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43.75% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 111: Vs. Erika

Capítulo 111: Vs. Erika

Ash stood on the opposite side of the field as Erika stood on the other, one of the girls stood in the middle to serve as the referee.

Brock, Misty, and Yellow went up to the bleachers as did every other girl that wanted to watch Erika battle.

Ash put one arm over another as he started stretching, "You sure you're not going to fall asleep."

"Haven't fallen asleep during a battle yet" Erika said, stretching her arms behind her back before getting back into a stance.

The girl in the middle raised her arm, "An official gym battle between Gym leader Erika and the challenger Ash. Each person is allowed 5 Pokemon each and only the challenger can switch out his Pokemon. Also, the field will have permanent harsh sunlight."


Both Erika and Ash threw out their first Pokemon, Erika released Tangela and Ash sent out Nidorino. Tangela had a stone hidden in her vines and it looked like Nidorino had something in his mouth. Then spotlights turned on and started shining on the field effectively creating a sunny day.

Ash spoke up first, "You know the plan Stealth Rock then Toxic Spikes"

"Tangela stop him with Sleep Powder."

Tangela shot spores as Nidorino was charging up the hazards he was about to shoot out, but Tangela was faster so Nidorino started to breathe in the spores and started falling over until he bit down on the Lum Berry he had in his mouth letting him get back to his feet.

With the wasted action Nidorino managed to throw all the hazards he could in the field, then Ash held out his Pokeball, "Nice job, phase 1 is ready." That was Nidorino's job.

Everyone was confused as to why Ash immediately switched out instead of taking the opportunity to Attack but before anyone could think anything of it Ash threw out the next one, Fearow, who had a Scope Lens over one of his eyes.

Erika raised her eyebrow but didn't think too much of it, "Tangela let's try another sleep Powder,"

"Lets not, Tailwind!"

As Tangela shot out more spores Fearow flicked his feathers causing a stream of air to build up and disperse the spores along with boosting Fearow's own speed.

"Now set up Substitute!"

Fearow's body glowed before separating into two identical copies, with one standing in front of the other.

Erika slightly smiled, "Well if that's how you want to play it, Tangela Grassy Terrain."

Tangela's vines released a light green energy that filled the field with a lush green color and made flowers grow.

Erika was about to give Tangela another command but Ash spoke faster, "Let the fun begin, Work Up then Dual Wingbeat."

Fearow's eyes glowed red as it flew forward aiming at the vine bush, then made two slashes with his wings.

Usually, Dual Wingbeat is not that good two hits for a base 40 each, its decent but there are better flying type moves, but Fearow has Technician, meaning both move to 60 base power, and the second hit crit thanks to the Scope Lens, meaning with Sniper's 2.25 multiplier, the second hit for 135, all of which didn't include stab or the +1 or the fact that it was super effective.

Despite Tangela's massive bulk with the Eviolite, she was not doing so well, and was barely standing, making Erika get worried for her bundle of vines Pokemon, "Tangela can you still fight?"

Tangela looked back at Erika and pushed up one of her vines to form the equivalent of a thumbs up, "Tan-tan gela!"

Erika smiled and got back to her stance, "Very well then use Vine Knot (Grass Knot + Vine Whip)"

Tangela shot her vines into the dirt as they started extending and burrowing below, then they appeared under the first Fearow seeming like they were going to hit it until they spread around it and grabbed the Fearow hiding behind the first and slammed him into the ground.

As the dust settled Fearow's body was lying in the dirt as he struggled to get out with the vines closing tighter, making the girls in the stands cheer and Ash's friends look slightly worried.

That is until everyone saw the smile creep onto Ash's face, "Wow, it seems like even after all the time we spent together you still don't know me at all, do you really think I would hide."

Then the Fearow on the ground popped revealing a random doll, meanwhile, the real Fearow was still in the sky.

Erika's eyes widened, "Tangela retreat and used curse as many times as you can!."

Tangela's body started glowing purple as it became slower but almost like a brick wall in terms of defenses.

"Well then if that's the case then I just need to change the strategy, Fearow Tri-attack"

Fearow raised his mouth and 3 orbs slowly exited and connected into a triangle shape before Fearow shot it out, and due to the now abysmal speed of Tangela, she couldn't dodge and was knocked out.

