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60% Two For One Deal! / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: It's All Ice

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6: It's All Ice

No one could tell the future. It was a distant path shrouded by fog and a number of twists and turns. That's what made it so scary for most people.

"That was… a weird day," Iruma hummed. The sound of galloping horses and spinning wheels buzzed in the background. "I think it w-went better than I expected, though."

I rolled my eyes. Better? Really?

"You got in a fight with some noble demon or something," I pointed out. "I have no idea how you managed to choke him out, but things could have gone a lot worse."

He could have died. Those fireballs being thrown at him were as real as he or I.

He winced.

"It's not like I wanted to fight him," he answered with a sigh. "It just sort of ended up like that."

I couldn't stay mad at him about this. Both of us had horrid luck, so I wasn't all that surprised that there had been an incident.

"But did you have to take him back to the nurse?" The guy was a jerkass. Personally, I thought leaving him laying on the ground would have been just fine. He wasn't in any danger of dying, after all.

"H-He looked like he was in pain," Iruma replied. "Besides, It was the right thing to do."

Of course, he'd say that. Even after everything, he was just a bit too trusting and kind.

"Alright," I said with a shrug. "But you really have to tell me how you managed that."

He wasn't like me or the other demons here. Iruma was a normal human boy. How was that even possible?

"I-I'm not too sure," he replied. "I just kind of tripped and ended up locking my legs around his throat."

He scratched his cheek nervously.

"I tried getting up, but that just made it worse."

Hmm. That certainly wasn't normal, but it wasn't like I had any ideas either. For now, I guess it was just dumb luck.

I yawned and nodded. Hopefully, this carriage ride wouldn't take much longer. It was surprising how exhausting the day had been. I hadn't even done anything!

"What about your friend?" Iruma suddenly asked.

Friend? What friend?

I raised a brow questioningly.

"I mean that blond guy- the one with the game," he said nervously. "I think he called himself Shax?"

Ah, right.

"Friend's a bit much," I said with a shrug. "He helped me find you, but that's about it."

We hardly spoke after that. Though, I guess he was alright.

"Heh," Iruma said with a cheeky smile. "He seemed kind of happy to talk to you before we left."

I rolled my eyes. Sure, I hadn't been paying much attention, but he was exaggerating. I'd pulled us out of there as soon as I could so that pompous rich kid didn't come back for round two.

"Do… do you think we could make friends?"

I blinked. What sort of question was that, Iruma?

"They're demons," I pointed out.

"But-" he started, only to bite his lip and stop himself. I wasn't the brightest bulb, but even I could read the room. "Some of them seemed… nice. Like that Shax guy."

I wanted to shut down his silly ideas, but I didn't. Iruma could see the best in people, and that was a gift I didn't want to take away from him. It made keeping him safe incredibly difficult, but it also left an obvious question.

Would Iruma still be the same, kind of person who helped me out? Did I really want to change him so much?

The answer was a resounding no. I could suffer a bit of annoyance if it meant keeping Iruma mostly the same. All he really needed was a bit more sense and he'd be fine.

He could be the good cop while I'd be his bad cop. That was how we'd been before and nothing would change now.

"Who knows," I replied. "Just try to be careful and call me If anyone starts something. I'll sort them out."

That was my purpose, after all. I'd keep him safe as a big brother would.

Iruma blinked and then nodded with a bright, goofy grin.

"Kay," he said.

I yawned and turned my gaze away from him. The skies were blood red and dark, pregnant clouds were rumbling up above.

I missed the blue skies of home.


Sullivan was an enigma and I hadn't known him for very long, but he continued to surprise me. It was all rather creepy, to be honest. Was he trying to one-up himself every time he "showed" us his "love?"

We arrived home to him having prepared a bit of a "grandson shower" as he called it.

"And this for the two of you!" Sullivan exclaimed as he gave us some new, spiffy-looking clothes. "These are enhanced with magic to keep you nice and safe!" He said and pointed to Iruma's clothes. It looked like his normal school uniform.

If what he was saying was true, then I was more than grateful. It still didn't change my mind about him, though.

"And this is yours, Lee-ke~" he said with a sugary smile as he held out a red scarf. "Go ahead, try it on!"

I had to admit, It did look pretty badass. It was probably as long as I was tall, though a few turns around my neck were enough to make it manageable.

"You can shrink it and expand it at will! Also, it's sort of alive, so treat it nicely, ok?"

Wait, wha-

The scarf coiled around my neck tightly. I coughed as it wrapped around my face.

The damned thing was trying to suffocate me!

"I think it likes you!" Sullivan exclaimed.

Like?! This thing was in the middle of trying to murder me! Or so I thought. It loosened its grip and then stretched itself out, giving me more than enough room to breathe.

I turned and found the blasted scarf just floating in the air around me. It was still wrapped around my neck, but there it was.

If I had my way, I'd burn it down with this damned house and lock Sullivan inside.

"Play nice and it'll listen to what you want," the demonic old bastard said. "You look so cool! Quick! The two of you stand next to each other so I can take a picture of my lovely grandsons!"

