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16.66% Honoured One of Young Justice / Chapter 3: 2 The Cadmus Project

Capítulo 3: 2 The Cadmus Project

[Gotham City, USA July 4 2010]

- - 3rd Person's POV - -

A white haired teenager flickered onto the top of a tall Gotham building. His eyes and forehead were bandaged by white cloth, his hair spiked up and his face adorned with a cheeky smile. He wore a dark purple zipped up jacket that covered the entirety of his neck. Even with his eyes covered, it could not hide the traces of mischief that emanated from him

His overall appearance was rather bizarre even to the citizens of a city's who's protector was a man dressing as a bat. This, coupled with his constant teleportation through the city could shock any sane person.

"~hehe seems like todays the day~ "he spoke, flickering away again as if he was just a figment of a persons imagination.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Gotham City Central Park July 4 2010]

"Boy Wonder? The bat sent you to bring me to Arkham? Frankly, I have to say I'm a little underwhelmed," spoke Mr Freeze, the frost from his ray gun permeated through the air. He stood before what could only be described as 'human popsicles'

"Great and all but I'm kinda in a hurry," Robin replies as if bored by this whole confrontation.

"Kids...Always in a rush these days..," speaks Mr Freeze, he charges up his freeze ray ready to fire at the Boy Wonder.

"Not talking to you..," Robin replies gazing upwards, alerting Mr Freeze who almost at once realised what organised trap he had caught himself in causing him to turn around and come face to face with the Dark Knight.

If Freeze was just a moment faster he would have blocked the fist caving into his face...


[Star City Bridge, Star City July 4 2010

"I'm telling you now that this little distraction better not interfere too much," a hot tempered Speedy speaks to Green Arrow while they rain down arrows on Junior, dodging the ice hurled at them.

Junior raises an ice barrier which is instantly destroyed by Green Arrow's explosive arrow. Speedy the flipped into the air - avoiding the ice pelted at him - and shot an arrow at Junior, knocking him out

"haha Kid had a glass jaw I guess?" Green Arrow spoke as he landed on the ground.

"Hilarious... now can we get moving, after all today's the day.."


[Pearl Harbour, USA. July 4 2010

Killer Frost shot out ferocious beams of ice and snow freezing Aquaman in place, rendering him temporarily immobile while Caldur - Aqualad pushed on with the assault.

After making quick work of his ice prison, Aquaman spoke, "Don't tell me you are not excited for today's upcoming events."

"Right now my King, I am focusing on the task at hand," Aquald replies swiftly while taking on their combatant. Killer Frost froze his water-bearers but Aqualad uses his decisive decision making to use the frozen stump of frost to smash the villainesses' head - like a true advocate of gender equality.

"Well.." askes Aquaman expecting an answer.

"...yes I am excited after all today's the day..." he replies, clearly full of anticipation that he does not show outwardly.


[Central City Square, USA July 4 2010]

The two speedsters - Kid Flash and The Flash - were running circles around Captain Cold as the villain shot his freeze ray aimlessly as if he were a anima in the dark.

"Stealing ice? Seriously? Isn't that a bit cliché even for you Cold," Flash taunts Cold at his strange organised heist that he had prepared.

"Come onnn," Kid Flash rushes in just narrowly dodging Cold's ray blast and stealing his gun. And before the villain had any hope of retaliating Flash knocks him out cold for the day.

"Calm down kid," Flash replies with an exasperated expression showing that this clearly wasn't the first time he's seen his sidekick's 'eagerness'

"oh please, you'll chat it up with police, reporters, civilians and even with Cold. No. Today's the day.."


[Hall of Justice, Washington DC July 4 2013

* 10 minutes after the team were told to stay put cause I aint writing allat*

The sounds of Robin hacking into the supercomputer was heard throughout the room until it was finally silence by a voice,

[Recognised… Access Granted] The computer sounded to notify of the breech to the group

"Woah dude, how'd you do that?," Kid flash asked inquisitively to Robin.

"Same schematics as Batman's computer, all the practice finally came in handy," Robin replies smugly grinning, "andddd there… Project Cadmus, genetics lab right here in Dc and a place that Batmans had its eye on for a while. That's all… but maybe since Batmans suspicious we should… you know investigate."

"Then what are we waiting for dudes, let's go and bust some bad guys," Flash practically jumping off joy at this statement

"They told us to stay put and that is what we shall do, I shall follow the orders of my liege," Aqualad combats.

