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Capítulo 13: He restored the moon

[3rd POV]

He looked towards Toneri who was flying towards him and flash a smile. Then he got in a running position and he blast off towards Toneri with a seemingly mundane yet frightening sentence,

"First comes the Gate of Opening.."

Toneri stopped his flight and float in the air, he could not pin point it but there was somthing hugely wrong with the whole situation.

He raised his hands and blue chakra orbs spread behind him and shot towards Naruto with sonic booms.

Naruto's speed picked up pace as he flashed towards Toneri in a blur of swiftness. He slip past the shower of attacks as he persist his advance.

"Then there is the Gate of Healing.." Naruto said as he feel himself getting energized and filled with vitality. After few moments he was already beneath Toneri`s position.

Toneri became alert and his subconscious mind was telling him one thing over and over again, 'Danger'.

Then Naruto leapt up with a loud explosion that broke the sound barrier and caused cob webs to form beneath his feet, the ground was shattered like glass.


"After that is the Gate of Life.:" Naruto launched his fist at Toneri but his enemy was able to blocked it with a black shield made of truth seeking orbs.


With the sudden stop of the fist moving with that much momentum, there must be a consequence. The consequence fall upon the air as huge shockwave erupted from the clash, churning the atmosphere of the moon into a chaotic mess.

They stayed suspended in the air, in a stalement.

"Then comes the Gate of Pain.." Naruto said and he completely disappeared, only to appear behind Toneri in a burst of speed so fast that the Tenseigan was barely able to follow it.

Naruto delivered a kick to the side of Toneri whose body flew down on the ground like a meteor. He crashed and the ground broke open because of the weight of his fall.


The dust settled to reveal Toneri planted on the ground, stuck. He roared in a mix of pain and rage as he looked up at Naruto.

A bright light covered Naruto as his right arm was enlarged by the yellow chakra. He mustered all the power in his body and his muscles popped with endless power.

"OPEN GATE OF LIMIT!!" Naruto roared out as his body surpassed all the limits it set on itself to protect him from harm. He was breaking through all barriers and limits.

The sound barrier was smashed and Naruto descended upon Toneri with the weight of a continent. He plummet towards the ground, yellow and fast - like a falling star. Space and time itself bends under the sheer might of the attack as it move closer to Tonneri inch by inch.

Toneri erected a shield again with his truth seeking orbs but that was shattered under the weight of Naruto`s punch. And under that massive power and weight, Toneri was like an insect - crushed helpless.

One attack dictate the life of Toneri Otsutsuki and he learned quickly..

That he was a frog in a well- no...He was a man on the moon, who did not know the power that goes beyond his.


The body of the moon was completely crushed and shatter under the might of the punch and a quarter of the moon was blown apart into pieces.

The display of destruction completely eclipse the previous one as the celestial body rumbled, forever traumatized.


[Sasuke`s POV]

The moon wouldn't stop shaking and I couldn't blame her, it was a bit terrifying even for me. Such amount of raw power was something to behold.

Even I wouldn`t be able to compete with Naruto in pure fire power if he goes all out. I don`t think I would come out as the victor if I have to fight Naruto head on - like a boxing match.

Imagine staying in a specific area with Naruto and he comes at you with murderous intent while using Baryon mode and the Final Gate. There is only a very thin chance of survival even for me.

But its a different matter if I was not limited though, there are still numerous ways to deal with him. Like teleporting him on the other side of the globe or into space. Maybe sealing him away or trapping him in another dimension.

And if I wanted to kill him it would be even easier.

But the point remains, no one would want to fight Naruto head on. RIP Otsutsukis, I hope you don`t hate me too much for turning him this way.

I knew it was not good to shoulder all the burden myself - something my brother taught me - so I think it was a really good idea that I decide to make Naruto stronger.

It was me after all, that forced him to train the eight gates after whopping his ass in a fight. Yes, I had to get revenge for our last fight and - you might not believe it when I say but - he makes for a really good punching bag to train all my new jutsus.

Like do you know that Kurama`s chakra coupled with Hashrama`s cell allowed Naruto to regrow limbs that are destroyed using Particle Style/Dust Release?

I didn`t.

So the Naruto we are seeing now was purely because of my interference. What a monster I have created, and he would only continue to grow stronger as he learned to open more gates.

He can stay in the state of opening the fifth gates for days and could last nearly a day while fighting. No side effect except exhaustion could be noted till the fifth gate, even though he finds it difficult to maintain sage mode during it.

But I was fairly certain that would change as he opened more gates. Maybe he would be able to open all Eight Gates for few minutes without permanent injuries. That would be really overpowered.

The ground that was quaking uncontrollably finally stilled and that pulled me out of my musing. I quickly readied myself and I teleported beside Naruto.

"Good job, you didn`t even break a sweat." I said as I saw Naruto`s relaxed and unscratched body.

"Hehe.." Naruto lets out a cheeky laugh as he rubbed the back of his head, his face was a weird mixture of pride and embarrassment.

I then look towards Toneri`s unmoving body a few meters away that was nursed right in the middle of a huge crater that spread and thinned into cob web like cracks that span outwards till the eye can see.

'Ouch' I mentally winced as I imaged how much the punch would`ve hurt.

Then the whole place shook again and the moon was rapidly breaking apart, "Go, find the others and leave the moon before it is destroyed. I will take it from here." I said to Naruto.

He stared at me intently before he flash me his smile that seems to light up the dark space like the sun. He said "Good luck." before he ran along to find the others.

