"I guess he wouldn't be joining me, again," Islinda said with a bit of irritation in her voice as soon as she stepped into the extravagant dining hall and spotted Aldric's empty seat.
It has been three days since Aldric did not join her for breakfast lunch or dinner, for that matter. While it was reliving at first to have her privacy and be freed from his dominating presence, it got boring pretty soon. Islinda realized a little too late that Aldric added a bit of spice to her life. Perhaps, it wouldn't be this obvious if she were in the human realm where she had a lot of things to do, lots of people to be with, and lots of places to visit.
"I'm sorry, my lady, but he doesn't want to join you today either. I'm afraid it's just you, again. " Aurelia answered politely.
Well, see who cares?
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