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99.27% One Piece: Injustice Corrected / Chapter 136: Final Memories of an Old Era

Capítulo 136: Final Memories of an Old Era

The warm rays of the sun shone down on top of the Red Line as the Pirate King and his crew sat down, staring at the crumbling wasteland that was the Battlefield.

The People around the world stared at their saviors on the screen emotionally, crying tears of joy as the Pirate King saved them all, they all cheered and prayed for their safety, hugging each other and laughing with tears of joy creeping down their cheeks.

Everyone watching, Marine, Pirate, Civilian, Criminal, no matter who it was, they collapsed watching the apocalyptic battle, subverting their views completely.

Who said that Pirates were evil? Who said Marines were good?

This was all the World Government!

Even the Marines fought against their own Fleet Admiral alongside Pirates and Revolutionaries to save them all from another tyrannical rule!

What was Justice?

The world realized that just because you were a Marine or a Pirate, it didn't mean you were good and evil!

Everyone could be a hero!

Just as everyone could be a villain!

It depends solely on what you have in your heart!

Not all Pirates were Evil!

Not all Marines were Justice!

The Pirate King proved it in front of the world for everyone to see!

Too many people had their views subverted, the entire mental state of the World changed in an instant!

Over the course of 5 hours, the stigma on Marines and Pirates was washed away!

What Fish-Man, Mink, Sky People?

What Racism?

Didn't every one of them fight for the world?

Neptune looked at the screen in front of him, tears falling from his eyes as he said "Get ready… We're going to the surface!"

The Minks cried at the corpses of their kin on the screen.

Maybe it was a hard task, but this was the first step towards acceptance for all races!

The screens all went black, the last thing they saw was Luffy's big happy grin, filling them with joy and gratefulness!

On top of the Red Line

Robin and the rest sighed as Luffy grinned "We did it! I beat the Strongest Guy in the world! Shishishishishi!" before pausing "Eh? What do we do now?" the crew looked at each other in dismay before a new voice spoke, "I might be able to help."

Everyone turned their heads to see Olvia using a rifle as a crutch, walking over to them with several snails in her hand, turned off.

Robin teared yo and shivered "Mom…" The rest were stunned, "MOM!?" Olvia laughed and spread her arms, "Come here, baby." Robin rushed into her arms and hugged her, crying bitterly.

The rest of the crew looked at Olvia in shock.

Nami suddenly froze and a shiver ran down her entire body as she stuttered "R-Robin… D-Didn't you say that the Fleet Admiral killed your mother?" Robin nodded and froze as Olvia smiled gently, stroking her head with tender eyes.

Luffy didn't get it, but others caught on quickly "You mean…" Zoro dropped his swords in shock, unable to believe the thought he just had.

Sanji crushed his cigarette and Nami covered her mouth.

Franky said with a forced swallow, "Did we just kill the hero?"

Robin fell to her knees, looking at her trembling hands.

Olvia walked over to Luffy and smiled "You know, there's Pirates in Space too." Luffy froze and his brain froze before exploding as he shouted with stars in his eyes "P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-PIRATES IN SPACE?!"

Everyone else was too shocked by the revelation to care.

Olvia nodded and smiled gently, stroking his head, "A lightning guy said so." Luffy blinked "Lightning guy? I think I know him…" Olvia laughed warmly, "I hope so, he was very angry with you. He returned to the Moon after Galan beat him up…"

She sighed lovingly, "He said that there were space people with ships that could scour the stars in the sky… I'm sure your new friend Vegapunk can help you." Luffy's eyes heated up as he muttered "Space Pirates, King of the Space Pirates, Freest Man in the Universe!"

He started trembling in excitement as Olvia winked and held a finger over her lips, saying "I need you to go one place first, okay?" Luffy blinked and smiled "Okay!" Olvia gave him an Eternal Pose, saying "Your friends will find all the answers there. You have to bring them all, okay? Especially my cute little daughter."

Luffy nodded and mumbled "Here, then Space! WOWOWOWOW!" Olvia laughed happily and said "Navigator-chan, please remember." Nami looked over in a daze, mumbling "Ah, okay…" before snapping back to reality asking quickly "What answers?! What are you saying?"

Olvia smiled gently and didn't speak as she walked away to the edge where Galan fell. Robin suddenly said "Wait! Don't! Please!" Olvia looked down at the abyss below and turned her head back, smiling the most beautiful smile Robin had ever seen in her life.

"I can't abandon him. Not like everyone else. I love you, Robin."

Robin shouted frantically "MOM NO!" as Olvia sighed and smiled gently, diving off the edge, disappearing into the clouds in an instant.

Robin collapsed and held her chest, shouting as tears spilled from her eyes.

A massive Straw Hat fell from the sky and the Red Line started shaking again.

Franky ran over and grabbed the hat saying "We gotta get outta here!" The crew looked to be in a daze and Franky grabbed them up, saying "Come on! This place is gonna collapse!"

