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30.85% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 78: Not as they seem

Capítulo 78: Not as they seem

The crowd was getting excited seeing how close the battle was, Both Yellow and Green pulled out one final Pokeball, Green released Ivysaur and Yellow released Dody.

Green was being playful because she didn't expect the shy little girl she grew up with would be this good but started getting a little more serious.

"Ivysaur Leech seed,"

"Dody Whirlwind,"

Ivysaur attempted to shoot out 3 seeds aiming to latch onto Dody, but he started running quickly at Ivysaur then started running circles around him multiple times making him dizzy.

"Now Peck,"

Dody gets behind the plant frog and gives a stab with its beaks then runs back.

"Ivysaur snap out of it then Vine whip then Leech seed,"

Ivysaur shakes his head then gets focused and shoots out his vines each grabbing onto Dody's legs stopping him from moving then new seeds shoot out of Ivysaur's Bulb and latch onto Dody starting the timer.

"Dody now fly up to break free then Jump Kick."

Dody begins flipping his feet each one faster than the last, Ivysaur tries to stop him but eventually, the vines give in and Dody shoots into the sky, then moves through the air and aims his legs to slam into Ivysaur.

"Ivysaur get out of the way," Green tried to command but it was too late as the bird slammed into the frog, but then he got some chip healing.

"Fine, Ivysaur Grass Knot then poison powder,"

Ivysaur gets back up with Dody still standing on him, he uses a vine to grab Dody's leg from behind and pull it from under him making him fall on his heads, out of the Bulb Ivysaur releases purple dust, that Poisons Dody, though it is not Badly poisoned because there is a difference.

"Dody Get up and Drill Peck,"

Dody breaks the vines holding his legs then bounces up, his beaks start glowing as he launches himself heads first aiming at the Grass Frog.

"Get out of the way and Venoshock,"

Ivysaur jumps to the left dodging one but the other does manage to hit, dealing a hefty x2 hit, the center of Ivysaur's Bulb glows white, then it fires multiple dark purple blobs of poison at Dody, and since Dody is poisoned it deals double damage.

After being pushed back Dody then took Chip for the poison and the Seeds, Dody was in rough shape, and Ivysaur wasn't too good either but was definitely better than Dody, especially after the bit of healing.

"Dody Return,"

"Seed Bomb,"

Dody ran forward aiming to try and finish the battle before it got dragged on, but Ivysaur slid under and when he turned around shot seeds directly into Dody, putting him out of commission.

"And that is what an intense battle but it seems this time Green has come out on top, meaning the next match will decide the last member of the top 4," The announcer said and pointed at the screen which showed the last battle.

Ash vs Misty

Down by the stadium Ash and Misty were looking up at the screen, "Welp looks like we get to finish that battle,"

"Yeah but this time It won't end in a draw, I'll be sure to beat you," Misty said, showing a smug smile.

"Only one of the things you said was right, all I need to do is choose one Bug and You won't be able to even focus." Ash jabbed right back.

Misty looked a bit shaken, "You wouldn't do that right?"

Ash did not answer and walked away.


Ash continued walking to his side Meanwhile Green dragged Yellow with her over to a corner.

Once both Misty and Ash got ready the announcer spoke up, "Here we have the last battle to determine who gets a spot in the top 4, on this side we have Ash, and on the other is Misty, you know the drill 3, 2, 1, and start."

Misty released her Pokeball and out came Shellder, and on Ash's side was Pidgeotto.

Pidgeotto came out and was eager to stretch his wings falling into the air and ready, also seeming like he was smug as if he had won a bet. He has been doing personal training and has been itching to use it.

"Pidgeotto it's been a while let's warm up shall we, Wing Attack,"

Pidgeotto flew quickly over Shellder and dived with his wings outstretched ready to hit the Clam.

"Withdraw quickly," Misty yelled out

Shellder quickly closed its shell blocking the damage from the bird.

"Now Ice Shard,"

Shellder opened the shell and dozens of small shards of Ice came flying quickly at Pidgeotto not even letting him react.

