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89.65% Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World Co-op Route / Chapter 25: The Consequences Of Wrath: Part 2

Capítulo 25: The Consequences Of Wrath: Part 2

—Say the world betrays him countless times, would he be rewarded?

The transition into the realm of dreams enveloped Tanaka seamlessly, as if he were diving into a pool of unknown depths. The sensation was akin to sinking beneath the surface of water, his surroundings melting into an ethereal haze. As he descended further, the world around him underwent a metamorphosis, the familiar sounds of the library fading into the distant murmurings of an unfamiliar landscape.

Gradually, his vision cleared, and a voice pierced through the dreamlike ambiance, drawing his attention like a beacon in the darkness.

"My actions were nothing more than a preventive defense against degeneration of the situation. By the time I had found him, Subaru-Kun was already beyond any chance of rescue. He would have desired to be put down immediately."

The voice, recognizable yet distant, echoed in the recesses of Tanaka's mind, stirring a sense of disquiet within him.

"And, so... that's what that, terrible end was, is what you're saying, Rem? Subaru is my benefactor, and there were going to be so many things for us to talk about... and you..."

In the darkness of his subconscious, Tanaka found himself standing in his specter form, within the familiar confines of the mansion's hallway. The voices of two familiar girls reverberated around him, their tones fraught with tension.

The blue-haired girl and the silver-haired girl face each other, a turbulent atmosphere flowing

through the room.

Roswaal: "Nooooooow now, let's go without you getting carried away also, Emilia-sama. Whydoooooooon't we start by prooooooperly listening to Rem's side aaaaaaas well?"

Emilia: "Roswaal... do you understand what's happened? Rem has... your servant has, led my

benefactor, and also your guest Subaru, to... to his death."

Roswaal: "I do quiiiiiiiiiite understand. Which iiiiiiiiis why... we must have a clear discussion on the

topic. —For the sake of preventing any misunderstandings in your mutual sentiments, aaaaas well."

Roswaal narrows his yellow eye as he replies. The clown shoots a gaze to the Rem seated beside

him, and perceiving the glance, Rem nods.

Rem: "There late last night in the eastern wing... on the floor housing Emilia-sama's room, was an

intruder. The warning gems alerted me to this as I promptly headed for the scene, which is where I

had discovered Subaru-kun loitering about."

Ram: "Barusu was already under the curse's effects by then."

Rem: "Yes, My Sister is exactly correct. Weakened, Subaru-kun was on the border of death. The

curse's effects had sapped his vitality to the absolute limit, and having determined that to save him

would be impossible..."

Emilia: "You beat him to death with your flail. —And brutally."

Ram: "Emilia-Sama."

Sitting beside her younger sister Rem, having held her hand, Ram's eyes as she looks at Emilia are

harsh. But Emilia faces Ram's sharp gaze with strength.

Emilia: "The facts are the facts. ...Subaru's body, his torso and head were in awful condition. If you

were just meaning to give him an execution, there had to have been a gentler way. So then, why?"

Rem: "That, would be..."

Rem is stuck for words.

That she does not say anything further is because Rem's personality is not one for telling lies, and

because Emilia's statement hit accurately on her motives.

Rem harbored intense distrust for Subaru back then.

After the second loop in the mansion loop series—where Rem had bludgeoned Subaru to death,

failed to conceal the fact, and was resultingly having this conversation.

You could also say that Rem's hostility for a Subaru interacting familiarly with Ram had intensified, and she could not keep from actualizing her desire to murder.

—On that upper floor of the mansion, when she swung her flail at Subaru, just what had Rem been


Perhaps the whole affair was uncertain even to Rem.

Emilia: "—Your aim was off, or it was because you hesitated... those were the answers I wanted to


Rem: "—hk"

Emilia mutters sadly, her eyes closed. Rem's face jerks up.

It's unclear how well Emilia's words had perceived what the truth of matters were for Rem. And it

would always, forever remain unclear.

Roswaal: "Emilia-Sama, to where are you going?"

Emilia stands up, brushing at her skirt's hem. Roswaal's expression vanishes as he asks her his


Hearing it, Emilia pats her long, silver hair.

Emilia: "—I'm leaving. It was only for a short while, but thank you for having me. I know I'm

incapable of participating in the Royal Selection without the backing of you all. But... I can't trust

you anymore."

