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8.82% Arknights: Purpose and Will / Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Herzöge Asmodeus

Capítulo 12: Chapter 11: Herzöge Asmodeus

Currently, Ash was in front of Shining and Liz. The Sarkaz agreed to help his cause and in exchange, he would do something about Liz's horrible condition right now.

"Can I examine her?" He asked Shining and she nodded. Walking up to Liz who is just looking at him blankly like a doll, he smiled.

"I'm gonna check on you a bit." He examined her body from head to toe and frowned when he saw the condition of her body.

"Are you feeding her and trying to rehabilitate her?" Ash looked towards Shining and she frowned. "I feed her, but rehabilitation didn't enter my mind."

"I see, then it's a combination of poor diet and a lack of ambulation. You probably help her all the time, which is great Shining. But you didn't exactly help Liz's recovery by doing that." He sighed and massaged his temples.

Liz stared at him and looked towards Shining. "She didn't know..." Shining went wide eyed. "Why didn't you tell me Liz?"

"You didn't ask." Liz shrugged at her and Shining had a headache. "Do I need to learn more about that conversation?" Ash raised a brow.

"Liz has an extensive knowledge about how the human body works..." Shining explained, but she didn't explain it all.

"I see, tell me the rest if you're ready. Liz, did you already receive a stim from SilverAsh?" He made sure and the expressionless girl nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to give extensive treatment now." He raised his hand and controlled the originium in her body. Just like how he did so for the other infected.

"Shining, I feel much better." Liz exhaled deeply and the other Sarkaz put a hand on her shoulder gently.

"She must have been experiencing oripathy flare ups while you guys were travelling." Ash furrowed his brows and the blonde nodded.

"It was really painful." She succinctly said and Shining looked like she was gonna cry.

He thought of making them rest for now, but he had an idea. "Liz, do you want to get a stronger body? Help you with your weak body all at once?"

Ash had a half smile on his face and Liz tilted her head. "What is it?" Shining was a bit suspicious about it.

"Well, to put it bluntly. It's a surgery that I used on myself. Though in her case, it will be much much lower in risk." He shrugged and Shining almost hissed.

"Sure." Liz agreed immediately and Shining gaped at her. "Shining, I'm a burden..." Liz looked at her blankly and wanted to get rid of her weakness.

"It's just like having a vaccine really." Ash will use the normal version of his spec increasing serum.

Unlike the one used on him, that was super specialized for his use. It was the one intended for the general populace.

"Wait for me, I'll make it in my lab after I meet up with the Leithanien empresses." Ash stood up and he looked at SilverAsh to start the meeting.

The matriarch's servant gave a room for the Sarkaz and the members of the meeting gathered.

"She's special, that Shining. That woman would be able to kill you Degenbrecher." Ash could see it in how she walked.

"Are you sure?" SilverAsh furrowed her brows and he nodded. "She's hiding her strength really well, but I can see and analyze it after checking out her muscle composition. She'd beat all of you at once and you won't even be able to see it happen."

They all frowned at his words and took it seriously, he's their best fighter right now. And Ash can fight Patriot, Degenbrecher and Margaret knows it.

"She's most likely a spec ops of Kazdel that defected. Treat her well and we'll get a lot out of her." Ash put the curtain down on Shining's issue. He believed that she wasn't going to do anything, her reactions towards Liz's condition is genuine.


Ash returned to Leithanien with Margaret and they were being accompanied by Gertrude to the spire of the empresses.

"Have you tricked the remnants Gertrude?" Ash asked her part and she nodded. "I managed to convince them that the empresses are hiding one of the witch king's relative in their court."

"Well, that is most likely true anyway. The empresses might of course be ruthless in some ways. But they don't seem to want to cause a bloodline purge entirely." Ash thought about their personalities.

People can have personas, but he in his love of analyzing humans in his little anthropology research can infer that they're decent people.

