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78.94% The Doll Gamer - (A Harry Potter Fanfic) / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Quidditch Match

Capítulo 15: Chapter 15: Quidditch Match

Chapter 15

(February 22, 1992)

The days passed by quickly, until it was finally the day of the match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

"Okay, we can do this," Robert said to the team as we stood in the locker room, "This is what we trained for. For the past couple of years Slytherin has won the Quidditch Cup, but that ends today. If we can beat them today, not only will they be ineligible for the Cup but it will also put us in the lead."

Everyone cheered, banging their hands on the lockers.

"Now don't get ahead of yourselves," he said after they quieted down, "we still haven't won yet. After losing to Gryffindor I'm sure they will fight tooth and nail as well."

Everyone nodded.

"But there's no reason to fear, just remember your roles and we will emerge victorious!" he yelled holding up a fist, causing everyone else to raise theirs and cheer. "Now let's get out there and show them why the sky belongs to the Ravens."

With that said, everyone took their broom and walked to the entrance of the field.

"Hey Bell," Robert called out to me, "don't go easy on them, just cause you're friends with Greengrass, okay."

I gave him a cocky smirk, "Why would I do that when rubbing it in her face after we win would be much more satisfying."

Everyone chuckled at that.

We mounted our broom and shot off into the air.

Getting in formation we stared off against the Slytherin team. I could from an instant that they had no intention of playing nice, which was good, because I didn't either.

Madam Hooch gave her little speech about sportsmanship, for some reason looking straight at me.

The second she blow her whistle everyone exploded into action. Robert flew and caught the Quaffle uncontested before flying toward the enemy's goal with the rest of the Chasers. Sam went in search of the Snitch and Simon headed in the direction of a bludger.

What I hadn't expected was for the entirety of the Slytherin Team to completely ignore the Quaffle in favor of rushing at me.

I evaded their attack using my superior flying ability to squeeze between the gaps in their formation.

[Flying](Active/Passive) LV25 EXP: 0.9%

Description: Who said man wasn't meant to fly? Not you. Flying. It's in your blood.

Passive: 35% increase speed to all flying vehicles such as broom, mounts or magic carpets.

Active: You can fly without a medium as long as you have enough magic. The more you use, the faster and higher you can travel.

Passive: High speeds no longer affect you. You can outright ignore wind pressure and freezing altitudes.

Cost: 25 MP per second.

I didn't even spare them a glance as I flew right after my team.

"Woah! Those Slytherin's went straight for you," Simon said sounding shocked when I reached him.

I gave him a smile, "I know. Isn't it great?" This just showed just how much of a threat they considered me to try and take me out so early in the game. I also had a feeling I knew who put them up to it too.

I separated from him as I spotted a passing Bludger. Predicting the trajectory of moving objects was easy thanks to my high WIS and INT.

I flew straight toward an unsuspecting Slytherin and tighten my grip on the bat. Once I was close enough, I shouted at them, "Duck!"

The teen chose to disregard my advice as he instead turned to me. He got a bludger to the back for his troubles, sending him out of his broom.

"Tsk. Tsk. I did warn you," I told him before flying after the Bludger.

My broom picked up some speed as I added more power.

I hit the flying cannon ball with everything I had, causing it to travel three times its normal speed.

My aim was perfect as the Bludger not only hit the opposite team's Seeker but sent him spiraling into another of his teammates.

I showed no mercy as I flew just a second behind and swung my bat at the ball still nestled in the poor boy's stomach. The force behind the attack caused them to plummet to the ground at high speeds. Even with the cushioning charm placed on the field I doubted either one of them would be getting up any time soon.

"Amazing! Not even a minute has passed into the game and Charles Bell has taken out three of the Slytherin players. It seems like the youngest Ravenclaw is determined to pay them back for their earlier stunt."

I turned to face another Slytherin and heard them curse under their breath, "Shit."


'Shit. It wasn't supposed to go like this,' the fifth year Slytherin thought as he watched another of his teammates get knocked out of the sky by the merciless Ravenclaw.

The plan had been simple, take out Bell in the first half or failing that, harass him into missing all of his shots.

