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Revan's pace slowed as he jogged across the rocky terrain, waiting for reinforcements to catch up from behind.

"Master Fisto, can you stay behind and ensure the reinforcements integrate smoothly into our formation?" He questioned over his comlink, his eyes fixed on the dense white smoke ahead.

"Already on it, Revan." Master Fisto's prompt reply came.

Revan nodded in satisfaction, ending the transmission with a tap of his comlink.

Sensing a presence swiftly approaching from behind, he glanced to his right just in time to see Anakin sprint past with a smirk.

"Catch up if you can." Anakin called out, not bothering to look back as he disappeared into the white smoke.

Revan chuckled softly to himself before accelerating into a sprint, easily matching Anakin's pace.

Emerging from the white smoke, they both came to a halt, taking in the battlefield spread out before them.

'He caught up to me that fast?' Anakin's surprise was evident as he glanced toward Revan.

Revan paid it no mind, focusing on the unfolding battle ahead.

One battalion fired from atop a canyon while the other took cover behind rocky terrain, executing the planned pincer maneuver flawlessly.

'Everything is proceeding as planned.'

"Well, shall we?" Revan turned to Anakin.

"After you." Anakin gestured with a smile toward the battle.

"In that case, let's dive into the heart of the droids." Revan suggested, bending his knees and leaping upward.

Anakin furrowed his brows at the decision to jump into the center of the enemy, before nodding in understanding.

'It seems he wants to make sure their attention is focused away from this side in order to allow the troops to cross without being realized.'

Anakin shook his head inwardly as he simply jumped after Revan.

As he was in the air, he noticed Revan with his golden saber in the center of the droids, easily destroying dozens as they didn't even notice his presence.

Promptly landing beside him with a soft thud, Anakin ignited his own blue lightsaber.

Taking note of Anakin's appearance, Revan took out a blaster pistol he borrowed from one of the clones, and started blasting, while defending with his lightsaber.

He noticed Anakin's surprise at his choice of weapon, but there was no time for explanations as they plunged into the midst of the droid ranks.

With Revan firing his pistol and Anakin slashing with his lightsaber, they cut through the droids with precision and ferocity.

Side by side, they dashed through the droids at blurring speeds, running through them effortlessly, letting their momentum and sabers do all the work.

As the droids took notice of enemies within their ranks, they turned their attention to the unexpected threat, nevertheless Revan and Anakin pressed on, their onslaught relentless.

Anakin would swiftly decapitate them while Revan would fire multiple blue beams, each one accurately drilling through all the droids heads.

Occasionally he would have to weave his head and body in order to dodge, as he rolled and crouched.

"Uh-oh-" Before one of the droids could finish speaking, Anakin pierced its chest.

Since the two Jedi had all the attention on them, the surrounding battalions would shoot the droids who had their backs turned.

Amidst the chaos, Revan's gaze lingered on Anakin's intact hand, he had purposely made sure Windu went with Anakin and Obi-Wan when they confronted Dooku, this was to prevent him from losing his right hand just like in canon, and as he expected, his precautions had paid off.

"General!" Anakin's urgent voice cut through his thoughts as he deflected incoming red beams.

"What is it?" Revan responded, his pistol still firing relentlessly while blocking with his saber in his opposite hand.

"What should we do about the Geonosians?" Anakin questioned, force-pushing away a charging insectoid.

Revan surveyed the battlefield, noting the occasional presence of Geonosians fighting alongside the droids.

'Some of them have joined the battle, how foolish...' He thought to himself.

As another Geonosian lunged at him, Revan extended his hand, exerting a force choke on the creature, halting its attack mid-air.

"All you Geonosians, look!" Revan's voice boomed across the battlefield as he maintained his hold on the struggling insectoid.

All eyes, both droid and Geonosian, turned toward him as he continued to exert his power over the creature.

With a swift motion, Revan pulled the Geonosian closer, its struggles growing more frantic.

"This is the fate of those who harm my comrades."


The sound of a breaking neck echoed as Revan released his grip, letting the lifeless body fall to the ground.

Silence fell over the battlefield as Revan calmly awaited the Geonosians' response.

"You monster!"

"We'll destroy you!"

Angry shouts erupted from the Geonosian ranks as they charged toward Revan from all sides.

Revan remained unmoved, crossing his arms as they approached.

"Hmm... not easily intimidated, I see." He muttered softly to himself.

As the Geonosians closed in, a palpable darkness seemed to emanate from Revan, enveloping the area around him.

Their movements faltered, fear seizing them as they felt an immense weight of malevolence bearing down on them, with Revan's distorted appearance looking akin to a demonic being, gazing down like a god.