Erika returned her Tangela and thanked her before looking over to Ash, "Well I suppose you have the lead, and those hazards will be a problem, but it seems you forgot about something, most of my Pokemon are Poison-types,"

Erika then sent out her Victreebel, as soon as she got onto the field she took dome chip damage from the stealth rock, but managed to absorb all of the toxic spikes, making Erika give a slightly smug look and making the girls from the stands fangirl about her more.

But Ash's smile never left his face, which made Erika wonder if he was bluffing but didn't hold on to that for long, "Sludge Bomb!"

"Let's start over, U-turn," Ash said as Fearow looked slightly annoyed since he wanted to battle more but obliged.

Fearow flew towards the carnivorous plant, dodging the barrage of purple balls of gunk, then when he got close he did a flip as his foot glowed green and delivered a kick square in the center of Victreebel, then before Victreebel could retaliate Fearow vanished, and rushed back to his Pokeball.

Ash had Fearow's Pokeball and switched him out, sending Nidorino back into the field.

"Nidorino let's start again, Toxic spikes"

"Not this time, Victreebel Natural Gift"

As Nidorino prepaid for more spikes, Victreebel shot out a bright orange ball at him, since Victreebel had a Salac Berry, the move was considered fighting type. 

But Nidorino held on and put more spikes on the field and Ash returned Nidorino again, "Really should have put a maximum, don't you think, I can be as annoying as I want." Ash said, smiling over at the random girls who were criticizing him for just running.

Ash then released his next Pokemon being Pidgeotto, who had a Choice Band on his head.

Now interesting thing after some trial and error, he found out that the Choice items work differently, instead of locking them to the first move until they get switched out, instead they get locked into 1 move for 10 seconds, which may not seem like much but in fast-paced battles seconds mean a lot.

Erika was still trying to find out what Ash was trying to do, "Victreebel Sludge Bomb again."

"Counter with Return."

Pidgeotto's eyes shined for a second as he flew forward as Victreebel shot out balls of gunk through the air, he did get chipped once but he used that opportunity to get in close and slash at Victreebel in the eye with his talons.

"Good now do it again!"

Pidgeotto didn't stop with just the one attack, he started using his wings to slap the giant plant and poking at it with his beak.

As Victreebel was getting battered by attacks its ability Gluttony activated and it ate the Salac Berry raising her speed.

Erika noticed the change in her big plant, "Victreebel get it off you, Leaf Storm."

Victreebel summoned leaves from under it that formed into a tornado around it, Pidgeotto was caught inside and got the brunt of the damage before getting thrown out, but Victreebel's sp. Lowered by 2.

So Erika commanded, "Use Growth to get back to normal, then Weather Ball."

Victreebel absorbed the sunlight getting it back to normal then using the sunlight it made a bright red ball that was treated as a fire move to hit the bird.

At this point, Pidgeotto took a good bit of damage and the Tailwind dispersed meaning that the speed gap grew even more, but the only good thing was that 10 seconds had passed.

"Now let's end this with Solar Beam!"

"Pidgeotto, let's grant that wish for them, Brave Bird!"

Pidgeotto got back into the air and started flying into the sky as a beam started following him, Pidgeotto performed a turn to make distance between him and the beam, enough so that he could gain momentum and dive.

As he started diving Pidgeotto pulled in his wings into an X form and dived down at Victreebel like a missile, his body bursting into flames.

Meanwhile, Victreebel canceled the first beam and shot a new one aiming directly at Pidgeotto since he wouldn't be able to dodge due to the tunnel vision.

The two clashed in the center as Pidgeotto slowly made progress, but every second meant he was taking more damage so he started getting pushed back slowly until he pushed himself harder than before.

As the two clashed Pidgeotto's body started glowing starting with his wings, growing bigger as the feathers on his head grew to his lower back, revealing Pidgeot.

Pidgeot then un-crossed his arms and assumed a more aerodynamic position as he started splitting the Solar beam down the center as he reached Victreebel and managed to land the hit, taking down Victreebel. But after the recoil, he also fell.

