Humans….. So small ... .so fragile yet make for an interesting creature, Aldric droned on in his mind.
The good thing about being "alone" is that it gives you time to be one with your mind. Aside from a Maximus or Maxi - as she calls herself this time - his best friend was his mind. Aldric could get lost in his mind all day and never feel bored.
It didn't help matters that he had mental powers and he always had a good time testing it out on humans. Everyone in the fae realm was aware of what he could do and always put up a mental wall, blocking him out, but the same couldn't be said for the humans.
Their mind was always open and perhaps, it would have been a dream come true were he able to read minds. That way the voices could drone on and on and he would never be lonely. Instead, he was left with the limited ability of dream manipulation and mind control. Well, it wasn't so bad and he had fun with it just as right now.
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