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100% Thorne's Lance / Chapter 9: 9. The Invitation

Capítulo 9: 9. The Invitation

AN: This story is always one chapter ahead on my Patreon.

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The flavor that settled in Diana's mouth was salty and a little bitter. Mingling with it was a scent. A deep musk that gave the flavor an extra buzz.

Diana loved it.

It brought with it a delightful warmth, spreading through her body from the depths of her belly, and a hue that made the whole world seem just a bit more colorful. The Amazon gave a long, satisfied hum, letting the taste of Lance Thorne run over her tongue, taking the time to savor it before finally swallowing it down. She sighed, content, as she felt it glide down her throat.

That was the taste of a real man. Great Hera, it really has been too long…

The Princess of the Amazons gave the rookie hero's cockhead a gentle kiss, lashing her tongue over the slit to gather up the remainder of the seed he'd just spilled. Just as before, it tingled delightfully upon her taste buds. She moaned softly, taking the tip of his manhood back into her mouth, giving a few lazy sucks before letting him slip from her mouth again. The hardened shaft flopped back down, glistening with her spit… and Jessica's as well.

Diana sighed, resting her cheek on Lance's thigh. Staring up the length of his hard, perfect body. Jessica was cozying up to his side, stealing kisses to the best of her ability - after so many rounds with the Titan, these little bouts of affection were all the other woman could manage. Diana had to admire Jessica's tenacity for pleasure. If Wonder Woman was feeling the faint tendrils of fatigue, then surely the Spider-Woman was all but spent. And yet there she was, eager for more sweetness from her most impressive lover.

He'd fucked them both, again and again, right there in the middle of the simulated city center. First Diana, then Jessica, then Diana again, and so on and so on until he'd positively flooded their insides - womb and throat - with offerings of warm, sticky seed. It got to the point that Diana wondered why the man hadn't run dry - before remembering that he, just like them, was superhuman.

Diana's body thrummed with warmth again. A sense of potent satisfaction as she felt the remnants of the Titan's pleasure and her own dribble down the inside of her thighs. It filled the air with the odor of sex and cum. And just like with the man's flavor and his musk, Diana loved it.

Diana was no fool. She knew damn well that her feelings of delight were largely brought about by the Titan's pheromones. Her willpower was near peerless, even among Zeus' pantheon - one of the many gifts bestowed to the Amazons of Themyscira - but not even the calm rationality of Diana's mind could ignore the heights of pleasure she had felt in the arms of Lance Thorne. 

Few men possessed the strength to stand against Wonder Woman, even fewer possessed the nerve to take her as a lover, to treat her like the woman she was. Diana couldn't imagine turning away from that, pheromones or not.

The Amazon snuggled closer, draping her naked body over Lance's lower half. She gave a gentle hum, pressing soft kisses to his groin around the base of his cock. Then she went higher, nuzzling up to his navel, teasing with her lips as she went. Up higher, Lance and Jessica were trading kisses of their own, small, affectionate things. Diana watched, her heart brimming with warmth and joy… but also aching with envy.

She heard Jessica whine. She broke away from Lance to rest her head on his bare chest, staring down at Diana. Her dark hair was a mess, a wild mane framing her flushed, dazed face. She shared a look with Diana, breaking into a tired smile.

"God…" Jessica let out a huff, pressing a lazy kiss to Lance's body. "Haven't had… that much fun… in years!"

Above them both, the rookie hero let out a deep, rumbling laugh. Diana saw one of his hands come to rest on the back of Jessica's head, thick fingers running gently through her long, dark hair. Jessica moaned quietly at his touch, smiling.

"That's a damn shame." He said. There was strength in his voice - and not a trace of the weariness that colored Jessica's words. Diana couldn't help but smirk, noting that after a dozen rounds with two heroines, the Titan sounded like he could go a dozen more. "A woman like you, Jessica… deserves to have her fun. You're far too pretty to be going to bed alone."

Jessica gave a pleased sound. She gave his abdomen a soft slap.

"Stop. Sweettalker…" She pressed another kiss to his body, her lips lingering this time. Her eyes locked with Diana's again and the Amazon saw them flare with deviousness. She shifted her body, bringing her face back up level with Lance's. Her voice came as a low, sultry purr. "How about you use that mouth for something more useful, hm?"

Lance chuckled and happily obliged, drawing the smitten heroine into another kiss. This one was deeper than the one before, more passionate. The two were feverish in the trading of lips and tongues, enough to draw Diana's envy again. The young man may have been a rookie in terms of heroics, but when it came to the more sensual arts it was clear he was more than well-versed. Diana watched intently, witnessing the skill with which his hands roamed over Jessica's lovely body, seeking the pleasing swells of her bosom, the curves of her hips, the lush softness of her thighs… All the while, Jessica was moaning happily into his hungry mouth, squirming her body further into the warmth of his strong arms.

It was a splendid little show - one only enhanced by the aroma of Lance's musk - but Diana still managed to cling to at least a sliver of reason. When Jessica had come down to join them in the simulation, she had left the observation room empty… and unguarded. If an uninvited guest wasn't already watching then every second that ticked by was just pushing their already thin luck.