God… he was too much.

As if reacting to my thoughts, the scarf lashed out and snatched the camera out of Sullivan's hand.

"What? No! Give it back!' the dastardly demon whined as he rushed forward and tried to get his camera back. Each time he did, the scarf moved away just far enough to stop him.

Huh. Maybe the two of us could get along after all.

Sullivan did eventually get his camera back, but that didn't really matter.

Hopefully, tomorrow would be a better day.


I'd expected many things when I woke up, but there were just some things no one could ever plan for.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I growled out, eyes trying to melt a hole in the pompous demon's face.

He stood tall and proud. His crimson eyes gazed deeply into my own and then snapped toward Iruma. My brother stiffened under his gaze, taking a step back and hiding behind me. Was he here to pick a fight?

"I'll let you know I won't be nearly as merciful as my brother." I didn't think I could punch explosions away, but the pretty boy was close enough that it didn't matter. I was sure my fist would reach his face before he could hold his hand up.

The boy sucked in a breath and then did something unexpected. He got on one knee and held out his hand toward Iruma.

"I'm not here to cause conflict," he exclaimed with a serious expression. "Iruma-kun has bested me in fair combat."

Oh… then was he here to apologize? Maybe he wasn't as much of an ass as I thought.

"As is tradition, I am his to do with as he pleases!" He got back up and stared at Iruma with a wide grin. "Please let me serve you, my lord!"

And then he tried to tackle him with a hug. Of course, there was no way I'd let that happen. My foot "gently" slammed into his face and I pushed him away.

"Did you get brain damage or something?" I asked with wide eyes. What other reason was there? Maybe he was trying to get revenge? But why go through all this trouble?

"It matters not!" the boy continued. "My solid defeat at his hands showed me how little I really knew." He shook his head and bit his lip. "To judge others by their appearance was foolish beyond measure! Please, let me serve you so I may better myself!"

He stepped forward and gently cupped Iruma's hand.

"With me at your side, we can rule the school! I promise to bring you up as the brightest star in all the realm!"

Maybe he wasn't all pish and posh after all. He was just another crazy idiot. Actually, was this a normal thing with Demons? Were they all this weird?

Iruma turned to me for an answer.

"I'd say kick him loose," I started. "He could be lying, but don't take my word for it. This is a choice you have to make yourself."

I didn't want to get involved with such a crazy person. Oh, I'd kick his ass if he tried anything, but in the end, this really was Iruma's decision. I admit that it made me happy that I was the first thing he thought about, but that wasn't a healthy mindset.

Iruma closed his eyes and nodded.

"A-Alright, you can be my friend if that's what you want."

The strange boy's eyes shot open.

"A f-friend? Excellent!" he shouted gleefully. "I, Asmodeus Alice shall be your faithful servant from here on out!"

We hadn't even made it to school and the day was already starting on a crazy note.

"Actually, how did you even get here?" I asked hesitantly.

Asmodeus grinned from ear to ear.

"My family has many connections! It was simple enough to find out the headmaster's address and then run on over!"


"Wait, run?" Iruma asked. He turned and looked around the entrance to the mansion. Aside from our carriage, there was nothing else around. "As in… literally run here?"

The crazy guy nodded enthusiastically.

"For you, I'd do it all over again!"

Wasn't this what they called a stalker?

I'd have to keep an eye on this one.


The carriage was a bit full on the way to school, but Iruma refused to just let the stalker walk. That guy was a real chatterbox, but I'd be lying if he wasn't useful. He spoke about all sorts of things, including what the school had planned for today.

"We'll be summoning our familiars, I believe. But before that, we'll have a quick group activity."

It sounded like a bunch of unnecessary work. Anyways, after a bunch of annoying talk, we eventually arrived at the school. A number of awed gasps and hushed whispers greeted us as we walked out of the carriage and toward the school. One particular student shivered and ran away as my eyes met his.

"Hey! Morning, Lee!" a familiar voice called out. It was Shax. His eyes instantly jumped to Iruma then to Alice.

"Are the two of them going to fight again?"

I didn't get a chance to speak. Alice answered first.

"That will not be happening again," he said with a shake of his head. "I will be on Iruma's side from here on out! Let all know that anyone that dares stand in his way will have to deal with Asmodeus Alice!"

This guy was really dramatic.

Shax blinked and then blew a whistle.

"Wow. You literally beat him onto submission," he said with a chuckle. "Lee, you're brother's really cool."

For once, I didn't have anything bad to say. I chuckled and gave the strange boy a smile.

"Yeah, he is."

"Come, Iruma-kun! I'll tell you all about the intricacies of summoning a familiar!" Asmodeus prattled on as the two continued to walk. It was surprising, but they were becoming quick friends.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"By the way, do you know a weird girl with green hair?"


"No?" I shot back with a frown. "Why?"

Shax shrugged.

"One was asking If I knew you. Anyways, forget about that. Let's go."

I blinked as he gave my back a pat and started walking after Iruma and Alice.

Yeah. Demons were definitely weird.

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