Sure, they expect at least some resistance but not this.

Who would have thought that the normally friendly First Year had a vengeful side to him?

Every time one of them tried to box him in, the Ravenclaw would pull off some crazy acrobatic move that ended with them crashing into each other or placing him directly in the path of a Bludger.

Allen had only been clipped once by one of those shot, but even now he could feel the bruise forming on his leg. He couldn't even imagine getting hit fully by it. They couldn't even really call him out on it since, for all intents and purposes, Bell was still following the rules.

"Allen watch out!"


(Scene change)

"And another one goes down! Bell is swatting them out of the air like flies! He's like a majestic bird of prey… with a cannon strapped to his back!"

I hovered over to the Slytherin side and located Daphne sitting together with Tracy.

Flying in close I called out to her, "Hello Princess, I take it you're the one that put them up to it."

The blonde witch only gave me a cheeky smile

I narrowed my eyes at her before shaking my head, "Ah, I see. Well played."

"What's this, the Slytherin Captain is calling for a time out," Lee announced over the speaker.

"We'll talk later. Oh, and by the way, this counts as one of your favors," I told her before turning around and flying to the ground.

As I landed, I could see Marcus Flint and Robert get into a shouting match. The two looked like they were seconds away from blows if Madam Hooch hadn't chosen to step in.

Walking over, I caught some of what they were saying.

'Oh, so their accusing me of cheating, huh? It was about time someone actually said something,' I thought as I saw them shove each other, "Still, this could prove useful.'

Stepping forward I made my voice heard, "Madam Hooch, while I am offended to be accused of cheating, I have no problems going through another checkup if it will put everyone's mind at ease and allow us to resume the game."

Robert began to protest, "Charles there's no need for you to do that. Flint is just being a prick-."

"Shut up Wales," Flint said before turning to glare at me, "If the Firsty has nothing to hid then let him do it."

Madam Hooch glared at them both before knitting her eyes as she looked at me, "Very well, I'll call Madam Pomfrey right away."

"I'd also like it if Professor Flitwick would be present," I added as an afterthought.

She nodded before flying away to tell everyone that the break would be extended.

As I watched her leave I turned to Flint who was trying glaring a hole in my head. My face became emotionless, "Once this is sorted, I'm going to enjoy breaking your bones. If you thought I was playing hard before, you're in for a surprise. By the time this match ends, you'll be little more than a sniveling mess of bruised flesh and broken bones."

Everyone's eyes popped out at my out of character behavior.

I looked around for a second before breaking into a laugh, "Pffft, hahaha. Sorry that was a joke."

My teammates shook their heads, but Flint now had a worried expression.

"No, but seriously. You should be careful from now on," I yelled out to him as my teammates led me away.

"You're not seriously picking a fight with Flint are you?" Simon said turning to me.

I gave him a bewildered look, "What? Of course not. Plus it isn't me he should be worried about."


Tracey looked at her friend in worry, as the blonde gripped the wooden railing until her knuckles turned white.

Daphne still looked calm and collected on the outside but as someone who knew here personally, Tracey could see as her body shook in barely contained anger. The biggest indicator was the blonde's eyes that had turned colder than ice.

She could also guess as to the reason why.

The Heiress had set up a bet pool using her earnings from the Valentines Day party and had bet everything against the Slytherin Team winning, with all of the members ending up in the hospital wing within the first hour.

She didn't need to check her watch to know that the deadline was drawing dangerously close.

'One thing's for sure. There's going to be hell to pay after this?' the witch thought.

"Aw man, there goes my 3 Sickles," Tracey lament as she took out her betting stub. She too had bet on the Ravenclaws taking everyone out.

Hey just because they were in the same house didn't mean they were loyal to each other.

(Locker Room)

"Alright dear, just open your mouth," Madam Pomfrey said in a kind tone as she held up her wand.

I did so hesitantly, "Hold on, you not going to-ack!"

She did.

A bucket appeared in my hands as I emptied my stomach.

Once I was done, I gave her a questioning look, "W-why would you do that? There must have been a simpler way. A spell perhaps?"

Flitwick went around and patted my back, before explaining, "A spell would have interfered with the scan I'm afraid."