"We… we should wrap this up." Diana spoke up. Through the daze, a moment of clarity. It was brief, but enough for Lance and Jessica to part from each other. Jessica gave a small, pitiful whine, but Lance at least shared Diana's concern. She received a nod from the rookie, a look of understanding falling over his handsome face.

With a sigh, Diana reluctantly pulled herself to her feet. A pleasant ache rung through her body, blooming from her belly and passing through muscle and bone. She was sore. How many men could make an Amazon feel sore?

She collected the pieces of her Amazonian garb scattered about the ground, her tiara, her eagle bustier, her blue battle skirt. She pulled them on, piece by piece, ignoring the slight discomfort of the mess between her legs. She'd have to hop into the locker room for a quick shower before returning to the main hall. All three of them would need to.

"Just a little longer…" Jessica pleaded. But Lance untangled himself from her embrace, sitting up from the ruin their lovemaking had created of the simulated ground. 

"We've been at this for quite some time." Diana reminded her friend. "The others might be getting suspicious… if they haven't already."

"She's right." Lance said, offering Jessica a sympathetic smile. "Keeping the simulation chamber occupied for so long? People will start to wonder."

The Spider-Woman gave a pout, but didn't argue further.

"I need to find my suit then…" Jessica groaned, stretching as she rose to her feet. 

"Simulation end." Diana commanded, remembering that her friend had been naked when she reached them.

The streets, the buildings, even the dirt and grass under their feet, they all flickered and blinked away, leaving the trio in the grand and empty white chamber. Empty save for a lonesome pile of red and yellow fabric sitting a distance away. The Spider-Woman suit, discarded just as the heroine had left the elevator.

Jessica saw it and jogged over - giving Lance a nice little show of her splendid, athletic, naked body in such graceful motion. The rookie admired the view… as did Diana.

"A hell of a woman." Lance's eyes were fixed on Jessica's rear, his focus unwavering even as he pulled his suit back on. Diana gave a small hum of agreement, though her appreciation wasn't reserved only for Jessica. She couldn't help but drink in Lance's figure, drawing her gaze over the pleasing lines of his chest and abdomen just before they were covered again by his silver suit. Lance noticed her staring, sporting a grin. "You as well."

Diana scoffed, close to rolling her eyes. The attempt was blatant - and at that point, quite unnecessary - but the Amazon nonetheless felt a rush from Lance's boyish flirting. The warmth in her belly blossomed for a moment, the heat flaring nicely through her insides and dancing on to the ends of her fingers and toes.

"You never cool off, do you?" Diana shook her head, but couldn't stop a smile from spreading.

"Nope. It's in the genes. Hardcoded." Lance gave a proud smile in turn, holding his chin high as he finished zipping up his suit. He pointedly gave Diana a once-over, his smile turning wolfish as he did.

Diana felt a light twisting in her belly. It was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous that a man she just met could make her feel this way, like a young girl feeling butterflies in her heart for the first time. But even so, Diana loved the way he looked at her, at Jessica. Not just with lust shining in his eyes, but with genuine admiration.

"Damn right it is." Jessica called out as she rejoined them, slipping the tight fabric of her suit over the swells of her breasts. 

For Diana it was almost disappointing to see her two lovers clothed again… but the form-fitting nature of their suits softened the blow. For both heroes, the material was like a second skin, the suits clinging to their figures like they were painted on.

Diana breathed in, the ache still throbbing pleasantly through her body. Closing her eyes, she lifted both arms up high in a long stretch, before releasing with a long, heavy sigh. The sensation that coiled through her nerves was exquisite. More than just pleasure. It was satisfaction.

When she opened her eyes again, Lance and Jessica were regarding her with expectant looks. The reason was clear. They wanted her verdict.

"Well… as far as your audition went…" She gave the rookie hero a wry grin. "I'd say you passed with flying colors, Lance Thorne. There are few people on Earth who can go toe-to-toe with me."

"Even fewer who can make her break a sweat." Jessica added, nudging Lance with her elbow.

The young hero was clearly pleased with Diana's praise, though he kept his expression calm, restrained. That was good, Diana felt. The ability to maintain composure and control of one's emotions was an ideal trait for anyone, but especially so for superheroes. Lance's investment in the outcome was obvious… but it was clear that Jessica had a keen interest as well. She was, after all, the one who set up the meeting in the first place.

Diana continued, looking between her two fellow heroes.

"It won't be immediate - there are certain channels and processes we have to go through - but I expect the Titan will soon have a spot among us here, in the Hero Alliance."

Lance indeed looked more than happy with Diana's answer, but it was Jessica who was positively beaming. She was practically brimming with giddy excitement, beaming at the young man with pride and absolute joy. Jessica let out a happy - if restrained - squeal, hopping her way into Lance's arms. Not unlike a cheerleader would behave with her athlete boyfriend - or so Diana believed thanks to the young adult television dramas Donna and Cassie were so fond of. It was a peculiar thing to witness from an otherwise mature professional like Jessica Drew.

