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65.41% Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance / Chapter 153: CHAPTER 140 climbed

Capítulo 153: CHAPTER 140 climbed

"That's how it is."

 ""Power doesn't ask for permission; it commands respect." and "Strength is the ultimate conversation starter.""

Jin smirked deeply.

Whether it was a monster from a regular dungeon, or a monster from instant dungeons, the relationship with humans would go only as far.

'The strong will devour the weak. "With power comes the privilege to shape destiny."'

Jin agreed with that concept. Besides, he was urgently pressed for both the Entry Permits and the level-ups, so he wasn't planning to give up on either of those.


Jin glanced at Esil to his side.

He found her continued silence and the expression of dejection strange and asked her about it.

"I thought it'd be a good thing for your people if other clans were destroyed?"


"Didn't you say that demon clans are bitterly contesting with one another on the hierarchy or whatever?"

"Ah, that…. That is true. However…."

From here onwards, they were stepping into the territories of the superior Nobles.

If Jin failed in his conquest for some reason, then the fury of those superior Nobles would be directed in full towards her and her own clan. Esil was worried about that. 

Even though the power she had seen up until now paints a different painting. But still there is always some doubts lingering in her mind.  

Regardless of her worries, Jin spoke up confidently.

"I'll make your Radish Clan as the number one on the pecking order."

' Or you could just approach it with a different perspective than the only fake demon clan that there is.'

'….But, our clan is Radiru, you know.'

Esil could only complain meekly in her mind.

Soon, they would be stepping into the upper floor. Could a lone man manage to destroy the superior Nobles and their clans with nothing but his own powers?

'…..Eiii, I don't care anymore.'

She had taken on the task of being his guide, so all she had to do was to do her job properly. Esil decided to give up on sweating over it.

'Ah, I almost forgot….'

Still, there was this one thing she just had to ask.

"Excuse me, Jin-Woo…. sir"


Jin looked back at her.

Having witnessed Jin-Woo continuously destroy other demon clans so easily and completely eradicating every demon on each floor with some kind of magic, she found it pretty scary to meet his eyes anymore, so Esil quickly lowered her gaze to her feet and asked.

"Why did you spare my clan?"

Without a doubt, the Radiru Clan would never be able to oppose this man's quest. She knew her clan's military might the best, and now that she had witnessed Jin-Woo's true power, she was sure of this fact.

Even then, her Radiru clan emerged relatively unscathed from this merciless bloodthirsty man's onslaught. Why was that? She was really curious.

Jin-Woo was preparing for his final spell for this floor as it had become a regular part of his schedule, turn around to face Esil.

"Cuz I find you likeable."

'Or should I say I pity real you enough to do this'

Even though she was a monster, she knew when to surrender, she knew when to negotiate, and most importantly, offered up quite a bit of useful information, too.

After all not every detail was returned in LN like the locations of each castle on each floor.  And she had the appearance that was very pleasing to glance upon as I'm sure if it was a man he would be long dead. 

"P-p-pardon me?!"

Esil flinched grandly in surprise, and her neck rapidly dyed in a crimson colour. She stood on the spot hesitating as she fidgeted with her fingers in a clear fluster. 

But before she could speak Amidst the chaotic abyss of demonic figures, Jin stood tall, his eyes glowing with an ethereal light as he chanted an incantation. The very fabric of the magical world trembled in response, as if recognizing the imminent unleashing of a cataclysmic force. The atmosphere grew tense as an ominous energy swirled around Jin's outstretched hand, gathering into a pulsating sphere of darkness in the red sky.

With a fierce surge of mana, he thrust his hand forward, hurling the sphere into the heart of the demon-infested city. The sphere ignited with an eerie black glow as it hurtled towards its target. And with the surface tension it glows ever brighter turning into a huge burning ball.  

The deafening roar of the Black Meteorite spell echoed across the vast city floor of demons. Jin's eyes blazed with power as he channeled his mana into the spell, causing the skies to darken and crackle with energy. With a forceful gesture of his hand, he summoned a massive black meteor from the heavens above.

The meteor hurtled down with a velocity that defied nature, leaving a blazing trail of black flames in its wake. As it plummeted, the ground quaked beneath its impending impact. Demons scattered in all directions, their grotesque forms a blur of motion as panic and terror gripped all of them.

A moment of tense anticipation followed, the seconds stretching like eternity, before The meteor crashed into the city with a cataclysmic explosion. The ground shattered, buildings crumbled, and a maelstrom of debris and dust engulfed the area. The sheer force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the surroundings, toppling anything in its path and sweeping demons away like mere leaves in a storm.

