"What brings you here, brother?" Eli said, turning around and giving Andre his back. He believed he could successfully pull off acting as Aldric, as long as he maintained a cold, emotionless demeanor. However, he had to be careful not to betray any sign of his true identity. That's why he turned away, preventing his brother from reading anything in his expression that might give him away.
"I heard of your many deeds in the winter court on my way coming and I thought, atlas, he has changed for good, but it seems in the end, you would always be a great actor, or am I wrong here, brother?" Andre said with a mixture of disappointment and bitterness in his tone.
"If you came all the way here to the winter court to speak in riddles, brother, then I'm afraid your visit was for nothing..." Eli paused, then added, "However, you mentioned bringing gifts for Islinda, what exactly do you mean by that?"
Andre huffed, "Oh now, you are interested in Islinda?"
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