Luffy looked at Robin and said "Franky, Zoro, Sanji. Bring the rest to the Sunny, I'll take Robin." Franky, Zoro, and Sanji looked at him before nodding, picking the rest up as they ran to the sunny, leaving Robin and Luffy in the crumbling war zone.

Luffy walked over and put his hat on Robin's head. She looked up at him, a pout on her lips with eyes filled with grief and tears.

He looked at the cliff, saying "Whatever the old man was trying to do, we should respect his choices. You should know, he gave up just before I hit him for the last time." Robin stayed silent and Luffy smiled slightly, "Your mom made her choice too! She wasn't lying, not like you at Water 7! You're kinda the same!"

Robin sniffed and turned to the ground as Luffy laughed, "Plus, I need my Mystery Woman for Space!" Robin laughed softly, looking up at Luffy with a smile, "Last time you saved me when I wanted to die, are you going to do it again?" Luffy grinned, "As many times as I have to! You're part of my crew!"

Robin shook and looked back down, smiling gently "You think there's really Pirates in Space?" Luffy's eyes exploded with light, "I'm sure of it!" Robin got up and said "Thank you, Captain." Luffy grinned when suddenly, Robin kissed him!

Luffy was startled and Robin turned away, saying "Ara ara~ Another unforgivable sin…" as she walked towards the Sunny with light steps.

Luffy's arm stretched and he scratched his head in confusion "Why did she kiss me?" he frowned and punched his palm, "Old Man Rayleigh said that Kisses are for your loved ones! Should I kiss all my crew then?"

Luffy was a bit troubled and ran back, asking worriedly "Robin! What does a kiss mean!?" Robin laughed happily and blushed slightly as she ran away in shame.

That was her first kiss, oh my!

They got back on the Sunny and it blasted off, sailing through the sky before a bubble appeared around it, slowly floating back to the surface.

Sanji strangled Luffy with an enraged look "YOU AND ROBIN DID WHAT?!" the rest were shocked as well, this was unbelievable!

Robin didn't seem to care, smiling calmly, but her ears were all red.

Nami was over it, looking at Robin with a teasing smile before saying "We have one place to go before going to Space!"

Chopper shouted in shock "We're going to Space for real!?" before turning to Usopp, asking worriedly "Do aliens eat reindeer?!" Usopp nodded, "That's what I heard, yeah." Chopper was shocked and fainted directly.

Zoro frowned, "Space Pirates? Do they use swords?" his eyes twinkling "Strongest Swordsman in the Universe?" Sanji let go of Luffy, smoking instantly "Wait a minute… Aliens should still have to eat… There should be a lot of ingredients out there, right?"

Nami rubbed her palms and said "Aiya… I don't know how to draw Space Maps!" Jinbe looked troubled, "There's no water in Space, right?"

Brook laughed "Yohohohoho~ I bet they have strange music! It'll bless my ears! Oh! I don't have any! Yohohohohoho~" Franky's eyes lit up "Maybe Lilith wants to come?!"

Then everyone froze and frowned, "Ah Luffy, we need more people on the SpaceShip!" Luffy laughed happily and waved his arms, "Let's go get them before we leave!"

Slowly the days passed

The Sunny arrived at a very tiny island, only a house with a courtyard and a small beach was there. It rocked gently on the waves, completely peaceful.

The Sunny was almost bigger than the island itself!

The crew got off and looked around as Nami muttered "That's it?"

Suddenly, a little figure rushed out from some trees with a giant elephant, saying "Who are you?! Where's Mom and Dad!?" The crew was stunned, "Who are you?" Sugar said "Sugar! Who else?!"

Robin asked softly "Is Olvia and Galan your mother and father?" Sugar frowned and said "Her name is Robin! But I'm adopted." Robin let out a breath and smiled sadly, her mother took her name in the Marines…

Sugar looked at them strangely and muttered "Anyway, what are you doing here?" Luffy said "That lady told us to come here!" Sugar suddenly said "Ayo! It's been a while, I've been waiting!" before jumping off Tiny and saying "Come with me!"

The Crew followed Sugar into the house and Sugar pointed at the letter on the table saying "Mom said a lady named Robin should read this!" Robin took the letter and opened it.

The crew looked over at her as Chopper asked happily "Where are you from?" Sugar said angrily "The West Blue! I'm 21!" the crew was confused and Sugar added hatefully "That bastard Doflamingo made me eat a fruit that makes me immortal! When I touch people they turn into toys and everyone forgets about them! Him and that whore of a sister, Monet made my life hell! I hope they both die!"

Zoro said plainly "They're both dead." Sugar was shocked before cheering "Yay! Those bastards! Hahahaah!" The crew had black lines over their foreheads and Sugar showed them her bracelets explaining that the seastone was so that she didn't accidentally turn someone into a toy, and that she was waiting for Vegapunk to cure her.

Nami said "Well, we're going to see Vegapunk after this.. Do you want to come?" Sugar looked troubled and said "But… They're not back yet…" the crew had complicated faces as Sugar paled, "No, they're not dead are they?!"

They didn't know how to answer that, when Robin said "They're dead."