"Sand Attack then make some space,"

Pidgeotto flapped his wings kicking up some dirt and getting it in Shellder's eyes; they were exposed, letting Pidgeotto get back into the air.

"Shellder Icicle Spear,"

"Evasive maneuvers and Brave Bird,"

Shellder shot 5 Spears made of Ice aiming at the bird, Pidgeotto started flying down dodging to the left, to the right spinning over another and dodging two as he tucked his feathers in and shot like a bullet, then igniting into an orange fire and slamming into the Shell.

Shellder was sent flying back but was still up.

"Ice Beam,"

Shellder got back on its fe- leg- it got back up and shot a Bright blue beam at the injured bird.


Pidgeotto got onto the ground and let feathers fall off of him as he relaxed, and restored 50%, the Beam of Ice hit him but it didn't do as much due to the secondary effect of losing the flying type for a second, then he flew back up.

"Pidgeotto one last hit Quick attack into Return,"

Pidgeotto dashed at high speeds at the Shellder not letting it or Misty react then used a combo that ended with Shellder getting kicked with those bird feet and out of the ring and unconscious.

Misty returned Shellder and released her next being Starmie, the purple starfish got ready with a spin.

"Starmie Rapid spin," Misty quickly commanded.

Starmie reed up and launched itself at Pidgeotto at a speed he couldn't dodge so he got slapped by a raw shot.

"Starmie use Power Gem,"

Starmie's gem started glowing as stones got picked up and surrounded Pidgeotto and shot towards him, he tried to dodge on instinct but still got hit.

"Pidgeotto Tailwind then Whirlwind,"

Pidgeotto charged up his wings and in one swing a stream of air started pushing on his back and pushing Starmie, and on a second swing a small tornado enveloped the starfish and started forcibly spinning it, Pidgeotto wobbled over and slapped the starfish out with a Return.

"Starmie get up and Thunderbolt,"

"Roost again,"

Starmie's gem glows Yellow then electricity shoots out at the bird, but Pidgeotto let's feathers fall from him again and he loses the flying type temporarily and heals, then takes the thunderbolt that still did damage but not nearly as much.

"Starmie use Hydro Pump,"

"Let's end this battle, Pidgeotto Steel Wing,"

Starmie shoots a stream of water at Pidgeotto, instead of dodging Pidgeotto crosses his Wings and shoots down and breaks through the water, is it unnecessary Yes, does it deal unnecessary damage also Yes, is that going to stop him No.

Pidgeotto slowly broke through the water until he was arm's reach to Starmie, so he used the momentum he had left to slam into the Starfish, then as the water stopped Pidgeotto used a regular Wing attack, dealing A crit that dealt x 2.25 damage.

That sash was enough to send Starmie out of commission, Misty returned Starmie and looked at Ash, "Well, it seems you have gotten better without us, but So did I, that's why I have an old friend," Misty said holding up one final Pokeball.

Out of the ball came a giant Blue leviathan sea snake, a Gyarados, as soon as she came out she touched the ground then started levitating and looked eager to get onto the battle. 

Pidgeotto looked at the snack then back over at Ash and gave him a look that said, 'Should I be excited or worried.'

Ash just responded with a nod.

'I'm in danger,' the bird thought, turning back to face the original water fake dragon.

"Aqua Tail," 

A blue tail went directly at Pidgeotto's face as soon as he turned around, making the perfect shot for a,

To be continued

Right now, as the tail slaps the bird sending him flying to one side but manages to get airborne again, "Fine Feather Dance then wing attack."

Pidgeotto shoots out feathers from his ruffled chest at Gyarados, then he shoots himself aiming to slash into the side of the body; it connects but doesn't do as much damage as you would think.

Meanwhile, Gyarados goes down to bite the bird, except it wasn't a bite, rather it was an Ice Fang that the tired bird couldn't dodge so he got trapped in the jaws of the dragon snake until he was unable to battle with swirls in his eyes.

Ash returns his poor bird and looks over at Misty and gives his best Evil grin, "You said you wanted to see the little Charmander right, well just so you know he isn't a Charmander anymore." Ash pulled out one Specific Pokeball and threw it out.