"Or so I think, we'll see." He squinted his eyes and prepared to have a political advantage over them. Their first mobile city is almost complete. And Ash thought of combining multiple of them like Kazimierz.

And the infected who he wanted to poach first are in Leithanien.

Entering the spire with Margaret, Gertrude talked to the royal guards of the empresses called the voices. Homage to Leithanien's culture of music and wide usage of arts.

"Asmodeus Naumann, Margaret Nearl, please enter the chambers of the empresses." The guards opened the room where they'll meet.

Margaret and Ash nodded at Gertrude and the Lupo would get the remnants to try to invade the court of the empresses and kidnap the relative of the witch king.

Ash already investigated the whole court and thought of the possible relative to be a black haired kid named Graf Urtica.

The kid was born in Urtica, the birthplace of the witch king. And the empresses gave him a pseudonym too. Which was mighty suspicious.

'Goddamn I love my powers.' Ash smirked and invading the court was easy as pie.

"Your majesties." He bowed to the empresses with Margaret. "Umu, well met once again Asmodeus." The two gestured for him to sit down.

"Now, this isn't exactly a formal meeting to give you your rewards, but we can discuss it here so we have an idea of what it is you desire." Soleil smiled at him and he nodded.

"Thank you for the graciousness, but I have something to offer for now." He took out a file and gave it to them.

They read it and the two furrowed their brows. "Is this underway already?" Luna squinted her eyes and he nodded.

"Yes, the remnants are on the way. I'd have to say, the boy's identity isn't as well hidden as you think." He chuckled and they sighed.

"We put the boy in our court in order to protect him. Even though the Kurfürsten brainwashes him everyday to be loyal. I think it's better for him to be crucified and executed by the nobles." Soleil sighed as she knew it would be known one day.

"There's no problems about it, majority of them would be rounded up. Even if there would be little of them left, remnants you can say... They'll be too powerless against the Kaiserins." Ash chuckled.

The empresses laughed and they thought it was true. If the majority of their forces are taken care of. Then they won't be a threat anymore to them, the Kaiserins.

"Another debt that we would have to pay, Asmodeus... You are piling up achievements more and more." Luna sighed and it was getting really expensive.

"Just doing my part as Leithanien's law abiding citizen." He shrugged and the empresses snorted.

"So, what is it that you want?" Soleil cut to the chase and he sighed. "I want to gather all infected your majesties." He looked at them in the eye.

"But why? We know you created that Anti-oripathy suit, but isn't it too expensive to supply them all with it?" They were confused because it won't be profitable at all.

The William university where the Naumann couple even only have a couple of dozen of them and it was a huge dent to the funds of the originium research department.

"Did you forget your majesties? I'm a businessman, I manipulate supply and demand." He smirked and the two didn't show it, but they already know.

Ash controls Leithanien from the shadows now. They might have titanic political power that even Victoria has to pander to them, but his was a hidden control that the nobles who aren't specialized in economy would be unable to notice.

"We see... What is your purpose for them? We, cannot in good conscience round them up and eliminate them or experiment on them. They're still citizens of Leithanien." The empresses probed him.

"Nothing like that, as you know. My enterprise is doing really well, so I need more employees. I want to give them some good salaries for their troubles." He smiled sweetly and Margaret patted him stealthily.

He was indirectly saying that they were giving the infected lousy treatment after all.

"Is that so? Then consider it done." Soleil raised a brow at him and the empresses concluded that he won't bow down to their authority.

After a bit more pleasantries, with Ash giving them some more recordings of his stolen pieces from earth. They finished their informal meeting.

"Luna, he'll be a big problem in the future... We need to chain him down to Leithanien." Soleil furrowed her brows.

The black empress nodded. "We're already in his whims, the people would panic and he can cause a famine in the whole empire. That sneaky man, he encroached slowly and surely. Now our economy and food industry is really dependent of him."

Soleil sighed. "He's also opening trade with Yan, Higashi, Colombia, Kjerag, Victoria, and even Ursus with his company as the conduit. What a devilish political monster."

