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89.77% Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde / Chapter 202: CHAPTER 227-228: A Mission of All Time

Capítulo 202: CHAPTER 227-228: A Mission of All Time

Isane had completely sobered up by now, courtesy of Unohana's own formula for curing hangovers, meticulously formulated from herbs gathered from mountains. After a swift shower and a change into a fresh, crisp uniform, Isane was absolutely ready to welcome Kazuya to their ranks.

As she waited outside the barracks, Isane hummed a tune. She was positively bubbling with an exceptionally good mood, partially from receiving a golden opportunity to redeem her failure and partially from the prospect of working alongside Kazuya.

Captain Kurotsuchi may have been an unhinged researcher, but Isane had unwavering faith in Kazuya. If there was one man who could persuade Captain Kurotsuchi, it was undoubtedly Kazuya.

'Telling him about it will be very awkward.'

After all, they were essentially strong-arming him, however politely, to take a task that was galaxies outside the usual mundane duties of a 4th Squad's Shinigami. Even though she knew in her bones that he would accept her bold request, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that she was somehow taking advantage of him, that she was abusing his kindness.

'I'll do something nice to make up for it.'

As she was lost in her musings, Kazuya showed up in the distance, impeccably on time. He was adorned in a tweaked version of Shinigami uniform that looked refined, noble even. Isane had to admit how good he looked in his new attire. It was just one more reason for women to fall madly, hopelessly in love with him.

"Morning, Vice-Captain," Kazuya greeted her with a charming, heart-melting smile, accompanied by a slight, gentlemanly incline of his head. "Oh, someone was drinking last night."

The sharp comment caught Isane completely off-guard, and she visibly flinched, her eyes widening in stunned surprise. "How did you know?"

Kazuya stepped closer, boldly reaching up and sensually swiping a thumb over her plush lips. "Your eyes are slightly redder than usual. Your skin and lips are also dry. Those are clear signs of a hangover."

To be perfectly honest, he had made an audacious guess that fortunately turned out to be true. But he carried it off with such confidence that it seemed like a keen observation.

Isane reflexively stepped back, unconsciously covering her mouth, her heart hammering, threatening to leap out of her chest. "Why do you pay so much attention to me?"

She was truly baffled by Kazuya's intense interest in her. In her own critical eyes, someone of her height could never be considered attractive or feminine. She simply couldn't bring herself to believe his claims about her being a 'cool and captivating woman'. Such honeyed words seemed like impossible flattery to her own ears.

Kazuya tilted his head slightly, studying her with a sharp yet gentle gaze that seemed to pierce right through to her very soul. "Isn't it natural for guys to appreciate a beautiful woman?" he casually inquired, quirking a brow. "Are you still clinging onto the belief that you're somehow not good enough?"

Charmingly flustered, Isane's eyes timidly darted away from him, desperately seeking a distraction to escape the awkward topic. Her gaze landed on his striking Shinigami uniform. "W-We didn't issue you any uniform," she stammered, latching onto the welcome change of subject like a drowning woman. "Where did you get it?"

Kazuya didn't pursue the sensitive matter of her crippling inferiority complex, perceiving that she wasn't in the right headspace to have such a raw, vulnerable conversation about it at present. "It's a gift from Byakuya."

"Oh… You are close to him as well," Isane marveled, eyes glittering in wonderment. "At this point, you'll become the person with the most connections here."

"What makes you think I'm not that guy already?"

He had an almost familial bond with the Shiba clan, the complete and unwavering support of captains Shunsui and Byakuya, and he effortlessly maintained relations with multiple Vice Captains and even Unohana herself. His growing importance was on par if not more than the lower-ranking Captains.

In the span of a mere four months, he had amassed quite the formidable web of influence in the Soul Society, most of which could be attributed to his timely displays of skills and a series of fortuitous encounters.

{You got the plot armor.}


Isane pensively rubbed the back of her messy hair, a deeply thoughtful expression on her lovely face. "Yeah, you might be…"

She timidly lowered her gaze to the ground, internally debating how to bring up her request. "Kazuya, can you—no, never mind me."