"Dude, don't think of this as us breaking the rules, think of it as… us proving to them we're ready," Kid Flash interrupts, trying to coax Aqualad into coming.

"Yeah, us stopping the bad guys before they do , proving them wrong," Robin adds on.

"It would be poetic justice, but still they said stay he-,"

"For the blotting out the sun mission not this," Robin cuts him off.

"Wait a-are you going Cadmus, cause if you're going, I'm going," Kid Flash grins and begins to look at Aqualad.

"Just like that - we're a team on a mission," Aqualad speaks after the silence.

"We didn't come here for a play date," Robin says as all three of them begin to smirk…


[Cadmus Labs- Underground Levels, Washington DC July 4 2010]

"…they're engineering an army, but for who?" said Kid Flash gazing the different types - the different species of genomorphs. It was like a Pokédex for these weapons of mass destruction or an Argos catalogue

"And they're completely off the grid as well, thanks to those bio-electric ones, "pointing to the capsulised creatures producing electricity.

"-Wait there's something...Project... Project KR. Ughh I can't get anything from it -the file's too encrypt-,"

"Stop right there!" A male voice rang through the room as the hissing and growling from the devil-like animals followed after,"...Wait Robin, Aqualad...Kid flash. What are you doing here?"

"-I know you, Guardian... a hero," Aqualad announces to the group

"I try to do my best," Guardian replies, smirking while crossing his arms. You could just see the pride for his role as a 'hero' radiate off of him in folds.

"Then what are you doing here then? Helping the bad guys build super ugly weapons," Kid Flash shouts out.

"Weapons? Bad gu-!" He grunts out in pain, grabbing onto both sides of his head while the horns of the creature on his arm glow red, "- ATTACK THEM." The borderline bi polar switch between Guardians tone and attitude towards them startled them,

The battle ensues without warning causing Robin to grapple to the roof escaping for the elevator leaving Kid and Aqualad to fend off enemies while fleeing. Aqualad uses his strength to bat away the creatures while activating his bio-electricity to stun the outliers while Wally zooms past the rest and delivers quick blows at them - knocking them out.

And as Caldur enters the elevator, Kid skids into it hitting the wall, quickly closing the door behind him to avoid their capture.

"Dude, thanks for the help and ALSO out is up," Kid points to the rapidly ascending number of floors plastered at the top.

"Excuse me? Project KR is on level 52, we're investigating it," Robin replies heatedly.

"Ok that's it I'm calling the league," Aqualad presses the distress call button on his belt but there was no answer," What?"

"Seems like we're on our own for now," said Wally zooming out of the now opened door. They faced a catacomb of slime, mucus and egg-like substances which felt unpleasant to the human eye itself.

"First let me just say - gross," Kid noted disgustedly by the whole scenery which seemed to be taken staright out of child's icky nightmare.

"It isn't exactly a tourist destination," joked Robin as he began hacking the system.

"HALT!" a bluish silver skinned genomorph with a Sensei Wu goatee and beard walked out of the shadows. His build was taller, more skinny and up straight in comparison to the many other genomorphs seen in their investigation, "You trespassers shall not pass." He telekinectically sent two exploding barrels at them.

'Is that a Gandalf reference or something...?' Robin said dodging the explosives sending out batarangs to combat this - but they were easily stopped in the air by the genomorph. Though it distracted him enough for the team to run to the gate, "he definitely fits the part, minus the whole glowiing horns things.."

It was at this moment Desmond, Guardian and a few genomorphs got out and rushed to where they had gone demanding answers through their questioning stares.

"They went in the direction of Project Kr," the wise old genomorph states already predicting their thought patterns.

That was all Desmond, Guardian and gigantic genos needed to go rushing in the aforementioned path given to them.

The team hurry past a circular set of doors in which Robin hacks into the system and locks them to prevent further entry.

"haaaah... we're safe, nice," Robin sighs in relief, happy for the breather.

"uhhh... guys you might want to see this," Kid Flash exclaims like a cliche movie character.


The team stares at a pod containing a tall, broad-shouldered teenage in bright white one piece clothing with a red symbol adorned on top. He seemed to be asleep at the moment with his body lying in status and his breathing rate akin to someone in a coma

"That's... the symbol of Krypton and doesn't h-he look just like-," Kid starts but is swiftly interrupted by Robin.

"Project KR... a clone of... Superman. Currently being provide yellow sun energy for nutrients and stable growth while also being provided information from the geno-gnomes up top," Kid and Aqualad stare in disbelief and horror at the sudden shocking facts that were just revealed," A clone force grown in 16 weeks, from DNA acquired from Superm-."

