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7.14% Kumo-Tori! Spider and Chicken, so what! / Chapter 1: 1: Analyzing What It Means To Be Livestock

Capítulo 1: 1: Analyzing What It Means To Be Livestock

At one point in time, I remember hearing a similar story from Sotomura.

Somebody gets bit by a spider and becomes Spider-man overnight.

Disregarding how unrealistic sounding it was, perhaps it was relevant?

I was surrounded by darkness, and not only that, I was covered in a liquid-like substance.

Yeah... not feeling the super strength he described.

It feels more as if I'm a lab experiment in a villain's lair.

I tried lifting my arms but I couldn't feel any movement at all, escape seems nearly impossible. Am I in restraints and sedated right now?

The only possible person I can think of doing something like this is him.

Did that man send guards to throw a gas bomb in our classroom? Does that mean I am being taken back to the White Room or possibly there at this moment?

No, that idea is flawed. Gasses take a little time to set in, and I would've noticed not only the scent but the drowsiness. It's impossible for me, or anyone for that matter, to fall asleep that fast from a sedative gas.

There is no way he would try killing me, especially in a government school like ANHS. Not only would he have a hard time coming in, but a bomb is also something else since it was instantaneous.

I can also imagine sniper but quickly erased that thought. There are no buildings at a higher elevation within a clear shot of my seat in the general area of this classroom. It would be blatantly stupid to murder me in broad daylight, doing it at the dorm would be much more efficient.

I am considered his masterpiece and doubt he would end my life in the first place. All his progress would be for naught as he could pretty easily detain me after my years at this school were done.

Would his pride be hurt slightly that he couldn't remove a teenager, despite it being me, before then? I can imagine it. Still wouldn't make any sense how he equated that killing me would be the solution.

Thinking about it more, I'm alive, or at least I believe I am. I feel the liquid around me so I have one of my senses still, just dulled. I'm stationary right now, so them dragging me currently is also inaccurate.

I feel my eyes fluttering open and closed at my will somewhat too, but I can't see anything. Is this an abnormally dark enclosure I currently am in?

After sitting for just a little while longer, I tried squirming again.

I'm definitely on a sedative of sorts because I feel little at all. However, seeing as my senses picked up on nothing before, clearly shows it's wearing off.

I just have to be patient until I get freer movement. Little by little I got more control over my body, mainly my head and neck muscles. My limbs felt limp still and wouldn't be of much use at the moment.

Deciding I can at least try feeling the material I'm trapped inside of, I banged my head on the wall that was close than expected.

It wasn't metal, glass, wood, or plastic, it felt natural almost. Not only that, it hardly shook and even chipped away slightly, giving in a little light from outside. I lost my vision for a short while and had to close my eyes due to the blinding light.

The wall was thin, thin enough and weak enough that I could break it with a head butt with some ease.

The most concerning piece of information wasn't that I was trapped or what material was, it was my head in general.

When I thought I would hit my forehead on the wall, I felt the pressure on my mouth and nose region. I had to wiggle my head back slightly because whatever was protruding from my face got caught in the weak wall. Did they install a muzzle on my head? Why?

I once again gave another hit, close to where I believed the other hole was opened, feeling pressure on the muzzle part like before. I kept slamming it against the wall until I felt the whole thing I was in, crack violently and tip over. Just realized I could hear, I fell on a hard surface with a thud, freed from the goo.

I tried opening my eyes and was met with a huge cave, ceilings reaching many times my height. It was completely empty, a tunnel going down and splitting here and there in all directions. Caves are not this big from what I remember and this one is seemingly endless.

I began standing up, my legs semi-listening and once I was about fully upright, I collapsed again

I began standing up, my legs semi-listening and once I was about fully upright, I collapsed again. No good for now...

In my peripheral, I can see what I thought was the muzzle but was a beak. Or maybe a beaked-shaped muzzle, who knows?

Just right after, I noticed my body. It was wet, probably from the slime liquid but either way...

Humans don't have feathers.

Feathers, and a beak... Was I a bird? I need to inspect my legs upon standing again, and where I came from to confirm it.

If I was one, what type? How?

I realized one more thing. I couldn't move my eyeballs, they were locked in place.

I attempted standing, moving my legs in alternating positions, and as soon as I did so, I moved my entire head, looking down at my legs. Those are bird feet alright, yellow ones at that. Putting my head in its original position again, a glimpse of where I came from was directly behind me. A white egg, cracked in half.

