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76.98% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 464: Alfonzo Vs. God Serena; Part 1

Capítulo 464: Alfonzo Vs. God Serena; Part 1

Earth Land, Ishgar, Era.


March 15, x786.


"Why is this taking so long?" Ur asked impatiently while she and Shizuka sat in the room they watched Alfonzo from. "They're only adding him to the list of Wizard Saints."


"Huh?" Shizuka exclaimed in surprise. "Fonzie is gonna be a Wizard Saint? Why didn't you tell the guild?"


After hearing Shizuka's excited exclamation, Ur turned her head in the ditzy nurse's direction. And when she did, she was just in time to see Shizuka bouncing towards her with an excited smile on her face.


'Seriously, what do you have to eat to get tits like those?' Ur asked herself in an envious tone.


"Because we wanted to keep the news as a surprise for Alfonzo." Ur replied with a wry smile as Shizuka gripped her hands and continued to bounce up and down. "And if I had told the guild, someone would have found a way to let him know. Especially Marin, Sun, and Lucy, who went to visit him on Akane Beach."


Hearing that, Shizuka pouted.


"I wish I had gone with them, too." Shizuka said in a pitiful tone. "I wanna go to the beach, too."


"Well, we can go back to Akane Beach with Alfonzo after all this is over, if you like." Ur said with a smile. "The trip back will be shorter that way, too."


Immediately, Shizuka's expression brightened. Then, she pulled Ur into a hug. However, Ur found herself even more irritated by Shizuka's breasts because of it.


'Damn it, this girl is gonna smother me to death.' Ur said as she placed her hands on Shizuka's chest to push herself free. 'But God damn… These things really are soft.'


At the same time, Alfonzo had returned to his waiting room while Jura, using his [Earth Magic], prepared the arena for the duel between Alfonzo and God Serena. This time, however, he was not alone. Instead, he was accompanied by Makarov and Ritsu.


"Are you sure about this, my boy?" Makarov asked while looking at Alfonzo with concern. "I know you're strong, but God Serena is one of the strongest wizards in Ishgar."


"First of all, stop adding God to his name." Alfonzo replied casually. "And second, so is Gildarts. And I can break even with him for a long time if I don't' clash with his magic directly."


"Alfonzo is right, Old Pervert." Ritsu said while smiling gently. "On top of that, Gildarts is even stronger than God… Excuse me, Serena. And not by an inconsequential amount."


"I know." Makarov replied while shaking his head. "I'm just worried for my most talented child."


"There's no need to worry, Gramps." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "I've been training and fighting ever since I was six and nine respectively. But I bet that pompous asshole can't even remember the last time he was in a battle of this level."


"Besides, what you should be more concerned about is why Serena was so insistent on fighting with Alfonzo." Ritsu added.


Hearing that, Makarov turned his attention to Ritsu.


"What do you mean?" Makarov asked with an eyebrow raised.


"So, you noticed, too, Master Unohana?" Alfonzo asked while smiling at Ritsu. "For a moment, I thought it was just me."


'Actually, I'm pretty sure he's doing this on Zeref's orders.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'The only question is, does Zeref know about the [Soul Armaments]? Or is he trying to see if I'll be an issue in the future. It's probably the latter. I mean, there's no way he can know about everything going on from Alakitasia, right?'


["You're probably right."] Bedlam replied. ["Since there's probably a good chance that someone using a [Zanpakuto] or one of us could kill him."]


["Yeah, but we should be happy he doesn't."] Riot added. ["Because if he did, he wouldn't have sent that cock sucker to catch the ass kicking of a lifetime, like he did."]


While Alfonzo carried on his conversation with his [Armament Spirits], Ritsu watched him as if she knew what he was doing. Meanwhile, Makarov, who did not notice anything wrong with God Serena's behavior, looked at them both skeptically.


"*Sigh* I guess you don't get it, Gramps." Alfonzo said while shaking his head. "But why the hell was Serena even here today? Especially since he has made it quite clear that he has no interest in governing the wizards of Ishgar."