"-Stolen from Superman," Aqualad corrects Robin.

"...they're making a weapon out of basically - well... Superman's son," Kid comments watching the clone with saddening eyes, "...this is wrong." His once jokester attitude replaced with a more sombre atmosphere.

"We have to set him free," Robin says adding on.

"Set him free. Do it," Aquald says in a firm tone, at which Robin complies. He hacks the system bringing the clone out of status and just as soon as he does a voice appears right next to him...

"~I wouldn't do that if was you~,"....

{Short ad break}


Robin jumps at the voice and flips away, sending some explosives at it.

Coming out of it unscathed - as if the black never touched him, the voice speaks once more to the team,

"~Now-now is that anyway to treat someone you just met~," his whole figure was in full view of the team. A tall, lean white haired teenage wearing white bandages around his eyes and a dark purple jacket came out of the smoke. He carried with his being a green bag stuffed to the brim with sweets and other nice pastries from across town.

"Who are you? And what are you intentions?" says Aqualad getting into battle stance.

"~Gojo Satoru - strongest jujustu sorcerer at your service~," said Gojo in a playful tone waving his hands around in a jazzy fashion, "~hmmm, and I have come here to… chew ass and eat gum~"

"You sure you said that right?" Robin asks jokingly

"~Positive~" Gojo said in a stern tone

"Got ya," Robin changed his manner to a more firm one after answering, "Now riddle me this, How did you get here? Don't even try and use the excuse you lost your guide dog and ended up wondering down here all by yourself."

Gojo ignoring the obvious blind joke answered, "~I just happened to be nearby and got curious about what was happening~."

"Yeah right like anyone would believe that! If that's the truth then good old Gotham is a safe haven paradise," Wally said but quickly received a quick elbow from Robin, "Rob he's probably working with Cadmus, let's grab both him and the clone and hope the league will know what to do with them!"

"~Ok first of all, why the hell would I be working with Cadmus, do I seriously seen that suspicious~?!" Gojo said with a disgruntled expression but all he received was a resounding 'YES' from the group, "~haaah, well I guess I wouldn't trust a rando who just appeared next to you so good job on stranger danger kids!~" he says giving a thumbs up.

The team became even more puzzled by their new arrival and his 'behaviour' even more.

"~Well it doesn't really matter if you listen to me right now or not...since it's too late anyway~" Gojo says totally not in an ominous voice but not before clapping his hands together and vanishing away like a mirage.

"Huh? Where'd he g-?!," Wally tries to get out but is knocked down by the clone who's angrily growling and roaring like a wild beast. Aqualad is the first to react and goes to punch the clone with a right hook but it brute forces it way through by back-fisting him onto the ground like a sack of potatoes

It violently hits Aqualad against his jaw and cheeks, absolutely dominating Lad (IN THE FIGHT) and getting on top him to continue its onslaught

Robin comes to Aqualads aid by exploding a gas bomb in Superboys mouth allowing the mildly injured Aqualad to kick the clone back away

The clone quickly stands back up but now the team are prepared; Robin tasers him while the now recovered Kid flash goes in for a punch but the clone quickly pulled the taser cable and swings Robin into Kid Flash - sending them flying into the glass containment capsules

Gojo, who was spectating on the sidelines recording the whole dilemma, teleports to catch them and drops them down roughly on the concrete floor,

"Owwww... a little gentler next time also a little help would be nice, blindfold," Kid speaks while wincing in pain. He watches as Aqualad is sent into another glass capsule by the raging

"~Maybe next time don't get your ass beat so fast and give me time to actually help~" Gojo replies tauntingly hoping for a reaction which he certainly gets from the annoyed expression on Kid's face, "~Anyway I guess I could help you out after all - I'm the strongest.~" He says cooly but inside he's fangirling around that he got to say the line.

The clone rushes in at Gojo causing dust to fly but as soon as it settles all that is left is something very shocking to all in viewing vicinity.

The clone was on all fours while Gojo sat on top of him, smiling smugly. Gojo chucks his shopping bag to the now standing, Robin

"~hmmm I thought you would be more interesting...'Superboy~," Superboy goes for the punch after escaping but Gojo easily evades, spinning around around it, grabbing his arm and throwing Superboy into the air, "~...but I guess you will fall like everyone else~,"

'I totally nailed that line,' Gojo said internally, smiling at the weirdness of his current life.