Am I a chicken...?

From my knowledge of them, despite never seeing one in real life, that's how I felt

From my knowledge of them, despite never seeing one in real life, that's how I felt. Yellowish, due to the yok that I was inside of, with a lack of feathers at hatching is one of the signs. The white eggshell, and orangeish-yellow feet too.

The main giveaway was the eyes as well. I believe I remember reading about them having 300-degree vision, which would explain why I couldn't see my tail when looking forward. My eyelids closed from the bottom up, a singular one on each eye. The beak is a dead give away I'm a type of bird.

Now, I'm not certain I am a chicken, I could be another bird, but I guess I would be fully able to tell when time passes.

The worrying thing is, where was my mother if I was a bird? Why was I in a cave? What if she doesn't come back? I highly doubt a chicken could live in a cave, so I'm assuming I was dropped here? They need a comfortable spot to lay, and stone is not one of them from what I am aware of. Did a human who had fertilized eggs wander around in this cave system and happen to leave one? If they dropped it, I may not have existed.

Wait, how did I become a chicken in the first place?

Was it through reincarnation, something mentioned in a good portion of cultures? That would mean I did indeed die in that classroom.

Strange it was lightning quick but it's in the past now. I suppose it would be a better use of time to focus on what to eat.

I'm not aware of the specifics on how long a newly born chicken can go without food and water, but I think it'd be in my best interest to search right away.

Perhaps this cave has plants in it?

I looked at the eggshell head-on this time and sighed mentally. The inside of the chicken egg has plenty of nutrients... Should I eat the goo I was in?

I stepped close, bent my head down, and started drinking. I kept my beak in it, trying to suction it up how someone would a straw but then I realized chickens drink in a different manner.

I scooped some up with my beak, tilted my head up quickly and swallowed then repeated the process. The texture and taste were unsavory but it's not the worst thing I've had.

This movement will take a little while to get used to and at least it didn't make me dizzy as I hypothesize it would.

Without a doubt, I am a bird type of bird and if I'm a chicken, that's dangerous. Extremely dangerous. I'm food and prey to nearly any animal besides rats at my full size. At my stature right now, I might be fair game for even a hamster.

What do I even eat in this cave if there are no plants or seeds, a chicken's primary diet?

Do I have to hunt? How can a chicken hunt?

Does a chicken even have the correct skills to hunt?

" Currently you have 100 skill points.

The skill 『Hunt LV1』 can be acquired by spending 100 skill points.

Do you want to acquire it? "

What the...

Did I hear a voice in my head, what is this?

Skill points and Hunt Level One?

This reminds me of a game Ike and Yamauchi always talked about back at the beginning of the year. They screamed random things about games where you level up fighting monsters and downloadable H-games, whatever that meant, were on there too when they attempted to sell the consoles to me after the first month.

Does that mean monsters exist here and from that, I can conclude I'm not on earth?

Seems not only far-fetched but unlikely. I'd like to say I'm hallucinating from the stress of becoming a chicken and hearing a voice but it was too realistic.

Anyways, Voice-san, are there any other options besides Hunt Level One?

There has to be, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't be listed as skill points being available.

" Currently you have 100 skill points.

These are the skills available to you currently:

『Appraisal LV1: 50』『Detection LV1: 100』『Magic Power Perception LV1: 100』『Magic Power Operation LV1: 100』『Vision Enhancement LV1: 100』『Prediction LV1: 100』『Arithmetic Processing LV1: 50』『Memory LV1: 50』『Hunt LV1: 100』『Eggs Lv1:50』"

A lot of interesting things just popped up. Not only was it listed, I saw a wall of text to go through. Not everything costs the same amount of points some less than others possibly because of the weaker effects. The question is, would it prove useful to gather two 50-point skills versus a 100-point one?

Well, let's assume and make some conclusions and categorize them.

Memory and Arithmetic Processing seem somewhat useless, I can do both just fine anyways.

Prediction is intriguing, but I'm not sure how strong the effect is. I'd like to believe I could do something similar without it, but it's one to keep in mind.

There's also an Evil Eye category? Everything is locked in it though...

I'm sure there are more skills than just these shown ones, but how come only this is locked, but visible still?

Hm, this is something to keep in mind.

