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68.78% Magic Man / Chapter 130: Trick 129: Now you see Prisoners, now you don't!

Capítulo 130: Trick 129: Now you see Prisoners, now you don't!

Tony flew around dodging the Fiendfyre as Ace controlled it to get close enough to melt the armor, but not close enough to roast Tony alive. It was extremely difficult! Ace didn't want to hurt Tony at all, in his mind, although they disagreed, they were still friends.

And Ace cherished every one of his friends, he didn't have many.

Suddenly, the Fiendfyre exploded!

Tony and Ace stopped, looking over as Vision floated from the sky, saying "Enough of this, Cloak. I will handle him, Mr. Stark." Tony looked at Vision and flew off, "You got it."

Ace waved his staff and fired a stone at Vision before grabbing a spear of ice with his free hand, throwing it at Tony. The spear turned into a bird and flapped its wings, flying after Tony.

The stone passed right through Vision as he fired a yellow beam from his forehead, annihilating the ice bird, turning to Ace, saying "Stand down, I do not wish to harm you." Ace let out a breath and said "Who's harming who, honestly."

Vision replied "You should know, originally I was made with your destruction in mind." Ace cracked his neck and said "That's comforting." as he turned his staff into vambraces, flying into the sky as he flicked his wrists, runic circles appearing around his arms.

Vision fired a yellow beam at Ace, who thrusted his hands forward, blasting out a purple beam with crackling arcs all over it. The beams collided and Ace groaned, the yellow laser pushed the purple one back almost instantly as Ace frowned, pressing back as he was pushed away.

Rings appeared around the purple beam as it pulsed violently, purple lashes escaping the beam, hitting the ground as various things started changing. The lashes hit cars and turned them into trees, the ground turned into plants, planes turned into cards, confetti, dust, etc.

Vision frowned and floated forward as Ace pushed him back, inputting more mana into the beam itself, his eyes glowing purple and purple wisps of energy escaping out of his hood.

He twisted his hands and the beam started pushing Vision back, but Ace wasn't Wanda and Vision didn't have a reason to go easy on him.

The yellow gem glowed brightly and doubled the output, shoving Ace back as he landed on the ground, the earth itself cracking under his feet as Ace's knees were bending.

He started sweating profusely, saying "What the hell is that thing!? Damn it!" he slid his hands up, curving the beams into the sky before exploding off the ground, shooting to the side, waving his arms as the rubble, debris, and everything he changed morphed into a giant purple sword.

Ace waved his hands at Vision and rolled to the side as a yellow beam, ripped the ground where he was standing apart.

Vision turned to the sword and fired a laser at it, but Ace swished his hands and the sword split, dodging the laser before shooting at Vision, dividing again and again, dodging lasers.

Vision stopped and the swords passed through him, turning to Ace again.

Ace took out his staff and thrust it into the sky as the swords shot into the sky, the clouds darkening instantly.

Ace said "Sorry." Vision looked up and froze as the clouds lit up brightly, massive thunder spikes rained down from the sky, shooting at Vision, appearing in front of him instantly!

Vision flew around dodging the spikes, until Ace appeared in front of him, smashing his staff down as a ball of crackling purple energy rested on top!

The staff collided with Vision's head and smashed him into the ground as the clouds rumbled, a massive pillar of lightning fell and landed in the hole Vision was in.

A clap of thunder alerted everyone as they looked over to see a massive hole with Ace floating over it.

He let out a breath and looked in the hole muttering "At least it wasn't the other one…" a laser shot out of the hole and Ace spun his staff in front of him, creating a shield as the laser hit it, blasting Ace flying into the airport terminal like a rocket.

Vision floated out of the hole, scorched and seared everywhere, other than that he seemed fine.

Ace exploded out of the terminal, turning the rubble to purple sparks as he pointed his staff forward, the sparks turning to bolts as they shot at Vision like bullets. Clearly lightning stopped Vision from phasing otherwise he would've just tanked the lightning bolts.

Vision fired his laser, destroying a few while crossing his arms in front of him.

Ace heard in his ear, "Don't kill him!" Ace replied speechlessly "I'm trying not to die, myself! Believe it or not, Vision is the strongest person I've ever seen!" plus, Ace didn't even know whether Vision was even injured!

He was an android, right? So…

Ace was just confused.

Vision looked at him and fired a laser as Ace jumped out of the way, flying around as Vision followed him with the laser. Ace whispered "Are you sure, buddy? I don't think you can take it, no offense!" The cloak slapped him and Ace said "If we die, it's on you!"

As he stopped and turned to the beam, pulling his cloak over himself.