Instantly a blue force appeared in Gojo's hand stretching out to Superboy allowing Gojo to deliver a punch to Superboy's gut, sending him flying. But even as the clone was embedded nicely into the wall like a perfectly fitting puzzle, it wasnt done...

It basically flew at Gojo, putting both its hands together to slam down on Gojo's head but when the strike got close to Gojo it stopped just a few centimetres stopped as if it had never even started in the first place. The clone was befuddled to say the least.

"~The look on your face is priceless,~" Gojo chuckled, "you got a face that really says "damn he really about to rock my-" *bitchslap* Gojo slaps Superboy with full force leaving a red mark on the clone's face

"~My lawyer has advised me not to continue that sentence for this PG 12 show," Gojo just did not let up because straight after that humiliating blow he delivered the signature, "FLYING SPINNY KICK!" This shot the clone away like a bullet - knocking him out leaving the group in shock,

'Did he… just put Superman's clone in a coma,' Kid thought to himself not knowing his thoughts coincided with what the other two were thinking.

This scene can only be described as Gojo 'rocking Superboy's ass'.

"Woah, dude... that was hardcore," Kid says after the 1 minute silence for Superboy's future dignity

"~Yep now send me money via my PayPal and we can get moving, "Gojo speaks as he picks up Superboy with ease and puts the unconscious clone of his shoulder while taking back the bag from Robin.

"WAIT! Dude, we barely just met you, we don't know what exactly you want and you expect us act like you didn't just wreck THE MAN OF STEEL'S CLONE," Kid jumps in

"I would have to agree with Kid Flash, do you really expect us to trust you," Aqualad adds on

"~Ok right now, I can give you some heartfelt speech about how you guys should learn to trust me which will eventually end up into a will they-won't they go with him and end up wasting precious time or we can do this the easy way and work towards a common goal of getting the hell out of here and then ask questions because I can see some bad guys waiting outside for us who probably, most likely wanna pod us, so what will it be?~ ," Gojo answers with his signature smile.

"One minute while we discuss this," Wally says turning towards Rob and Lad , whispering, "I don't trust him."

"KP, whether we trust him or we don't trust him, you saw the way he took out Superman's clone," Robin responded, "I'm going to take a wild guess and say we can't take him."

"Robin is right, he has more than enough power to take the three of us down not to mention he has had multiple opportunities to put us down but did not take them. I believe we should follow him," Aqualad reasoned

"Am I the only one reading between the lines here?! Like one moment they're treating you kindly like their own son, then after they leave you in the middle of desert to surprise your father and then they're killing your dad in front of you and sending a bunch of hyenas to hunt y-!" Kid is cut off after going on a long and confusing rant.

"I knew you've been watching too much lion king!" Robin says in realisation

"It's a cinematic masterpie-!" Kid tries to get out but is interrupted once again by Aqualad who seems to be annoyed.

"We are diverging away from the main topic!" Aqualad says but quickly composes himself, "We have no other choice but to trust him." He declares to the reluctance of Wally.

"Ok so we have decided to trust you," Kid announces turning around to face Gojo who's blowing a bubble of gum looking around with a bored expression

"~Finally! Because from what I see, even the bad guys are getting impatient~," he says walking towards them

"See?" Robin interjects.

"~Yeah see.~"Gojo answers

"Why the blindfold? For the theatrics or something?" Robin replies quickly, trying to get a feel of Gojo's mannerisms, personality and gestures.

"~Because my eyes are too beautiful to be seen by you people~." Gojo answers, dead serious to which the group could only deadpan.

He begins to walk to the locked door "~hmmmm….stand back, I don't want any of you getting hurt otherise your parents are gonna get mad at me~."

Gojo then is engulfed in a blue energy which he begins to focus on his right arm. He enters a state of great concentration and focus before finally a ripple in the air could be felt, then pulses of scarlet rip through the air

[Black Flash]

Streaks of red and black lightning course through the air emitting itself between the point of contact between Gojos fist and the locked door only to be extinguished just before the moment of impact

"Still not there yet I guess maybe soon," he muttered solemnly a contrast to his previous crude behaviour

So whilst Gojo contemplated what he must have done wrong he forced the team to fall on their heads in confusion at what was all dramatics he performed

"Guess I'll do it the old fashioned way~!" He infused cursed energy wuthout the hope of a black flash and unlike the last confrontation the door was sent spiralling over the shocked yet relieved Desmond, Guardian and Grandpa Genonome.