From the ball came a large fire dragon that flew into the air, and their ready-to-battle was Charizard.

Those who know about Charmander; Brock, Gary, and Green spit out whatever they were drinking and Misty had to take a double take. 

"So that's why you didn't tell us anything, doesn't matter I still have the type advantage, Hydro Pump,"

Gyarados prepared a large blast of water aiming at the flying fire lizard.

"Split the beam with Air Cutter,"

Charizard did a flip and on his way back forward his wings glowed as they shot multiple blasts of wind that dispersed the water being shot at him only leaving multiple droplets in the air,

"Now Dragon Dance into Dragon tail,"

Charizard did what looked to be a spin maneuver then around him violet flames started dancing on his body as he flew down with his tail ready and slammed into Gyarados.

"Crunch him now that he's close,"

Gyarados managed to pull her body up and landed a bite on the flying Lizard's shoulder, Charizard took it, felt the pain and just looked down at her.

"Grab her and Dragon Breath,"

Charizard grabbed onto Gyarados' face before she could escape and shot a purple beam of dragon fire point blank, then slammed her into a nearby rock.

"Gyarados use Thrash,"


Gyarados got back up and started violently slamming her tail in all directions aiming at Charizard, as he was dodging he released a black smoke surrounding the field, when Gyarados hit the spot where Charizard was he was gone and nowhere to be seen.

"Let's finish this with Thunder Punch,"

Charizard appeared behind Gyarados, his fists glowing Yellow, Misty tried to warn Gyarados but it was too late, Charizard punched her in the back then grabbed her as his fists were still shocking and slammed her into the ground. And that was all she wrote

"What an exciting battle two behemoths going head to head but only one could come out on top and this time it was Charizard, which means Ash gets the final spot in the top 4." The announcer said, making the audience cheer.

Before Ash and Misty could recuperate and get off the stage the announcer spoke up again, "Also we have an announcement to make, due to the fact that we didn't take into account how little time each round would be we have decided to change the formatting, today everyone who lost will be allowed to participate in the losers bracket, and tomorrow we will have the semi-finals and the finals, why because this is our tournament and we make up the Rules as we go."

The Audience heard this and started cheering louder since they would get more battles.

Misty turned to Ash, "Welp sorry guess we have to talk later. I need to go to the nurse so I can try to redeem myself." Then she ran off.

Ash went over to find a table and saw most tables were empty so he took an empty table and thought to himself, 'Seems like I get to do this sooner than I thought,' then he reached into his pocket and in there was a clicker, he pushed the button twice signaling for Pikachu.

Pikachu in the room was eating but then he saw the Clefairy doll Ash won last time and he knew he had to start the plan.

He took one more for the road and climbed onto the vents, meanwhile, Ash used a technique that let him see through Pikachu's eyes as he moved to the bottom of the ship.

The first thing he saw was Jesse, James, and Meowth on the bed relaxing when he shouldn't. James was feeding a Magikarp and they were talking about something relevant so Pikachu continued moving until he got to his goal.

There he saw a bunch of employees including the large muscular man and the beautiful woman in the sailor outfit from before, along with about half the staff, there was a stage and on there was a man, Ash recognized him, as Executive Proton.

Proton spoke up getting everyone's attention and the 3 stooges came barreling in, "Seems like things are going ahead of schedule on their side, we will need to drag out their attention back onto the S.S Anne so after the Prizes are getting handed out that is when we are going to make our move."

A random grunt in the audience raised his hand but Proton answered, "If you want you can try to steal the Prizes but the elite 4 are most likely going to be with the winners if you get caught none of us are spreading our neck for you any more question."

One more grunt raised his hand, this grunt had what appeared to be stargazing scars on his neck and a scar from what looked like a fang on his cheek, "Do you know what the situation is with the other squads."

Proton nodded at him, "In Johto, they are getting a lot done, but here in Kanto they are waiting for us because if Lance or the elite 4 finds out this entire thing has been a bust. One last question."

Meowth raised his hand but Proton just said, "No, dismissed."

Pikachu stayed quiet and continued observing the situation.

BTW I was playing around with my AI art generator and these were the best of the worst that came out. 

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