"But was it really necessary for her to stick her wand in my throat? Couldn't she have used something cleaner like a wooden stick or something?" I protested.

"Technically she did," the small professor said cheekily.

The Medi-witch waved her hand over the bucket of bile and cast a bunch of detection spells.

I turned to Flitwick, "What's she doing."

"Ah, she's scanning the contents of your- ahem, stomach fluids to see if there are any traces of body enhancing potions," he said leaning closer to me.

"Wait, there's more than just the strengthening potion?" I asked.

"Oh yes, though from what I understand, they are rather costly and require a high level in potions making."

"Really? Just how much are talking about?" I said trying to sound curious.

"About 25-30 Galleons."

"30 Galleons! That's like 450 Pounds! I don't have that kind of money. I doubt even the orphanage has that kind of money," I said, trying to sound outraged.

Flitwick nodded, "Yes and most tend to come with visible side effects. Most wizards have no need for such things as magic can solve most of their problems."

"That's true. Why waste so much money on a costly potion to move a boulder when a simple charm could do it easier and cheaper," I agreed.

"Nothing's showing up in the scan," Madam Pomfrey announced, "though I do suggest more fiber in your diet."

"Thanks," I said awkwardly looking at the small Professor, who just shrugged, "Is that it?"

"No, now I need to check you body, for any residual magic caused by any body enhancing rituals," she said lifting her wand again.

I looked at Flitwick for clarification, "Body enhancing rituals?"

"Shirt off if you please," the witch said as the tip of her wand started to glow white, "and you may lay down on the bench."

I took off my shirt and laid face down on the wooden bench. Professor Flitwick began to explain what rituals were as Madam Pomfrey ran the tip of her wand on my back.

-1 HP

"Ouch! That hurt," I yelped as I turned to face her.

"Just a simple procedure Dear," she said with that same smile.

I turned back to Flitwick.

After some more minutes I was allowed to put my shirt back on.

"I've found nothing that indicates foul play. You may return to the game," she declared as she took a cloth to wipe down her wand.

"Oh good," I said getting to my feet. "Well this was all very informative, but I have a promise to keep. Madam Pomfrey I hope you have plenty of beds prepared because I have a feeling the entirety of the Slytherin team are in for a long stay."

Flitwick laughed but the old witch just gave me a disapproving look, "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't."

With that I exited the locker rooms.


As soon as Charles left, the small charms professor stopped laughing as he turned to give his colleague a serious look, "So what was it that you wanted to talk about? What did you find?"

The old witch shook her head, "It's true that while I didn't find any additional substances, my scans did pick up on something."

Flitwick frowned, "What is it? Anything we should be worried about?"

"Oh no, quite the opposite in fact. He's the healthiest boy I've seen. The problem is that I noticed something peculiar about his body," she explained.

Flitwick thought back to their practice session, "Yes, I've also noticed something and have been meaning to get your opinion. A few nights ago, while I was teaching him a few dueling techniques, I saw him get hit by a stunner and simply shrug it off before continuing to attack. In my defense it wasn't a fully charged stunner, but that still speaks highly of his spell resistance."

Madam Pomfrey sent him a reproachful glare, "I was not made aware that you were teaching him dueling."

The small professor blinked before he gave a nervous chuckle, "Hehe. Oh, it must have slipped my mind then."

"Nevertheless, yes, that was one of the things I noticed too. While I wouldn't compare it to the levels of most magical creatures or those with creature blood, like our dear Hagrid, it is still higher than most wizards. What's more concerning however is that I've found young Charles to have a higher healing ability."

"What do you mean," Flitwick asked in a serious tone.

She looked around before leaning in closer, "What I mean, when I went to take a blood sample, the wound I made literal healed itself instantly."

The small professor looked shocked as he looked at her, "What? But that's impossible. Normal wizards shouldn't heal that quickly, especially from magic related wounds."

"It's as you say, Filius, a normal wizard," she said before pausing, "but somehow I feel the term 'normal' doesn't fit in with Mr. Bell."

"Do you- Do you think there's a possibility he might have some creature blood," the part goblin wizard asked hesitantly.