Their faces very soon contorted into confusion but for Desmond, that too was replaced quickly with outrage which he soon voiced out.

"YOU?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO PROJECT KR?!"! his exclaimed, he was shortly responded to by Gojo.

"~Took him down- quite easily at that if I may say... guess the project you so dearly planned and created was just so-so~," Desmond's gaze feel upon the blindfolded teen.

"HUH?! WHO ARE YOU?! YOUR ARE NOT IN OUR DATABASES!" he screeched out only for him to catch full view of Superboy being carried by Gojo.

"~me?~,' Gojo crossed his arms and a unknown breeze wafted through the catacomb which fluttered his spiked hair, "~well I'm just a guy who's a thie- *cough* hero for fun!"

He has stretched out in presentation and he looked at everyone with an expectant gaze as if looking for praise.

An uncomfortably palpable silence watched over the room until it was broken by Kid making a comment,

"uhhh sure dude - can you just do that super cool lightning attack again,"

"~No, because I have something cooler, how 'bout this?~" He dropped Superboy 'gently' onto the ground onto the ground before slapping him constantly around the face.

Everyone was shocked by Gojo's behaviour, while the team of teens started to think their new 'teammate' was crazy.

"-that's it! I have had enough of your childish games, G-TROLLS, ATTACK," the goliath like monsters stomped to where they lay, while Desmond ran off shouting to Guardian, 'Guardian! Keep them busy, I need to retrieve something from the lab!'

"Oh not you don-!" Robin started but was promptly stopped by the Grandpa Geno who shot out the explosive barrels once more, leaving Robin left to doge.

"Whatever you are planning to do, please make it fast," Aqualad spoke to Gojo while bringing out his water bearers to attack the G-Trolls.

"...One minute," he continued to slap Superboy until he woke in a rage but Gojo quickly pacified him with a slap,"~Listen, Superboy...I know I just beat the living hell out of and I know you've been in a pod your whole life but think about it this way if we win this and escape you not only get to explore the outside and all it has to other but you also get to see the one and only Superman so how bout it help out a little bit?~" Superboy began to suppress his anger at the mention of Superman and then spoke.

"" he spoke finally after a bit of reluctance.

"-heck yeah dude! You're practically his son anyway," Kid butted in.

"-But we can only do that if we escape," Robin adds.

"," he says after a few seconds of of deliberation standing up, readying himself for battle.

'wow I'm really surprised that half-assed speech worked, maybe I'm just that charming when it comes to persuasion,' Gojo flattered himself in his head before thinking of something... interesting to say the least

Gojo picks Superboy up and throws him at the G-Trolls.

"I CHOOSE YOU, SUPERBOY!" he shouts pointing at the enemies, "USE...RAGE!"

Superboy - who had recovered from the throw quickly - had his rage at the maximum limit after Gojo's antics began to take out his anger on the constant flood of genomes surrounding him.

"hahahaha dude, did you see his face," Kid laughed as he zoomed around Grandpa Geno - trying to divert his attention while Robin snuck behind.

Aqualad used his Atlantean physique to his advantage by pummelling the mind-controlled Guardian with his fist though more elegantly than Superboy.

"..AHHHHH!" Superboy roared as he finished the remainder of trolls before turning his gaze to Gojo, though with their earlier fight clear in his head he reluctantly abandoned the idea of punching Gojo's very punchable face.

Robin managed to rope up Grandpa Geno with his grappler leaving Kid to deliver a sucker punch straight to his jaw. And Aqualad kicked Guardian against the walls, knocking him out cold.

The four of them grinned at their achievement while Kid, Robin and Aqualad shared a fist bump before the nice atmosphere was disrupted by chewing beside them.

"Eh? You guys finally done? Took you long enough," said Gojo biting into a jam-filled doughnut glazed with sugar.

Kid was drooling, they had been running around all day in this facility fighting off bad guys and what not and had no rest at all, so this sweetness filled pastry would certainly make him salivate at the mouth.

Gojo continued to eat the doughnut savouring every bite with a taunting glint in his eyes, pitying Kid. He finished it and the team pushed on.

They ran forward to where the lead scientist, Desmond went and began to climb the elevator shaft clouded in scarlet light from the emergency alarms which definitely didn't add to the ominous feeling of the area.

Robin grappled up to the middle level of the elevator shaft realising he had run out of rope to go further while Kid utilised his super speed to run off to where Robin was.