The empresses felt desperate about his hidden power that he was starting to bear down on their throats. And if cornered, people can make outlandish decisions.


Ash prepared operators from Blacksteel and PL for this and they were armed to the teeth.

Liskarm had a modified Glock with a drum mag that can fire at full auto. Ash gave Exusiai an LMG because the Sankta can't carry a 4000 pound Gatling gun.

The smaller GAU-12 was still in development for super heavy assault teams that can carry and use the thing. Which would be approximately 2000 pounds when fully loaded.

As a man, it was his romance to see people blow shit up with a Gatling gun that fires 30mm rounds. The glorious brrt sounds is simply too beautiful to resist.

Texas and Franka would be guard units for the operation while Exusiai guns people down and Liskarm is the vanguard with a full auto Glock.

"Listen, the operation is quite simple. We wait and I'll make a choke point." Ash already gave Gertrude the necessary areas that the main forces would be.

And when they gather in that area, he'll trap them with walls of ice. Then Exusiai will light them up, fill them with holes at 2000 rounds a minute.

"We'll bait them with the kid they're after for now. Then you guys just wait for them to attack. We'll take care of Leithanien's political unrest." He smirked.

It was the easiest country to stabilize, the empresses are well liked by the masses for ending the tyranny of the witch king. And the only problem of note are the remnants. Nobles of all countries are a bitch to control so that's a given.

"Yes~ Shoot em up right? Aye aye, boss!" Exusiai rubbed her face on the LMG she had on her and was giving a creepy laugh.

"Exusiai, you're disgusting. You have to return that later to Ash." Texas gave her a disgusted look.

"Liskarm, you're our vanguard... It's not fair, we should be having a better role." Franka complained to her partner.

"Shut up, if Ash gives you explosives you might throw it at us instead." Liskarm rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'll leave it to you then." Ash smiled at them and left with Margaret.

"I think we've been bamboozled... Because when will the enemies come? They even gave us some hotel rooms to rest in." Exusiai pointed at their hotel keys.

"Ahhh, this might be a multiple day mission..." Franka pouted. "Then a vacation it is." Texas shrugged and she was thankful for the paid vacation.


And while they learned that it won't be happening just yet. Ash went back to the Naumann household with Margaret so he could make a serum for Liz.

"Ash, who is she?" Adele looked towards Margaret and he smiled. Holding her hand and the Pegasus blushed a bit.

"She's Margaret, my knight. Isn't she cute?" He showed Adele their uncensored handholding. Though Margaret was wearing protection, as she is still in her armor so she had gloves on.

Adele gasped and went wide eyed. "Really? What did you see in this guy Margaret?" She teased him and Margaret was put on the spot.

"Sir Ash is... Simply amazing, he's driven and strong. Not only physically, but mentally as well. He is also intelligent, I feel he can lead me." Margaret stated with a satisfied expression and Adele pouted at him.

"She's too good for you." The caprinae pointed out and he shrugged. "What can I say, the older ladies love me."

Margaret flinched at that and she remembered that he was underaged. "Don't worry about that Margaret, you already know I'm not a kid." He wiggled his eyebrows and she blushed.

"Whatever, I did find something about your cells though. They're immune to oripathy, it can damage your body... But they purge the originium." Adele dropped a bomb on him.

"Is that for real?" He went wide eyed and Adele nodded. "I've been working on it with Gnosis. He was checking your cells with arts and originium energy. While I checked with the mineral, it's much more up my alley." Adele explained and he had ideas popping in his head.

"Thanks little sister~" He patted her head and she was about to giggle, but she remembered that Margaret was there who was nodding sagely at the news that he is immune to oripathy.

"S-shuddup." Adele got embarrassed and took off his hand. She then ran away to continue with her research.

"She didn't even complain that I'm younger than her." He chuckled and Margaret smiled at their interaction, remembering her sister Maria.

"But you're immune to oripathy... This is quite the surprise." Margaret was baffled, there was no records of people like that.

