She did not come to see him again, the human girl failed to keep her promise, Valerie noted as he sat down on that bore floor, still leaning against the wall. A day has gone since her last visit and silence has been his only companion. It was funny how fate worked because he had gone from being a predator to prey.
Valerie had not been able to sleep a wink since that night the human girl left him here to heal - or die. He was in no state to defend himself nor were there the usual guards to keep him safe. Being this close to the Divider made him very uncomfortable knowing that any creature could creep in and end his life, hence he refused to give in to sleep. At least awake, he could put up a good fight or find a way to escape.
He was a prince and couldn't die easily, that was the only explanation for how he had escaped the wraith. But now he was struggling for his life and dangerously low on his magic. However, he would not give up knowing his father must have known by now that he needed help. Even if the human girl does not help him, they would come for him.
However, Valerie longed to see her one more time. Most, if not all Fae creatures were impossibly beautiful and he was used to that, but that human girl had an inner beauty that captured him, and now he couldn't forget her face. It had been a risk coming to her for help knowing that her kind was greedy and betrayals. But it was to die alone or form an unlikely alliance.
He was a fool for sitting here and hoping that she returns when the human could betray him in the twinkle of an eye. While the war was over, both sides barely associated with one another and it was not uncommon to hear news of humans capturing a Fae for their amusement. After all, there were human slaves in Astaria as well. Both sides were not exactly innocent.
Now, Valerie was in a position where he could be captured too and would not be able to defend himself. If that were to happen, it would prompt another war and while his sorry ass would be rescued later, his brothers would never let him hear the end of it. In one word, he had to move from here.
But Valerie didn't. He would give it one more day and if she didn't come to see him, it was safe to say he had tried his best and fate didn't want the both of them together. Fae creatures were big believers in fate and nothing was a coincidence. The fact that the gods let the human come his way could mean that he wasn't meant to die yet and whatever herb she used on him was working. Valerie could feel himself healing albeit slowly.
Hence he gave in to the silence that has been his companion for days now when a twig broke and he sat upright at once, alert. Fae had heightened senses and judging from the weight that broke the twig, he could tell that it was a human. Someone was here. At first, his heart gladdened at the thought that it could be the girl coming for him, but whoever this was walked carefully as if he or she didn't want to be discovered.
Has the girl betrayed him?
His blood chilled and his spine stiffened as he raised his hand calling on the magic he could sense inside of him. His power was lower than usual and depending on the number of people he would have to defend himself against, he might end up doing himself more harm than good if he ended up getting draining. However, he refused to go down without a fight.
He tilted his ears to the side with his eyes closed to be able to concentrate. Valerie picked up the careful footsteps and it was closer than he thought, so the instant the human pushed the door open, he had thrown the ball of flame in his hands in the direction, the same moment he opened his eyes to realize that he just made a huge mistake.
It was her.
And her eyes were the size of a moon as she took in the magic aimed at her. Valerie panicked and wanted to call back the flame, to undo what he had done, but he was too weak to achieve that kind of feat and could only watch as he destroyed the only human that was ever kind to him.
She barely dodged on time as the flames flew past her head and ended up getting doused in the pile of snow outside. While the disaster was averted, Valerie could smell burnt hair and swallowed nervously, especially when she lifted her hand and felt her hair. Whether human or Fae, it was a known fact that women valued their curls and he just committed an offense by singeing it.
At this point, Valerie knew that If he didn't succumb to his injuries, the human was going to kill him. He could see the shock on her features and their eyes connected in the process. He expected her to lash out at him but she asked instead,
"Before you decide to turn me into roasted meat the next time, could you at least let me say my last prayer?"
Valerie's features portrayed his shock as he stared at her, it was not the response he had been expecting from her. That was when it dawned on him that the human feared him.
"I-I…" He swallowed, searching for the words to use, "I would not hurt you."
"Well, I beg to differ, you just tossed your magical flame at me. I would have been a human spit-roast if I hadn't reacted on time." She did not believe him.
Valerie winced inwardly, he didn't know how to deal with a human. He had only been on a diplomatic visit to the human realm once and the human leader had been so insufferable he didn't bother hiding his disrespect. But this was a female human and one that saved his life, by their law, he owed her.
"It was a mistake," He explained, "I didn't know that it was you. You didn't come to see me yesterday as you promised and then I heard footsteps, it was different from yours and I thought you…." The rest of the words got stuck in his throat because he couldn't outrightly accuse his savior of betraying him.
"You think I would betray you?" She said and his eyes widened.
Oh no, he didn't want to make her angry.