Superboy grabbed Aqualad and attempted to fly to the top but soon began to descend down - a rude awakening to Superboy of his lack of 'Supermanly' abilities. Luckily Kid managed to speed towards them saving them from a near fatal incident.

"Superman can fly…why can't I?" Superboy questioned himself with confusion and shock in his eyes. His former raging self took a back seat for a short while.

"...Don't know but you van leap over tall building in like what...a single jump! That's still cool," Kid says trying to cheer up the sulking Superboy

" it seems like we forgot someone," Aqualad chimes in making all four of them look down for Gojo. While Kid looks down the shaft looking for him he hears a voice close to his ear,

"~what you looking for down there?~" Gojo whispered shocking everyone, Robin was even getting ready to attack with some more batarangs - again - but realised who it was.

He had his hand on his head flatly as if looking for something and his back bent downwards.

"Dude! Stop doing that!" Kid yelled as he also jumped almost falling down the shaft, " -wait did you just teleport?"

"~maybe~" he shrugged before turning to Robin, "can you hack these doors and make them open or do I have to do everything myself?"

"Way ahead of you," he pushes a few keys on his holographic keyboard opening up the elevator door and they all went through.

- - Robins POV - -

'Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes and durability as well as electrokinesis or 'black flash' as he calls it. Furthermore, teleportation and the attractive force he emitted in his fight against Superboy, Batmans definitely not going to like this.

A powerful unidentified super that we still don't know the true motive of, I can just imagine Batmans blood pressure rising…'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - 3rd POV - -

The team ran to the hallway leading to upper levels but when they turned the corner they were faced with a horde of genos. The clicks, growls and screeching from the creatures all indicated signs of hostile intent.

This scenario forced the team to turn the other way around in the direction of the other staircases where more of them crowded the stairwell.

" I GOT IT!" Kid bolted through them sending the creatures flying all around, allowing the team to go upwards, still being closely pursued.

" SUPERB-!" Aqualad exclaims only to be interrupted.

"-I'M ON IT!" he lifts his foot, stomping down the ground - destroying the bottom stairwell when the creatures got close.

The Genos were pelted all the way down to bottom level leaving only the satisfied face of Superboy who was marvelling at his work.

"DUDE! HURRY UP!" Kid says, wanting to get out of this place already but with one glare from Superboy he shut up, "...or not."

Hordes upon hordes of genos chased after them - an entire army full of mindless beasts following one command - fight. It was shocking that this one hidden lab had the funding, scientific research and genetics prowess to make such a crowd, it made one think, who are the real people behind this front?

What came from the horde was a brown haired pony-tailed scientist wearing the usual standard white lab coat though what he carried was what caught the eyes of the team.

A vile carrying blueish black liquid with the name BLOCKBUSTER SERUM taped to its body. If this was not enough to alert the team, then it was the crazed eyes of Desmond's, eyes that you would find on a madman, one willing to risk everything for his cause and as he spoke you could feel his condescending tone and desperate voice oozing out of his mouth,


"HEY-!" Kid tried to say but was shortly ignored.


"~well that doesn't look good~" Gojo says smiling at this for some unknown reason.

"you think?" Robin replies to his nonsensical statement.

"Well slmeone had to be Captain Obvious," He shrugged before readying himself for whatever this crazed man would throw at them

His skin morphed into a ghoulish blue similar to that of a zombie and his figure bulked and twisted, into an amalgamation - a monster seen only in wives' tales. The tearing of his muscles and his agonised screams echoed through the hallway. And what was left was neither man nor beast with the only semblance of his past self being his deranged yet resilient eyes.

He then stood revealing a blue goliath with a hunched back and ripped clothes covering his face roaring at his transformation.

The silence was blood curdling until it was swiftly broken by the Superboy's own roars as he charged at the monster. He was soon meant by a hand to the face, grabbing hold of his head.

The monster - still holding Superboy's face - launched itself to ceiling, breaking through all the way to the ground floor of CADMUS.

"Well that's one way to bust through the ceiling" Robin announced, simply to no one, shooting his grappler to the top

"You think he planned that?" Kid asked, hitching a ride on Robin.

"I don't believe he's planning anything right now," Aqualad replies about to climb but feels a hand on his shoulder which he turns to, to find Gojo smiling at him.

"~Enough talk... hold on and let's go!~" he clasps his hands together and the two appear next to Robin and Kid pulling themselves up from the rubble.

