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50% Pride within the Cullens / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Date

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: The Date

Authors Note

Yes I know I've sped up the process for Scott and Alice get together. However I'm not the biggest fan of how Edward and Bella dance around each other. Yes they will still be getting together slowly. This story will mostly follow cannon. His half-shifted for will look reminiscent to Teen Wolf werewolves.

There will be some small time skips after this chapter

This is a mostly fluff chapter for Scott and Alice

Read and Review I'm always open to suggestions

I don't own any elements belonging to Twilight.

Line Break


I stirred from probably the soundest sleep I've had in my life. I opened my eyes to the sight of Alice still snuggled into my side. Alice noticing I was finally awake released her arms around me and started to run her hand through my hair. I looked into her eyes as she was petting my head and a low purr erupted from my chest.

"Aww, my kitten sounds so cute," Alice smiled while continuing to pet my head.

"I am NOT cute, I am a fearsome creature." I tried to correct her but she only rolled her eyes and continued. I could have laid here all day if she continued but sadly she stopped.

She suddenly had a faraway look in her eyes before looking back at me practically vibrating with excitement. "I saw us having a great time today, come on get up and get cleaned up I'll be back to pick you up in an hour. We need to get rid of the rags you call clothing."

"My sweatshirts are comfortable." She got up from the bed ignoring my complaint. I followed suit we made our way over to the window. She opened it up and was about to jump. But before she could I grabbed her arm to turn her around and kissed her.

"Not a bad start to the day kitten." She looked at me lovingly. "But you need to get ready, we have a long day of shopping and hunting ahead of us." She gave me another quick kiss before jumping out the window.

"ssh" I sighed grabbing a gray sweatshirt and black sweatpants. I started to get myself ready for the rest of the day. Grabbing a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

1 Hour Later

I sat downstairs waiting for Alice sitting with mom on the couch watching TV. Before long I could hear the revving of her Porsche in the distance. "Well, mom it seems my chariot has arrived I'll be home later," I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Bye, honey!" Mom yelled back up to me as I walked outside. I didn't have to wait long as she pulled up as I made it to the driveway. Man, I have to say I am jealous of her ride.

I walked up to her car and sat in the passenger seat she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Then she looked at what I was wearing before letting out a sigh, "You really need to lose the baggy sweatshirts, they hide all that hotness." I just smirked at her.

"It doesn't matter Alice I have a feeling you will be throwing most of my wardrobe out soon anyway," I said with a chuckle. "At least let me keep some pullovers."

"Hmm, only if they are designers," Alice replied backing out of the driveway. "We are going to the mall in Port Angles then we will go hunting."

Once we hit the highway it was as if Alice became a little speed demon I don't think she drove slower than 120 mph. Honestly, it was kind of exciting to me even with my enhanced speed as a lion my top speed was around 100mph.

"Honestly, I need to get myself a car," I said to myself quietly. She looked over at me as if she got an idea and kept driving. She made what was supposed to be an hour trip into a 35-minute exhilarating drive.

Arriving at a mall in Port Angles

"Alright Kitten, today you get to be my Ken doll," She looked up at me with excitement. I only let out a sigh knowing what was about to come my way. "Oh, Don't be like that soon enough everyone is going to see you for the eye candy you are. Then I'll just have to show them you're mine."

"Ahh, come on Pixie let's get this out of the way." I heaved out in acceptance. She just grabbed my hand and dragged me from store to store. Trying on hundreds of different outfits letting her pick and choose the ones she liked on me.

After she purchased about 15 outfits for me it was her turn to look for clothing for herself. Alice dragged me into a Nordstrom store to try on a few outfits and dresses. I was sitting at the exit of the dressing room for her to come out in her next outfit. She has tried a few on so far that were pretty outlandish in my opinion. Then again I know nothing about fashion that's why she chose all my clothes for me.

She came out wearing a simple beautiful purple dress that made my heart stutter. Obliviously hearing my pounding heart she walked over to me "your heart says it all kitten." she did a little twirl in front of me showing it off. Instinctively a low growl escaped my lips as my eyes started to glow. "Now now, I guess this one is a keeper."

This went on for a couple of hours her trying on outfits and getting a feel for my natural reactions to them. Honestly, I didn't care much about shopping for myself at all. But I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed every second of watching her shop and try-on outfits.