"It's probably because of my evolution... I was able to contract it the last time I checked." He put his hand on his chin, but his experiment on himself was ages ago anyways.

He went to his room and Margaret looked around, she then saw a picture book. The pegasus started to check it out and smiled at his pictures when he was a child.

"You were so cute back then, sir." She teased him and he raised a brow. "Call me Ash when we're in private Margaret. And you're finally rebelling against your master huh?" He squinted his eyes.

"Hmph, I'm just making an astute observation. Is it so wrong to say my opinion? I might have to slay you for your tyranny." Margaret snorted.

"Then I'll have to imprison you." He went behind her and started rubbing her ears.

Margaret giggled and craned her neck to look at his beautiful, yet terrifying eyes.

"I love your eyes. Your pupils dilate when you're happy, and I can see it much more clearly." Margaret was observing him closely and he was surprised, he didn't know that.

"Mine..." He kissed her neck and sucked on it to leave a bruise. "Ash~ You can't leave that there..." Margaret complained, but she didn't struggle.

"You're mine, so I can mark you wherever I want. Or people will think you don't belong to someone." He bit her softly.

Pulling on his hair softly, Margaret chuckled. "Is that so? Then I have to do the same." She faced him and sucked on his neck multiple times.

But she frowned when she saw that it disappeared in seconds. "Are you that embarrassed to be with your knight? Do you think our stasuses are too different and it brings you shame?"

Margaret was getting good in roleplay and he smirked. "Teasing your master. Insolent." Ash pushed her down on his bed and Margaret was surprised a bit.

"Strip, that's an order." He kissed her and Margaret hissed as he licked her neck. "Yes, master." She took off her clothes and she was in her underwear.

"I'll mark you good alright." He put more bruises on her neck. Making Margaret mewl pleasantly at his domineering display.

She's a strong independent woman, NTR knight. But she also desired a strong man that could lead. Margaret put her hands on his messy but soft hair.

"Ash~ mark your knight." She hissed as he sucked on her collar bones and on her breasts.

"No need to tell me, you're mine after all." He took off her sports bra and put more hickeys on them. Under, above, besides her nipples, he sucked her mammaries good.

"Not so strong~ I'm sensitive there." Margaret's eyes started to glaze over and his animalistic instincts were flaring.

"Margaret, push me away now or I won't be able to stop myself." He growled and his teeth sharpened, his horns growing to twice their size.

She smiled at him and hugged him instead. "My liege, I am your knight. My oath is unbreakable, my resolve as steady as a boulder."

"Can't you just say you love me? You're making me blush." He sobered up a bit with her confession of love and it sure was like her, knightly.

"Take me." Margaret kissed him and he nodded, getting a bit calmer.

__ Blazing Sun's Obeisance __

Ash groped her impressive chest and licked her sensitive pink nipples. "That's... Hngh~" Margaret furrowed her brows at the pleasant sensation that sent electricity to her core.

He kissed her breasts at different tempos and intensities. Keeping her on edge like she was battling a fellow grand knight.

"Can you keep up, radiant knight? I can tell you're losing." He looked at her with a smug look while sucking on her nipples.

"Hmm, I am not done yet." She hugged his head to her chest and reversed their position.

Squinting his eyes, he wanted to dominate her. But he waited patiently for what Margaret wanted to do.

Slowly, she took off her panties and threw it to the side. "Look at what you did to me." She pointed at her wet bud with a cute patch of blonde hair above.

He hissed and his desire to enter her and breed her as his mare skyrocketed. "Let this knight pleasure you sir."

Margaret fished out his rock hard boner and she frowned a bit upon seeing it. But she was determined and wouldn't give up.

Sliding it on her moist core, Margaret enjoyed the look of hunger on his face. Because she won't be having control a few minutes later.

She already knows that he would breed her like a mare later. He might even fracture her pelvis, Margaret has no idea how strong he is when he loses control, but she believes his thrusts might shatter her hips.