The beam hit the cloak and Ace flew into the ground like a meteorite, digging a long trench.

Ace groaned, "Oh… Pain…" however! The cloak was fine and slapping Ace happily. Ace sucked in air, "Good for you, pal…" before melting into the ground and disappearing as Vision floated over, looking around quickly, a bit worried that he might've killed Ace.

However, Ace popped out from behind Vision, wrapping his staff around Vision's neck as he said "Hey! Kinda dangerous, no?" Vision replied "I assume you can handle it." Ace coughed "I don't even know what you can handle so… Hold on tight. Or not!"

Ace turned into smoke and dragged Vision with him, twisting around before Vision flew out of the smoke, smashing into an air traffic tower, plowing through it, colliding with the concrete on the ground.

Steve said over the radio "I'll distract, you guys get to the jet." Sam replied "No! You get to the jet. Both of you!" Ace agreed, "Yeah, you got this, Steve." Clint added "As much as I hate to admit it… If we're gonna win this one, some of us are gonna have to lose it."

Bucky looked at Steve, saying "This isn't the real fight, Steve." Steve looked at him and asked on the radio "Alright, Sam. What's the play?" Sam said "We need a diversion! Something big!"

Ace asked "How about a meteorite?" Sam retorted "That's a little too big!" as Ace was sent flying by a laser, smashing into a metal pole.

Scott said "I got something big. But I can't hold it for long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half… don't come back for me." Steve replied "You sure about this, Scott?"

Scott replied "I do it all the time! I mean, once. In a lab. Then I passed out."

Ace waved a huge truck and it turned into a massive hammer, smashing on Vision as Scott suddenly turned huge!

Ace looked over and said "Oh wow…" Vision looked at Scott in confusion and everyone froze as Scott grabbed Rhodey laughing "Woahhhhh!"

Steve looked and said "I guess that's the signal." Sam laughed "Way to go, Tic tac!" while Ace dodged a laser, looking at Vision, saying "Come on, man!" Vision lunged at him and Ace grabbed his staff with both hands, swatting at Vision, but it phased through him as he grabbed Ace.

Ace coughed and said "Excuse me, is this your card?" as he vomited out a deck of cards in Vision's face, exploding into cards himself as Vision lost his grip.

Ace appeared behind a cart and lifted his staff in the air, floating as he let go and made some hand gestures.

Vision turned to him as the staff glowed purple, a rotating orb growing on top of it as purple bolts shot at Vision from the orb continuously. Ace said "I got Vision!"

Sam replied "The big guy is getting his ass beat! Keep him busy! They're almost at the jet!" Vision turned his head to see Steve and Bucky running for the jet.

Ace reached out his hand and pulled as a truck smashed into Vision, sending him flying. Ace clapped his hands and threw out fireballs, pelting Vision over and over again, pushing him back.

Ace put his staff back and took out the gun Sharon got him, pointing at Vision as he pulled the trigger over and over.

Vision took a step back, looking at Ace strangely. Ace replied awkwardly "I don't get to use this, okay? I'm excited." he shot at his feet and they froze to the ground as Ace missed the next few bullets, but hit the other ones.

Steve and Bucky got to the jet and Vision saw Wanda in trouble. He ignored Ace and flew off to Wanda, Ace put the gun away and grunted, waving his hands as a huge wave rose from the ground, surging towards Vision, however he blasted it away with an extremely powerful laser!

Ace paused and said "Oh. He's not playing around anymore… Meteorite time?" Sam said badly, "Can you stop!?" Ace retorted "But… He can take it! I always wanted to use that spell!"

Clint asked "Is it like an actual Meteorite? Wouldn't that be like… World ending?" Ace explained "No, no… It's magic! So… Ahem! Yeah… it's a real Meteorite…" Sam remarked, "You're nuts." Clint added, "I agree."

Ace snorted "What do you two know?"

Steve and Bucky flew off in the jet as Rhodey flew after them, Sam chased Rhodey and Ace looked over. Vision held Wanda and fired a laser at Sam, only to hit Rhodey!

Ace was stunned and shot off the ground, jumping on his broom as he sped off, pulling out his staff, thrusting it forward as he shouted "Arresto Momentum!" Rhodey was careening to the ground like Sokovia but suddenly started slowing down before landing gently on the ground as Ace hopped off the broom, running over as Tony and Sam landed next to him.

Sam looked at Rhodey, saying "You good?!" Tony took off Rhodey's mask and he looked at the trio, saying "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks, magic man." Ace let out a breath and looked at him, saying "Yeah… no problem, man." he sat on the ground and let out a sigh, adding "You almost turned into meat sauce."

