The princes did not die.
Nor did they remain frozen forever.
Valerie was the first to begin to unfreeze himself. Everyone watched with awe as his frozen self began to glow with a heated orange color and water leaked out onto the floor. It dawned on everyone that the prince was melting the ice from the inside and soon enough Valerie broke free, shaking away what was left.
As soon as Valerie was free, his eyes searched for her, and when he saw her, let out a relieved sigh. He had barely taken a step towards her when everyone heard the unmistakable sound of ice cracking.
Unlike Valerie who freed himself slowly and carefully, Aldric's freedom was instantaneous and callous. Wickedly sharp icicles shattered across the room with the force of him breaking free, the shards flying around as Faeries screamed and went on the defense.
What's your thought on their altercation and was it what you anticipated or met your expectations. Do note, there's more fightings in the future.
Please add "Defy The Alphas," to your library and give reviews!
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