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It is honestly embarrassing how encoded into mind it is for a modern-day earthling to automatically reach for their phone in response to boredom, well at least those privileged enough which I just so happened to use to be.

I say this because that habit seems to have remained with me, as for the 5th time since I woke up this morning, I yet again reach in my pocket for something that wasn't there.

This world was interesting, to say the least. There existed floating islands and complex flying ships, yet no devices for entertainment. Honestly, it seemed entertainment in of itself is lacking here. It's so weird how a world can both be so futuristic yet at the same time so medieval.

I lamented this as I got back on the ground, finishing the last couple of pushups I had failed to do previously. Not in this life nor the last had I really dedicated myself to any sort of workout. The only time I got any exercise was from the sports I use to play in High school.

"3" I could feel the strain on my arms as I pushed hard against the Earth below me, pushing my body up in return.

I felt as if even though I don't necessarily know what I should be doing, or what I wanted to do in this world, I should at least get started in a direction that could not do anything but help me.

This world as I've come to think, had elements of two anime I had watched before. Those being "Otome Games Are Tough For Mobs" and "In a Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter."

My memory of both was a little fuzzy and I didn't even realize the latter world was present until I matched up my name and face to my ability.

"6" I pushed for the last time, my arms throbbing and begging for my surrender. I knew I was done after that when as soon as I struggled my way up my arms gave out and I fell on my face. "Ow."

Rolling over on my back I wiped the dirt off my face and looked up at the trees blocking the sun.

The area I was in was forested and very abundant in greenery. The reason I chose it was that it was fairly separated yet close to the mansion and it was quiet. 'Let's just hope no bugs decide to jump out.' I thought as I worriedly scanned my environment for the umpteenth time.

"Shit!" I exclaimed before some newfound strength entered my arms and I pushed myself up and began running back home.

That bitch of an ex-wife my father had was coming today and I had completely forgotten.

Running inside I noticed I still had time as even Alice wasn't completely dressed.

My bath was quick and I was clothed in my best garments just in time before the door was opened and the crude and irritating voice of that wench had already begun making me nauseous.

"Oh Felix, how useless of a man you are. I've been standing here for an entire 10 seconds. What kind of noble can't even hire servants, it is truly an embarrassment that I once married such a dunce."

A woman with purple hair tied up in an overly flamboyant way, blue eyes, and a face decorated with far too much makeup made her way into the house. Her clothes too spoke of one who was simply trying too hard as she wore expensive-looking jewels in places that just didn't make sense.

Behind her two children entered into the house. One was a plump boy with golden blonde hair. Similar to his bitch of a mother his face was morphed into a frown as his large and engorged stomach puffed out.

The other was a purple-haired girl who similar to her mother held the same piercing blue eyes. She was actually quite attractive but it was wrong to let that deceive you.

Even more than both her mother and brother, the girl wore a sinister smirk that promised trouble.

"Ah yes Agatha, I apologize I was making sure everything was spotless for your visit." My father bowed pathetically before annoyingly going to help the woman with her jacket.

"Do not slather your filth on my clothes! You could not even hope to repay me if it is to be tarnished." The woman like a banshee roared.

"SORRY!" My father squealed like a pig and unfortunately, I couldn't help but wish I was unrelated to the man.

Finally deciding to come down the stairs me, my mother and my sister all began greeting them.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't little Alice and Noir." Agatha said with a glint in her eyes. She had only given a small snort to my mother not even saying anything. I couldn't tell what exactly it was but she seemed to be a bit scared of my mother.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Layman." We said in unison with a small bow.

"The offspring of this useless man, poor you for such a tragic upbringing."

'This bitch!' I'm sure I managed to keep my frustration away from my face and instead adopted an emotionless expression.

"Truly a pity Mother." The bitch's daughter spoke up at that moment. "I guess it is true the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

'Oh, this bitch.' My gaze turned to the purple-haired wench.

"Evelyn, it is nice to see you again." I regretfully made no sign of dissatisfaction.

"Hmph." The girl just raised her head as if she was too good to look at me.

"Now then run off children, I need to speak with Felix." I was pleasantly surprised at that. I didn't wanna be in her presence longer than I had to and so I was quick to bow and depart with Alice.

As it seemed, however, not all the annoyances were gone as the two siblings were quick to follow.

"Not even going to guide your guest, I guess it is true when Mother said you were both as much of trash as your father," Evelyn spoke when they turned the corner.

To that we both stood silent, both lacking the energy to even entertain her.

"Hehe, your dad is really fat and stupid." The kid with more fat than the three of us combined said idiotically.

"This way." I sighed and guided them to one of the rooms at the end of the hallway.

"Hmm, is that the way you should address your betters?" Evelyn scowled but followed nonetheless when she noticed I didn't stop.

Soon enough we were in a meeting room sitting across from each other sipping on tea as the sibling pair continued insulting us.

That lasted until the pork-bellied boy passed out likely from eating too much of the tea snacks and Alice excused herself to the bathroom.

"Boy, why don't you make yourself useful and refill my cup." Evelyn with her feet up on the table spoke again.

This time though it seemed unable to contain my dissatisfaction.

"I don't get it. What makes you think you're better than me." I spoke flatly.

"Huh, are you seriously asking that? Is it not obvious." She responded sounding more amused than anything.

It was amazing how even though she was of the same age as me, she could be so immature.

"Well for one, my father is a Viscount, while yours is a Baron. My family is rich and you don't even have servants. My-."

"Stop there." She was going to continue but I stopped her. "I asked what makes you think YOU'RE better than me? So far you've been listing your family's achievements."

"You yourself are just a brat. You've done nothing with your life up til now. The only way you can survive is through your father's power. The only way you exist is by being your father's daughter."

I took a breath before continuing. "The daughter of a Viscount, that is all you are, who you are as an individual is something no one not even those you torment care for."

For a good minute, Evelyn stood slack-jawed failing to make any noise.

"Why you… trash." She tried hard but failed miserably to come up with a suitable insult.

"Wow, even your insults aren't worth much… Viscount's daughter." I snickered.

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to like that?" Instead of acting as an intelligent being, Evelyn acted out in violence and attempted to slap me.

I may have been weak currently, but I wasn't gonna lose to some 12-year-old girl who probably hadn't even picked up anything heavier than a teacup.

My left hand caught the one she tried to hit me with and my right made contact with her cheek as a sharp sound reverberated.

"Y-you bastard." The girl with tears in her eyes held her cheek that I had just hit.

"What? You can dish it out but can't take it."

"Arghhh." She grunts in irritation and begins to stand up.

"Let me guess you're going to go complain to your mommy. Go ahead prove me right. Show me that you really are nothing but a noble's daughter." Admittedly I was a bit scared that she actually would, but my words seemed to make her sit down.

Afterward, Alice came back in and looked a little confused at the situation.

For the remaining time, Evelyn sat with her head down as she was lost in thought. Finally, after around an hour, we were called back.

"Well then, I will be back soon. And Felix, make sure you prepare him.

With that said she looked at me with a smile, but it turned into a small frown when she looked at Evelyn.

"What happened to your cheek?"

Those words made me freeze. 'Shit.'

"I fell." Unlike what I expected she didn't snitch on me.

"On what. No never mind, let's just get going." Agatha was about to say something but just decided against it and herded them out the door.

A sigh of relief came out of us all when the door closed.

If one thing came from this annoyance it was a new resolution of sorts. Staying as weak as I was now would only result in more suffering, I had the means to free myself and it would be horrendous to not use them.

What my father told me next only served to further that goal.

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