And it made her even wetter, thinking of the delicious time he will thrust into her and dominate her to be his in mind and body.

Controlling her hips, Margaret put some pressure on his cock and rubbed it with her slick lips.

"Master, do you like it?" She could see him hold back and it made her aroused, more than ever. His intent being chained down by his will.

"Yesss, it's definitely good. With your warmth and slickness, it is adequate." He lied, he wanted to ravage her.

She smiled and put a bit more friction and speed. Pushing down on the underside of his dick. Sliding her pussy up and down on its length deliciously.

"Master~" Margaret felt like she was melting. So dirty and lewd, as Kazimierz frowned upon fornicating. "Why is it so good when they say it's wrong? I'll be yours anyways." Margaret looked him in the eyes.

She grasped his member and aimed it at her quivering quim. Ash resisted the impulse of thrusting his hips and let her slowly bring down her ass on him.

Margaret could feel his glans explore her uncharted walls that tightly gripped him. The bumps and softness of her insides making way for the intrusion as she felt him spread her open.

The delicious feeling made her sigh and Ash's cock twitched, a sign for her to move her hips.

"Master, master~" Margaret shivered when she raised her hips and his dick scraped her insides.

"Margaret, you're so tight and hot." Ash licked his lips, thinking that horses have higher body temperatures after all. And it her vagina was like a toasty pocket of carnal pleasure.

"Hmmm~ your penis spreads me so. It feels delightful." Margaret slammed her ass down on his hips and she felt bruised as the head of his dick rammed her cervix. But she was made of tougher stuff.

He put his hands on her tight and plump ass. Her training as a knight making it firm, but still elastic. "Fuck, you're great at this Margaret." She was quickly getting the hang of her rhythm.

"Can you hear that Ash? The wet, sloppy sound of my lewd vagina. It's feeling so good." Margaret put her hands on his chest and began to go faster.

She wanted to feel more pleasure, more of him inside. Her insides quivering and tightening up in preparation for release.

"Ahhh~ Ash!" She gasped when he lifted her up with his hands and slammed her down on his dick. Margaret losing her breath at the deepness and electric pleasure whenever he hit the entrance of her womb.

"So full!" She bit her lip and controlled her hips according to his hands. Though he wasn't done yet, he also began to move his hips that made the sex more hectic.

"Do you like that Margaret?" He sucked on her tits and she put her arms on his neck. "Yes! I love it!"

"Are you cumming? Tell me who do you belong to!?" He lifted her up and slammed her down. "You! I'm yours master!"

"Good, mine." He put more bruises on her neck. "Ash! I'm feeling something! Ahn~" Margaret could feel her insides quiver.

Ash hissed as he felt her cunt contract and the suction increase. "Cum for me, Margaret. Let go and drown yourself in pleasure." He smacked her ass and she tightened up.

"I'm cumming! Release it all inside me! I can feel your cock twitch!" Margaret panted and she began to ram her hips on his much faster.

"Fuck! Take it all in, I'll paint your insides white!" Ash went even faster and his bed creaked from his strong thrusts.

He released copious amounts of semen right inside her as he went balls deep. Margaret gritting her teeth while a bit of drool escaped her mouth.

"Yes! So hot~ My womb is so full!" Margaret hugged his head tightly, her toes curling.

She leaned into him, catching her breath. "My master... Our union is complete, Margaret Nearl is now truly yours." She smiled at him pleasantly.

"Heh, yes you are. But don't think you can get out of this room just yet." He kissed her and invaded her mouth, intertwining his tongue with hers.

"Yes, my liege. Drown me in carnal pleasures." Margaret looked at him sensuously and he couldn't hold on any longer.

Adele felt his room shake and she looked towards his room with a suspicious look. "Must be an earthquake or something."


After a few hours, Margaret was panting heavily. Ash giving her energy whenever she would tire.

Their only breaks were water breaks so she won't dehydrate herself. And the result was, his table was broken.