Roswaal: "Even should you not trust us, do you not believe a relationship of mutual utilization yet

beneficial? Abdicating due to a tantrum cannot be called a wise decision."

Emilia: "Tantrum...?"

Emilia's face stiffens in shock. Then she promptly walks over to Roswaal—

—No one could have stopped that peal of flesh on flesh.

Those white fingers of hers slapped Roswaal across his pallid cheek, hard.

Emilia falls out of breath with that one single strike against that reddened, swelling cheek. The

slapped Roswaal doesn't do anything, but instead Ram's face pales as she moves to stand up and—

Roswaal: "Ram."

Ram: "But, Roswaal-Sama."

Roswaal: "It's fine. You can stay seated. Emilia-Sama, my apologies for Ram."

Emilia: "This is what you're always like to me... but you're still saying nothing about Subaru..."

Biting her lip, Emilia glares at the calm Roswaal. A furious rage churns in her amethyst eyes, but

Roswaal's composure remains completely unrattled.

Roswaal: "Leaving the mansion, and returning to the forest—would he have left you with some


Emilia: "I was wrong for going along with your wheedling. Atonement... my penance can be done

in lots of other ways. I was mistaken about it. And because I was, Subaru died."

Emilia closes her eyes in response to Roswaal's question, announcing her reply in quiet voice.

She gives a slight shake of the head.

Emilia: "I'm bringing his soul with me and placing it peacefully to rest in the forest. —For Subaru

and for the rest, no matter how long it takes, I'm devoting my time to their repose. And now, the

conversation is over."

Having no intention to speak with them any further, Emilia takes distance from Roswaal. Her hair

sways with her departure, Roswaal watching on with his heterochromatic eyes. Still seated in his

chair, his arm reaches out for the retreating back—and falls.

Roswaal: "Should this veer from the writ, then here... wooooooould be where my track ends."

Ram: "Roswaal-Sama..."

Whispers Roswaal powerlessly, Ram speaking with concern as she takes his hand. The clown

glances at the girl gazing worriedly at him, a weak smile rising on his face.

Roswaal: "Ram, you would appear the winner of ooooooour bet. Here is where my purposes have

likely hit an impasse... in short, the contract can be fulfilled."

Ram: "...Yes. Yes, Roswaal-sama."

With these two having their quiet exchange at the corner of her eye, Emilia proceeds toward Rem,

who has stood up to open the door. Before passing her by, Emilia looks at Rem and her solemnly

bowed head.

Emilia: "Lead me to where Subaru is."

Rem: "Emilia-Sama, that would be..."

Emilia: "I know he's in awful condition. I'll put him back to normal so much as I can... and, take

him with me to the forest."

Her expression stiffening at seeing Emilia's horrifically sorrowful face, Rem looks down. In her

expression is something like regret, as well something like anger.

She's surely conflicted on, why did it have to turn out like this?, he thought.

Despite being in his specter form, he couldn't help but be drawn to the sight of Subaru's lifeless body, lying in a pool of blood. He longed to look away, to escape the suffocating grip of his fear, Tanaka forced himself to bear witness to the scene before him.

His heart clenched with a mixture of horror and revulsion as he beheld the gruesome sight.

—Why did it have to turn out like that? Nobody could answer.

Emilia: "I'm sorry, Subaru. —I couldn't even do anything." Murmurs Emilia, at the close.

And as the dream continued to unfold, Tanaka knew that he would carry the memory of this moment with him, a reminder of the fragility of their life.


Then, as if abruptly yanked from the depths of his subconscious, Tanaka was jolted awake by the insistent blare of the alarm. The sudden transition was disorienting, like being thrust from the tranquility of a dream into the chaotic realm of reality.

"Ninja-GO! Ninja-GO!"

"Hold yourself together," Tanaka muttered to himself, his voice a whisper in the darkness as he attempted to steady his nerves. The grewsome images from his dream still danced vividly in his mind, threatening to unravel his composure.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, Tanaka's gaze fell upon the figure of Beatrice, her presence a welcome distraction from the lingering echoes of his nightmare. She stood before him, her expression one of curiosity as she inspected a part of his headphone.

"What are you doing?" Tanaka inquired, his voice tinged with exhaustion and uncertainty.

