anywhere but outside looked sunny for a sit down in the gardens Bulma's mother maintained. Her other friend dying, Chichi had made her upset too but Roshi she didn't know whether to be sad or not because that old pervert always checked her out before she got with Vegeta. Speaking of him, she heard from Krillin that Vegeta and 'his' son from a alternate timeline, Trunks were finished with their training.


Pyrrha, Weiss and Blake, like her, could sense the battle far off, Kron and Vegeta are the culprits. Their newly increased strength surprised Raven, most of all she was quite jealous that Saiyan's could rise in power to these extreme levels. Back on Remnant, she would not have dreamed to rise this high. She looked down at her son, he has her red eyes and A tail, she supposed from Vegeta's side of the family. What's, with Kron's kids having a tail too, it made sense. Raven took out the Capsule, throwing it nearby a bench in the gardens before sitting down with Tarble in her arms.


"Time for feeding time… son." she said softly, her boy just looked at her, blinking.




The androids left, though they did linger more seeing Goku, once he and Gohan entered the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, they went on their way. Piccolo told Dende to try and look out for the three encase they changed their tune. Piccolo supposed he would train some more before heading to the planet Namek, to follow through with his part of the deal and train the Namekian warriors. He could also split Nail and Fargo from his too, though at the moment he was not sure how to go about it, having no memory of how to achieve it. He would ask Moori then, those two helped him grow in power, Nail and Fargo being separate from him again would give Namek back their strongest warriors and lift a load from his shoulders. Planet Earth… was his home, but he would help to train the Namekian warriors as part of his deal.


With Cell destroyed, or well, the two Cell's which he didn't realize there was one more than he knew of, they had peace, peace to train for the future. He wasn't sure yet how Trunks would go about getting home, he tried once before and couldn't but perhaps there was a way…


These other foes, coming in roughly ten to twenty years were the priority. Kron told him, to which Piccolo told everyone else about these two God-like being coming after them in in the future, he wanted to question the future version of Jaina, Kron's eldest daughter but the brat had disappeared, leaving on her own.


"Kron and Vegeta, they are still fighting. Dende, who is winning. I can only feel their Ki from here." Piccolo asked, turning to Dende who nodded, replying.


"Kron is winning, though both of them are strong, he is easily handling Vegeta." Piccolo nodded. He sent a clone of his with Krillin, Yamcha and Tien who were now searching for the dragon balls while he stayed here, he would need to head to Namek soon but first he supposed he would help with reviving Winter, Chichi and Roshi. Them three getting killed was bad luck, but they were able to revive them with the dragon balls.


"Dende, the wish… make sure you wish back to life all those who Cell has killed. That wish should revive everyone, if worded like that." Piccolo said, glaring down below from the edge of the lookout, his cape blowing in the wind. Dende nodded, replying.


"What of the other wishes?" Piccolo supposed they should save the rest, encase another emergency happened. He shook his head, 'no' as he wordlessly answered to Dende's understanding.




Vegeta put up a fight, by the very teeth of his strength, he managed to last another thirty minutes before I beat him to unconsciousness. I did so because the rather happy bastard didn't let up and to give him a Zenkai for his troubles. He was almost depleted of Ki by the end of the fight, and I managed to knock him out just now. Sighing, I bent down and picked up the sleeping prince. Concentrating on Capsule Corp, I teleported there via 'Instant Transmission' powering down from 'Super Saiyan Two' but remaining a 'Super Saiyan'. I looked around, making my way to a nearby healing tank, made from Bulma's genius in reverse-engineering PTO technology. Setting it up for the out cold Vegeta, I placed him inside and navigated through the controls, setting him up inside to heal. Content, I left him there and headed towards where I could sense Blake, Weiss, Bulma and Pyrrha. They, along with Kali, Salem and Nora with Ren, were in states of being upset, I could sense my children in a nearby room, sleeping. I went towards my children, looking at them all. Jaina, Ursula, Wylla… Trunks, they looked peaceful, their eyes shut and dreaming. I kissed each and every one of them on the forehead, before decided to avoid the rest, my wives.


My plan, now that I was sure Cell is dead, was to leave Earth, find a planet I could train on and try to transform into A 'Super Saiyan Four'. If I tried here, I could risk blowing the planet if I lost myself in the transformation. I had to make sure that didn't happen-


-I was hugged from behind, I smelt Weiss's perfume and slowly turned, hugging her back. She was upset an I led her out of the room, back into the lounge next door.


I sat with her, pulling her close by and looked around the room. I then pulled Weiss backwards to look into her eyes.


"Your sister will be alright, Winter will be wished back. Come on, give me a kiss." she nodded, keeping silent while Blake nodded towards me and Pyrrha smiled as they left, to give Weiss some space. Bulma stood too, I spoke to her.


"Bulma, I'm going to need a ship. One of yours, please." she looked towards me, replying with a nod as she spoke, tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear.


"OK, are you going to Namek, to get the dragon balls?" she asked, I felt Weiss tense as she continued to wrap her arms around my neck, and I sighed.


"Krillin, Yamcha and Tien along with Piccolo will be handle that, they are probably on their way here, to collect the dragon radar. I need a ship because I'm going to train, deep in space. I need… to think." I felt Weiss reply, pushing away from me.