His bed's frame couldn't resist his onslaught and it snapped. The mattress had a particular shape of Margaret's butt on it.

The room also reeked of sex. With their hardcore copulation, after the first round. It was inevitable, so he aired out the room and gave Margaret some sports drinks.

"You okay?" He felt refreshed and was glowing, while Margaret was a mess. "My legs are like jelly. My nether region is sore. And my hips almost broke a couple of times."

He helped her up and they took a bath so he could clean her. "This is embarrassing, I couldn't even satisfy you until you can't go on anymore. And you're even cleaning me too."

Margaret blushed and he snorted. "We'll be doing this more often. It's fine, and if you're still embarrassed. I'll just do it enough until you get used to it." He kissed her neck and she hummed.

"That is true... But please no more today." She sighed and was troubled by his prowess. It was like fighting a beast that regenerated and just wouldn't stay down.

Ash squinted his eyes and he was already having another hard on. But he of course knew that Margaret isn't a machine.

"Yes dear." He hugged her and controlled his blood flow to his legs and limbs instead.

"I love you." Margaret leaned into him and stated it plainly, normally. "I love you too Margaret. Keep supporting me okay?" He kissed her forehead and she giggled, which was gap moe.


At the basement, Ash worked on the serum for Liz while Margaret slept in the guest room. With his bed ruined and all.

"Hmm, done." He put the serum in a stim like the suppressants and would use it on Liz when he returned to Kjerag.

And while he was working, Adele came to the lab to check up on him. She was still a bit worried that he'd do something crazy in there after all.

"Adele? What's up?" He looked at her and she squinted her eyes at him. "That was some earthquake huh?"

"Ahhh, yeah. It was, lasted a few hours too. The aftershocks must've been terribly strong." He lied through his teeth and Adele's suspicious look in her eye turned to worry.

She then walked up to him and hugged him. "You won't forget me right?" Adele snuggled her face on his chest.

He was quite surprised and thought that even though she's a genius that's about to get her PhD soon, Adele is still a child.

"I won't... You're my sister right? And I promised Hans that I will take care of you." He patted her head and kissed the top of her head.

She just enjoyed their contact and Ash smiled at her affection. "Ash... Brother, Margaret is really amazing. She's the radiant knight..."

Adele's insecurity was showing and he patted her head. "Yeah, she is. But you are too, don't worry. Family doesn't abandon each other." He chuckled.

He then had an idea and went to her room, he stayed with her there until she slept. Patting her head and caressing her horns softly.

"Goodnight Adele." He kissed her forehead again and she smiled in her sleep.

After that, he returned to the lab and was double checking his immunity to originium.

"It really does purge the mineral... Like it's digesting it for energy." He was checking it out with his microscope and saw that it died shortly after due to the influx of magic.

"I see. Wait a minute, then can't I just do this?" Ash took an ingot of originite prime. He looked at it for a second and took a bite of it like it was a candy bar.

And he was correct in his assumption. Originium isn't at the same level in calories as uranium. But he could convert its mass to pure energy with his arts.

"Fuck, that was a bad idea!" He quickly released the excess energy he was receiving by transmutating matter. It used up tons of energy and was perfect as an outlet.

"Phew, I almost exploded." He sighed and found a reliable energy source for topping up while in battle.

"Maybe I can train to increase my reserves with this as well?" He bit on the originite prime again, but a bit less than earlier.

"I think it's working..." He checked his energy levels and it was rising forcefully, making him twitch in pain. But it was worth it. "Ursus fuckers, you won't catch me lacking again."

While he was planning to bomb their government or give them cancer with radiation poisoning. He got a call from Gertrude.

She said that she want to confirm with him on what his squad would do. "I guess that's fair." He went to Vyseheim while invisible.

"Boo." He scared the crap out of her and her tail went straight up. "Fuck! You..." She glared at him. "Me!" He smirked at her.