Demonic shrieks and roars were drowned out by the sheer force of the explosion, swallowed by the abyss of darkness.

A deafening second explosion erupted, a blinding flash of darkness that devoured everything in its path. The earth trembled. 

Amidst the chaos, Jin held Esil tightly against him, his arms wrapped around her waist. Jin stood with Esil held securely in his arms. His body was surrounded by a symphony of protective barriers. Mana barriers flickered and shimmered, elemental barriers crackled with energy, and various defensive spells formed a layered fortress around them. The onslaught of destruction and heat hit the barriers with relentless force, causing some to shatter while others held steadfast against the fury of the meteor's aftermath.

Esil trembled in Jin's grasp, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and fear. The devastation before her was something she witnessed ever since she came with him but each it was a different way, 

Esil trembled as she witnessed the devastation wrought by the spell. Her heart raced, and she clung to Jin's form as if he was her only lifeline in the midst of the chaos. The world around them was a swirling tempest of destruction, yet Jin's presence and the protective spells he conjured provided a sanctuary amidst the turmoil.

a testament to the incredible power that Jin wielded. 

Notifications blinked in front of Jin's vision, each one confirming the demise of some rank of a demon. The satisfaction of knowing his enemies had been eliminated was overshadowed by the magnitude of destruction that surrounded them.

The messages of success were interspersed with images of demons dissolving into ash, their reign of terror ended by the overwhelming force of Jin's spell.

As the city floor burned and crumbled, Jin's determination remained unshaken.

Finally, as the echoes of destruction subsided and the dust began to settle, Jin eased his grip on Esil. The fiery tempest of devastation gave way to a smouldering wasteland. Heat waves rippled through the air, but the barriers he had woven still stood strong, shielding them from the aftermath.

With a heavy sigh, Jin looked down at Esil, his expression softening. "It's over now," he assured her, his voice gentle amidst the chaos that had surrounded them. 

Esil gazed back at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions - awe, gratitude, and a newfound respect for the power that stood before her.

As the heat bore down upon them, Their schedule had been affected by her being rooted to the spot like that, so Jin asked her to get a move on.

"Aren't you coming?"

Then, he glanced at the System message asking him which floor he'd like to go.

"If you don't get in now, we'll go back to the 80th floor, okay?"

"I-I'm sorry."

Her face still shocked deeply in fear, Esil hurriedly entered the magic circle.


However, she couldn't raise her head again even after arriving on the next floor.

They emerged in the next floor, far from the scorching heat and the destruction they had left behind. The contrast was stark – the new surroundings were serene and untouched by the chaos they had witnessed moments ago. Esil's trembling began to subside as she took in the peaceful scene around them.


The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling streets of South Korea. 

Esdeath and Jinha sat side by side in a sleek car, a day of exploration and shopping behind them. The car's interior was filled with a comfortable silence, punctuated by soft laughter and the occasional exchange of words.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the city, Jinha and Esdeath drove back home after a day filled with laughter, exploration, and shopping. The car hummed softly as it navigated through the streets of South Korea, the gentle breeze carrying the faint scent of street food.

"Ah, Jinha, you really know how to show someone a good time," Esdeath said with a chuckle, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jinha grinned. "Well, I had the best tour guide, after all."

The two women shared a hearty laugh, the camaraderie between them palpable. They had visited famous landmarks, marveled at the bustling markets, and even enjoyed the thrill of an amusement park. It was a day filled with shared experiences and precious memories.

"So, which place did you like the most?" Jinha asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

Esdeath turned her head to look at her sister-in-law, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Well, I must admit, the amusement park was quite the experience. Who knew I'd have such a blast on those rides?"

Jinha giggled. "I knew you would. You might be an Ice Queen, but you've got a soft spot for thrill rides, don't you?"

Esdeath playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, hush. Don't tell anyone about my secret weakness."

The two women shared a laugh, the sound bubbling through the car and blending with the cheerful atmosphere of the city around them. 

Esdeath adjusted her grip on the steering wheel, her gaze momentarily fixed on the road before turning to Jinha. "You know, I've been to many places, but South Korea has its own unique charm. I especially loved that traditional tea house we visited. The tranquility amidst the urban chaos was quite refreshing."

As they drove, they recounted the places they had visited – the stunning palaces, the bustling markets, and the breathtaking temples that seemed to touch the sky.

"Did you see the colors of those lanterns at the temple?" Jinha marveled. "It was like a sea of dreams."

Esdeath nodded in agreement. "And the architecture was so intricate. It's like stepping into another world."

