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36.32% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 92: Back in my day

Capítulo 92: Back in my day

I am finally done with Finals! Ahhhhh, anyway back to your scheduled chapter


Sabrina looked up at the Black fog and looked towards the Guards, "See I told you, now step aside we need to finish this now."

But neither of the guards moved, they simply looked down and didn't look Sabrina in the eyes, "I am sorry but even with this, without a direct word from one of the elders our hands are tied, it is not our choice."

"What do you mean! The Black fog is right there and is about to wreak havoc on the city, how can this be your main concern." Sabrina looked at the guards looking for an answer that never came.

"Fine then go get someone to unlock the temple, I'll fend this thing as long as I can, or is that against your traditions as well," Sabrina said not even waiting for a confirmation, she teleported.

One of the Guards looked towards his comrade and nodded and ran off as he stepped in front of the door.

The Black fog was looking down on the People, no one dared to move under the giant red Eyes, "Jie Jie I hope that I haven't cut this celebration short, but It seems like you Humans have forgotten your place, but now I am back and I will accept your immediate surrender now."

Everyone was staring at the sky, then collectively everyone started running away.

"Good, the more fear the more flavor, I suppose this much should restore some of my power." the Black fog said as a bit of the mist condensed into a fist and dozens of small Gastly erupted from it aiming to find the citizens.

Most people in the town didn't have Pokemon for battling, most were just used to help with work so the Pokemon that they did have also started running. The only people that fought back were other People who came to visit the village for the festival.

The Gastly flew around and were about to reach the Civilians when suddenly a Yellow blur moved across taking half of them down, and standing in front was a Hypno with its fists crackling with electricity.

The red eyes stare at the Pokemon, "Insignificant creature, nothing more, but a nice snack." Then a second was formed and started releasing Haunter and both the remaining Gastly and the Haunter moved to attack the Hypno.

Suddenly all the Ghosts were covered in purple energy and they all stopped in place, then a large purple ball was formed and all the Ghosts were forced into it making it explode making them disperse. And teleporting next to Hypno was Alakazam wearing a necklace holding Sabrina.

Sabrina stood in front of her two Psychic Pokemon and the eyes looked down at her, as she spoke up, "I never thought I would be able to face you again, not since what you did, every day I hated you for what happened but now I can finally get my revenge."

The eyes looked down on her, "I don't even Know who you are."

Sabrina almost fell over but straightened herself, "Don't you remember, I'm the one who got away before you could devour my soul all those years ago."

"Wait a minute, you're the one that escaped aren't you, but now we are meeting for a second time, and it seems you are exceptional even more than before, Jie Jie"

Sabrina stared down the eyes as a mouth also formed into a large smile, "Seems like I will get to have some fun,"

Then the smoke from the previous ghost Pokemon started condensing and then absorbed back into the fog, "But to make this even more interesting let's play a game, let's see what you care about more."

Then the two hands clap and erupt from them come Gengar and Haunter who spread into the town all laughing.

Sabrina doesn't even give them a second look, "It doesn't matter, as long as I deal with you everything will be fine."

"Jie jie Interesting, I needed a good warm-up."

"No this will be your end," Sabrina said as she pulled a stone from her pocket then pressed it.

Back in the town people were running around and panicking, the group was looking at the chaos, then appearing in front of them was a Haunter who pulled out its tongue and made a face.

Brock and Misty turned purple and were stunned, meanwhile Ash and Yellow just looked at the thing then Ash just punched it back into smoke.

"Wow these things are weaker than I thought," Ash said, looking back at the two scaredy cats that were currently holding each other and shaking.

Ash and Yellow looked at each other for a second then both sighed and walked over to pull them apart, after way more effort than it should have Misty and Brock were separated.

"Sooooo what now? It looks like Ms.Sabrina is doing fine by herself, so do we really need to help," Yellow asked, looking at Ash tilting her head.

Ash looked over at the big battle and then at all the smaller Ghosts, "Well I don't know, but you never know so we might as well stay around, I mean even if Sabrina doesn't need help everyone else does."

As he said that a random Gengar was picking up a civilian, Ash just pointed at it and Pikachu sent a bolt at it making it drop the civilian and disperse into smoke.

Misty picked herself up finally calming down, "Alright but this is the last time, I want a month-long vacation from this at the least, next time something happens I will just walk away." Misty said, crossing her arms.

Then a second Haunter appeared behind Misty and copied her, everyone was looking at it and Misty noticed, "There is one behind me isn't there," then shaking she looked behind her only to see the Ghost pulling on its cheeks.

In fear she jumped into Ash's arms, the Haunter laughed and covered its eyes with its hand, Ash just looked at it and punched it with Misty still holding on.

"So are you going to get off or do I need to drop you?" 

Misty saw what she was doing and jumped off Ash, "Right well I see a few over there." then she scurried off.

"So besides that should we try to find that Pokeball they were talking about?" Brock asked.