Wide-eyed and trembling, they took a step back from Revan, confusion and terror written across their insectoid faces.

"Run or face your end. You have five seconds to decide." His voice was cold, devoid of mercy as a sinister smile played at the corners of his lips beneath his mask.

For a moment, the Geonosians hesitated, before turning and fleeing in terror, darting past the droids and retreating toward their stronghold.

"Fire. at. the. two. enemies." A droid with yellow coloring ordered.

Gunfire erupted once more as Anakin and Revan stood back to back, fighting off the onslaught of droids.

"That ability oddly felt like a Sith technique." Anakin suspiciously glanced toward Revan as he slashed a droid in half.

Revan merely shrugged in response, "I suppose it can seem that way."

Anakin frowned at the cryptic reply, but they continued to fight seamlessly, dispatching droids easily.

Until suddenly, Revan came to a halt, his head snapped upwards toward the sky, as his gaze's vision extended at unimaginable distances, deep into the galaxy. Anakin noticed the change in his demeanor, his own senses sharpening as he scanned their surroundings.

"Pay attention!" He exclaimed, slicing through a droid that had approached Revan from his side.

Revan's focus still remained elsewhere, and Anakin's frustration grew.

'Hmm... What an interesting presence.'

As he was about to shout more, he noticed Revan return to normal, pointing his pistol toward him.

"Woah, woah, take it easy-"

Anakin's eyes widened as he watched the blue beams zoom past his face, accurately hitting two droids trying to flank him.

"Saved your life." Revan quipped, his smirk concealed beneath his visor.

Anakin chuckled awkwardly, "Uh...I knew that was there."

Their banter was interrupted by a volley of blue beams, signifying the arrival of clone reinforcements, the tide of battle shifting as the Republic forces surged forward.

The droid forces started falling as clone reinforcements finally crossed the trench with the smoke disappearing

They maintained their blockade line as they gunned down all the enemies, with Gunships dropping off AT-TE's and Falchion Tanks in front of them.

Anakin was smiling as he watched the blockade line advance past them, destroying all the droids in their pathway.

The battalions who were flanking finally advanced forward from each side, blasting all the droids in their field of vision, completely encroaching the thousands of droids.

As the chaos of battle subsided, Anakin observed Revan crouched beside the fallen geonosian, a somber air about him.

"Why does it seem like your not happy? Their defeat is inevitable..." Anakin questioned, puzzled by Revan's demeanor.

Revan's response was measured, his voice tinged with an odd tone, "Regardless of which side we're on, war does not determine that our cause is right... but simply who the victors are. It's a pity that so much death has been caused."

Anakin regarded Revan with a confused expression, as he continued.

"Skywalker, I've conducted thorough investigations into the Jedi Order, including your history with slavery."

Anakin's expression darkened at the mention of his past, but he remained silent, listening intently.

"Do you never question the Jedi? Why do they tolerate slavery in the galaxy?" Revan continued, his voice calm yet probing, "One could argue that our jurisdiction is limited to the Republic, but then they are not truly peacekeepers of the galaxy; they become more akin to a police force. The Jedi claim to value selflessness to protect others' freedom, yet this seems to apply only within the Republic."

Anakin frowned, considering Revan's words carefully, "What are you trying to say?"

Revan maintained his composure, offering a thought-provoking response, "My point is, don't view the world in simple terms of good and evil. The Jedi are not as virtuous as they appear, just as the Separatists are not as malevolent as they seem. And much like this geonosian, who was merely defending his planet, the galaxy's moral landscape is far more complex than it appears."

As Revan spoke, the battlefield continued to shift in favor of the Republic, with clones and heavy vehicles efficiently routing the droid forces.

"In the end, strength determines who is in the right. Strive to become the strongest, Skywalker, and shape the galaxy as you see fit, perhaps into something truly peaceful..." Revan concluded, facing Anakin directly.

Anakin's expression betrayed a hint of surprise, "You don't mean—"

Before Anakin could finish, a navy blue clone commander approached them, interrupting their conversation.

"Apologies for the interruption, General Revan, Commander Skywalker. General Yoda wishes to speak with you." Commander Zephyr interjected.

Revan nodded, "Patch him through."

Zephyr initiated the communication, projecting Yoda's holographic image.

"Revan, informed me of your plan, Senator Amidala has. Proceeding smoothly, is it?" Yoda inquired.

"Yes, Master Yoda. We're pushing back the droids and are set to destroy the factory on our front." Revan responded confidently.

"Good... Arrive, I have. Join your battlefront, I will." Yoda announced abruptly.

Revan simply nodded, "Is there a specific reason?"

"We must talk about the future." Yoda explained before ending the transmission.


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