"I wouldn't know for certain without running some more tests, but that might be a possibility. It might also explain his abnormal strength."

Flitwick furrowed his brows, "…For now, I feel it would be best if we refrained from telling him anything. Not until I have a talk with the Headmaster at least. We can schedule a more in-depth examination at St. Mungo when I take him for his pre-dueling checkup."

"I'm sure it's nothing," the taller witch said leaning down to place a hand on his shoulder.

"I hope so."

"…and if he is half as good as dueling as he is in playing Quidditch, I'm more concerned for his opponents than for him," she said trying to lighten the mode.

Flitwick gave a chuckle, before the two exited the room.

Neither one noticed as Hermes, now sporting a single golden eye, stepped out of the shadows.

(Quidditch Pitch)

'Interesting,' I thought as I cut off my connection to Hermes, 'So they think I might be part creature huh. I could use that.'

Knocking a Bludger into a passing Slytherin, I flew higher into the air.

"You know people. I'm actually starting to feel a little bad for the Slytherin team," Lee Jorden announced on his mic.

"Charles, I think we've let them suffer enough," Robert said coming to meet me in the air, "It's about time we end it. Do you have eyes on the Snitch?"

"Yeah, give me a second," I told him before scanning the area. I pointed in one direction, "It's over there by the Gryffindor stands."

"Got it, I'll let Sam know?"

"Great. Cause I just spotted Flint," I said.

It only took a couple of minutes for Sam to get the Snitch. In the meanwhile, I was busy repeatedly bouncing a bludger into Flint.

"In a total unsurprising event, the Ravenclaw Team wins! 720 to 70. That has to be a record as one the most one-sided Quidditch match in Hogwarts History. Whatever must have happened during the break must have really pissed off the Ravenclaws for it to get this ugly. But whatever it was, I'm sure they deserved it."

Landing on the ground I was treated to a number of high-fives and slaps on the back from the rest of the team.

As for the Slytherin team, they were being led away on stretchers.

"Yes! We're in the lead! Only one more match to go!" Robert shouted causing everyone to cheer.

Yes, only a bit more now.

(Room of Requirements)

[Craft]'s Level has risen by one.

Dismissing the message, I instead raised my latest masterpiece up to the light.

"Beautiful," I said satisfied as I inspected the enchantments.

New recipe is added.

Recipe: Mechanical Spider.

It was a large bronze spider about a foot in length, roughly modeled after the infamous goliath bird-eating spider. The legs were thick and barbed like rose stems, ending on sharpened points. Five black eyes in the shape of a star sat in the middle of its head just above to sharp incisors. The abdomen looked like a glass pear, filled with some sort of green substance.

Placing it down on a table I grabbed a bronze ingot and a lightbulb, "Craft."

-200 MP

The ingredients where enveloped in a white light before their forms deformed and merged. When the light died down, in its place was an identical bronze spider.

Now that it was registered in my crafting list, I could start to mass produce them.

But first to test them.

(Zombie Dungeon)

Flying overhead on my broom I spotted a cluster of zombies in between two buildings.

Taking out a pen and my journal, I climbed higher into the air until I was about 100 ft above the ground. I then opened my inventory and dumped all of the bronze spiders, which amounted to exactly 3 dozen, on top the unsuspecting zombies.

I was worried that the glass bulb would break even with the durability enchantment placed on it, but it seems there was no need to worry as they all landed safely on the ground.

"Fall test: Check," I said as I jotted down some notes, "Next test, pounce."

As one, they lunged to their nearest zombie, some covering a distance of 15 ft in a single leap. Each spider weighed roughly 5 pounds so many of the zombies were left unbalanced when 2 or more barreled into them, some even being knocked to the ground.

The undead stood no chance as the bronze spiders attacked. Using teamwork, the spiders took them down one by one. Their legs easily pierced their rotten flesh and left gaping wounds as the barbs shredded the surrounding tissue on their way out. Their fangs injected the potion stored in their abdomen, melting both flesh and bone.

It took roughly 2 minutes for them to take out the 40 something zombies.

"Tch. Looks like this won't work either," I said in disappointment when I noticed that I hadn't received any EXP or loot from the zombies.