"You're leaving? Can't you leave a clone?" She asked, I guess she wanted to be comforted, with Winter temporarily deceased, she looked a right mess. A pretty mess but still, I replied with a smile. Having mastered 'Super Saiyan One', I could show my emotions like happiness and what not easily.


"Sure, I will leave a clone. Hon… you should go take a shower, then have a lie down." I looked up as Bulma returned, handling a capsule, I believed was my ship, she bent down and pulled Weiss up off my lap, turning around to hand me the capsule.


"Here, this is one of the latest models, fueled and ready for a journey with enough supplies for two years." I gave her a peck on the lips, as Weiss for once, smiled as she went to have a shower. I pulled Bulma into my arms and gave her a long passionate kiss on the lips, pulling back and gazing on her as her eyes were still shut… her lips still parted.


"I'll be making a clone, I will see you all soon. " I pulled Bulma into a hug, kissing her once more, then went about finding Blake and Pyrrha. I would do the same with them and explain why I was leaving for a while, leaving a clone too.




He continued to heal, underneath the ocean, firing off an eyebeam at the occasional aquatic life-form which tried to munch on him as he healed. Cell seen how powerful Kron was and decided he would need to continue to hunt for the androids but in the shadows. His power he felt had skyrocketed so far from the Zenkai boost, his Ki he had to tame inside himself as he healed for fear that he would be sensed. He would then, once fully healed, go after the androids while keeping a low profile. His very existence depended on it.


Cell blinked, his body continued to heal underwater, he now had his legs back, so he swam to a nearby island. One arm grew back as he reached the island and he sensed for anyone around before leaving the ocean, climbing onto the rocky shoreline. Finding a tree line, he dashed with his newly grown legs and reach there, the cover of the trees made for an excellent place to catch himself.


"...That was close, I was almost annihilated. Still though, my form is still that of my newly acquired transformation… I have lost some of my Ki from losing Seventeen and from healing, though it is balanced out by my Saiyan's sides power-up from almost being destroyed. Hmph, so… my Android prey, I guess I'll wait until I locate them and then, I will destroy Kron, Goku and Vegeta." he smirked, feeling his body becoming whole once more from the rapid regeneration.


He would bide his time once more and, await a chance to find the androids once more, Cell had an idea that tracking them down using his database in order to accurately predict where those three would go should help find them.

Warrior988 Warrior988

Disclaimer - I don't Own RWBY OR DBZ.

Fixed the ss2 multipler here and last chapter, the matrhs adds up for Cell to be beat by mc with SS2.

Give me feadback if you want, I'll try to use it. Until next time.



?? = powerlevel is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 18,648,000 Base Form. -I- Oozaru(X10) = 186,480,000 Wrathful State(X10) = 186,480,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 932,400,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x12)) = X600 = 11,188,800,000 | Super SaiyanII(X100) = 1,864,800,000

-Trunks(FUTURE) = ? - Super Saiyan(X50) = ?

-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 - Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 - Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000

-Yang = 1,964,800 Kaio-ken - X24 = 47,155,200

-Goku = 3,744,460 - Kaio-ken - X20 = 74,889,200 - Super Saiyan(X50) = 187,223,000

-Winter = 1,064,780 - Kaio-ken - X17 = 18,101,260

-Krillin= 1,846,584 - Kaio-ken - X25 = 46,164,600

-Pyrrha = 2,346,480 - Kaio-ken - X23 =53,969,040

-Gohan = 1,988,640 - Oozeru(X10) =19,886,400 - Kaio-ken - x12 = 23,863,680 - Super Saiyan(X50) =

-Jaina - ??

-Vegeta - 16,674,000 Super Saiyan(X50) = 833,700,000 - Super Saiyan Grade II (X75) = 1,250,550,000

-Raven = 1,642,486 - . Kaio-ken - X12 = 19,709,832

-Blake = 644,340 - Kaio-ken - x7 = 4,510,380

-Weiss = 616,638 - Kaio-ken - x6 = 3,699,828

-Yamcha = 1,440,160 - Kaio-ken - x19 = 27,363,040

-Tien = 1,620,800 - Kaio-ken - x26 = 42,140,800

-Chiaotzu = 1,042,800

-Ruby = 45,000

-Piccolo = 350,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) - Kaio-ken = x2 = 700,000,000

-Chichi = 420

-Raditz - Dead. (R.I.P)

-Nappa - Dead. (R.I.P)

-Sixteen - 880,000,000

-Seventeen - 640,000,000

-Eighteen - 560,000,000

-Cell - ??


(RWBY Characters still on their planet.)


-Jaune = ?

-Junior = ?

-Twins = ?

-Roman = ?

-Mercury = ?

-Emerald = ?

-Adam = ?


Known KI-Move's Kron Knows.


- (Tyrant’s Wave) - Strong AOE Ki Technique.

- (Royal Spear) - Strong Ki Technique.

- (Double Sunday) - Ki Technique.

- (Aura Sphere) - Passive.

- (KI manpiulation) - Passive.

- (Kaio-Ken) - Power Multiplier Technique.

- (Tri-Form) - Ki Manipulation Technique.

-(Instant-Transmission) - Teleporter ability.

-(Spirit-Control) - beter control with Ki.

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