Startled by his sudden awakening, Beatrice bounced back, her eyes wide with surprise.

Finally noticing him, Beatrice bounced back 

"I had a bad dream, a scary one."

He leaned back on the chair while covering his face with his hands.

'What did all that crap mean?'

His mind raced, attempting to decipher the meaning behind the cryptic images that had haunted him in his sleep. Rem's actions, Subaru's fate—it was all too much to solve.

"Do we just leave now?" Tanaka wondered aloud, his thoughts drifting to the possibility of escape. But he knew deep down that fleeing would solve nothing. They were still in the dark about their circumstances.

"I will put my mind and study more this night," Tanaka resolved, he would delve deeper into the books that lined the library shelves, seeking answers to the questions that plagued his mind.

But he also can't let guard down. 

The risk of getting either assassinated or cursed is what is waiting for him.

But even as he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, Tanaka couldn't shake the weariness that clung to him like a heavy shroud. "I'm tired, I'm really tired..." he muttered, the weight of their predicament pressing down upon him like a leaden blanket.

Beatrice, catching his lips moving but unable to hear his words clearly, tilted her head in confusion. "What was that?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"I'M TIRED BETTY!" Tanaka exclaimed, his frustration bubbling to the surface as he seized the opportunity to tease her.

"Eeeeeek..." Beatrice jumped back as she was caught off guard.

"Hahaha," Tanaka chuckled, a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he savored the moment of levity.

"Stop fooling around you imbec***...You called me that again."

Tanaka tilted his head, a bemused smile tugging at his lips. "Called you what?"

"Don't play dumb, you just called me Betty, and earlier you did the same. Only Bubby gets to call me that," Beatrice retorted, her tone laced with a hint of annoyance.

"Ahh.. Well, you see, Puck calls you that and Subaru started calling you Beako....."

"That moron decided that nickname on his own, in fact!"

"Yes, it's cute and all, but it's a bit much for me. I thought about creating an original nickname, but then you would have three nicknames, which is also a tad weird."

"Don't do unnecessary things and just call me by my name!" Beatrice insisted, her expression firm.

"Haha.. Alright, Alright

he laughed off or at least he pretended to. Rising from his chair, he made his way towards the door, causing Beatrice to startle.

"You're leaving already?"

Opening the door, Tanaka spoke as he stepped into the hallway, "Yeah, I have to work after all. Thanks for letting me stay, as always. Next time, I'll show you my playlist since you seem to be interested earlier."

The conversation didn't extend any further as the sound of the door shutting echoed through the room.


And the thud a bit louder than usual.


Exiting the library, Tanaka's steps quickened as he made his way towards the bathroom. Whatever he had witnessed in his sleep, it had felt all too real to be dismissed as mere fantasy.


The sound of retching filled the small space as Tanaka leaned over the sink, his body convulsing with each heave. He dumped the contents of his already empty stomach into the basin, the bile mixing with the remnants of his last meal.

Tanaka's Hemophobia had only intensified since arriving in this unfamiliar world, where gruesome deaths lurked around every corner. The image of Subaru's lifeless body, with its amputated arm, crushed skull, and mangled torso, haunted his thoughts like a relentless specter.

"...Huuuuh, pant, pant. Bleeeeurgh!" 

The sensation of emptiness washed over him as he expelled everything he had ingested, his stomach heaving painfully with each violent retch. Yellowish gastric juice mixed with bile spewed forth, leaving a bitter taste lingering in his mouth.

To satisfy the uncontrollable feeling of vomiting, he gulped down the water from the sink to fill his stomach, then immediately throw it down. It was repeated over and over again, as if flushing out the contents of his stomach.

"Haa... haa, haa..."

Tanaka wiped his mouth roughly with his sleeve, his hand trembling with exhaustion. His face was pale, sweat beading on his forehead as he struggled to catch his breath. 

"Finally found you," a voice called out, breaking the oppressive silence that had settled over Tanaka like a suffocating blanket.

Startled, Tanaka leaned against the door frame, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to compose himself.

"Don't worry, I'm heading back to work," Tanaka responded, her tone laced with an undertone of concern.

"That's not it, there's something Ram needs to ask Tanuki," she persisted, the urgency in her voice cutting through Tanaka's haze of anxiety. He felt a knot form in his stomach, a sense of foreboding washing over him like a wave crashing against the shore.

