"Oh?" Henry's mood eased when he heard the good news. He had been so busy with work that he lost his sense of time. He didn't realize that it had been a week since Kate left.
All he remembered was that he felt very lonely without seeing her and kept video calling her each night, just to see her lovely beauty before surrendering himself on his bed.
"Have you booked my flight, Mai?" Henry asked.
"Yes, Sir. I've booked your flight to Canada. All you need to do is to go to the airport before ten, because your flight will be at eleven sharp."
"Got it," Henry nodded. He was happy he could finally ditch this bitch in that frozen wasteland after enduring her bullshit for a whole week. She had been so insufferable that Henry wished he could throw her out of the window and let her die like a squashed rat.
But, of course, this was the perfect opportunity to bait Erin.
Please check out CEO's Billion Dollar BabyMomma!
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