Giving up, she sighed and they matched their Intel. The routes in which the remnants will be appearing, where Ash and his squad would show the boy to make the lure more appealing, etc.

And while they were scheming against the remnants. She sniffed deeply and could smell Margaret on him.

'So they're in a relationship? Must be nice... No! What the fuck are you thinking?' Gertrude shook her head and she slapped her face.

"You okay? Did you slap yourself awake?" Ash raised a brow and she smiled wryly. "Ahh, I thought there was a mosquito there..."

"Okay... Weird." He continued discussing the plan, but Gertrude was staring blankly at the map they had on the table.

"Hello." Ash waved his hand in front of her and she sobered up again. "Sorry, what did you say?" Gertrude got embarrassed and she looked downwards.

"You sure you're not sick?" He put a hand on her head and scanned her. She sucked in a sharp breath, feeling his hand on her.

Her tail wagging and her ears twitching. "You're pretty fine, maybe you're nervous? Let's take a break then and calm down." He sighed and her Lupo instincts was going out of control.

She pulled on his sleeve and Ash was baffled by her actions. "What's wrong woman? Tell me." He was getting annoyed.

"I... Are you in a relationship with NTR knight?" She looked up at him and there was a blush on her face. She looked like a kicked puppy and he squinted his eyes.

Seeing such a submissive look on her face made his aggression flare. "Yes, I am." He frowned as he saw her tail wag.

"Ahh... Nothing." She fidgeted around like a shy maiden and he gritted his teeth. Taking his phone out of his pocket he called Margaret.

"Hey Margaret, love. You said that harlots are off limits right? But how about nobles?" Gertrude gaped at him and she started to pant with excitement like a bitch in heat.

"The Lehnsfrau of Vyseheim huh? Umu, it is fine. Just no harlots that might use your seed for their benefit." Margaret laughed.

"Okay, love you. You know, I'm really lucky to have you." He ended the call and he squinted his eyes at the Lupo noble.

"A-Asmodeus..." Gertrude remembered his fake assault on him and she got moist. "I'm gonna break you in and have a lot of fun with you." He smirked and ripped off her clothes.

With a hiss, Gertrude felt conflicted. She hated how she felt so weak against her flesh. Her will wavering.

Ash lifted her and threw her on her bed. He then turned her around and made her prop herself up with her arms and knees. "Wiggle your butt and beg for it nicely."

She froze, he then smacked her ass and she yelped from the sharp pain. "Beg, or I leave right now." She heard his voice and she wiggled her ass.

She then slowly took off her panties for a strip tease. "Yeah, that's right. Now you get your reward." He entered her abruptly and she screamed.

"You're not gonna sleep tonight." He pulled on her hair and used her tail as a handlebar.

"Yes!" Gertrude screamed in pleasure as he ravaged her completely.


After baiting the remnants for a couple of days, Exusiai who was the scout with her binoculars are seeing some suspicious individuals.

"They're here! Finally~ I was going to go crazy from all the lack of action." Exusiai cheered.

"Shut your mouth Exusiai, they'll notice us." Texas dragged Exusiai's head down.

"They're doing something. Those are casters..." Franka looked at caprinae that had masks on.

They started using their arts and created a colossus. A golem that is made by arts and it was made of metal and had goat horns.

"I think that's going to take some serious firepower." Liskarm furrowed her brows. But if Franka goes in with her thermite rapier, she'd be killed by the casters.

"Let them get a bit closer, Exusiai. Focus on the knees, Liskarm focus on the casters." Ash ordered them and they waited patiently.

Other mooks of the remnants caused trouble at other parts of the city, but the army of Leithanien apprehended them without any issues, being privy to where they'll appear.

A group of colossus then was made so they could use it as a vanguard and breach buildings. If they get the boy, they could revive the witch king and everything was set. Or so they thought.

"Go crazy on them." Ash boxed them in with thick walls of ice and the main team with many casters were shocked.

Texas went behind them while Franka protected their main assault members' six. Liskarm set up her shield and Exusiai started firing her machine gun.