"And considering how dismissive he is of anyone below the Four Gods of Ishgar, "Ritsu added, supplementing Alfonzo's explanation, "it makes even less sense for him to be here for the birth of a new Wizard Saint."


"However, the fact that he completely disregards anyone not among the Ten Wizard Saints would makes perfect sense as to why he thinks I needed to be tested." Alfonzo continued. "Though, that was more than likely just a ploy. Either way, I'm certain he has no idea what I'm capable of."


Like that, Alfonzo and Ritsu continued to list everything they found suspicious about God Serena's actions. Meanwhile, Makarov's expression became more and more grave as they spoke. However, before Makarov could comment on what he heard, the door to the waiting room was opened from the outside.


"The arena for your duel is ready, Alfonzo." Jura said in a peaceful tone as he entered the room. "Everyone is on their way there as we speak."


"Good." Alfonzo said as he stood up from the couch. "I've got a lollipop and an ass whoopin' for that son of a bitch…"


As Alfonzo reached that point, he plunged his hands into his pockets. Then, in with a feigned expression of confusion, he continued.


"Huh? Where did it go?" Alfonzo asked as he turned his pockets inside out. "Aww… Damn…It looks like I'm all outta lollipops."


In response to Alfonzo's antics, Ritsu continued to smile gently while Makarov smiled wryly. Even Jura let a small smile creep onto his face as the group of four made their way out of the waiting room.


Meanwhile, in the stadium Jura created for the duel, Draculus, Wolfheim, Warrod, and God Serena were seated in a viewing box created specifically for the Four Gods of Ishgar, at God Serena's insistence.


"Was it really necessary to provoke that young man the way you did, God Serena?" Draculus asked in an even tone. "Although the thought of testing him was appropriate to see where he would be ranked, calling into question his credentials was…"


"he's only a kid." God Serena said, cutting off Draculus' speech. "More than likely, his feats were exaggerated. I mean, it's not like he's got talent like mine."


While all three of the older men in the viewing room were used to God Serena's personality, they still shook their head in disappointment at what he said.


"Oi! I honestly don't even know why you're here today." Wolfheim said in an annoyed tone. "You said you wanted nothing to do with Magic Council business. Yet, you're here interfering."


"As the strongest person on the continent, my opinion always matters." God Serena said arrogantly. Then, he narrowed his eyes at Wolfheim. "Or would you like to disagree, Number Three?"


Immediately, Wolfheim's anger spiked at God Serena's term of address. As a result, his magic power exploded, putting pressure on everyone in the stadium. And things only got worse when God Serena also flared his own magic power in retaliation, unhappy that he was being challenged.


"Now, now." Warrod said, trying to calm his colleagues. "There's no need for a pissing contest like this, is there? And if you insist, we can go to the top of the stadium and do it there. In fact, I wouldn't mind that, I have to go pee, too."


Immediately, all the magic power pressure was stopped when Draculus, Wolfheim, and God Serena stared at Warrod incredulously.


"That was just a joke." Warrod said with a smile. "Hahaha! But seriously, I really do think I have to go to the bathroom."


With that, the incredulous stares continued.


"Hahaha! That was a joke, too." Warrod said after another hardy laugh.


"God Serena, please make your way into the combat area." Gran Doma's voice, empowered by magic, rang out over the stadium at that moment. "Alfonzo Marcus has arrived."


"Hmph! I have more important things to do than bicker with the lot of you." God Serena said as he stood up and left the room.


Meanwhile, the other three could only watch him leave.


"I can't wait for the day that someone takes that fool down a peg. Oi!" Wolfheim said once God Serena was gone.


"Indeed." Draculus replied. "As a man with so much power, a little humility would do him some good."


Wolfheim and Warrod nodded in response.


'I'm not sure why, but I get the feeling that day is coming much sooner than the anyone thinks.' Warrod said to himself. 'Even if it probably won't happen today. But at the same time, I think that young man, Alfonzo Marcus, will surprise us greatly. But that's what Fairy Tail has always been about, doing the impossible. Like finding out if fairies do indeed have tails.'


About a minute later, God Serena arrived in the stadium. And when he did, he saw Alfonzo waiting for him with his arms crossed.


