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2.83% Mated To The Cruel Prince / Chapter 26: Come To The Vigil Tonight

Capítulo 26: Come To The Vigil Tonight

Islinda didn't know she got to the chief's place, her mind had been racing the entire time. How could the man die at a critical time like this? If he were going to die, he should have at least found Eli's parents first before leaving. Now, she was left all alone to deal with the burden. 

The chief's place was filled to the brim with sympathizers who had come to offer their condolences to his family. It wasn't until that moment that the cold began to get to her and Islinda looked down to discover that she was barefooted and her toes were beginning to freeze. The shock had been so great, it had stripped her of all sense of reasoning. 

"Aiyo, how could you come out like that? Even if the chief's death is shocking, we cannot afford to lose a young soul too!" 

It took Islinda a minute to realize that the elderly woman was speaking to her. Islinda knew one from the marketplace, having sold one of her small animals to her. 

"Ahh, this…." She shifted on her toes uncomfortably, now embarrassed. Islinda tried to explain, "I didn't mean to…. It didn't cross my mind…" 

The woman placed her hand on her shoulder with a smile of understanding. "Wait here," She told her and left before Islinda could protest. 

Not long after, she reappeared with a boot in hand and Islinda went red in embarrassment. 

"You should try this," The woman placed the boot beside her bare feet. 

"You shouldn't have …." Islinda gasped, conscious of being very near to tears. She didn't know why she was being emotional. But this was the kindest act anyone has ever done for her. Not even her family. 

The woman explained, "My daughter got married weeks ago, the boot belongs to her. It's been idle at home and I have no idea what to do with it. You should have it." 

Islinda bit down on her lips, she shouldn't accept this. But the woman was doing this out of sincerity and couldn't refuse it. She slid her feet into the boots and it was a perfect fit. 

The woman looked satisfied, "I was worried that it wouldn't fit but it seems my fear was for nothing." She smiled at Islinda. 

"Thank you." She said, 

She patted her on the shoulder, "I don't know what you're going through, my child, but first comes the rain, then sunshine. Never neglect your health no matter what, you have a whole future ahead of you." 

Those were the woman's last words before moving on to associate with her peers. Islinda stared at her new ankle-length black booths. It was sturdy and very comfortable and she wouldn't need to buy a new one anymore. The money would go to her savings now. 

Finally, remembering the reason she was here, Islinda moved around the crowd and was able to pick up a bit of information. Just as Remy had said, the village chief died in his sleep last night. He had not been sick, hence everyone took it as the will of the gods even though the loss was great.

Of course, If only they knew. 

The village chief was a respected elder, and a vigil was going to be held for him tonight. However, Islinda was stunned when she recognized her family among the crowd and her eyes widened with fear as she saw Remy with Eli. If she didn't know her evil step-sister too well, she would have thought the both of them had become friends. 

Remy saw her first, "What's with you? You suddenly -" 

Islinda ripped her grasp on the boy, glaring at her icily, "If this is a new game, you better stop it. Do not harm the boy." 

Remy gave her a blank look, "Harm what boy? Do you think me so cruel that I would torture children too?" She looked disgusted. 

Islinda narrowed her gaze at her. For some reason, her words seemed convincing and that was what bothered her. Remy was never kind, what changed? Did Eli charm her with his innocence? 

"Big sister," Eli told her, "You don't have to worry about me, Sister Remy and I have been having a lot of fun?" 

"Sister Remy?" Islinda arched a brow, jealousy twisting her guts. Eli had only trusted and called her "sister", now he was extending the title to others that didn't deserve it. 

As if that was not enough, he wrung out of her hold and went back to holding Remy, saying, "We are going to have a bit of fun before going home." 


"Mother and Lillian are here too. They have come to pay their respect to the chief. Judging from the crowd here, I think it would be a while so I suggest that you go home and finish the chores, don't you think?" 

Islinda would have left but her eyes flickered down to Eli in worry. 

Noticing her gaze, Remy pulled the boy behind her," Don't worry about Eli, I'll take care of him and he will return safely."

"As if I trust you," Islinda snorted," Yesterday -" 

"Was a mistake that would not repeat itself. I lost my mind a bit. Moreover, it's not like the villagers would let me go scot-free once it's reported that I harmed a child. I'm not a monster, Islinda." 