I was hoping to find a replacement for my mob squad after all but one of them had been destroyed from a stray fireball curtesy of the elemental zombie. Unfortunately, it seems that I had no choice but to use [Doll Creation] on them if I wanted to get any benefits. The only problem was that I didn't have the mana necessary to cast the skill without using mana stones, nor could I get anymore as the Mirror of Erised that contained the dungeon was currently locked away.

Charles Bell

Class: The Gamer

Title: Overlord

Level: LV 24 Next Level: 59.12%

HP: 850/ (340+ 510)

MP: 680/ (650+30)

STR: 25

DEX: 26

VIT: 29

INT: 60

WIS: 64

LUK: 30

Points: 47

Money: 92,450 G/ 0 S/ 22 K

Inventory: 8,931/12,000

I was tempted for the first time to use my stored points but crushed such a feeling down. It was better to save them for when I couldn't raise my stats naturally.

No, what I needed was something else. I needed to think outside the box for a moment.

Looking through my notes I saw something that caught my eye.

"This could work," I said as I turned the image around. "Hermes!"

In the blink of an eye Hermes appeared out of thin air on the handle of my broom.

What is your wish Master?

"I have a job for you," I told him, closing the journal with a snap.

(Scene Change)

Alright, after days of planning I was finally ready. I'd taken every step necessary and double checked my work. Now all that was left was start the experiment and hope that by the end of it, I would either have a new skill or something similar.

Seeing as there was no point delaying it any longer, I put on a pair safety goggles and my dragon-hide gloves. Next, I grabbed the two jumper cables attached to the car battery and held them tightly in my hands.

Based on my research into magical theory and muggle science, I was certain that there was some correlation between magic and electricity. Chizpurfle, a small magical parasite that fed off magic was also known to eat electronic devices when in magic deprived environments, meaning that the two could be interchangeable, at least to some degree. Another reason why this seemed like a reasonable hypothesis, was that electronic devices tend to malfunction or short-circuit in magical rich places, like Hogwarts. The fact that this happens at all, meant that the two energies could interact with each other. If I could find some way, to convert one into the other or vice versa, it would open a whole new world of possibilities.

Unfortunately, all break throughs need some level of risks.

Calling forth my magic, I created a mana bolt in front of me around the size of a watermelon. I stuck the two ends of the cable inside and hoped for the best.

I didn't have to wait long for a reaction as I was thrown back when the sphere exploded.

-400 HP

'Wow, that took nearly half my HP,' I thought before reaching into my Inventory and drinking a Healthy Potion.

Tossing away the two destroyed metal clamps I sat up and walked over to the battery. It had only been for a split second, but I had seen electricity arc inside the mana bolt. That would mean there was a high possibility of magic acting as an electrical conductor.

This would require more study and more experimentation. Luckily, I had both time and patience on my side. Though I should probably start off with something smaller.

An hour later I had successfully managed to hold a D-battery inside of the mana bolt without blowing it up. I saw as electrical arcs escaped from the battery and danced inside of the orb like tiny curious snakes before dissolving into thin air, causing the orb to pulse.

Once I was sure that the battery no longer had a charge, I tried directing my mana inside of it.

I stopped however when I saw the casing start to bulge. "Tch. Another failure."

I was hoping to either make a magic battery or something that could boost my magic reserves.

"I have returned," Hermes announced as he appeared in the air above.

"Huh, well that was quicker than I expected," I said holding out my arm for him to land.

He landed gracefully with a few flaps of his wings. "They were easy enough to find," he said materializing a glass jar filled with tiny crab like creatures about one twentieth of an inch. These were the Chizpurfles.

"Oh good, I was running out of batteries. Looks like it's time for plan B," I told Hermes.

If I couldn't convert electricity into energy directly, then I just needed to make a device that could. And what better material than creatures that could already do that.

(March 7, 1992)

"So? Who do you think will win?" Padma asked as we walked to the Gryffindor stands.

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff had their match today.

"It'd be amazing if Hufflepuff won. I kind of feel bad for how the first game turned out."