"Did something happen between you and Rem?"

A moment of silence passes between them, its insistence drawing out a deep sigh from Tanaka. He shook his head slowly, his thoughts racing as he tried to come up with a suitable response.

For Tanaka, masking negative emotions with frivolity was a skill beyond his grasp. He could contain them to some extent, but beneath the surface, they simmered like a dormant volcano, threatening to erupt at any moment. With a forced smile, he attempted to deflect the question, but the strain was evident in his voice.

Tanaka's expression darkened, his brows furrowing as his already sour mood worsened. "What makes you say that? Nothing happened." He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze flickering away as he avoided eye contact.

"Ram isn't stupid, Rem was acting strange for the past few days," Ram countered, her tone firm and unyielding.

"Then maybe you should ask her instead of me, you can't trust anything that comes out of my mouth after all."

'And neither can I...' he thought bitterly, his mind a whirlwind of self-doubt and uncertainty.

"What are you even saying...!?" Ram's voice cut through, her incredulity evident in the sharpness of her tone.

"I don't want any trouble, I'm just going to do my job," Tanaka stated firmly, his resolve hardening as he made a decision. Without needing to articulate it further, Ram understood his unspoken message—that he wished to end the conversation there and then, without delving any deeper into the reasons behind his sudden change in behavior.

With a resigned nod, Tanaka turned on his heel and made to leave the bathroom, the weight of the conversation heavy on his shoulders. "Then I will excuse myself..." he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he slipped out of the room.

As he stepped back into the hallway, Tanaka couldn't shake the feeling that he had only succeeded in scratching the surface of a much deeper problem.


'He looks even worse than yesterday' 

The third day dawned, casting its light upon the grandeur of the mansion grounds. Subaru found himself observing Tanaka's diligent efforts amidst the tranquil scenery, the rustling of leaves and the gentle sway of branches serving as a backdrop to the task at hand.

Tanaka's committed to his duties; each chore he undertook was executed with precision and care, yet beneath his efficiency lay a palpable sense of strain. Dark circles adorned his eyes, a silent testament to the toll recent events had taken on his well-being.

He was almost on par with the twins.

The problem was that, it's obvious to every person who takes a look at him that he was pushing himself.

Dark circles adorned the skin beneath his eyes, a stark contrast to the pale pallor of his complexion. His movements, though efficient, lacked the usual grace and vigor. A persistent cough occasionally punctuated the air, Subaru couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern as he observed Tanaka's deteriorating condition.

Looking at his face from afar, there was a dark aura he was emitting. The vibe around Tanaka was clearly indicating the words, "Don't approach me." 

"What exactly was going on inside his head?" Subaru's brow furrowed in contemplation as he leaned on his broom, his thoughts drifting to the enigma that was Tanaka's inner turmoil. 

He couldn't fault Tanaka for his reticence; after all, they shared a common bond forged through the harrowing experiences of death and rebirth. Yet, the extent of Tanaka's withdrawal from his surroundings was disconcerting. On the other hand Subaru is still wary of Rem, but regardless, he is still interacting with her, acting natural, and making silly jokes.

Whereas Tanaka, completely stopped talking to her, he even stopped talking with Ram. Normally, he would need some guidance and assistance since he just started working, But he is doing pushing himself so that he doesn't need help.

"I wish he could just talk about what's on his mind," Subaru mused aloud, the weight of his concern evident in his voice.

"Are you talking about Tanaka?" Suddenly, a voice broke the silence, causing Subaru to startle slightly before turning to face the source. It was Emilia, her presence a welcome interruption to Subaru's somber reflections.

Emilia's voice was laced with curiosity as she approached from behind, catching Subaru off guard with her sudden appearance. 

Subaru chuckled nervously, his surprise giving way to amusement as he responded, "Emilia-Tan! You shouldn't sneak up on men like that, you might cause heart attacks with your cuteness."

Emilia laughed, "You're incorrigible, Subaru," she chided playfully before steering the conversation back to their earlier topic. "But seriously, were you talking about Tanaka earlier?"

Subaru smile slowly faded and it was replaced by a low sigh, "Yeah, I'm a bit worried about him," he admitted, his concern evident in the furrow of his brows. "He's not adjusting well to this place, and I wish he would open up about what's bothering him."