"Are you ready to learn the meaning of humility, Kid?" God Serena asked arrogantly.


"Sorry, but you're not qualified to teach me about humility." Alfonzo replied nonchalantly. "Besides, I already know what it means. And for a fee, I'd be willing to teach you all about it. And the price will be your spot as the number one among the Ten Wizard Saints."


Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists in response, God Serena still refused to look Alfonzo in the eyes.


'*Sigh* It's too bad I can't kill him here and now.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'I mean, I don't have any proof that he's a traitor, after all.'


["Yeah, if you did, you'd be deemed a criminal."] Bedlam replied.


["Not if it's an accident, though."] Riot said with a malicious grin. ["And accidents do happen, right?"]


Considering Riot's proposal for a few moments, Alfonzo eventually shook his head.


'No, that would only be a momentary humiliation for him.' Alfonzo replied mentally. 'And I want this ass whoopin' to stick with him for a while.'


"If the two of you are ready, you may begin." Gran Doma said from the stands.


"Just to show you how out classed you are, I'll let you have the first move, Kid." God Serena said with his arms spread flamboyantly.






In the next instant, God Serena was sent flying from where he stood and slammed into the wall separating the crowd from the fighting arena. And when he collided with the wall, an indent in the shape of his body was formed with spiderweb cracks extending from the indent.


Immediately upon seeing God Serena imbedded into the wall, the crowd fell silent. Then, they all turned their attention to Alfonzo, who was standing in the spot where Serena started the battle with his right fist extended.


["Thirty kicks in the blink of an eye, not bad."] Bedlam said while the stadium was mired in silence. ["I can only imagine how fast you'll be when you add your[Lightning Enhancement] on top of your [Shave]."]


["Hurry up!"] Riot shouted excitedly. ["Hit him again! Beating up a traitor like that feels fucking amazing!"]


"How dare you!?" God Serena shouted as he pulled himself out of the wall. "You dare strike me, God Serena? It appears you truly do not know your place! Now, allow me to show you where you--- Urgh!"


Once again, Alfonzo vanished using [Shave]. Then, he reappeared in midair to God Serena's left with his right leg whipping towards the back of God Serena's head. And when his kick landed a split-second later, God Serena was sent flying forward before slamming into the ground and tumbling along the surface.


"Incredible." Draculus, who was watching the duel from the special viewing room with Wolfheim and Warrod, said in an impressed tone after seeing God Serena unable to defend himself from Alfonzo's first two attacks. "And that boy has not even used his magic yet."


"Oi! And God Serena is one of the physically most powerful wizards I've ever seen." Wolfheim said with his eyes opened wide in surprise. "How does such a young man gain strength like that?'


"Perhaps we can ask him once the duel is over." Warrod said while smiling brightly. "But that may take a while, though."


And just as Warrod said, God Serena was picking himself up from the ground as he spoke. And the expression on his face made it quite clear that he was greatly angered.


"Ha!" God Serena said as he stood to his feet. "If that's all you can do, then this won't take long. It would seem your magical prowess is so lacking that you only use physical strength."


"Hmph! Why use magic when you can get the job done with a little good ol' fashioned elbow grease?" Alfonzo replied in a mocking tone. "And it's obvious that I don't' need magic to…"


Reaching that point, Alfonzo use [Shave] once again to reappear in front of God Serena with his right foot flying up towards the Dragon Slayer's chin. Then, upon impact, God Serena was shot up into the air. And before he could come down, he was struck from behind by a powerful right hook aimed at his left kidney. Then, before he could regain his balance, he was struck in the head by a left roundhouse, then a knee strike to the sternum.


Like that, God Serena was juggled in midair for the next ten seconds or so, before an axe kick was slammed into the top of his head, sending him rocketing down towards the ground.




When God Serena made contact with the ground, a dust cloud was kicked up as the reinforced arena floor Jura created was damaged severely.


A moment later, Alfonzo appeared outside of the dust cloud with his arms crossed.


"… fuck you up." Alfonzo said, finishing his earlier sentence.

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029


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Juan Martin

Gustavo Cunha

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