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69.11% Arknights: Purpose and Will / Chapter 94: Chapter 83: Modernization

Capítulo 94: Chapter 83: Modernization

The debacle with the dubbed walker of Zumama and her blue Toucan that's called High Priest was taken care of and the Pythia is nervous due to Ash who was in front of her.

"So? Did you cause the accident that incapacitated the great chief?" Ash thought it was cliche as heck. He could smell the evil plans of Zumama and her pet Toucan.

Stage an accident, then beat the shit out of the other contestants of the festival, profit.

He almost laughed at their simple-minded plan. It was kind of endearing really. Ash thought that they would be eaten alive outside of the forests of Acahualla.

Bastards like Kaschey and Theresis were roaming around out there after all. Zumama's plan could be seen from miles away by a two bit wannabe villain.

"Y-yes, we dropped some debris on him to injure the previous great chief. Then we would win the festival so the Eunectes tribe would be the next tribe that would rule the forest." Zumama admitted in shame.

"Don't punish Zumama, we built that contraption together!" The Toucan talked, surprising Ash.

"So you're a Feraerus? I knew that the beast lords were around. But I never expected a blue Toucan that looks like it should be in Rio would be a damned beast lord." Ash blinked at the Feraerus.

"You know of others like me?" High Priest asked in curiosity.

"Of course, I'm a friend of Emperor. You know my real nig- bro, I mean bro. Yeah, know him?" Ash smiled, ignoring his slip up.

"Emperor! That penguin? How is he? Last time I heard, he was a musician in Leithanien." High Priest remembered the past.

"Man, how long have you been here? Emperor was a musician in Leithanien centuries ago. Two hundred years ago actually." Ash deadpanned at him.

"Ahhh, I have been here in this place for a few hundred years. Just roaming around the deserts and forests you know?" The Toucan scratched his head with his wing.

"Whatever, so what's a Feraerus doing here anyway? Meddling with the tribes too? Don't lie, I can smell your fear." Ash squinted his eyes.

The Feraerus gulped, feeling like his immortality would be useless against him. And that was true, because he would pop him in his mouth like a chicken wing and absorb his essence.

And he didn't fancy being the first Feraerus in history to get killed, permanently.

"Uhhh, actually. I am interested in engineering you see? And I made that big ugly thing with Zumama to help her with the festival just in case." High Priest sung pretty quickly.

"And? Go on." Ash raised a brow. "When Zumama wins, we want to modernize Acahualla you know? Introduce the greatness of machines in this place." High Priest looked at Zumama.

"Ever since I was a child, I wondered what was beyond these lands. I tried to talk to Tomimi about it, but only Gavial understood my curiosity." Zumama frowned.

"But she left, leaving me and Tomimi here in Acahualla. She didn't even said a proper goodbye. And Gavial is supposed to be the chief of the wilderness will tribe." Zumama got frustrated.

"So I started ordering my tribesmen to mine some iron and we began smithing. I met High Priest and we planned to introduce machines to help Acahualla. Then I'll go out and explore the world to broaden my horizons." Ash nodded at her goal and she even tried to make it work.

"Well, that would go to crap real easy Zumama. Uhh, your name is weird for me culturally. I'll just call you Eunectes." Ash thought it just didn't roll off the tongue.

"Heh, replacing us already with the thicc Pythia Ash? Why not continue calling her mama?" Degenbrecher chortled and he sighed.

"It is weird to say it." Margaret refused to use her name too. And Shining nodded beside her.

"I'll punish you for insubordination later. Shining will help me as well." He grinned when she paled upon hearing that.

"What? You won't let Shining use her weird Sarkaz Confessarius vodoo right?" Degenbrecher heard some horror stories of what they do from Liz.

"I won't use it, much." Shining snorted, thinking that it serves her right for being an ass.

"So, returning to you. It won't really work Eunectes, do you know why?" Zumama shook her head.

"You will be causing an industrial revolution. All the trees you see here?" Ash went around and pointed at the bountiful forest.

"All of that will be gone if you want to modernize this place. You'd cause mass extinction because all the fauna would lose their habitats too." Ash started explaining what happened back on earth.

Humans were the cause of the most extinctions by a goddamned mile.

Quite possibly, they have caused the extinction of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of exotic plant species due to deforestation and clearing operations for lumber or plantations.

That's just plants, not even including all the small critters you have to kill in order to clear forests. And if possible, he did not want that to happen to Acahualla.