An awkward silence settled between them, prompting Subaru to quickly attempt to change the subject. "Anyway, you don't have to worry about him, Emilia-tan. I will talk to—"

But Emilia cut him off, her determination shining through as she interrupted. "Yes, I will talk to him," she declared, her eyes alight with resolve.

Subaru blinked in surprise at Emilia's sudden assertion, his confusion evident as he attempted to protest. "Huh? Emilia-tan?"

"You were just as anxious as him two days ago but now, you became much more relaxed after I gave you a lap-pillow. Yes, that will work."

With self-encouragement, Emilia began to stride purposefully towards Tanaka with a carefree steps. 

Subaru's heart clenched at the thought of Emilia giving attention to someone else's troubles, particularly Tanaka's. "No, Emilia! Stop! You shouldn't do something I will regret!"


Meanwhile, in the midst of his duties, Tanaka couldn't shake the weariness that clung to him like a heavy cloak. 

"I'm tired," he muttered to himself as he worked, the weight of exhaustion settling upon his shoulders like an unwelcome burden. Yet, even as fatigue threatened to overwhelm him, Tanaka remained steadfast.

'At least the time for my break is coming.' 

With the vision he saw yesterday, the death of Subaru took place in the hallway at night which means that he will have to go for another sleepless night. 

He already told Subaru to avoid leaving his bedroom at night but Tanaka will have to stay awake in case something happens. 

"Good morning, Tanaka," a voice called out behind him, interrupting his thoughts and drawing his attention. 

Quickly, Tanaka plastered a fake smile on his face, his weariness masked behind a facade of cheerfulness as he turned to greet Emilia. "Good morning, Emilia. What's up?"

Emilia seemed like she wanted to say something, but for some reason, she hesitated. Her brows furrowed slightly as she searched for the right words, her hesitation evident in the way she shifted nervously on her feet.

Tanaka's voice trailed off, his hand raised in a casual wave as he called out to her. "Hello! From earth to Emilia, are you still t..."

And as he was about to finish his sentence, his attention was distorted when he saw another figure peeking at him from a corner. 

'What the hell?'

It was Subaru, lurking in the corner, his gaze sending an unsettling message. A sense of unease washed over Tanaka as he observed the peculiar scene unfolding before him.

"Tanaka!" Suddenly, Emilia's voice pierced through the awkward silence, her sudden rise in volume catching Tanaka off guard.

"Yes!?" Startled, Tanaka's response was swift, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. 

Emilia's words came out in short bursts, her sentences punctuated by pauses and stammers as she struggled to articulate her thoughts. "Em... You looked tired yesterday, and... Em... you are looking tired today too..."

Then, in a burst of determination, Emilia blurted out her offer. "I can give you a lap pillow!"


He stared at her, confusion apparent on his face and an awkward silence prevailed. 

He stood there, speechless, unsure of how to respond to the random offer.

As Tanaka busied himself with the mop and the window, Emilia stood there, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Her ears turned a rosy hue as she fidgeted nervously, uncertain of how to break the awkward silence that hung between them. She stole a quick glance at Subaru, whose expression was more of a puzzled "ehh..." reaction, reflecting his confusion or dumbfoundedness by her straightforwardness.

The silence stretched on, each passing moment only amplifying Emilia's discomfort. Unable to bear it any longer, she called out to Tanaka, her voice tinged with desperation. "Please say something!"

Just as the tension became almost unbearable, Tanaka let out a small chuckle, breaking the silence with a hint of amusement. "Pft..."

"Haha hahahaha." As Tanaka's chuckle evolved into laughter, Emilia's flustered state only seemed to intensify.

Her cheeks flushed even redder, and she fidgeted with her fingers, feeling more exposed than ever in the awkward situation. Unable to contain herself any longer, she blurted out, "It's not that funny! Puck! Please help me!"

In response, a voice echoed from the green emerald that Emilia wore around her neck. "I don't know, this looks interesting.." Following the voice, a floating gray cat spirit emerged from the emerald, nonchalantly licking its paw as if thoroughly entertained by the scene unfolding before it.

Meanwhile, Subaru emerged from the corner, "You were watching all that from the beginning?" Said the guy who was watching all that from the beginning.

"Aren't you the same Subaru?" quipped Puck, his voice carrying a mischievous undertone as he addressed the stalker.