Just how powerful are your pheromones, Titan?

Lance gave Jessica a light hug in return, gently patting her on the small of her back. She settled down… eventually. After peppering Lance's neck and cheeks with kisses, she finally pulled away - though Diana could see the woman was just barely containing her excitement.

The rookie hero gave Diana a short, respectful bow. Unnecessary of course, but Diana appreciated the small show of decorum.

"It's been a pleasure showing you what I can do." He said, his voice even and measured. But there was the tiniest glimmer in his eyes, a fleeting spark of mischief that Diana couldn't miss.

Cheeky, this one… Bold, too.

"I'm sure it has." Diana smirked. She liked bold. Finally, the question that had been nagging at the back of her mind wormed its way to the front. "Where have you been staying? Even beginner heroes tend to have their own base of operations, secret lairs and the like. Some of us even use actual caves. So what about you? Where does the Titan hang up his suit?"

"He's been staying with me these last couple nights." Jessica cut in before Lance could answer. She reached out, taking his hand in her own. Very touchy, Diana noted. Jessica still wore that proud smile, though the pride was now for something else entirely. "We haven't been doing much sleeping, though."

Diana snorted. But of course.

"Productive evenings, I imagine?" She teased.

"Trashed my apartment to bloody hell." Jessica jabbed Lance with her elbow. The young stud could only give a sheepish grin.

"Sorry about that." The apology was half-hearted - Lance didn't even attempt to not look pleased with himself. 

But Jessica didn't seem to mind. She pressed herself into his side, hugging his thick, corded arm to the mounds of her breasts. She leaned in, bringing her lips to his ear.

"Never apologize for showing a girl a good time, love." Jessica purred. She kisses his cheek. Then his neck. She pressed her nose in, humming sweetly as she took in his scent. Her eyes fluttered - as if they were fogging up into a dreamy haze.

That answers the pheromone question, Diana told herself.

She watched her smitten friend snuggle up to the young hunk, her own mind managing to keep to its Amazonian sharpness even with the sweetness of his musk beginning to play upon her senses. Diana thought and thought and thought. Finally, she came to a decision - thought she had to convince herself it was born from her rational mind rather than Lance's pheromones.

"If it's not too much to ask…" Diana started, stepping forth to catch their attention. "I'd like the two of you to stay with me. Just for the next few nights."

The offer came as a clear surprise to the lovebirds - both Jessica and Lance were stunned, if only for a moment. But that shock soon gave way to interest. Keen interest.

"Are you sure, Diana?" Jessica asked, tentative despite her excitement.

"It's like Jess said, I can be a bit of a rowdy guest." Lance added, offering up a wry smile.

For a short time, Diana's mind raced with vivid imagination. Visions of a possible (and very likely) future. Her apartment trashed, ground zero for another wild bout of fucking. The Titan leaving his mark upon Diana's bedroom, just as he did at Jessica's. Just as he did here, in the simulation chamber.

Diana had to remind herself - she was inviting this man into her home, pheromones and all. In the end, the Amazon convinced herself it was the right choice.

"Yes. That's why I'm asking." Forcing the answer out was like lifting a weight from her shoulders. Diana lifted her chin, regarding the rookie with a new, loftier estimation. "Your pheromones are… quite potent, Mr. Thorne. As a senior member of the Justice League and the Hero Alliance, I feel it is my duty to keep a close eye on you. At least until the induction process is over… and I'm satisfied that you can control your abilities around the other heroines within our ranks."

The faintest of proud smiles played at the corner of Diana's mouth. Her reasoning made perfect sense when she put it like that. No one could find fault with such an argument. Certainly not the Titan… if he was indeed the hero he claimed to be.

Much to Diana's satisfaction, Lance nodded in understanding. As did Jessica - who now seemed even more pleased with the outcome of her lover's audition. 

For her part, Diana was mostly relieved that the Titan didn't take offense. Though, she had to admit… It was a bit telling that she was worried in the first place. Diana chose not to dwell on that.

"And of course, this will give you a place to sleep while your apartment gets cleaned up." Diana continued, directed at Jessica.

"Of course. Very generous of you. Much appreciated, Diana." Jessica was unusually stilted, especially considering how giddy she was just moments before. It didn't take long for Diana to realize her friend was making an effort to contain herself. While her words came clipped and blunt, the woman's eyes told a different story. Same as the Titan's, Spider-Woman's gaze was sharp, focused, and hungry… with Diana as the target.

The Princess of the Amazons felt a delightful little tremble then, blooming in her gut. 

"Yes, well… it is the responsible thing to do." Diana chewed on her tongue, taking a moment to drink in the two heroes standing before her. Gorgeous, the both of them. They smelled of sex. Looked like it, too. And then… there came an understanding. Unspoken between the three of them, but more than clear. "In any case, I look forward to hosting you."

"I will be a model guest." Lance promised. "You have my word."

"We both will." Jessica added. But the wicked glint in her eyes could not be missed.

Diana smirked. The next few days were going to be very interesting.

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