Sugar turned white and stared at Robin in a daze as Robin handed her the letter.

Sugar read it quickly, muttering "No! This can't be…" as she teared up in an instant, crying in denial. She looked at Robin, who held her, saying "You come with us, okay?"

Nami took the letter and read it aloud in a soft voice,


Sorry for not seeing you all these years… if you're reading this then Galan lied to me. He promised he would stay alive after all this was over… but clearly not. This also means that I went after him.

I'm sorry…

I can't imagine how you must feel. Losing your mother twice… I didn't mean for this to happen, after he took me to Marineford, I could've left. He wanted me to join the Revolutionaries… Maybe things would've been different if I did.

Maybe you would've never found your friends. Maybe you would be much worse off, or better… I… I don't know.

What I do know is, somehow… I fell in love with this man. I know this must be hard for you to comprehend. I don't expect you to forgive me… I know I'm selfish. I should've stayed with you, but I followed your father's dream to deal with my grief.

I left you alone to your aunt, letting you suffer… I didn't know how to face you. Your father was the most important thing in my life at that time. You reminded me of him constantly, I couldn't get over it.

Your father never did any of us any favors, you don't even remember him. You don't need to. I can barely remember him as well… I know I'm not a good mother… or a faithful widow. I just…

You'll understand when you see them, you'll see what I saw. You don't know anything about him, Robin… I hated him just as much as you did before, I must sound like a lunatic… But if you can't forgive me, I hope you can forgive him.

That would be a dream come true… I'm such a stupid woman, chasing a man who doesn't want me around… maybe that's why I can't leave him. I don't know anymore, but I know that I made a promise to never abandon him.

And I will never break that promise…

There's a row of bookshelves on the side, take them all. Every single one of them. Also, for all your friends there's several… gifts I guess you can call them…

Take everything in the house and bring it with you wherever your next adventure goes, I'm sure it'll help.

Sugar can help you, she knows everything about the things in this house. Promise me to take her to Vegapunk, okay?

I might not deserve it… or maybe you don't care about it at this point but…

I really, really love you, Robin.

I love you more than anything in this world…

I'm sorry… I hope you can forgive me for being selfish once again…



The Crew was silent and Robin hugged Sugar tightly, shedding tears. Sugar let her go and cried as she said "I-I-I'll he-help you…" before pointing at the bookshelves, adding "The rest is upstairs…" Robin held Sugar in her arms and walked to the bookshelf as Luffy said "Well… Take everything."

Nami glared at him, saying "Can you be more sensitive!?" Luffy said seriously, "These are her last wishes, it's not right to ignore them!" Robin wiped her eyes and nodded, "It's okay, he's right."

The crew went upstairs and Luffy looked at the fridge, scratching his nose. Zoro opened a cupboard and said slowly, "That's… a lot of Whiskey."

Robin pulled out a book and opened it before freezing. She closed her eyes painfully, putting the book back as arms and legs sprouted from the bookshelves, bringing them to the Sunny.

No wonder… 2 years ago Garp looked at the Book she had strangely.

Robin laughed at herself and just became more sad… She put Sugar down and sat on the couch, covering her face as tears leaked out from in between her fingers.

Luffy stuffed his face and stretched an arm over, patting her head. She looked up and smiled to herself, "Thank you, Luffy…" Luffy grinned and his arm snapped back as he chuckled.

The rest came back down, severely shocked!

Luffy, Zoro, and Robin looked over to see crates coming down one after the other along with a giant table and several thick books.

Nami shivered, saying "You're not gonna believe this!"

They brought everything to the Sunny and Sugar got on board with Tiny, waving back at the house.

The crates were opened to all sorts of tactical gear, rifles, vests, swords, etc. Another one was filled with Devil Fruits along with an Encyclopedia, and a locked box, with the More More fruit inside.

The table was the War Table Galan used and Nami said in shock, "You can put in sea charts and it becomes more detailed!" Chopper held a laser gun, saying "It's a laser gun!" Franky said "I can fire lasers though." Chopper shouted angrily "LASER GUN!"

Zoro looked at the books, drinking from a whiskey bottle, Yoru on his back with two swords at his waist, "Hmm… This is pretty good. I didn't know Iron Body could be used like this." Sanji sneered "You don't fucking know anything!" Zoro grabbed Yoru and sneered "What did you say, Dartboard?! You say it again, I wasn't listening!"

Luffy smiled happily "Now we can go to Space, right?!" Robin was reading the first book of the tattered ones, smiling gently with tears in her eyes.

Jinbe sailed the ship away as Usopp fiddled with a laser rifle "Maybe we can shoot lasers in space?!" Brook listened to a tone dial and shook "Oh my~" Olvia's soft humming voice rang from the tone dial and Robin looked at it with Sugar, tearing up again.

The ship slowly sailed off and disappeared over the horizon as the sun beamed down on the little island left behind…

A bubble popped and the island started sinking, the waves engulfing it as the support under it finally gave out.

The House that was once occupied disappeared into the sea forever, never to be seen again…

The End

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