Tanaka's hysterical laughter slowly subsided as he regained his composure, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Her brows furrowed slightly, revealing a mixture of frustration and amusement at Tanaka's reaction.

"And here I was worried about you. Whatever, I don't care anymore." She then pouted and turned her head to the side, showing a displeased expression.

"Haha, sorry! sorry!" Tanaka apologized quickly, sensing her annoyance. "But hey, you can't blame me after you said something like that out of the blue. I mean, pft.., how old do you think I am?" 

"You can't be older than me?" Emilia retorted, her brows furrowing slightly.

Tanaka smirked. "It doesn't matter, I'm 19 years old. In our world, when you become 18, you're considered an adult. Therefore, I regretfully have to reject your precious offer."

Emilia looked at him, sensing the sarcasm but still feeling a bit worried.

Still smiling, Tanaka continued, "Anyway, you're right. I'm tired and I've been feeling sick since this morning. Thanks for worrying, but I'm alright. I've been going to the library every day to take breaks so that I can rest bit by bit."

He then reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone to check the time. Flashing it to the others, he said, "And now that I've mentioned it, it's time for my break."

"I'm surprised that Beako allows you to stay there," Subaru interjected. "She lets me in for a while and then sends me flying like a missile."

"I'm more surprised that you two even managed to get to the library," Emilia added. "I haven't even seen it before."

"Well, I'll get going now," Tanaka said, addressing them all. "So you don't have to worry about me forcing myself. I'm taking care of myself."

Emilia slightly smiled and nodded in approval, though she wasn't entirely convinced.

"Anyway, see you later," Tanaka said before turning and walking from the garden towards the mansion entrance.

Despite his reassurances, Subaru couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness. "I hope things go smoothly," he murmured to himself, a note of concern in his voice.


The scene shifted. Tanaka found himself amidst the towering shelves of books in the same room as Beatrice, a petite and elegant looking little girl with long blond hair styled in twin drills, who often wore a frilly, Victorian-style dress with a white apron.

Lost in thought, Tanaka felt a tinge of disappointment when he recalled the fact that he hadn't gotten to spend time with the spirits yesterday. His gaze wandered absently over the bookshelves, his mind elsewhere.

Suddenly, Beatrice closed the book in her hands and addressed him. "You aren't sleeping, are you?"

Tanaka's attention snapped back to her, though he couldn't help but play dumb. "What are you talking about? I'm going to sleep right now,"

But Beatrice shook her head, her tone shifting to one of mock irritation. "That's not what I meant. I'm asking if you're sleeping at night or not."

Tanaka sighed inwardly. "Ah, no, I don't. I told you last time that I can't sleep in my room because I'm having nightmares."

There was really no point in denying it since it was obvious.

Beatrice seemed taken aback, realizing he wasn't joking as she had thought before.

"Yeah, I stayed up the last two nights, but it's fine since I get to sleep here," Tanaka added, trying to ease the tension.

"Aren't humans supposed to sleep for at least 7 hours?" Beatrice inquired, her annoyance evident.

"It varies from person to person. Three hours are enough for me to survive," Tanaka replied casually, though he could sense Beatrice's irritation growing.

As Beatrice got up from her chair and headed towards one of the shelves to pick up a book, Tanaka moved to sit down.

"I will show you," Beatrice began, reaching for a book, "In this book my mother wrote, it says that sleeping less than 7 hours will impact..."


But her sentence was cut short by a loud thump. When Beatrice turned around, she was startled to see Tanaka's body lying on the ground.


Two voices conversed, their tones distinct yet shrouded in mystery. 

"Wait, are you actually going to show him those realities?" The first voice, emanating from the depths of the unknown, held a note of concern.

The second voice, steady and unwavering, responded after a moment of contemplation. "Of course I am. That's the only way to avoid them."

"But... You can't just make him experience those realities abruptly," the first voice, now tinged with apprehension, interjected. "Wouldn't his mind break?"

"It is possible," the second voice conceded, acknowledging the potential risks.

"Then you shouldn't—" the first voice began, expressing doubt.

"But it still has to be done," the second voice interrupted firmly, overriding any objections. "If he can't endure this much, that means he's useless to me."


I see the of Beatrice's petite figure walking up, slightly opening the door to the library.