It is already a paradise compared to the wastelands out there. Which is the majority of the landmass on Terra.

Zumama and High Priest didn't think of that all. And their shame from earlier turned into self loathing due to what they were about to unleash on the rainforests.

"Not only that, the lands outside of here? I won't fault you for it, but didn't you think of why Gavial didn't tell you anything about it?" Ash frowned, he was about to break a dream.

"No... Please don't tell her that." High Priest scrunched up his face and Zumama got even more curious.

"She has to know, it's her desire and ambition to learn about the outside world. In one word, it's not pretty." Ash sighed.

"W-why? Is there something wrong with the places outside of Acahualla?" Zumama got nervous.

"You don't need to go far, just here in Sargon. Out there in the dunes? People kill each other for water. Something you don't have to worry about. They murder, pillage, and gut other people to get more food too." Zumama gasped and she started hyperventilating.

Murders were a huge crime in Acahualla, it's actually very serious there. And people outside, just a few dozen miles away from Acahualla were suffering in poverty.

Water is scarce, food is scarce, medicine is more so. Civil unrest and strife dominated society.

People with oripathy in Sargon have to see their friends and family turn into dust before their very eyes.

They use cloths to cover their mouths and noses as they dump dead people all the time that would spread more originium.

And he didn't stop at that. He also told them about the rampant slavery and exploitation. And the massive problem that is the condition of infected.

Infected women can't even sell themselves because other people won't want to touch them. You'd have to fight tooth and nail if you ever get infected.

"One of my friends even had their friends and family executed for fun. Getting picked by guards, a twisted version of roulette. No mercy, even for children. That's why Gavial doesn't tell you what's out there." Ash sighed, remembering Yelena's story.

Even his companions went quiet. When he laid it out like that, Terra really was a terrible place to live. There were places that are pretty quiet and normal. But that's not the majority.

It is basically a paradise compared to the large places. And people have to fit in mobile cities so congestion isn't new.

"I never knew that life out there is so miserable..." Zumama couldn't believe it.

"That's why we're trying to change it. Especially the infected, just like you. We are helping them live normal lives." Ash revealed and Zumama went wide eyed.

"You know? B-but how? I only have a small sign of it and it's hidden." She lifted up her already skimpy clothes, showing her navel. Which was dangerously close to her pubis.

Ash's face twitched and he released a low growl. He was pent up, ever since the Chernobog incident. He didn't engage in any bedroom activities.

"Hold up miss! Don't do that please. Especially not in front of him." Degenbrecher took off her coat and put it on Zumama.

She could already feel him stare at them like delicious meat. That's why she was goading him. But Zumama's skimpy outfit and curves were simply alluring.

"Give her a stim Margaret." Ash breathed in deeply and calmed himself down. Flushing out his testerone. Instantly gaining sage mode, he then mellowed out.

"Where did you got that Eunectes? Oripathy only infects someone due to long periods of exposure to it. Or when you get wounded by the crystals." Ash asked gently.

"Wow, he changed so fast. I heard him growl earlier and he was definitely going to attack someone." Shining was impressed. Though she was also disappointed.

"Oh, we found some originium in the mines. I didn't know that you actually get oripathy due to exposure to it. I thought you had to get wounded by it." Zumama remembered the mines.

"Hah, and you order your tribesmen to get in there? Pull them out immediately, you'll doom this place." Ash received a stim from Margaret and he injected it into her.

"Hmm? It usually hurts a bit, but it doesn't anymore." She blinked and touched her navel.

"That's a stopgap, you can't get into contact with it anymore. Or it will get worse." Ash reminded her and she nodded, listening intently.

"So go now, let's talk to everyone else again later. If you want to get out of here that badly, I can help those who are willing to be a part of my city." Ash shooed her away.

"Really? Thank you, I still want to see what lies beyond here... And if it is that bad, why hasn't Gavial return yet?" Zumama thought about her childhood friend.

"Now you're thinking, the world is a beautiful place." Ash started showing them a hologram by manipulating light.

He showed them the beautiful beaches of Siesta. The mountains in Yan, the tundras of Ursus, Kjerag that shone whenever the sun rises, Leithanien's opera houses.

"Woah, but why do you say so much bad stuff about it then?" She was confused.

"It's a cruel place, catastrophes destroy most of the landscape. But there's a whole lot more to explore still. The problem is the people Eunectes, humans are greedy, their lust for power is sickening. And they will tear others down to gain more." Ash warned her.

And the other tribesmen in Acahualla also heard him.