"Well lucky you, my secret sources say Professor Snape is referring this time. Maybe that Anti-Gryffindor bias will finally be good for something," she said looking to me for a reaction and finding none. "Why aren't you surprised? I said Snape is referring this match. See this is why I don't like you; I can never get a reaction from you."

"Your gossip is outdated, I already knew that," I said waving my hand, "By the way, I think I see your sister."

She turned around to see her sister, Parvati, standing by the staircase with her friend Lavender Brown.

"She's cute," I said offhandedly, "Cuter than you at least."

Padma gave me a deadpanned look, "We're identical twins."

"Yeah, but she's still cuter," I told her mockingly.

"Prat," she huffed before stomping away.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw Daphne and Tracy standing behind me. Of course, I was already aware of them tailing me from the beginning thanks to the map window, but I still decided to act surprised. "Well if it isn't the Princess and her Troll. So far into enemy territory?" I said with a charming smile.

"Eat crow, Bell!" Tracey shouted a response.

Daphne let out a sigh, "I'd wish the two of you would just get along?"

"I would, if she apologized for coating Hermes in honey," I added, narrowing my eyes at the black-haired witch.

"And I keep telling you it was an accident. Plus, I caught that little thief eyeing my jewelry more than once before they disappear," she shot back with a glare.

"Enough both of you," Daphne said massaging her forehead.

"Fine. So, what are you doing here?" I asked.

Instead of replying, Daphne took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me.

"What's this?" I said I said opening it to see it was some type of list.

She folded her hands under her chest, "As expected, the party was a huge hit. As a result, I've been receiving a lot of request on some hard to get items, mostly desserts and makeup, with the odd trinket here and there. I've set up a temporary shop in the girls dorms and as you can see I'm already being swamped with orders."

"I'll say. 3 dozen cupcakes, 10 bags of crisps, and 34 makeup kits…" I read out, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"How soon can you get them," she said undeterred.

I stared at her for several seconds before finally letting out a sigh and shaking my head, "I can have them by tomorrow," I then gave Tracy a look, "provided of course, that someone doesn't decided to glue Hermes' wings together."

"Why yo-"

"That won't be a problem," Daphne interrupted her, as she gave her friend a meaningful look.

"Then I'll have them by breakfast," I told her. I should have most of the things on the list in my inventory anyways.

"Fantastic," the Slytherin Princess said letting out an air of relief.

"Huh, well isn't this a surprise. Looks like Draco and his friends are here too," I informed them, pointing behind them.

Daphne's eyes momentarily widened before narrowing and turning around.

"Oh bullock," Tracey cursed as she saw them heading toward one of the Gryffindor stands.

The blonde witch slapped a hand to her forehead, "What is that idiot doing now?"

"So, I take it, he didn't come here with you then?" I commented with an amused grin.

"Oh, wipe off that smile," Tracey said in an annoyed voice before the two witches went to see what the blonde boy was up to.

"Five Sickles say, he came to pick a fight," I called out as I chased after them.

Hastily climbing the stairway, we were just in time to see Neville try to tackle Crabbe and Goyle with Ron throwing a sloppy punch at Draco that caused them to fall down.

Daphne's calm exterior finally cracked as she glared at them in fury. Tracy looked like she was seconds away from jumping in.

She turned to me, "A little help?"

Shrugging my shoulder's, I decided I might as well.

Grabbing the back of Crabbe and Goyle's collars, I lifted the two Slytherin boys off Neville, who looked to be unconscious.

"Oi, let go-"

"What's the big-"

They struggled against my hold, but it was useless as I turned them to face the enraged witch. Their faces went pale very quickly.

"We will talk about this later," she growled at them, before looking to me, "Charles, you may let the go now."

I did, and I watched as the two larger boys cowered under the smaller girl's glare like two scared puppies. Not that many could blame them, as Daphne was known to be rather scary when crossed. The Slytherin Quidditch Team that had unknowingly cost her a significant amount of money, were even now feeling the afterbite of that same wrath. The group had been made little more than pariahs in their own house and became the subject of bully by many. Oh yes, the little blonde ruled her house with an iron grip.

Tracy made her way to the other two, who were rolling around on the floor like a pair of angry cats.

