The atmosphere in the room was palpably tense, filled with unspoken thoughts and emotions. Silence reigned until the king's voice shattered the heaviness, his words cutting through the tension, "You think killing Islinda would solve everything?"
The king's question lingered, weighty and pregnant with anticipation. Lennox, his throat tight with nervousness, spoke up, his words measured yet hesitant. "I believe it is the only way to maintain peace and order in the kingdom, Your Majesty. Everything started with Islinda and should end with her for the sake of your sons."
The king's head tilted slightly, his gaze fixed on Lennox with an inscrutable expression that stirred a sense of unease within him. With caution, Lennox inquired, "What is wrong, Your Majesty?"
"And then what happens after Islinda is dead?" King Oberon's questioned, leaving his assistant bewildered.
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