"I'm not scaring you really, that's a fact." Ash already experienced it firsthand. Heck, even one of his wives tried to dupe him at first.

"So that's what we should be careful of..." Eunectes nodded in understanding.

"Yes, humans are the most dangerous things you will ever encounter in the world, remember that well. Your Toucan friend most likely knows that." Ash gave a look towards High Priest.

"Sadly, that is true. Even the beast lords are wicked. The wolves raise people to be their killers. A little game of theirs because we are immortal. They order them to kill each other until one is left." The Toucan said sadly.

"Now go, seal the entrance to the mines okay?" Ash gestured her to go.

"Everything went well huh?" Margaret smiled at him.

"Thankfully, the people here are naive. They're pretty primitive, but they would turn into slaves when they enter their first big city." Ash shook his head in disappointment.

"So that's why we try and change it, right?" Shining tried to hold her laughter.

"Oh, so you make fun of me huh? When Margaret and Maria always shout that their light protects and guides or something." Ash rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it does!" Margaret pouted at him. "Hey, stud. How about that fountain you found?" Degenbrecher hugged his back and pressed her heavy chest on him.

"Degenbrecher, I hope you know what you're doing." He growled.

"Oh I do, believe it." She smiled with half lidded eyes.

"I should uh, help them. Yeah." Shining blushed and she was about to walk away.

"Hmm, how about we give you the first go Shining? He seems frustrated. And you made fun of him earlier." Degenbrecher pulled her.

"I... I don't think so." She looked at the ground and tried prying her off, but her grip was strong. Degenbrecher is a good mix of power and speed, while Shining's the speed type.

Ash grabbed her waist and Margaret sighed. "You're going to be sore Shining, I'll help heal you don't worry."

"Hmm, you don't want to be with little ol' me?" Ash took off her hood and gave her neck a kiss.

"Hngh, not when they're watching..." She fidgeted and Degenbrecher raised her arms. "Sure, sure. You can have him all for yourself first."

"I can't take this anymore." Ash flew away with her and Degenbrecher grinned.

"Do you even know where the waterfall is?" Margaret raised a brow.

"Ahh! I don't have a clue." The caprinae sighed in exasperation.

"Then we can ask, we have plenty of time. You know how him when he gets started." Margaret smiled.

"Hoh, I thought you're a little prude Margaret~" Degenbrecher poked her cheek.

"Shut up, I had him first. All your opinions are instantly invalid." Margaret huffed and she started asking around.

__Unrelenting Downpour__

Ash landed softly on a smooth rock while he was carrying Shining.

She was giving him some looks, but she can't stare at him for long.

"Are you nervous?" He calmed himself after seeing her nerves get to her.

"A bit, I always were taught that my brother will be my husband. But now I'm free, I just can't believe it." Shining snorted.

"Then let me help you relax, you've been working really hard for me." He put her on his lap and his large hands started roaming her body.

His palm and fingers massaged her tight abdomen, while the other hand rubbed her shoulders.

"Hmmm, do you do this often?" Shining felt nice and she actually got jealous of Margaret and the others due to his skillful hands.

"A bit, when they request for it." He whispered in her ear and her spine tingled at his husky voice.

The hand on her stomach slowly reached to her sides. Caressing her softly. Shining bit her lip, it excited her to no end.

"Where do you want my hands to be?" He decided to let her guide him.

"H-here." She took hold of his hands and plopped them on her chest.

"You are hiding something here huh?" Ash was pleasantly surprised that Shining's chest is huge.

"Hmmm~ The cloak helps me be inconspicuous." Shining sighed hotly.

He rubbed her chest delicately, squeezing the orbs of elastic flesh in his palms.

"How about we lose it? I don't want you to be inconspicuous right now." Ash lifted it up and she squeaked at the loss of her robes.

She has always worn it, but right now. It felt right to lose it.

Shining gasped when his warm skin took hold of her bountiful bosom. Ash's body heat is unnaturally high.

If she didn't know that he couldn't get sick, she'd have thought that Ash had a fever.

"Like what you feel?" He pinched her pale pink nipples that obviously doesn't see light much.

"Hngh! It gives me a nice sensation." She fidgeted around, feeling her crotch start to release lubrication.

"Yeah? You're quite sensitive." He leaned her body a bit and reached her torso with his towering height. Kissing her chest and sucking on her breast.

"Ash..." She panted after feeling his lips brush her skin. It was exhilarating, the soft feather brush strokes of his deceptively plump and soft lips made her shiver.

