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22.22% Honoured One of Young Justice / Chapter 4: 3 Interrogted by Thighs, Stripes and Bats

Capítulo 4: 3 Interrogted by Thighs, Stripes and Bats

[Unknown, Unknown July 5 2010]

- -MC's POV--

"when you said I was going to be tied up by Wonder Woman's lasso, I definitely was not expecting this," I said to the three core members of the Justice League who were currently 'interrogating' me for answers with Wonder Woman tying me with her Lasso of Truth, Batman asking the questions and Superman on standby if anything unpredictable happens.

Batman just glared harder at my statement and Superman shook his head, Wonder Woman was just oblivious to it all and continued to hold the rope with no change in expression.

"Name: Gojo Satoru. Age: 16. Ethnicity: Japanese. Current habitation: Gotham City. Current Occupation: Unemployed. Recently, began a series of multiple muggings against civilians, local thieves and gangs even going as far as to assault their members whether it be for a personal grudge, for fun or for 'justice', unknown," Batman began to recite my files, which I think must be a way to shock me or get a reaction.

"Is this all correct?" Batman asked knowing the lasso will compel me to tell the truth so I reply with a simple 'yes' though it seems he was not satisfied as he followed up with, "Gojo Satoru, are you a meta and if so what are your abilities."

"~I am not a meta, though it probably looks like it~" my response seemed to have peaked his curiosity and paranoia so he nodded his head as a sign to continue, '~I am a jujustu sorcerer~'

"...I've heard of them though I thought they had long since died off since the Heian era of feudal Japan," Batman muttered thinking to himself.

" this is what the system meant when it said the world would adapt to my presence," I thought smiling inwardly at this "I wonder what cursed techniques they had used..."

"A sorcerer? What is this 'jujustu' doctrine of magic," this time it was Wonder Woman that spoke up, she as a character well versed in magic and the like so she was intrigued by the mention of the word 'sorcerer'

"~Jujustu sorcerers differ from the street magicians or homo magus, the power we use comes from the concept of negativity or to so to speak we draw out power from the negative emotions of the world~" I spoke while flaring up my cursed energy and coating it around my body for all to see.

'Truthfully so this whole act of mine I had rehearsed for the entirety of this year when I wasn't out stealing from people, beating up training dummies (criminals) and buying sweets'

"…Interesting I truly feel the slight malice in this energy around you," Wonder Woman spoke at the sight of it.

"Does using negative emotions as your source of power come with adverse side effects?" Batman asked

"~None that I know of~," I replied

"You say these 'Jujustu sorcerers' are able to draw their power from negative emotions and what can they do with this?" Superman queried, speaking for the first time since the start of this questioning.

"~With the application of cursed energy as I call it we are able reach levels of superhuman strength, durability, speed and stamina, overall a pretty good deal - no?~"

"And what about your other abilities that you demonstrated?" Batman asked

'Innate techniques…when a jujustu sorcerer reaches new heights they are able to tap into the hidden powers called innate techniques,' I answered

"...So what exactly is your 'innate technique'?" Wonder Woman asked with interest and anticipation.

At this question I just smirked and activated infinity separating the rope from my body which alerted all three of them but to their confusion I just stretched out my hand with my palm and fingers out wide.

"~Try and touch my hands~" I said challengingly to them.

My grin could not be any wider hoping for one of them to step up.

From the quietness of the situation Superman stepped up, and brought his hand forward to touch mine but was stopped by an invisible force just a few centimetres away from my own.

"-What?" he questions trying to move his hand forward to no avail, you could perceive the perplexion on his face and his struggle as he tried to push his hand forward, 'A barrier?'.

"~my technique - limitless - allows me to warp and distort space to my will...~" the evitable shock was present on their face and I could vividly see the clocks turning in Batman's head as he also reached out his hand

"...You don't mean..," his hand 'met' mine, possible trying to cross the distance that kept our two hands at bay from one another.

'~...this is the infinity between you and me,~' the evitable shock was present on their face and I could vividly see the contingency plans being made inside Batman's head only to be met with nothing.

"~See? We could touch hands right now~" My fingers touched his then interlocked, "come on you're making me shy now that I'm the only one being so forward Batman~" I brought my other hand covering my face and acted as if I was blushing.

'I can just feel one of those anime vein tics manifest itself on his forehead if his gaze was anything to go by'

"...And how long can you maintain this technique?" Superman asked.

"~I'd say half an hour maybe 45 minutes, give or take~" I answered, faking my time limit.

I picked up the lasso once again but what they didn't know was that I still maintained infinity at a almost atomic level so they could perceive the fact that my skin and the rope weren't in contact

An almost perfect play on the joke 'atoms never touched so officer I did kill that man'

'Hehehe All according to keikaku,' the Light Yagami like smile had extended itself across my face internally, 'This is my perfect victory!'