Ash smiled and put his arms around Brock and Yellow, "Come here for a sec, *Whisper**Whisper**Whisper*, then I can *Whisper**Whisper* alright."

Brock nodded and Yellow was confused, then Brock and Ash pulled out one Pokeball each and threw them at each other to swap, Ash then released Charizard and hopped on, meanwhile Brock grabbed Yellow's wrist and pulled her to find Misty.

Ash then started flying up, Charizard ramming into half a dozen ghosts on the way, and flew towards the big ghost.

Back on the ground, Brock and Yellow regrouped with Misty and told her what Ash said, Misty released Starmie, Brock released Kabutops, and Yellow let Kitty out.

They ran through the town beating any Ghosts that they saw on the way and helping People get to safety until they reached the building that had the people in authority.

Immediately in front of the building they saw one of the guards talking to some old People pleading, "Please, Elders, we need to take action, the Black fog has finally returned just as you predicted, and now it is here causing terror."

"It doesn't matter," an old grizzled old man said, "Even if we brought it out we would need to hit the thing and to do that we would need to battle it, and no one in this town has a properly trained Pokemon."

"With all due respect, I must say you are wrong, we have travelers who are battling against them, and the Gym leader Sabrina is helping us, with her help surely we can succeed."

A second old person with streaks of white in his black hair looked up, "Morale alone will not win a battle, young one. It takes strategy, skill, and strength, we may have skill and strength with the help of Lady Sabrina, but we have no Plan, without a plan we might as well just lay down on a plate."

"B-but surely-" but he was cut off

"Enough," the oldest in the room said, an old man with a white beard that reached his waist, "It is clear you are only here to ask for our artifact, we will not release it unless you can tell us through a shadow of a doubt that our intervention is required." 

The Young guard bowed his head and before they all left a voice echoed through the hall, "Hold it!"

Looking at the door Misty was pointing at them and Brock looked like he tried to stop her.

"Why do you interrupt this meeting Outsider," one of the elders said.

"Oh, I'm nobody special. I'm just a girl wondering why you elders can't get off your lazy butts to do something, your town is in chaos and it is meant to be on us to fix up your mistake just because you can't build up the courage to do something."

"Watch your tongue girl we can-"

"You can do what, you said it yourself we aren't from this village, you have nobody that can battle and clearly you old geezers aren't going to do anything, so what are you going to do?" Misty said, trying to provoke them.

Yellow also stepped into the room, "Um maybe I don't entirely agree with everything Misty said, but she is right, you can't just stay here while everything is happening, People are going to get hurt."

The elder from before was going to say something but the oldest one rated his hand stopping him from speaking, "It is not that simple, we can't simply work for a goal that is impossible, in this case, our best course of action would be to prevent as much as we can."

"But what is that, you aren't guiding People, you aren't preparing anyone to fight the Ghosts, you are just sitting here." Yellow said before taking a deep breath, "Even though I'm not the bravest or the strongest, I'm not the fastest and I don't have an army but I am still willing to fight for a town that isn't even mine!"

Looking at the small timid girl the elder softened his eyes, "Well is there a Plan then, do you have something that can back up your big words."

Then Brock stepped into the room, "I can help with that."

As Brock was talking to the old guy Misty Pulled Yellow to the side, "That was great the plan went exactly as planned, I didn't think you had it in you to talk like that."

"Yeah me neither," Yellow said, still slightly shaking.

Then they heard a voice that made the two rush back into place, "It isn't a bad plan, but I can't help but feel that you are keeping some things from us."

"I wish I could tell you everything, but even I don't know the whole plan, this is everything our friend told us, he just said to leave the rest to him," Brock said

The three rubbed their beards and came to a decision, "Alright then we will open the temple."

Then the old man who spoke to Misty also spoke up and looked to the guard, "And bring me my old partner, time to show these youngsters how we did things back in my day."

"It shall be done," the guard said bowing.

With the big battle, Alakazam grew a large beard and gained 5 spoons, and began to levitate, it Mega evolved.

The Mist made a Shadow ball and threw it at Alakazam, but used Ally Switch with Hypno and it took it, it would have done massive damage but it had a Colbur Berry so it was fine to shoot a Shadow ball of its own.

The Foggy form made it have some natural resistance but it was still taking damage. So it fixed itself and gathered a hand aimed to punch Alakazam, but it simply teleported behind and shot a Psychic.

The Fog had enough and exploded its smoke pushing back the two Pokemon and Blinding Sabrina for a moment, when she opened her eyes in front of her was a large Haunter that grabbed her.

"No matter, as long as I devour your soul I will regain most of my power and that will be more than enough, jie jie."

Sabrina struggled but it was too strong to break free, so she had no choice but to close her eyes and wait.

But what she expected never came, when she opened her eyes she saw the boy from earlier holding her and the Haunter with half its hand cut off.

"I hope I'm not too late for the fun," Ash said with a smile.

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