Their conversation flowed seamlessly as they reminisced about the moments they had shared throughout the day. The shopping, of course, was a topic that couldn't be ignored. 

They exchanged stories of the clothes they had purchased, the accessories they had admired, and the little treasures they had found in hidden boutiques.

Jinha nodded in agreement. "Oh, and that street food! I've never had tteokbokki that delicious before. And those fish-shaped pastries... I think I could eat a hundred of them."

Esdeath chuckled. "You have quite the appetite, Jinha."

As they reminisced about the day's adventures, their conversation seamlessly flowed from one topic to another. They talked about the vibrant colors of the markets, the intricate architecture of the temples, and the exhilarating rides at the amusement park. It was as if their shared experiences had deepened their bond, making them feel like old friends.

Esdeath laughed, the sound light and melodious. "But I must say, nothing can replace love's cooking. I miss his dishes."

Jinha's expression softened, a hint of sadness touching her eyes. "Yeah, me too. It's been seven days since he left."

The atmosphere in the car shifted, a heavy silence falling between them. Both women shared a moment of quiet reflection, their thoughts turning to the one who was absent from their joyful day.

The radio softly played the familiar tune of "Let's Kill This Love" by BLACKPINK, filling the car with its energetic beats. Esdeath glanced at Jinha, her eyes filled with a mix of fondness and concern.

"I know we're having a great time, but... I can tell that you miss him," Esdeath said gently.

Jinha sighed, a wistful smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah. You know how Oppa is, always disappearing since he became a hunter. But he'll be back soon."

Esdeath nodded, her grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly. "I hope so. You know I miss him a lot and it's same for you."

Esdeath's voice softened. "He always managed to bring a smile to our faces, didn't he? His cooking, his humor... we miss all of it."

Jinha nodded, her gaze distant. "Yes, we do."

As the car continued down the road, the two women fell into a comfortable silence, the music from the radio providing a soothing backdrop. The city lights began to twinkle, casting a warm glow that illuminated their path.

"I guess we'll just have to keep ourselves busy until he returns," Esdeath said, breaking the quiet.

Jinha smirked, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Well, I did hear about a new karaoke bar that just opened. What do you say?"

Esdeath's eyes lit up, and she grinned. "Karaoke? You're on. But be prepared – I have a killer rendition of 'Let's Kill This Love.'"

Jinha laughed heartily. "I can't wait to hear it. Let's make some memories to share with him when Oppa is back."

"By the way, Esdeath-saeeonni, did you see those beautiful traditional hanboks and kimonos" Jinha asked with a playful smile.

Esdeath's eyes lit up. "Oh, I did! They were absolutely gorgeous. I was tempted to buy more for myself, but I thought I might look a bit out of place wearing it in the bug world."

Jinha burst into laughter. "Well, you'd certainly stand out. And many man would definitely had ogling on you, and that could have ended pretty bad for them"

Their laughter filled the car once again, a testament to the easygoing nature of their companionship. That they build while living alone in such a huge house knowing each other. 

And so, with laughter in their hearts and the city lights as their backdrop, Esdeath and Jinha continued their journey home. Amid the laughter and songs, they carried with them the anticipation of reuniting with the one who had captured their hearts.

Jinha offered a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Esdeath-saeeonni. I love you"

"Feelings mutual but still not more then Jin I still love him more much more" said Esdeath with very serious looks with eyes of some frantic.  

While Jinha looked at her and just smile as she had gotten used to her somewhat yandere personality when comes to her Oppa.  

The car's engine purred softly, carrying them back home. In their hearts, the shared hope for Jin's return burned brighter than ever, a beacon that illuminated the darkness of uncertainty.


Just as Esil had alluded to earlier, the difficulty of the quest rose up steeply from the 91th floor upwards. The levels and the number of monsters guarding each floor's castle were so much incomparably higher compared to the lower floors.

It wasn't as it was tough for him in fact it was opposite of that it was walk in the park he could just enjoy the fruit of his current sky-high Intelligence Stat – and his overwhelming MP that was used to hover near the max almost all the time, but now, with the overwhelming numbers of demons it fluctuated for few thousands points for next few seconds of the battle with every time there was a battle.

That showed just how many of his Shadow Soldiers were destroyed and had to be revived over and over again.

But stillit was just a fluke for Jin as with insen mana regeneration for him it was like taking a few drops of water out of a huge swimming pool that is constantly getting refilled simultaneously. 

And with the difficulty increased, two overpowered shadows Typhon and Guardian started to take a more direct approach, deciding to take much more active part in the battle, moving more bringing more destruction.

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