"...That was quite a nauseating feeling," Aqualad speaks through the wave of sickness he was feeling.

"~well be proud, you survived. You're lucky you didn't turn into a slushie of blood and guts after all you were the first beta tester of my transport~" Gojo says in a cheery voice even though the news he just delivered was horrific, "~...of course I'm kidding though...*cough* somewhat~"

Aqualad breathed a sigh of relief not hearing the last part of Gojo's sentence.

"Guys, focus!" Robin screamed as a flying Superboy came hurdling towards them only to be dodged by Robin, Kid and Gojo but manage to hit Aqualad and send the both of them flying back.

Kid and Robin helped them get back on their feet and thus the stare down of their lives began.

"..Gojo do you think you can take him along with Superboy ?" Aqualad asked to their blindfolded friend but was cut off

"~Take them along with SuperWeak over there? Nah I could do it all by myself dont you forget what I said so quickly - I'm the Strongest!" They all were overwhelmed by such undisguised flaunted arrogance that it almsot put them at a loss for words and caused the clone to grit his teeth in anger at the insult


--Gojo POV--

'I probably sound so badass to them (he doesn't), now this is the start to my badassery crusade'

I stretched my legs while pondering on the year I had spent in Gotham, running my own fight club, honing my skills, stealing from 'innocent' civilians (can't really be innocent if you're from Gotham after all), the thugs and muggers that were literally every where.

Like you can't even walk outside for some fresh air without being stopped by some muggers but that's a separate case

There's something seriously wrong with that place I swear but NO MORE. I'm done...And It was all for this - my debut and start of my DC checklist:

- say 'because I'm Gojo Satoru' whenever the chance arises

- say all the badass anime and tv show lines I know

- always find a chance to flex my abilities

- find an absolutely loaded big titty milf to enjoy a comfortable life slacking and trolling people

- travel and sightsee the world

- slap Lex Luthor's bald head (other bald heads are optional)

- punch the Man of Steel

- destroy Superboy (IN A FIGHT)

- say it was all part of my plan when someone thinks it was all part of my plan

- get tied up by Wonder Woman and maybe tie double W myself

- jump Clarion and Vandal

- add some more stuff to the list

...Not much yet but I'll fill it up with more stuff later on but for now...the fight."


Desmond came charging at me arms open as if wanting to grapple onto my body but I grabbed onto his shoulder - deactivating infinity due to the stress and coating my body with cursed energy - flipped and twisted myself onto his outstretched arm and using my newfound strength snapped it upwards and jumped off, listening to the sounds of Desmond's pained screams which were quickly stifled when I ran up and proceeded to back fist then punch into his upper torso sending him flying.

He stood up - arm already healed thanks to his increased regenerative ability - with low pitched growls and snarls laughing at the fact he took no damage but that's when it hit him or should I say the divergent fist hit him.

(You see Divergent fist, born from Itadori's bad habits is when, put simply, broken when you have fully mastered it along with its advantageous 'delay effect' or 'hidden combo'. This allows us through the decisive use of CE to deliver a hidden second of third blow to the enemy which will ultimately shock them for a good 2-3 seconds, but you may be thinking, '2-3 seconds, what can you do in that little time?' and I will answer it my dear reader... a lot as for someone of high calibre or skill, even a nanosecond wasted on hesitation or shock can decide the fate of a single battle.)

With the delayed blows landed, I rushed in for the next assault or if I'm lucky - the last. I sent a divergent fist once again to his forearms giving me some more time to charge up CE.

Through his pain, Desmond through a punch to my side which I easily negated with my infinity activated once more but not before I then sent a kick to his arm and then a straight jab to his face and rib area and a knee to his solar plexus and finishing palm strike to his chin..

"~BRUTALITY!~ " my sweet voice echoed as he was sent into wall a few meters back - unrelated, but GOD I love this voice.

'The Justice League are going to arrive soon so I gotta put this to a close sadly,' I undid some of the bandages surrounding my eyes and channelled the CE around. Even Desmond knew this was final move so he roared and ran. His pace quickened with each step and when he got into the 10 meter range he jumped into the air ready to rain down a barrage of punches.

"AHHHHH!" it screeched but when it got closer it saw something, a small tiny red orb, one that you could fit easily in the palm of your hand but what alerted him was the constant vacuum air it consumed like a black hole, it was sucking in everything in its vicinity except from the one pointing it at the tip of his finger, Gojo.