Her confidence returned and she was striding towards him with a frown, clearly angry. Even at that, she looked beautiful, having taken care of her appearance, unlike the first time when she was smeared with dirt and the blood of the deer she had hunted. She was the most beautiful female human he had ever seen.
"Look at me, Valerie," She demanded and he was startled to discover that she was now in his space. Had he been spacing out?
She said, "I get that we both don't know each other enough to establish trust but I saved your life almost at the cost of mine. The only reason I wasn't able to see you was that I fell sick from the cold -"
"Sick?" His tone was suddenly filled with urgency, already thinking of the worst. Humans were weak, fragile and easily died from an illness. That was what he was told. Was she dying already? How much time does she have? And to think that it was because of him!
"Yes, but don't worry …."
Valerie pulled her forward, silencing whatever words she had intended to say. He took both of her hands and covered them with his bigger one watching as she swallowed nervously.
"I am deeply ashamed and guilty that you sacrificed your life for me. Know this, I will never forget the favor you did me till I sleep with my fathers…." He could have hugged her to show his appreciation but he didn't want to aggravate his wound so he held her hands instead.
"Urmm, Valerie…?" The fragile human blinked at him in confusion, "What is going on? I'm a bit lost here."
"Your name?" He asked instead.
Valerie needed to honor her by her name, not the pony title of "human"
"You're beginning to scare me, Valerie?"
He looked at her and true to her words, she was becoming wary of him. Oh, he must have come off as intense and overwhelmed her.
Valerie let go of her hands and grasped her shoulder instead. He asked, "You're sick because of me, right?"
There was a slight hesitation but
she nodded in the end, speechless.
"Humans die when they're sick and because of me, you're going to die too -"
Update continues!
Please add "Defy The Alphas," to your library and give reviews!
"What?!" Islinda blinked up at him in surprise, her mouth hung open. She wanted to speak but her words failed her as she was still filled with surprise.
Had it been a human spouting such nonsense, Islinda would have thought that he was pulling her leg or running crazy, but this was Valerie, a Fae and he looked so serious with the concern on his face and that was when it hit her that he really was ignorant.
"Oh." Everything finally made sense to Islinda.
In the same way, she had thought that all Faeries were wicked and cruel until she met Valerie and he proved her wrong, it seems the Fae had limited knowledge and conceited views about the humans too. Of course, why wouldn't it be so when the humans stayed in the human realm and the Fae in theirs as well?
But then there were rumors of humans stolen by the Faeries or the foolish mortals who struck a deal with them and are unable to pay the cost in the end. It was more possible for a Fae to trick a human into crossing the wall than kidnapping them, unlike the humans who do the opposite and use blunt force.
Doing so would be going against the rules of the treaty and most Faeries captured by the humans are usually those who stepped into the human realms. Both sides would have to break the law first before either of them could use it against one another. She could capture Valerie right now and would not be faulted by the law.
At once, her features softened with a ghost of a smile at the thought that he was worried about her. So she explained to him as gently as she could, "I am not going to die, Valerie."
His brows twitched in response before they narrowed in suspicion as he studied her. Valerie believed that she was lying to him, so she reached out and clasped his face with her palm to his surprise, hoping to convince him.
She said to him, "Yes, humans are fragile and die when they are sick, but we don't succumb to all illnesses. In the same way, you didn't die from the wound you suffered and fought bravely, I did the same as well and wouldn't have to die anymore. At least not now."
She saw the moment the tension left his body and it might have to do with the fact she caressed his face. And like a contented cat, Valerie let out a small sigh and leaned back against the wall, with his eyes shut instinctively. Islinda would have stopped if it wasn't the fact that he leaned into her touch and she was thankful that his eyes were closed because she was blushing hard.
She wondered if Valerie knew that her action was considered intimate and such an act should be enjoyed between couples in a relationship. She was close to hiding her face in embarrassment already and her stupid heart wouldn't stop pounding in her heart.
Were Fae creatures touchy-feely with each other? Do they have no sense of propriety? Do they have loose standards when it comes to intimacy? We're they immoral? Or does he simply enjoy her treatment? Islinda had a lot of questions in her head.
However, it was at that moment that she discovered that this was the same spot that she had left him days again. Had he been sitting like this all this while? She was sure that he has had nothing to eat ever since then. Not to mention, has he… err felt the urge to have a leak? Or was his own thing, a-hem! built differently?
By the gods! Islinda was so red in the face at her ridiculous thought that she wanted to fan her heated cheek with her palm, but that was the moment Valerie opened his eyes, and something lodged in her throat. Ba-dum, Ba-dum, her heart pounded in her chest and her jaw slacked.