She abruptly backpedaled on her decision, losing her nerve to an impulsive thought — that she shouldn't burden him with such a task when he had yet to even formally introduce himself to the division. Mentally berating herself, Isane resolved to find a better time for the discussion, perhaps after Kazuya had a chance to properly settle into his new role.

Kazuya waved a hand before her face. "Something weighing on your pretty mind, Isane?"

"No, no, it's nothing," she whispered, shaking her head and glancing over her slender shoulder. "We really must check in for the morning assembly. Our fellow Shinigami are very interested in knowing more about you."

As she gracefully turned to leave, Kazuya boldly grabbed her hand, his fingers curling around her wrist. "I'm not letting you leave me in suspense."

"W-We can surely discuss it later," Isane stammered, a blush staining her cheeks. "Right?"


"Please…" She slowly turned back to face him, her eyes upturned and pleading like an adorable puppy. "I'd hate for you to be late to your first assembly."

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn," he declared with a grin. "Call me a bully if you must, but I'm not letting you get away."

Isane sniffed, her shoulders trembling. "Okay…"

Reluctantly, she gave him a brief of her meeting with Captain Unohana the previous night, wisely omitting the drinking and crying portions, of course. She won't have any dignity left if anyone in her division saw her crying like a literal child.

Kazuya was both pleasantly surprised and deeply gratified to receive such a vital mission on the very day he joined the 4th Squad. It clearly demonstrated that Unohana regarded him as one of her trusted people rather than an outsider.

He expected nothing less from the elegant but crazy lass.

"Kazuya…" Isane muttered, biting her bottom lip. "I will completely understand if you don't want—"

He firmly clasped her wrist and gestured to the exit with his free hand. "Let's go then."

"Wait just a moment—"

"Everything else can wait," he said with a firm tone that tolerated no argument. "This mission is our priority."

Mayuri was a scientist unrestricted by the shackles of trivial things like ethics or conscience, unlike his more principled predecessor Kisuke Urahara. Once his interest in the phenomenon of Hollowification and the Hollowfied Shinigami waned, he would likely destroy his research subjects. After all they would be nothing more than a reminder of his failure.

Alternatively, Mayuri might become obsessed with the Hollowfied Shinigami and relentlessly pursue the secret of Hollowification and a method to undo its effects on a Shinigami.

Regardless of which dark path the deranged scientist's whims led him down, the outcome would be terrible for Isane.

While Kazuya had no particular moral obligation towards the Hollowfied Shinigami, he could plainly see the immense importance Isane attached to their wellbeing. As the most skilled healer present during the Arrancar invasion, she clearly took the Hollowification of her fellow Shinigami as a personal failure.

Failing to save them now might just carve a deep, lasting scar on her heart — an unacceptable outcome that neither he nor Unohana wished to see befall her under any circumstances.

{Isane is our cinnamon roll, Partner. She must be protected at any cost.}

Isane took a deep breath and bowed her head, loose strands of gray hair falling to frame her face. "Thanks for helping me…"

His eagerness to assist her spoke volumes about his genuine care for both her and the 4th Squad as a whole. For that, she had nothing but admiration for him.

Kazuya flicked her forehead, making her nearly jump in surprise. "Save that stuff for after I do something."

"No, you agreeing to help me is very—"

"Oh, sheesh. Stop treating me like some outsider already. It hurts me, truly," he said with a cheeky grin. "My Vice-Captain."

Isane's eyes widened at his playful words. Closing her eyes, she giggled. "Got it."

Meanwhile, in Rukongai's 1st District...

Arms crossed beneath her ample bosom, a deeply perplexed Kūkaku stared down at the napping black cat currently occupying the cramped room reserved for drinking sake under the moonlight. Her friend had mysteriously arrived on her doorstep right around the sunrise. Without offering an explanation whatsoever, she had proceeded to drink every last drop of milk in the house before plopping down here for a comfy sleep.

Everything was so reminiscent of Yoruichi's behavior back when she used to sneak into the Soul Society in her cat form. However, Kūkaku hadn't expected her to slip back into old habits, given that she accompanied Kazuya these days due to their mission.

"Oi, Yoruichi!" Kūkaku called, prodding the dozing cat with her bare foot. "Was your super secret mission successful or what?"


"Then why are you here? Where is Kazuya?"