'My real time limit would be one hour and a half and if I pushed myself an extra 5 minutes sprinkled on top - though we can change through regular training sessions'

" this why you cover your eyes with those bandages?" Wonder Woman questioned still in awe of my ability

"~hmmmm...truthfully its because my eyes are so beautiful that I shield them away from the world...what a cruel fate. Can you imagine how many heart broken ladies were devastated when they heard this news...countless~" I cried in fake tears about my depressing story. I've truly lived such a hard life though it seemed like Batman did not share in my sentiment because his glare only got even more overbearing than before.

"What of the two separate attacks you used and demonstrated in your battle," Batman probed more in an attempt to find the scope of my abilities and take control of the situation

"~Infinity exists everywhere so you can imagine that if my jujustu can bring forth infinity into existence it can also converge and diverge it. [Blue] being the divergence, an attractive force, while [Red] being convergence, a repulsive force~"

"...Gojo, your abilities...are powerful to say the least...and we can allow you to go without at the very minimum 24 hour supervision under a trusted watchful eye," Superman starts after a good full minute of silence.

"But we can offer you a second option to this - an alternative,' Batman continues," ...we are currently in preparation of secret co-op team that will specialise in undercover mission that the justice league can not undertake...for obvious reasons."

"~And you want me to join this team?~ I knowingly asked.

"Yes...while your 'past issues' are problematic, if you can use your abilities to help the people of this world and bring hope they can be excused," Batman replied swiftly like a shady businessman trying to sell you faulty products at your door.

"We can also provide you with free accommodation, food water and anything you could hope to need." Wonder Woman like a real estate agent added up benefits I could receive expertly

"Eh? "I felt my confusion bubble up and overarch over my previous calmness, "~Aren't you forgetting something?~"

Superman seemed to catch on instantly to what I wanted as he showed a knowing grin, 'Superman, this is why you're my favourite superhero.'

"I understand what you really want Gojo.. of course we will ensure that you receive access to a proper education after you accept our offer."

"Huh? I'm talking about pay, cause there's no way I being sent out there without a good enough salary, "I reasoned, 'If I'm gonna be someone's hunting dog, I'm not doing it out the kindness of my heart, I'm doing it for the bills."

"O-of course, we also have the necessary means to provide you with funds," Superman sheepishly stated before secretly turning to the dark knight with suggesting eyes

'Ha, Batman being peer pressured into loading a teenager up with money - something you don't see everyday,'

Batman sighed as an announcement of confirmation then turned to me, "Can we take that as confirmation of you accepting our offer?"

"~well, I can make time out of my relatively free schedule and join this project spy kids team - sounds like fun to me but I'm curious... what would happen if I refuse both?"

My cursed energy began to spill out, a malevolent force was felt in every crevice of the room. Forming a raging flame of evil to envelop me

All three of them felt the weight of my words as if gravity for each one of them had increased by an infinite fold.

Each of their bodies tenses ready to fight at a moment's notice but just as soon as they were ready to counter I swallowed back my aura and assumed a carefree smile

"Just kidding," I chortled, "Like I would refuse such an interesting offer where do I sign up~?" My current behaviour betrayed my previous actions in their eyes

Even with his composed act he had now taken on, Batman couldn't hide the single bead of sweat running down his face.

What he definitely wasn't trying to hide was the searing glare he was giving me

' feels like he's about to throw a batarang right through my skull,' I held in my laugh while avoiding the stare the Bat gave as he bored into my head.

"Refrain from doing that again," He finally spoke, his thoughts shared with Supes and WW whilst they shot me both relieved and annoyed faces

'Nice first impression?' I questioned but even my mini me's were dumbfounded by my stupidity

With Batman signalling to follow, I chucked back the rope to Wonder Woman and  casually strode behind the backs of the three pinnacles of heroism


--3rd Person POV--

[Mount Justice, Happy Harbour Rhode Island July 4 2010]

"...this cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League and your new base of operation," Batman began his speech to the team, "we are calling it into services once more because it seems you four are determined to remain together and fight the good fight.. though you'll do it on league terms" Batman paced back and forth like drill sergeant weighing up the new batch of recruits.

"Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor while Black Canary shall be in charge of your combat training - I will deploy you on missions."

"Real missions?" Robin asked, slight hint of accusing laced in his tone.

"Yes...real missions but covert," Batman replied without missing a beat.

"Of course the league will still handle the obvious more public stuff, there's a reason we have these big targets on our chest," Flash interjected pointing to the lightning symbol on his chest.

"but CADMUS proves the bad guys have gotten smarter so Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly," Aquaman adds on.

"and the six of you will be that team,' Batman finishes.

"Awesome! -wait, six of us?" Kid Flash askes confused, counting the number here, "oh! we also have that blind guy...but who else?"

And right on cue a pair emerged from the shadows in the corner surprising them. Accompanying the tall, green skinned Martian Manhunter was an equally as green if not lighter younger Martian.