Every time she found an outfit or dress that she would want to keep she would twirl around me with excitement. I could see just how much fashion meant to her by how much fun she was having. I would do anything to keep her the way she is to myself for eternity.

For some reason, Jessica's description of Alice being weird popped into my head from yesterday's lunch. I couldn't help my building irritation just thinking about it. That girl is annoying I didn't like her at all, and as if Alice could feel my building irritation she came back over and sat with me back in her regular clothing.

"Hey what's wrong?" she said looking at me with concern. She gave me a tight hug and it immediately made me feel better.

"Nothing I was just thinking about how that Jessica chick described you yesterday. It irritates me to no end knowing that's how those idiots view you." I responded.

She just hugged me tighter, "I don't care what they think. The only opinions I truly value are my families and yours." she let go of me and stood up "Come one let us get all these clothes in the car and go hunting." I smiled at her while carrying all the bags as we walked to her car.

It was honestly an absolute struggle to fit all the clothing inside her Porsche but we did it. "I'm going to be the one to have to get a more practical car," I thought to myself. As Alice began driving back towards forks I was deep into my thoughts. I was thinking about my instant attraction and gravitation toward Alice. Every time I look at her the back of my head screams at me that she is mine.

"Hey Alice, I have a question," I said looking at her while she blazed down the highway.

She looked over at me with interest, "what's up kitten?"

"Did you have a vision of me coming to forks?" I questioned.

"Of course I did, I told you remember I knew we would be best of friends," she said thinking back with a smile.

"Is that all you have seen of us?" I asked now fully invested in the visions that she had.

"No, do you know how vampires mate?" she asked me. I shook my head no after all I never really read much about supernatural things as I thought I was the only one until yesterday. "well think of it as a soul mate, someone whom we are destined to be with forever. I saw a vision of us with that kind of future."

My heart started thundering in my chest with excitement a smile stretched wide across my face. "Forever huh that's a long time for a perfect pixie-like you to put up with me," I joked. But that's exactly what I wanted for us she was perfection. I loved everything about her, the way she was perpetually in a good mood, the way she looks up at me from her 4'10 stature. The fact that to me she was the most gorgeous girl on the planet.

"Kitten, so long as I get to pet your fur I'll put up with you for as long as you desire," Alice smirked as she reached over and pat my head. The rest of the ride was quiet as we made our way toward Olympic National Forest.

Arrival to trail Entering Forrest

As we got out of Alice's car she looked at me "let us see if you can keep up." Before she ran off using her vampire speed. I quickly shifted into my half-shifted state. My hair grew longer, my nails sharpened to claws, and my face became more angular while my also eyes glowed. I quickly took off after her, she was faster than me but she slowed a little so I could keep pace.

We ran deep into the Forrest before we came to a stop. When we did Alice took a moment to take in all my features as this was her first time seeing me in this form. "Hmm, while still hot." she walked around appraising me. "Still not as cute as your full transformation, you become so soft and cuddly."

I growled at her, "I told you I am NOT Cute, I am a proud lion an apex predator." she just chuckled at me before petting my head. I can't lie it felt good when she did that so much so that an unconscious purr came out.

"Well, mister apex predator how about we have a game." I looked up at her with interest while still purring from the petting. "First to get two Elks win." she looked at me as if she knew she had already won. Which she honestly probably did. "But you have to use your full transformation."

My stomach rumbled from hunger, after all, being what I am I have a massive appetite. "Fine, I'm Hungry," As I completed my shift into my massive lion form. Almost immediately when I was done shifting she took off running. I took in a massive inhale to see if I could smell any nearby animals. This Forrest is very densely populated.

I immediately took off running as I had selected a target. As I got close I made sure I was downwind from the elk I was stalking, I didn't want it to smell me and take off. As I got a little close I pounced and caught it. After I ate it I took off after another one by the time I caught up to the next one Alice jumped on my back.

"Guess who won?" she asked me while straddling my back as if I was a horse. I completely ignored her as I pounced on my next prey with her still on my back. She just laughed while holding on to my mane.

After I was done with my last snack I walked us over to a clearing and laid down. She stayed on top of me snuggling into my fur. After a while of laying down, I tried to speak to her with my mind. It wasn't something I have ever tried to do before. But as I did Alice tilted her head as if feeling my presence. "Can you hear me?" I asked her.

She had a shocked look before responding. "Yea I can how did you do that." she stayed snuggled into me.