There was indecision in Islinda's eyes, but there was nothing she could do. So she took a threatening step toward her, saying," If I find as much as a scratch on his body, you would wish you were dead. "

Islinda did not know where the courage came from. Come on, this was Remy she was standing up to! But she would protect what is hers, even at the expense of being kicked out of the house. 

"Whatever," Remy rolled her eyes. She obviously didn't take her threat seriously. 

Before Islinda left, she crouched down and whispered to Eli, "Do not trust her," Making sure to look him deep in the eyes to ensure he got her point. The boy was smart. 

Eli nodded and she ruffled his hair quickly before taking her leave. There was another reason Islinda decided to go home and that was to see Valerie. This was the perfect opportunity to leave for the woods without anyone suspecting her move. Her stepsisters were smart and they would figure something was up if they caught her sneaking out more than usual. 

Moreover, she couldn't go to the woods at night. This was the only opportunity she had to see him today. Hence, Islinda raced back home knowing her time was running out. Her step-family loved gossip and would definitely spend a lot of time there gathering information - that couldn't put food on the table. She was conscious of her time. 

Once at home, Islinda grabbed a few things; her coat against the cold; medicine in case Valerie hadn't healed fully; her water skin for when she was parched, and her weapons to defend herself in case of an attack. The woods were still a wild place even though it was winter and most animals had migrated. Still, it was better safe than sorry. Not to mention, those animals were not the only things that hunted humans. 

In a twinkle of an eye, Islinda was running through the woods to go find Valerie, knowing her time was limited. She was practically panting when she arrived at the dreary cottage and staggered inside only to fall into warm arms. 

"Valerie…." Islinda suddenly found herself speechless as she stared at his handsome face. Fae creatures were breathtaking. 

"Islinda…." He murmured her name with his accent which made her stomach do a backflip. She could stare into his golden eyes forever. How did she get herself into this mess? 

She gasped, "How did you…?" 

"Your scent," He smiled, "I can pick it up even with my eyes closed." 

Was he trying to say he liked her smell? The fluttering in her stomach increased 

"Come to the vigil tonight." The words left her mouth without thought and she instantly regretted it. 


"It's nothing," Islinda said, stepping away from him. His presence was making her heady and she needed to breathe. 

"Islinda…." He pressed, knowing she was withholding information from him. 

Islinda swallowed, this was dangerous and the risk was not worth it. 

He covered the space between them once more, cupping her face with her palm and she melted inside. 

He begged her, "Please, tell me." 

She hesitated but when he caressed a trail down her throat, her tongue loosened up. 

"There's a…." She licked her lips nervously and her heart wouldn't stop pounding at his touch, "Vigil tonight in honor of our late chief. Everyone would be in black clothing and would come to mourn, nor would they expect a Fae to attend. You could steal a cloak or something, hide your appearance and attend. We will meet there." She quickly added, "That is if you want to." 

"I will come." He said with determination, his eyes almost a live flame. 

Thankfully he stepped back before it could burn the both of them alive. 

Islinda nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation and happiness. 

"You should be careful." She warned him. 

"You don't need to tell me. I would." 

Then she remembered her purpose of coming there and handed the medicine to him, "I can't stay for long. So have this and may the gods be with you, tonight, Valerie." She pecked him on the cheek, turned away, and left quickly without looking him in the eyes. 

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Capítulo 27: A Deal With A shy Fae

"There is a shy Fae

on my horseback 

Needs not to ask twice 

He rides me all right." 

Issac was red-faced and looked like he was going to combust anytime soon. Just as "her poem" suggested, he was riding Maximus, her horse form, but not in the way she suggested. It seems that after passing her test, she had dropped all forms of pretense with him and now, he was on a talking horse. Yep, as if it couldn't get weirder. 

How couldn't he have seen the signs? Everything was pretty much obvious that she was not a normal horse. But then, Maxi was good at pretending. Now, he had to suffer through her horrible rhyme filled with sexual innuendo. 

"I'm satisfied with my ride,

Now I've got to shake, shake, shake 

Shake my beautiful ass…." 

"Alright, that's enough!" Issac shouted and didn't need to ask twice, he got off the horse, his actions nimble and swift. He had been a soldier in the king's army after all and didn't find dismounting a horse one bit stressful. 