Both Ash and Erika returned their Pokemon as they prepared their next, with Erika sending out Vileplume and Ash sending out Nidorino again.

Vileplume being part poison absorbed the Toxic spikes again but was wearing Heavy-Duty Boots so it didn't take any chp damage, and Nidorino was standing differently this time.

"Not this time, use Leech seed."

Vileplume's flowers released multiple seeds that latched onto Nidorino, also dealing chip.

But despite this Ash still smiled, "Focus energy then use Ice Beam on the ground,"

Nidorino's eyes shined and he aimed his head downwards and shot the bright blue beam into the ground causing ice to form and the tips of the seeds that were attached to the ground to die.

"Now I know you've been itching for it so Confusion. Then set up your last Toxic spikes"

Nidorino's eyes started glowing purple this time as Vileplume got surrounded by a similar color, then Vileplume got picked up in the air and shaken like a toy in the hands of a toddler before getting thrown to a corner. And to make things worse the Grassy Terrain dispersed finally.

Erika's brows lowered seeing Vileplume get thrown out and Nidorino putting more of the toxic spikes, she was still confused about the whole strategy Ash was trying to do, and People in the audience were just thinking that he might have some problem in the head since it's not working yet he is still doing it.

Vileplume got back up since it was extremely bulky, "Synthesis then Moonblast."

Vileplume put its flower to the sunlight absorbing it and healing back up then from the flower a pinkish ball formed and was thrown at Nidorino.

"Now Petal Dance." 

Vileplume spins around quickly as pink petals fly out of it and spiral towards Nidorino in a tornado formation.

"Nidorino let's not make this easy for them, Ice beam the petals,"

Nidorino let out a grunt as he summoned the blue energy again, but instead of opening his mouth fully he opened it halfway to disperse the beam, the beam started freezing the incoming petals and breaking them as they flew to the ground.

Vileplume was left dizzy and Nidorino was starting to get tired but still wanted to continue battling.

"Nidorino, if we're going down let's deal as much damage as we can, Earth Power."

Nidorino punched the ground as golden cracks started forming around the field, the cracks continued forming until they got to Vileplume, from under it started expanding and the golden energy exploded right under Vileplume, also getting the Sp. Def drop.

Vileplume was sent flying back but was still good to go, meanwhile, Nidorino was getting more and more tired since the battle was dragging on and Vileplume was extremely bulky.

Erika also noticed this and didn't let the opportunity go to waste, "Let's end this Grassy Glide with Grass Knot."

Vileplume's feet glowed green as it started skating across the ground and got close delivering a kick to Nidorino's jaw, Nidorino tried to charge an ice beam to retaliate but then Vileplume used Grass Knot to wrap his mouth shut releasing the ice beam in his mouth, and then Vileplume pulled the vines and slammed Nidorino's face into the ground knocking him out.

Ash returned, Nidorino, and looked at his ball, "You did more than enough, thanks to you we can win."

Everyone could hear Ash say this so Erika said what everyone was thinking, "Would you like to share with the class how exactly you think your victory is assured."

Ash saw everyone in the stands look at him expecting an answer so he gave a smile, "So you haven't figured out what I've been doing,"

Hearing that everyone was confused, including Ash's friends since Ash never told them his strategy.

"Well, I can tell you, after all, it's too late for you to do anything about it, I've been manipulating how you have been battling since before we even started," Ash said, making everyone pause for a second before realizing what he said making everyone in the bleachers collectively say "Ehhhh!"

"Knowledge is everything in a battle, and the thing is I have a good consistent way of beating every Pokemon you have except one, I know what you would try with Tangela so I started with Nidorino to stall you, then Fearow to put a stop to your powder shenanigans."

"So that is why you put up Toxic spikes despite them being useless, you've been making me choose the Pokemon you want to battle," Erika said slightly sweating seeing how Ash has been in control.

"Everything, even me explaining to you my plan has been a part of my plan, so tell me what will you do now," Ash said holding Fearow's Pokeball again.

(To be continued)

That's right, cliffhanger-kun is back, tell you what if you hand over some stones I might consider uploading another chapter tomorrow.

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