James is in front of a white door preparing himself. There's a red light on top, which illuminates the entire hallway. "Okay. You can do this Parker. They're no different to you." The light turns green and he proceeds to enter.
The room is shrouded in darkness, with the only source of light being the multiple monitors showing feed of the facilities. He can see the silhouette of a person sitting in front. The Founder themselves, O5-1. "Good afternoon, Dr. Parker."
"Good afternoon, sir." He bows.
"Before we start, I would first like to congratulate you for being a loyal personnel for thirty-six years now. Your performance, research and achievements almost rivals Dr. Gears. Even denying Dr. Sarbosa's constant advances, when others have failed." There is chuckling in the room. Which unnerves James, as he thought this was a one man meeting.
He clears his throat. "You are too kind, Council."
"I'm sure you're aware why I called you here?" The monitor switches to Jordan, who is currently resting at the infirmary.
"Yes. This is regarding D-9831." He adjusts his glasses. "I still believe he should be free once he has served his sentence."
There is a moment of silence. The monitor switches to James. He can see his nervous expression. "Could you repeat our motto?"
"Secure. Protect. Contain."
"Exactly. Our job is to secure anomalies, protect them from other organizations and secure a home for them here. You must understand that there is no compromise." The atmosphere around James becomes heavy.
"I'm sorry. But I will not leave until there's a compromise. This is a duty I must fulfill for a dear friend of mine."
There's gasps and chatter. O5-1 raises their hand for there to be silence. The monitor switches again to a photo of Alexander. "How noble to watch over his child. And what better place to observe than here. However-"
"D-9831 is only being held because of SCP-9831-1. If we find a way to separate both of them, then there's no reason to keep him. We have plenty of his samples to examine his immunity. Then he can live a normal life."
They start murmuring with one another. O5-1 smirks. "An admirable effort, but therein lies the problem." The monitor goes back to Jordan. "His immunity prevents him from forgetting everything. Should any of our adversaries catch wind of his anomaly, they might try to kidnap him and extract information."
"No on-"
"The Church of the Broken God and Marshal knows." The monitor changes to Robert and Gene sleeping in their cells. "Which is why we have them in custody."
"The Marshal?"
"A very peculiar old man. All he cares about is monetary gains. And he keeps a watchful eye on his grandson." The camera focuses on Gene.
"I see you've skipped the formalities." James tenses up. "Be at ease. I believe this is the best outcome. Three children of important figures becoming true companions." They chuckle. "Maybe we can finally have some good outcomes and break the cycle. As for your propositions…" James is sweating heavily. "You know, it could be my old age, but now I'm interested. SCP-9831 will still be in custody. However, should there be a solution, we may reconsider. After all, with him in the equation, anything is possible. You are dismissed."
"Thank you for your time, Council." James leaves the room, the door automatically locking behind him. He takes a huge breath, then exhales loudly. "I got a lot of work ahead of me."