They stared at each other for about a second before Islinda parted from him, clearing her throat awkwardly. She must be losing her mind if she thought of Valerie as handsome again. Fae and humans weren't meant to be together, it just doesn't happen.
Moreover, Valerie didn't seem like an ordinary Fae, perhaps a Lord over his estate or something. She could sense the power exuding from him and it was a bit overwhelming when it called to her, teasing her all over. That alone was not a good sign.
Islinda needed to do something to keep herself distracted which was why she reached inside her shirt and began to pull out the leavy wraps where she had hidden the medicines. She said to him,
"I'm so sorry that I didn't bring you something to eat. I was so invested in keeping you alive that I forgot that you needed food to live too." She added, "But don't worry, there's still a lot of time and I would hurry to the market to get you food."
"Don't bother about that."
"Huh?" She lifted her head, tilting it to the side unsure, "You don't need food? Figures, you're not human anyway."
"Of course, I need food. But unlike humans, I can go far, far longer without it. Moreover, I doubt your human food would be substantial enough for me." He said so hauntingly, feigning the superior race that it brought a smile to her lips
"Don't be so sure, Valerie," Islinda smiled at him, "If you don't leave for your realm immediately, perhaps you can take time to visit our marketplaces and test that opinion of yours."
"You mean like a date?"
"What is a date?" Islinda asked, having no idea what he meant. It was said that the Faeries were far more advanced than the humans and that seems to be the case in vocabulary as well.
This time, a lot of emotions played out on Valerie's face and she had a feeling that he just said something inappropriate
"I urm… it's urm… a kind of pre-arrangement to meet… how would I say this?" He was already going red in the face.
Islinda must have caught onto the point because the color on her face was becoming closely similar to his.
"You mean like courtship?" Islinda said, her heart missing a beat.
He shook his head, "Not exactly like courtship, assuming that two people who love each other will eventually get married. We aren't getting married, just two friends exploring their cultural differences."
"Oh." Islinda nodded her head yet what was that cloud of disappointment hovering over her head? Something must be seriously wrong with her.
"What is that?" Valerie tactically changed the topic having sensed the awkward tension in the room.
She looked at her hands, "Oh, this is your medicine…"
"I mean, why are you taking it out of your clothes as if you have stolen them," He had been paying attention all this while.
"Oh, this," Islinda was amused, "I didn't steal them, they are all mine, but I had to make sure no one caught me in the act. You see, not every human is as kind as me and if my stepmother finds out what I'm up to, you're as good as dead."
"Oh." Valerie nodded his head, curiosity in his eyes, "You have a stepmother?"
"Yes. Do you?"
"Kind of." He answered curtly, almost dismissively.
It was weird how she could read Valerie so well considering he wasn't even human, hence she didn't push at the conversation anymore.
"Now, you should take off…" Islinda rephrased her words, "I mean, lift your clothe…."
But the words died from her lips when he grabbed the bottom of his tunic and hoisted it over his head. Islinda was not the one for hysterics but this was too much for her virgin eyes.
She should have looked away but there was no hiding her interest in his beautiful body. Islinda almost suffered a nosebleed, how could someone look this beautiful, so perfect, so surreal? He had beautiful bronze skin. Lithe, but muscular. A solid six packs flowed down his abdomen, disappearing under the trouser he wore. Whoever assigned her to this fate wanted her dead! Her heart wouldn't stop beating.
Islinda would have been drooling at the sight if it wasn't for the gashes on his side that drew her attention. Oh right, she had a life to save. Islinda was relieved to see that the wounds did not look as bad as they had the first time. The blackish blood was gone and now she could see clearly, the gashes were deep but missed all the major arteries and organs. Thus, if his anatomy were arranged the same as humans.
However, it was amazing to see that his wounds were beginning to heal and that was another great reminder that the both of them were worlds apart. Islinda drew strength in that reminder and focused on treating him.
"I'm done…" The words trailed off when she found him fast asleep. Her brows at once furrowed, was he simply tired, or had he not been sleeping?
Nonetheless, Islinda carefully got rid of her working tools and sat beside him. She then carefully lifted his head and placed it on her shoulder, he would be more comfortable that way.
However, even while asleep, Valerie must trust her because he leaned closer and pulled her to his side till their bodies were pressed flush and his hand rested on her thigh.
Islinda swallowed, this was quite a precarious position but the Fae was innocent and needed his sleep. So she let him be and watched over him while he slept.
In no time, Islinda was asleep too.
Hi guys, sorry for the lack of updates. Dear author has been going through a lot of stress lately and fell sick. I'm in the middle of recovering and would try my best to update. Also, there's a mass release event coming up on the 16th and this book is one of it!
Please add "Defy The Alphas," to your library and give reviews!
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