"Apple pie barrage!" Exusiai let loose of her bullets. And in the chaos, Texas used her arts to stun the casters with her energy sword rain.

Liskarm entered the range of the casters and flipped the switch on her handgun. She started firing on them at full auto and the casters were prey to high velocity lead.

Exusiai held back the colosi by turning their knees into swiss cheese and Franka finished off the fallen ones with hit and run tactics, making sure not to be away from their gunner for too long.

"Their main squad is toast, clean up in order. How about you?" Ash put a hand on his ear. "Copy that, Nearl has taken care of insurgents and civvies are ok." Margaret took down a group of mooks.

"Gertrude, inform the empresses that the operation is smooth. Commence the raid on the sewers and other noble houses. I already have evidence against them." Ash ordered Gertrude.

He infiltrated the noble bastards that were with the remnants from behind the scenes, recording them. Copying every document, it was going to be a clean up for the twin empresses in their court.

"Roger that." Gertrude quickly gave the news to the empresses and their royal guard immediately raided the confirmed targets.

He looked at the squad below and they were already finished. "Good work." He went down and released the walls of ice.

"Huhun! The penguin empire has succeeded once again! Now, let's party! No party no life!" Exusiai gave a peace sign.

"Yes, yes, there'll be a party." Ash smiled and thought he spoiled them too much.

"Awww! Ash, this is unfair! We have to go back to Blacksteel immediately after this!" Franka pouted and Liskarm wanted to stay a bit too.

"I'll pack you up some food for a party, the empresses will give you a lot of cash for this too." He chuckled and as mercs, they got pacified with that.

The whole city was on lockdown and everyone who is connected to the remnants of the witch king were arrested. With Ash's recordings and copied files. The nobles were also demoted, to be executed soon.

"See, that's what's gonna happen to you." Ash rolled his eyes at Gertrude. She flinched and was honestly reflecting.

"Yes sir, thank you for saving me." She bowed at him and he patted her head, rubbing her ears. "Good girl, you'll be our contact here in Leithanien. You'll definitely get a promotion from the empresses. You know what to do." He smiled.

"Yes, I'll be your plant in the Kurfürsten." She nodded and he gave her a thumbs up.


At a formal setting, after the nobles are executed and the minor criminals incarcerated. Ash was currently in front of the twin empresses with Gertrude and Margaret.

"Gertrude Strollo, if not for you. We won't have information about the treacherous remnants of the witch king. For your contributions, we will raise your rank to Grafen and will be a part of the Kurfürsten." The empresses raised her to a countess.

Gertrude felt complicated because her house Strollo went even higher. At their peak, they were just a Barone house. And she restored the ruined house as the Lehnsfrau which is like a watcher of a higher noble.

But nevertheless, her dreams of making her family great again was accomplished.

"Margaret Nearl, the radiant knight of Kazimierz. Grand knight of house Nearl. For your bravery in protecting Leithanien, we confer you a title of a Ritter of the empire." The empresses gave her an honorary title that ends in her lifetime, a knighthood.

"Asmodeus Naumann, not only did you help the empire in purging traitorous nobles. Leithanien is prosperous because of your efforts. We, the twin empresses confer you a rank of Herzöge in our court, rejoice." He craned his neck so fast it almost snapped.

The empresses looked at him with sly smirks. 'Shit, they got me! They turned me into a Duke!? How the hell did the nobles not complain about this crap!'

His mind raced and he had a realization. 'Fuck, I killed them off didn't I?' He got depressed as the twin empresses chained him down. It would be a slap to their faces if he refuses.

"Thank you your majesties. I am delighted by this honor." He gave a strained smile. "Umu, work hard for the sake of the empire."

'Fuck! I'm so gonna talk to them later about this.' He remembered his engagement with SilverAsh. And this would become into a fucking mess.

He massaged his temples and sighed heavily, a migraine coming in.


Thanks for reading everyone ciao.

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