Rhodey looked at the sky, saying "Thanks for that image…" Sam looked at Tony and flew off. Ace looked at Tony and said "See you… maybe…" before sighing and turning into smoke as he flew away.

He passed Sam and patted his back, whispering "Don't leave, stay with them." Sam looked at him, asking "What??" Ace looked at him, flying next to him normally, saying "I left some magic on you. Go with the rest, I bet it won't be a normal prison. You can fly away but the rest can't. I'll come get you guys."

Sam looked at him, saying "You want US to go to jail, so you can break us out?" Ace nodded and said "How are Clint and Scott supposed to escape? This is better. Trust me, Sam." Sam looked at him silently for a few seconds before saying "Fine. You better not forget, otherwise you better be ready for a lot of hate mail."

Ace smiled and nodded "I won't." before twisting and disappearing completely. Sam flew back and landed with the rest, saying "Anybody ever been in jail before?" Clint sat on the ground and sighed "Not really, where's the Wizard?"

Sam put his hands up, saying "Waiting." Clint let out a breath and put his hands behind his head.

A few days later

Ace was floating in the air above a huge metal prison in the middle of the ocean. The wind brushed his cloak to the side as his eyes glowed, staring down at the prison.

There was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning, Ace was gone!

Sam, Wanda, Clint, and Scott were sitting in cells staring at the walls as Clint asked "How much longer, birdman." Sam tapped his arm, frowning "Soon!" Scott said "You said soon yesterday! What are you guys talking about anyway?"

The door to the room was blown away, flying into the middle of the room and smashing into the ground as Ace walked into the room, saying "They're talking about me." Scott was stunned and Sam smirked "Well, well, well! Took you long enough!"

Ace rubbed his neck and said "This place isn't exactly easy to find! I was about to go swimming to find you." he grabbed the air and waved his staff as the prison cell doors turned to dust.

The four of them walked out and Ace tapped his staff on the ground, asking "Can anyone fly a helicopter?" Sam and Clint raised their hands, saying "I'll do it." in unison. Ace pointed behind him, saying "Go for it." as he looked at Wanda, who was strapped up like a mental patient.

He walked over and said "Fitting." Wanda looked at him, saying "Yeah?" Ace reached out a finger and drew a line over her, saying "Remember what I told you." Wanda looked at him as her restraints fell to the ground, freeing her as she asked "What's that?"

Ace suddenly grabbed her neck and lifted her in the air as he said "One mistake. One slip up. One single millimeter out of line. I promise you, you will wish you never left here. Clear?" Wanda grabbed his arm, gasping for breath as Scott said "Dude!"

Ace stared at Wanda, who choked out "C-C-Cry-Crystal!" Ace let go of her as she fell to the ground, holding her neck and sucking in air quickly. Scott looked at Ace and frowned "What's your problem, man!?"

Ace said "Worry about yourself, Antman. Last I heard you were already under house arrest." Scott froze and Ace turned around, walking out of the room.

Sam looked at Wanda and Clint helped her up, saying "Don't worry about it." Wanda let out a breath, replying "I'm used to it…"

Sam caught up with Ace, saying "A bit harsh! She's a teammate!" Ace replied "In another Universe she was perfectly fine annihilating trillions." he looked at Sam and asked "Am I harsh or not?" Sam paused and blinked, "Man, I didn't understand a single word you said."

Ace rolled his eyes and flew out of the place, saying "Understand this. If she loses control, it won't just be an Earth problem. Get it now?" Sam was stunned and said "Damn, okay…" as he turned to Wanda, looking at her in confusion.

Ace landed at the top as the others passed by frozen soldiers and guards, they came to a helicopter and Ace looked up at the huge hole in the top, saying "This is where we say goodbye."

Sam looked at him, asking "That's it?" Ace took out his phone, saying "That's it. You'll be meeting Steve at a secure location. He will be helping you guys for the rest of the way." before handing Sam a flip phone, adding "Good luck." before he twisted, disappearing instantly.

Sam held the phone as Clint passed him, helping Wanda to the helicopter. Sam asked, "Did we do something?" Clint waved "He's like that, what are you gonna do?" Sam climbed into the helicopter along with Scott, replying "I expected a goodbye? A hug? A 'If you need me, I'll be there.' Ya know?"

Clint sat in the co-pilot seat as Sam started up the helicopter, Clint put on the headphones, saying "I don't know, man. All I know is he saved my life. I think he's a bit upset he lost a friend."

Sam retorted "We all lose friends." as the helicopter flew up out of the hole, flying away. Clint looked at the prison, saying "Him and Stark had a history… Anyway, forget it. Start thinking where you're gonna hide."

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