Unfortunately, a stray attack grazed her leg causing her to step back, "Ow! You bloody twits! You scratched me!"

I decided to step in before she decided to throw hexes around.

I pulled her back and walked over to the two boys. Then I hauled them off the ground by their robes and held them in the air.

"What th-"


Their shouts of protest went ignored as I knocked their head together and then threw them aside in one motion.

"Wow," Tracy muttered with a look of surprise, "no wonder people think you have giant's blood."

I gave her a confused look, "People think I'm part giant?"

"It's more of a joke, since you're so big for our age and physically strong," she explained, walking over and squeezing my biceps.

"Ah, I see," I nodded, before giving her a concerned look, "is your leg okay?"

"Yeah, it's nothing," she waved me off before walking over to a dazed Draco and hauling him to his feet. Then slapped him in the back of the head and kicked him toward Daphne. He stumbled a bit before being caught by Crabbe and Goyle.

The look she gave her fellow Slytherin was anything but nice, "I think Draco has had enough excitement for one day. Crabbe, Goyle, lead Draco back to his room so that he may rest."

He didn't protest as he was forcibly marched away from the stand, looking like death had come early for him.

"Charles, I thank you for intervening, but if you'll excuse me, I have to educate my fellow housemate how one is to behave in public," was all she said before she and Tracy turned and left.

"Have fun Princess," I called after her.

A groan from the floor made me look down. The redhaired boy shook his head, blood dripping down his nose and a black eye forming on his face.

Hmm, what to do?

"Do you need some help getting up?" I said offering him my hand only for him to slap it away and glare at me.

"What the bloody hell mate, why'd you help those stinking Slytherins?"

"Looks like you're fine," I said rolling my eyes. I decided to ignore him for the moment, wiping my hand on my robe. Instead I walked toward Hermione who had yet to turn around or even notice anything that had been happening.

I got behind her and covered her eyes with my hands, "Guess who?"

"Eep! Charles!" she shouted in surprise before pushing my hands away and turning around.

I gave her grin, "Ding, ding, ding. You're right. Too bad there's no prize."

"What are you doing here?" she asked a bit calmer, trying to pat down her hair.

"I came here with Padma since she wanted to watch the game with her sister but I ended up annoying her too much, so she left me behind," I explained.

"Okay," she said before looking behind me, "Huh? Ron, why are you on the ground? Wait, why are you bleeding?! Is Neville unconscious?!"

"I'm amazed that you didn't notice the fight between them and Draco's group. They were rolling around on the floor like a pack of wild animals. I had to physically pull them apart so they would stop, so I apologies if I was a little rough with them," I said with a huff. "It's not good to be so focused that you lose track of your surrounding Hermione, you could get hurt?"


"Oh shoot, it looks like we missed the game," I shouted as we turned to the field and saw Harry flying in the air with the Snitch, or at least I did, I wasn't sure how good Hermione's vision was.

Hermione let out a relieved sigh.

"That Potter sure knows how to fly. The Ravenclaw team has its work cut out for them," I complimented.

"Harry's going to mop the floor with you lot," Ron said in a slightly nasally voice from behind us, holding his broken nose.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Hermione hissed at him, "Ron, that was rude. Apologize."

"Why, should I? He helped Draco and his lackeys get away. You shouldn't trust him Hermione, he's friends with the Slytherins," he said red faced.

"I'm friends with everyone," I interjected.

"You're not my friend," he grunted with a glare.

Calmly I nodded, "I suppose not."

"Leave," he growled out.

"Ron!" Hermione shouted starting to sound angry as well. I held up a hand to stop her.

"It's fine, I just came to see if you had changed your mind about the study group," I said turning toward her.


"She hasn't," Ron interrupted again forcibly stepping forward.

I ignored him, "Well if you do, you can find us at the library."

"Thank you, Charles," she said with a smile.

"Well I should probably leave before your friend throws a tantrum," I told her as I started to walk away ruffling Ron's hair as I passed.

I could hear them start to argue right away.

Taking out a handkerchief, I wiped the remnants of the rage inducing potion from my hands.

Honestly, this was almost too easy, but then again, I was up against children.

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