"Hey, wait! If you go outside now..."

My hand reach out to her, my mouth opens on it's own and speaks words I did not intend to speak.

'Why am I stopping her?'

The little girl turns to me with an indifferent expression, "If you want you can stay here, this place is safe I suppose."

With that, Beatrice exited the library.

I felt my blood boiling at her contemptuous tone, I kicked the chair and stood up, following her. He hesitated for a few seconds at the door handle.


"Ah, damn it. What the hell, just like that!"

Again, my mouth kept blurting out stuff without my consent, it seemed like an attempt to boost one's self with foul language.

I swung the door open.

Immediately after—


Unconsciously, a foolish sound escaped my mouth.

I shielded my eyes from the piercing, bright light, it was a natural reaction to the morning's welcome.

"Did we... surpass it? The night of the fourth day...!?"

'Is this another vision?' Tanaka thought.

A vision where they reached the forth day.

But he felt it was very different. It wasn't like the ones he experienced before, as he possessed a physical body.

I felt my legs becoming weak, causing my back to hit the wall. Despite not being able to control my body, I didn't regardless feel I had the strength to stand back.


Suddenly, a dry laughter escaped unknowingly from my mouth.

And it didn't stop there.

"Hehe, hahaha. What... what is this? Hey, what is this? Something like this... hey, hahaha..."

I found myself unable to formulate speech.

Holding his knees, I continued to squat in the corridor, emitting laughter that seemed to have lost his sanity.

'Did I really reach this point of desperation?'

Tanaka's goal for now was to reach the forth day, and apparently in this vision he achieved that, but his reaction felt a bit odd.


I stopped laughing when I heard a voice calling for Subaru.

Upon lifting my gaze,, I saw a silver-haired girl standing at the end of the corridor.

"Emilia!" Upon calling her name with enthusiasm.

Here, Tanaka understood to some extent what's going on.

'This Subaru's body.'

While joy spread in Subaru's heart, Emilia stared at me in astonishment. Then, suddenly, she ran towards me and sat down beside me.

"Subaru... where did you go?"

"Well, I..."

"It's okay... never mind that. Just come with me."

Pulling my han... or rather Subaru's hand, Emilia stood up, surprising him with her insistence.

Without waiting for Subaru's response, Emilia forcefully dragged me along the corridor.

Tanaka was taken aback by her sudden actions, he felt his lips were about to say something but Subaru's attempt to comment was stopped by the sight of Emilia's profile.

An undeniable anxiety and impatience were evident on her handsome face.

"What... exactly..."

That's what he wanted to ask, but he physically couldn't.

Again, his mouth started to move, seemingly preparing to say something, but before he could utter a word, another sound struck his eardrums.

—It was a scream, he thought. Or maybe a cry of despair.

High-pitched, with a lingering echo, filled with sadness, it left a painful mark on the listener's heart, a cry from the depths of the soul.

The scream, as if tearing apart one's own body, continued incessantly.

Through the corridor, up to the upper floor. The second floor on the east side consisted of individual rooms for the staff. Passing by Tanaka's room. 

Emilia, still pulling Subaru along, headed further inside—to where,

"Roswaal and..."

Standing in the corridor with his long blue hair, Roswaal squinted at Emilia and me rushing towards him. Beside him, Beatrice, who had disappeared, leaned against the wall, and in her hands was the gray-haired cat, curled up.


Roswaal responded briefly, indicating the room with the open door next to him.

Looking back at Emilia, she also nodded towards me. Her amethyst eyes were moist, forcing the decision.

I swallowed my breath.

Even as I stepped in, the screams hadn't stopped. And now, it was clear that they were coming from the room in front of him.

Entering the room, I opened my closed eyelids—only to see.

It was a neatly arranged room. Reflecting the orderly nature of its user, the few furnishings were tastefully arranged in the limited space.

The layout itself was almost identical to the room Tanaka had been using, yet the difference in users brought out such distinct personalities, Tanaka thought.

Thinking so, I momentarily forgot about the scene in front of me.

But such escapism was futile, and reality forced Tanaka to a conclusion.

In the center of the room was a meticulously arranged bed.

On that bed,


Screaming as if her throat was being torn apart by deep, deep sadness, Ram lay there, shedding torrents of tears—

—Clutching onto her, Rem breathed her last breath.




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