The evil eyes sound a bit moronic but at least their name somewhat provides an explanation already. None of them seem particularly useful besides charming. I can lure animals in and kill them since their guard is done. Once again though, I doubt the strength of its effects, especially at level one.

The other evil eyes should be manageable just by me staring at them. Well, when I was human that is. Not sure if a puffy yellow chick can appear scary like that.

In general, the evil eye's actual effect could cause the prey to flee or go on a rampage so not very useful in the first place

In general, the evil eye's actual effect could cause the prey to flee or go on a rampage so not very useful in the first place.

Magic power perception and magic power operation most likely go hand in hand. This really is another world if it has magic in it and I am awfully curious about its functions. I need 200 skill points overall to use them and one is useless without the other, a bad first choice.

Now, vision enhancement can be useful, but detection seems as if it would be covering a broad amount of things. Everything else is specified, such as vision, magic, and evil eyes. Detection is left broad so hopefully, it would cover not only presence sensing but other senses as well.

Detection is the best choice out of all those so far.

Moving on to the last three, there are Appraisal, Hunt, and Eggs.

Appraisal, by definition, means the act of assessing someone or something. It might be a great way to get information about this place and anything else I could see. 

This is a new world, so perhaps there are different plants and animals. Maybe appraisal could tell me if they are poisonous or not? It would be level one, and while I don't know if there is a maximum level, it still is the weakest. How it works at first might be useless.

Hunt can possibly help me catch food but do I really need it? If it doesn't raise my abilities and just provides me with information to catch game, it's unnecessary. I'm sure I can figure it out myself.

As for Eggs, I'm unsure how it would work. I'm guessing it means I lay an egg.

That thought disturbs me, and if that's the case, am I female?

I bent my head down, rotating it slightly, and stared between the chicken legs I had and saw nothing.

Wait, male chickens don't have them in the first place. I can't necessarily tell till I grow up then. I'm sure this means I lay an egg.

The top 3 are Detection, Appraisal, and Eggs.

All are non-combat oriented and two are information designed. The other one, I haven't a clue about besides it being a normal thing a chicken does.

Voice-san, Acquire Eggs.

" 『Eggs LV1』 was acquired. Remaining skill points: 50 "

The biggest risk but perhaps the most useful at the moment. It might be frowned upon that a former human is doing this but...

I'm going to lay an egg.

Then eat it.

The drawbacks besides it being disgusting could be slight insufficient nutrients but it will lengthen the time before dying from starvation.

I highly doubt a chick can survive hunting things even if someone like me is in its mind.

Caves aren't well known for having plants in them either.

The best thing to do is grow up slightly more so I'm a bit more of an appropriate size to kill things. Until then I need to live off my own eggs.

If you're wondering why you believe I could lay them when I just hatched, It's due to the actual skill existing. I might instantly get this skill when I grow up so if it gives me the choice to lay it now, I get it now. Makes sense?

I'm hoping it works otherwise it was a waste of points. I haven't confirmed yet how to earn them either, so it was overall risky.

Anyways, I have 50 skill points left so, Voice-san, acquire Appraisal.

" 『Appraisal LV1』 was acquired. Remaining skill point 0 "

This should be useful for information gathering as previously mentioned. I felt the need to get it now instead of saving up for something later, as currently, I am weak and know nothing of this place.

Survival is the top priority but I should try to learn more about my whereabouts as well.

The question is, how do I use it? It didn't come with an instruction manual. Looking at the nearby stone, I held out one of my wings, making contact with it, and said,


In my head of course.

Close to a second after, the same voice I heard before bluntly stated,

" Rock "

I can clearly see that. If this wasn't a Level One skill I might be re-evaluating my decision more so than I am already.

Readjusting my position, I dropped my wing to my side, looked at the stone again, and same as before, used appraisal.

" Rock "

So it works for a distance and contact with it is unnecessary, good.

I waddled over to my previous cage and appraised it.

" Egg Shell "

I appraised the floor by it.

" Ground "

I appraised the cave wall a couple of meters away from me.

" Wall "

Last but not least, I appraised myself, curious about my actual species.

" Chicken "

It's confirmed.

I was reincarnated as a chicken.

Kiyo's Current Information:

Species: Chicken

Level: 1

Stats (Not Known yet):

HP: 3

MP: 2

Yellow SP: 4

Red SP: 4

Offense: 4

Defense: 2

Magic: 1

Resistance: 1

Speed: 3

Known Skills:

Appraisal LV1

Eggs LV1



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