However, he was glaring at Maximus now, his ears were going to bleed anytime soon if she continued with that horrible poem of hers. All she has done throughout their journey back to the Fae realm was annoy the hell out of him. Had the prince given him the Medallion, he would have simply opened a portal straight to the palace and left her. But no, he had to be saddled with this annoying horse shifter. 

By the gods, he was going to explode if he heard another word from her or him. Whatever form she took, he doesn't care! As if Maximus took his warning seriously, she stilled and didn't make any other sound. Relief passed through him, at least she was good at receiving instructions in her horse form. Even if she was older than him and an endangered species, he held the reign and she ought to obey him. 

But Isaac shouldn't have rejoiced too quickly because, in the next minute, she was in his head instead. 

"So not only are you a shy Fae, you're a grumbling Fae too?" She spoke in his head. 

"Get out!" Isaac told her, his jaw clenched tight. She broke through his mental defenses without even sweating and It felt like an invasion of privacy. 

"You demanded I should not talk, I'm soliloquizing instead." 

"Not in my head! Soliloquy out of it!" Issac demanded in an outburst. Right now, he looked like a human child throwing a tantrum. 

"Isn't that the aim of soliloquizing? Speaking to oneself even if there are people around?" She grinned in his head, "You're my audience." 

Issac was utterly dumbfounded. Just what kind of sin did he commit in this life to get himself in this situation? The horse was going to drive him crazy. Seeing that he couldn't defeat Maximus in an argument, he decided to ignore her instead. That should get him or her to shut up then. He couldn't tell which of her forms was more annoying at this point. 

The silent treatment seemed to work because no matter how much she forced those dirty innuendos into his head, he ignored her. The horse shifter was eccentric and a troublemaker. He was none of those but a normal Fae who wanted a quiet, comfortable life until he was thrust into this madness. 

But that peace lasted but a while, Maximus wandered straight behind him and shoved him in the back. Issac stumbled forward but caught himself, and didn't glance back knowing that she wanted a reaction from him. But not looking at her was an equally bigger mistake because she shoved him not once but a second and a third time before he whipped around to face her with his teeth bared. 

It was a warning. 

But the fearless horse shifter seemed to disregard that rule and instead shoved his nose in his hand. Issac slumped in defeat, as annoyed as he was by her behavior, it didn't stop him from petting him and Maximus seemed to relish the sensation. If only she was a normal horse, Issac sighed inwardly. 

He ran his hand along the soft fur of his neck. Maximus was a muscled onyx horse through and through, there was not a stitch or streak of other colors. He dared to say that he was beautiful. And powerful. He could see why someone like Prince Adric could get attracted to her. Not to mention she was older as well. All her kinds were gone and it made him wonder if she had no plans of reviving her kind. 

Surely, if she had lived for hundreds of years, she had the chance of raising as many foals as she wanted. That is if she doesn't have one already and just hasn't told him yet, not that it was any of his business. Issac had a feeling if he raised such a sensitive and sexual subject with her, he would be the one suffering afterward. 

However, Issac couldn't help but feel pity for her. She was all alone in the world and he couldn't imagine being on his own without his Fae brethren around. Perhaps, that was why the harsh lines of his face softened and he didn't complain when she threw one of his odd jokes in his head again. Perhaps, this was her way of combating loneliness. 

"Stop teasing me and perhaps, we might get along," He offered her a truce. 

Maximus threw his head back and released what Issac recognized was a snort. Either she just called him bluff or Maximus was too proud to want one. However, the horse's equine eye narrowed the next minute and Issac realized she didn't believe him. 

"I'm serious. No more dirty jokes and no infiltrating my mind without my permission. That's rude."

"Fine," Isaac heard her answer in his head, "Ride me properly then and I would leave your virgin mind alone for a while." 

Issac groaned into his palm. To think they just talked about the dirty jokes and her getting into his mind. She was simply unbelievable. 

"Fine, deal."

"Good." Maximus was back to talking out loud, "Get on my back, shy Fae." She waited anticipatedly for him to grab the saddle and climb on . 

Issac had no choice but to obey. Perhaps, he too recognized that the sooner he accepted the horse shifter was stuck with him for gods knows how long, the better for him. 

Glimmy Glimmy

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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