"How about here?" He rubbed her inner thigh and she groaned. Ash putting her nipple in his mouth as he licked it.

"Y-you're ahhh~ like a baby..." Shining grabbed his head and pushed his head closer to her body. She wanted more.

More contact with his hot body, more pleasure that he was giving her.

He noticed her neediness increase, so brushed his fingers between her legs. Shining went wide eyed and her body tingled at the sudden spike of stimulus.

"Oooh, you loved that." He inserted his hand inside of her pants, creating small circles with his fingers on the Sarkaz's vulva.

"You're so wet Shining, have you been imagining this for a long time? You naughty girl." Ash sucked on her neck and gave her a small bruise.

"Yes, I have... Kiss me Ash." Her body got turned around and he assaulted her mouth with his tongue. Wrapping around the pink and wet muscle.

She moaned loudly at the intimate contact. Shining pressed her tits on his chest and he was getting a little impatient.

Inserting one of his fat fingers inside of her, Shining's mouth gaped like a fish. Speechless at the intrusion.

"I don't need to knock right? It's already so slippery~" He raised his finger, hitting a nerve bundle inside of her walls.

She clawed on her back, like a cat that scratches a couch.

"Ash! I can feel it! I'm about to cum!" Shining bit her lip and her pussy was contracting sporadically.

"Then go and do it, cum for me nice and hard." He flicked her nub as well and Shining creamed on his finger.

"Hah, hah, that was amazing..." Shining panted and a sheen of sweat coated her pale skin. It excited him as they gleamed under the sunlight.

"It's time for me now." He took out his tool and Shining blinked at it.

"Won't it hurt?" She was worried. "If Patriot can have a kid, then it's fine. You underestimate your anatomy."

He brushed the glans on her wet slit. Lubricating it with her creamy squirt.

"You're a tough nut, you'll manage." He grinned and slowly inserted himself.

He groaned, loving the feeling of her slick folds that sucked him in.

"Fuck, your pussy is magical Shining." It had a strong suction and the friction inside of her was amazing.

"You're made to be fucked and impregnated huh?" Ash licked her neck and sucked on it.

"Hngh~ don't say that!" She moaned loudly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"What are you waiting for?" As expected, she quickly got used to it and wanted more.

"You really are a devil. I will be enjoying your delectable pussy that wants to squeeze me dry." Ash grabbed her tight ass and started to pump her onto his cock.

"Fuck! That's it Ash! Use me to the maximum!" Shining shouted out in pleasure.

"I sure will." He grunted as her vagina tightened like a vice.

"I always wondered what this moment would feel like~" Shining looked to be in bliss.

"Did it deliver? My lewd devil?" Ash thrusted upwards and his glans kissed the entrance to her womb.

"Hngh, yes! It hurts so good! Beat up my cunt!" Shining panted and gritted her teeth.

He went faster, feeling himself getting close. Feeling more sensitive due to abstaining for a few weeks.

"Ahn! Yes! Cum in me! I can feel your cock get bigger!" She bit his shoulder and he groaned as his jelly-like cum painted her baby maker white.

Shining hissed, her sugar walls contracting from the bottom up to squeeze him dry. And it made him feel really good.

"Shining, your pussy is sublime." Ash kissed her nipple and gave it a lick.

"More~ Give me some more Ash. You feel perfect inside of me. I don't wanna let it go." Shining looked at him with half lidded eyes.

She was high in endorphins and she was in a lust crazed state.

"Sure thing, but we need to be good and share the love." Ash called out to Margaret and Degenbrecher who were bathing in the cool waterfall.

"Ohh? Ready to begin? We'll be having so much fun~" Degenbrecher grinned slyly.

"It is nice to have you with us Shining." Margaret smiled at her.

"Don't let her fool you, Margaret would lick your cunt clean of Ash's delicious semen." Degenbrecher crouched and licked his shaft that was leaking his cum. Also brushing Shining's pussy with her rough tongue.

Margaret didn't deny it and they began to gang up on him while also broadening Shining's horizon.

"A-are they coupling in the waterfall? Are they crazy?" Eunectes blinked as she spied on them. She was about to ask what was next, but they had other plans.

"Hmm... So that's how you do it?" Eunectes watched intently and her tail started to sway left and right.

"T-that, they touch their crotches." She rubbed herself and she found a whole new world.

"I'll ask them about it more later." She continued her spying and ministrations on herself.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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