At that, Yoruichi languidly raised her head, golden eyes narrowed with an uncharacteristic seriousness. "Am I not invited here anymore?"

Kūkaku's brows twitched. "Don't make me punch your stupid mug."

"What did I do to warrant such hostility?"

"Playing dumb doesn't suit you. You damn well know why I'm asking about Kazuya's whereabouts."

"Heh. You're worried about him," Yoruichi said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Like the several dozen women who have a crush on him."

In Yoruichi's very humble opinion, if Kazuya wasn't widely known to be as powerful as a Captain, his admirers would have already taken him away against his will, probably trapping him in some dark basement for all eternity. Of that, she harbored no doubt.

It was Kūkaku's turn to narrow her eyes, a suspicious glint flickering in their depths. "Is that the stench of jealousy, old friend?"

"Spare me. I was merely stating objective facts," Yoruichi scoffed. "And if we're talking cold, hard facts... I've seen you blushing like a lovestruck maiden in his presence."

"You need to get your eyes checked," Kūkaku snorted mockingly, barely restraining herself from pummeling the insufferable cat. "And if we're being honest here, you shamelessly flirted with him the entire time he lived here. I won't be shocked to receive an invitation to your and Kazuya's wedding."

"As if!" Yoruichi retorted. "One of these days your uncle is gonna marry your ass to him."

"What? Why would he do that?"

"To make Kazuya his successor."

"That won't happen."

The two bickered back and forth with increasing intensity, hurling insults at each other in a manner more befitting bitter love rivals than long time friends. Only after exhausting their arsenal of insults did they finally lapse into tense silence, settling for glaring at one another.

"Kūkaku… why are we arguing?"

"Dumbass," Kūkaku muttered, rubbing her temple. "You started it."

They both heaved a synchronized sigh, the hostility dissipating and leaving awkward silence in its wake. Yoruichi was clearly frustrated and on edge after talking to her Hollow, while Kūkaku was simply worried for both her friend and Kazuya.

Though she often acted like she despised Kazuya, she very much cared about him. His charisma, strength, potential, and firm passion to fight for his desires made him a man worthy of her admiration.

Yoruichi abruptly hopped to her feet and walked inside the house, her tail swishing behind her. "Kūkaku, come with me. There's something I need to show you. Now."

Her unusually serious tone left no room for debate. Immediately grasping the gravity of the situation, Kūkaku trailed after her friend and descended into the basement. The space served both as Kūkaku's room and fireworks workshop, but Yoruichi had an open invitation to come and go as she pleased.

As Kūkaku's feet hit the bottom step, she froze, eyes widening in shock. There stood Yoruichi in her true form. However, something was drastically different — her friend now sported real cat ears and a cat tail, her very aura screaming of Hollow.

She hadn't seen many Hollows in her life, but she could never forget the aura of the monstrous souls.

"Y-Yoruichi…" Kūkaku managed to utter, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "How is this even possible…?"

Yoruichi slowly turned to face her, revealing a bone-white cat-shaped mask that seemed to have merged with her face. "Do you find this disgusting?"

"Don't be an idiot. It's just a fucking mask," Kūkaku reassured. "Like that would ever change how I feel about you."

At that, Yoruichi nodded and snapped her fingers. The eerie Hollow mask fractured into glowing shards that slowly dissolved into thin air, leaving Yoruichi's face bare. "That makes four people who are fine with my change."

"Let me guess the identities of the other three — Kazuya, Kisuke, and Tessai."

"Got it in one try, as expected of Shiba Clan's princess," Yoruichi confirmed with an approving nod. "Though, I think Kazuya's whole Hollow harem would welcome me with open arms."

"No shit. They're Hollows themselves."

Yoruichi shook her head. "You can't tell they are Hollows just by looking at them."

Kūkaku held up an impatient hand. "Enough about them. Let's talk about you. What the hell did you do to become a Hollow?"

"It's one hell of a long story…"

Without hesitation, Kūkaku plopped down cross-legged on the ground, patting her bent knees with her only intact hand. "Time is the only thing I don't lack."

Usually Kūkaku would've forced Yoruichi to wear some clothes, but she had different priorities at the moment.

Yoruichi gave a playful laugh before settling in to relay yesterday's events.


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