"I don't know I just tried to find your mind and speak to it," I replied before getting up and starting to run back to Alice's car. "Where to next my pixie?"

"Hmm let's head to my house once we get to the car," she replied as she sat up still riding on my back. I nodded my head and kept my pace going. After reaching her car I shifted back into my human form and opened the door for Alice to get in. then ran around to hop in the passenger seat. I texted my mom that I was going to the Cullen's house as Alice raced down the curvy roads that led to her house.

Evening at the Cullen's House

Once we pulled into the driveway Alice took my arm and we walked in the front door. We made our way to the living room where everyone was sitting. Emmett and Jasper were playing Mario Smash Bros. Anna was sitting next to Jasper and Rosalie sat next to Emmett. Esme and Carlisle were sitting on a loveseat to the side. The only Cullen that wasn't currently here was Edward.

"Where is Edward?" I spoke up looking towards Carlisle. Jasper and Emmett were so into their game they completely ignore our revival.

Carlisle let out a sigh, "Edward had to get away for a while, he has to focus on himself to regain his control." I just gave him a shrug, I didn't understand what it was like for a vampire. Especially for vampires that lived surrounded by humans yet live off of animals. Alice and I made our way to sit across from Carlisle and Esme on another loveseat.

Alice and I turned our attention to the game on the TV, Emmett was beating Jasper in a landslide. Jasper realizing he was getting smashed reached over and tried to mess with Emmett's remote to cheat a victory. "Not today I need to win for once," Jasper stated. Emmett chuckled at him while he knocks out Jasper's character for the final time.

"Well, Scott wanna try your luck in a game of Smash?" Emmett looked at me with a challenging look. The problem was is that I had no idea how to play.

"Nah man video games aren't really my thing man," I told him he then gave me a disappointed look. "I am more of a sportsman myself." I continued he immediately perked up.

"Just wait till a storm rolls in, We take our baseball very seriously," Emmett told me with an excited smile. "The fact your not a fragile human means you get to participate."

I looked at him intrigued I am more of a football person but it still sounded fun to play a sport not needing to hold my strength or speed back. Honestly the more I think about the more my excitement built up. "Oh, I'm so game, I don't know whose team I will be on but we will definitely win."

Alice looked up at me with a smirk, "you will of course be on my team." I nodded down at her before she continued, "With my kitten on my team victory is assured."

Esme and Carlisle stood up and looked at me, "We are going to retire for the night we will see you later." They walked up the stairs and left for their room. As if it were a signal everyone got up and dissipated to their respective rooms.

Alice grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs, "Come one let's go, unlike us you actually need sleep." We entered her bedroom it was a Victorian setup with an open walk-in closet. She had a large king-size bed in the center far side of the room with purple canopy bed drapes.

Being the exhausted child that I am I started running and dove onto the bed. She made her way over to the bed and lay in it getting under the covers. I followed suit grabbing her waist and pulled her into me and kissed her. She grabbed the back of my head pulling me deeper into the kiss. She bit my bottom lip before we start to fight for dominance with our tongues.

Her cold hands felt her cold hands found their way under my shirt roaming my chiseled chest. The temperature difference felt amazing. My hands lowered from her waist to her ass giving it a squeeze I moved her to where she was straddling me. Sadly I had to pull away from the kiss because unlike her I still need oxygen to breathe. "I love you my pixie," I said while breathing heavily.

She responded by giving me a couple of quick kisses while saying "I.. love you too.. my kitten." I have never felt this much love or attraction for anyone in my life. "But you really should sleep," she rolled off of me and lay next to me while facing away. I pulled her back into me wresting my chin on top of her head.

"Good night my pixie," I said as I became lost in my thoughts. As I was slowly drifting to sleep my thoughts were on the conversation Alice and I had about Vampire mates. I was wondering if it was the same way for species. I know next to nothing about the history of my species so I didn't really know. But it would explain the constant pull to be close to her. Honestly, I didn't care I was just happy to have her in my arms.

Authors Note

I know this is a bit of a shorter chapter than the last. I just wanted to have some bonding time with Alice and Scott. Yes, the Bella and Edward romance will be as painfully slow progression as the original. The biggest reason for me speeding up the process of Alice and Scott getting together was the fact they didn't ever really need to hide the secret of what they are from each other as they were both supernatural.

Anyway please leave a review for me as I am still new to writing. If you guys have any suggestions or criticisms to help me improve it would be much appreciated.

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