I watched as his form quickly disappeared into the distance. Then my eyes shifted to Toneri`s lying body, I could still feel the faintest heartbeat from him.

I slowly walk towards him as I change the Path of my puppet from the Deva Path to the Petra Path. I feel Toneri`s faint heartbeat quicken as I got closer and closer to him, telling me that he was still somewhat aware of the situation around him.

I stood beside his broken body that lays on the cold ground of the moon. The place would rumble and shake from time to time as the moon slowly but certainly falls apart.

"Lets see what you got." I said as I grabbed his head and began my procedure. First I began absorbing his chakra - which was more than I expected.

It took me more than ten minutes to completely absorb every drop of chakra from him. But finally I was done and he lays dead on the ground.

No more breaths. No more heartbeat. Just errie stilless that lacks life.

I feel numb.

He turned over a new leaf in the cannon...

He was good.





I push away whatever I was feeling into the darkest part of my heart and I continue my procedure and observations.

His chakra was potent and more powerful than others but there was nothing impressive except its huge quantity - which was roughly that of two tails even though he just had a fight.

This amount of chakra is not possible to obtain naturally even though he is of the Otsutsuki`s lineage so I think it is one of the effect of the Tenseigan.

I was expecting a Tenseigan chakra when I absorb it but what I was absorbing is really underwhelming. I guess the Tenseigan has the ability to bost normal chakra into Tenseigan chakra. Maybe like sage mode?

Anyways it was fine, what was really important was the strands of chakra that weave together with Toneri`s chakra.

The chakra of Hamura Otsutsuki.

Now I have the chakra of Hamura Otsutsuki and the only thing left was sending this chakra to my original body.

I approach Toneri`s corpse and spread open his eyes and sure enough it was not the Tensigan anymore, it was only Hanabi`s Byakugan.

I gouge them out of Toneri`s eye socket, put them in a container and teleported them to one of the Flying Thunder God`s mark back on earth. I was able to do this because of the huge amount of chakra I had after absorbing that much chakra from Toneri and also because it was a small/non living target. 

Next I changed the Path of my body again from Petra Path to the Human path and tear out Toneri`s soul before I devour it. I obtained all his memories as I did so and I get to learn some few interesting things like ;

To obtain the Tenseigan you need to fuse both the chakra of the direct descendants of Humara - which were the Otsutsukis of the moon - and the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan who were also a descendants of Hamura.

Like how it is needed to fuse Indra's chakra and Ashura'd chakra to obtain Rinnegan you need to fuse Hyuga`s Byakugan and the chakra of the direct descendants of Hamura.

But it's not any normal Byakugan nor a simple descendants of Hamura. Some special boxes are needed to be ticked but that was basically how you get the Tenseigan.

Pretty interesting information.

I shook my head to disperse my useless thoughts as I needed to focus on more important tasks.

I gathered all the Hamura`s chakra in my body - which I was able to do so with my perfect chakra control - before transferring them to my original body through the black receivers.

It was normally very difficult to so from afar but with my chakra control and mastery over the Rinnegan I was able to succeed in doing so.

There was also no blockage in the distance between the moon and Earth so the chakra was able to move in a linear path most of the time so that helps as well.

The moon was breaking more and more apart and I feel it shaking and rumbling from time to time while I transfer Hamura`s chakra to my original body.

After I was done I did not waste time before I quickly made my way towards the part of the moon where Toneri had split it in half.

After I reached it, I jump inside the opening between the moon and began falling down in that widening space.


Then I stopped when I reach the center of the moon. I was suspended in the space between the two halves of the moon as I quickly change the Path of my body from Human Path to the Deva Path again.

I brought both my palms together as a void in space appeared between them in the form of a black ball.

I poured every little drop of chakra residing in my body before I opened my trump card, 'The Strength of a Hundred Seal'.

It was something I had learned from Sakura and it was also a way I countered my insufficient chakra. I had put the seal in this body to store my chakra so I can keep controlling the body and not run out of chakra.

This is also the reason why my body did not explode after absorbing two tails worth of chakra, all the residue chakra always go to the seal to store for future use.

The seal located at my heart began spreading like a tattoo over my body as I feel all the chakra stored inside wash over me like a broken dam.

I put all the chakra into my jutsu until I used up all of the chakra inside the seal as well.

Space trembled as a the black ball in my palm reached absurd size, it was as big as my torso.


The fabrics of Space vibrated as I released the jutsu.

"Planetary Devastation/Chibaku Tensei."

Then the first thing the jutsu did was tear apart my current body and use it to further increase its power.

I have done my part.


[3rd POV]

An unstoppable universal attraction force pulled everything towards the pitch black orb, beckoning everything with mass towards it.

All the fragments of the celestial body was pulled towards it as the moon that was once split rejoined and mend itself.

It was a frightening display and it was even more frightening that a humanl was the one behind this phenomenon.

The pulling force of the technique was such that the fragments of the moon that were already falling towards Earth stop their advance and were pulled back by a stronger force towards the moon. The oceans back on Earth were also affected, causing tsunamis.

Then the phenomenon continued until the moon was fully whole again. A mortal had moved and restored the moon to its formal glory. 

Sasuke Uchiha returned the moon in its orbit.


Author : That would be all for this week.

If you have any question regarding the story.

[Ask here]

Anything at all, like

✓How was the Rinnegan able to transfer chakra from the moon to earth?

✓Is Sasuke stronger than Naruto?

✓Is Kaguya not on the moon? It was split so how did she no break free? etc..


Thanks for reading and see you next week.

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