The scarlet touch of the light that emitted itself from Gojos finger tips at Desmond and fully engulfed his figure, you could see the fear in his eyes as he was swallowed inside. To him all colours of the outside were erased and all he will ever know until now is Red

But the nothing happened to little Desmond as the ominously devouring red simply faded and the world resumed its usual spectrum of colour

"~hehe You fell for it, I still cant do shit red cause I suck at RCT, idiot!~" I reared an explosive blue infused uppercut into his chin which flung him through all the leftover pillars of the building and past the ceiling.

He was flung so high into the sky he became a mere speck of black in it, but that was until even the sky rejected his existence striking him down into the ground leaving a large crater.

With the close of battle the building after barely hanging on collapsed around the team and what arose from the ashes was silence

"...Dude! That was awesome!" Kid said zooming over and wrapping his hand of my shoulders. even though I didn't look it I was completely exhausted after all, that previous fight was see how far I had come since last year and this time I would have top agree with Kid... I was awesome, ' you were like [insert Wally sound effects] and then the other guy was like {insert more Wally sound effects] then you did the red beam thing that was like [Wally sounds] and you sent him flying!'

"~hehe yes...praise me more, raise my ego~" I laughed while saying this and tightened up my bandages around my eyes and forehead as I was already starting to get a headache.

"Like where did you come from actually?!" Kid asked, "Also what was red beam you shot out as well and the way you beat that guy was also super cool!"

"I think you got your first number one fan," Robin jokingly said gesturing to the fangirling Kid Flash

"Dude, you can't tell you don't want to know though," Kid replied

"I would have to agree with Kid here, I am also very curious on the extent of your abilities, Gojo," Aqualad began to speak up as well while Superboy just turned his head in reluctance to show he's also very curious.

"~well I would tell you all about it but if you look up, the man of steel is flying towards so I'll save it for later~" I said pointing to the glowing moon where a caped man in spandex flew just in view - I had already noticed his presence a while ago.

It took a few seconds before everything clicked and they watched as he descended to the ground,

"See it's Superman , boy do we keep our promises," Kid said to Superboy but the clone was too enraptured by Superman's entrance that he did not give ant attention to the speedster.

As Superman landed, the sight of other heroes came into view of the team, heroes such as Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Green Lantern (John Stewart) Martian Manhunter, Shazam, Zatara, Black Canary and other heroes I couldn't be bothered to name.

'Though of the many the ones that really caught the eye were the core three: Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman, with Batman as soon as he landed, his glare could be felt surveying every detail of you from your appearance to gestures to your very expressions. It was, to say the least, intimidating to most...if not counting me because of the few personality traits I took from Gojo Satoru, I have become more desensitised, cold...more apathetic and it really put a lot of my old fears in perspective and broke them down to their core elements then utterly decimated them and spread their ashes to the wind'

One could say without I would not have lasted so long in that hellish place known as Gotham with its prostitutes, gangs, murderers and psychopaths that walk its streets everyday without these emotions or lack there of.

Batman and Superman walked closer towards us and Superboy walked closer as well, revealing the Krypton symbol of his ragged light intake suit.

"Is that..." Batman began but didn't continue, probably calculating all possible variables until he arrived at the most logical but also the most insane, 'Is that what I think it is..'

"...He doesn't like being called an 'it'.." Kid announced to Batman

"I am Superman's clone!" Superboy declared, turning his head to Superman, looking for some form of acceptance from the man of steel but there was none to be found. Only confusion and shock which quickly transformed to that of contemplation, seriousness, frustration and a hint of anger, - all these emotions could be felt from his face.

While the rest of the heroes were in shock at this revelation, with their mouths wide open and everything.

Batman's gaze observed Superboy before turning to me and analysing then to Robin, probably to gather quick info on me, which he responded to with natural yet weird signals that could mean anything.

"...Start talking, all of you..." he said also looking at the team then especially me

'So this is how my journey begins in this world...'


* Your Favourite Honoured Writer *

Sorry there was a lot of actual Young justice dialogue but I needed it to get a good grasp of the current characters' personalities, also I know how in a lot of DC fanfics, authors like to allow their main characters to have Batman's d!ck in their mouth constantly and I hate that as much as most of you so I'll have my MC take their own path where he's not overly aggressive against him like in others while also not glazing.

Also, I'm too lazy to word check this chapter today because it's so long so I'll do it if I see some mistakes later on

Also also do you think I should save Wally later on, comment your response please :)

[A/N* Finally edited and rewrote this chapter*]



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