Her hair a type of auburn ginger the type you would find painted onto an autumn leaf, her eyes mimicked the colour of her hair though differed a bit with the tints of red embedded within. Adorned with a short sleaved cream T-shirt, a blue skirt and a cerulean cape on back wrapped around her neck. That along with her rosy lips and chiselled features was already enough for her to pass as a recognisable beauty.

"this is the Martian-manhunter's niece, Miss Martian," Batman introduced her.

"Hi," she sheepishly greeted.

Kid Flash nudged Robin with a knowing look whispering, "I'm liking this gig more and more every minute," he rushed up to Miss Martian with a welcoming smile, "Ah w-welcome aboard, I'm Kid Flash *cough* the cool one - Superboy, Robin and Aqualad. Its cool if you forget their names." he gestured to them before turning his attention back to her.

"I am honoured to be included," she politely replied but before Wally could continue (one sidedly) flirting with Miss Martian he heard the dreaded voice.

"~hm?! Kid Flash who is that woman? Was it lie when you said my smile was the brightest in the world? Do you not remember last night? Was it all a lie, a joke~" a distressed voice sounded from next to Flash - startling the speedster.

A tall white-haired teen who's eyes were covered in bandages, dressed in baggy ocean blue trousers, a white shirt and brown shirt cried mourningfully with his head tilted to the sky and right hand holding his forehead as if he was holding back tears. In his left hand he held a big duffel bag, its contents remained a mystery to us all.

The scene began to click in the heads of everyone and they all questioned in their head about when he had gotten here and why so suddenly but for two, the white haired teenager's presence distressed one while causing the other to laugh controllably.

"n-no he's just messing! He's just messing, I'm 100% straight - to the bone dude! I barely even know this guy!" Wally backed away like a criminal caught right in the act

"hahaha Wally you're not helping yourself," Robin chuckled.

"~Let's go home Wally for you have a really special violin practice with me. Today I'll have you master 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'~" Gojo smirked at this conforming his tone into that of a seductress.

"STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" Wally yelled, his eyes glaring daggers at Gojo, almost ready to zoom up to him and swing.

Gojo just ignored his shouting and walked closer to Miss Martian to introduce himself like nothing just happened.

"~Gojo Satoru, nice to meet you~" he greeted.

"Miss Martian, thank you for welcoming me, I hope we get along well," she replied curtly with a childish smile on her face.

"~Likewise~" Gojo returned the smile with one of his own.

"Dude, it seems like pretty boy is taking his shot and it's working," Robin nudged Kid who didn't need even one more second to intrude in the conversation.

"Don't mind him, he's new in this expertise so you can rely on me to show you around," Wally flirtingly interrupted.

Gojo turned to Batman who is the process of zeta tubing out of the base and called out to him,

"~Can you get them made for me? It'll really help out after all bandages aren't really my style~" Gojo said to him only to get a simple nod in response from the bat as he walked through along with Flash, Robin, Kid, Manhunter, Canary, Aqualad, Tornado and Aquaman.

This left only Miss Martian, Gojo and Superboy in the base to make conversation and get to know each other.

Gojo wrapped his arm around Superboy, smiling at him with eyes full of mischief,

"~So Superboy wanna explore the building with me~" he asked but the clone was clearly still angry with Gojo and shrugged him off his shoulder.

His expression painted with annoyance as he stormed to bedroom area of the base.

"~must be puberty - well that along with the giant pole up his ass~" Gojo announced. He asssumed the 'thinker' position and his expression was dead serious as if what he said was absolutely correct, "~…so Miss Martian, you wanna explore with me~". He brought his face close to hers while talking making her blush a subtle green and forcing her into a little daze.

"Huh? Oh yeah sure!" She said floating over to where he was, "also you can call me my Martian name M'gann or my Earth name Megan!" she said cheerfully.

"~Sure, should we start~" he asked equally as cheerful.

"Let's go!" She walked beside him as they went to look around…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- -Gojo POV- -

After saying goodnight to M'gann and of course out very special but mildly grumpy Superboy, I went to my chosen bedroom to rest.

I jumped on to my bed and allowed it's cushioning to swallow me whole in its sweetness.

"I've really done it , I've reached the starting point of this fucked up world. I know I should be scared. Fearful of what's to come but my excitement can't stop rising. Everytime I'm out there fighting, seeing how far I've come, my heart tenses, and I feel the rush of adrenaline course through my veins

Its so exhilarating, going from the boring ways of the average to one that was blessed. I don't know if anyone would experience this situation the way I would. But more than this - this love for fighting - I love the feeling of absolute strength, fearless in everything and all I can envision is myself standing on top in every scenario" I raise my open hand to the top of ceiling and smile at my own naive yet arrogant thoughts, 'I guess, life here in DC wasn't so bad after all..'



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