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Now only five remained inside the command room: Plo-Koon, Ahsoka, Padme, Kit Fisto, and Revan.

Surprisingly, Ahsoka remained silent the entire time, leaning on the central table. She understood that the Battle of Geonosis was beyond her capabilities, opting to follow the lead of more experienced Jedi.

Padme suddenly approached Revan, determination in her eyes as she looked at his Mandalorian visor.

"General, I also wish to participate in this battle." She declared abruptly.

Revan's eyes gleamed beneath his mask as he replied, "Your bravery is commendable, Senator, but this battlefield is no place for a non-combatant. Your presence would only put others in unnecessary danger."

Padme's determination faltered for a moment as she processed Revan's words. However, she persisted, attempting to sway him, "But General, I can handle myself. I've been in dangerous situations before. Please, I want to help in any way I can."

Revan shook his head firmly, his tone unwavering, "I appreciate your willingness, Senator Amidala, but my decision stands. It's too risky."

Padme's shoulders slumped slightly, realizing that Revan was not going to change his mind. With a resigned nod, she accepted his decision, though disappointment lingered in her eyes.

Revan then turned his attention toward a certain aquatic Jedi, Kit Fisto.

"Master Fisto, I've heard much about you... Once Master Plo-Koon and I go after Grievous, I intend to entrust my Legion to your capable hands." Revan expressed, showing his respect for Kit Fisto's leadership.

"Haha! Fear not, Master Revan. I will take care of your soldiers." Kit Fisto assured with his trademark smile.

Revan nodded in acknowledgment before turning to Master Plo-Koon.

"Master Plo-Koon, care to partner with me?"

"I see no problem with it. And you may call me Master Plo." Plo-Koon replied with a nod.

Plo-Koon and Kit Fisto were among the few Jedi that Revan respected, especially Plo-Koon, who demonstrated what a true Jedi should be.

"Then let's go." Revan turned curtly, leading the way towards the exit. However, Ahsoka's voice interrupted them.

"Master, what about me?"

Revan gazed back with an amused smile, "Aren't you coming?"

Ahsoka seemed surprised, before smirking, following after them.

After walking for a few moments, they arrived in the lively hangar filled with clones constantly moving and dozens of Gunships all ready for take-off.

The trio walked down the massive ramp and emerged outside beside the long line of troopers, with Jedi spread out among them.

Revan effortlessly leaped onto the top of an AT-TE, his movements fueled by the Force, giving him an extensive vantage point.

Plo-Koon who was on the ground beside the AT-TE, turned his attention to Ahsoka.

"Little Ahsoka, since we Jedi are at a disadvantage on this battlefield, focus on defending the troopers with your lightsaber. This battle will mostly be long-distance." Plo-Koon instructed calmly.

Ahsoka nodded in understanding, swiftly positioning herself in front of some soldiers, ready to fulfill her role.

Meanwhile, Revan knocked on the hatch of the AT-TE, prompting a clone to pop out.

"General sir?" The Clone questioningly looked at Revan.

"Yeah, I need a DC-15A blaster." Revan curtly explained.





His request suddenly made the atmosphere awkward, as even Plo-Koon and Ahsoka glanced up at him weirdly. The clone himself seemed stunned, before regaining his bearings.

"Of course sir." Going back into the AT-TE and promptly bringing out a rifle in hand, he handed it to Revan.

Revan gave a silent nod of approval as he directed his gaze ahead, scanning the sandy plains and distant canyons.

'By now, the two battalions led by Jedi on each battlefront should be nearing their designated flank locations, while the company of soldiers led by the Jedi meant to explore the catacombs should be making their descent.' Revan pondered inwardly, his focus shifting to the blaster's iron-sight as he peered into the distance.

After several minutes of tense silence, the distant figures of the droids finally came into view.

Instantly, chaos erupted as the clones followed their orders, unleashing a relentless barrage of blue beams upon the unsuspecting droids. The enemy, caught off guard by the onslaught, retaliated with a barrage of their own crimson beams.

'I'll need to focus my attention here until I get sent word of Griveous's location.' He then fired his own blaster from his prone position atop the AT-TE.

While momentarily giving glances toward Ahsoka and Plo-Koon on the ground, Revan noted their skillful defense, deflecting incoming beams with precision.

Despite her status as a Padawan, Ahsoka held her ground admirably, proving herself in the midst of the chaos.



Underneath the land of Geonosis, within the dark catacomb's, over a hundred clones could be seen traversing with their helmet lights on.

They moved in two orderly rows of 50 along the narrow pathway. Jedi Master Mundi led at the front, while the other two masters guarded the rear to watch for any potential threats.

Revan had meticulously ensured this formation was maintained by all four bomb teams, not out of favoritism for the clones, but out of strategic necessity. While the Jedi could hold off most enemies, the clones were more vulnerable individually, and Revan was determined not to let them perish needlessly.

"Keep moving. Designated location is only 1 klick to the south." Remarked a Clone Captain in orange-striped armor, walking closely behind Jedi Master Mundi.

The clones nodded silently as they followed the Captain and Jedi Master, their blaster rifles raised in readiness.

Their footsteps echoed softly through the cavernous pathway, the only sound breaking the eerie silence.

The Captain suddenly raised a clenched fist, signaling for everyone to halt. "Enemy movement ahead." He announced quietly.

Jedi Master Mundi nodded in agreement, sensing the presence of two beings up ahead.

"Flashlights off. Turn them back on, on my command." Ordered the Captain.

The clones swiftly complied, extinguishing their flashlights and pressing their backs against the walls.

After a tense moment, two bug-like beings emerged from the darkness, conversing in their native tongue and brandishing blasters.

"Now!" Commanded the captain.

In unison, everyone illuminated the creatures with their flashlights, causing them to falter in confusion.

"Fire!" The clones unleashed a volley of blue beams, piercing the Geonosians before they could react.



The creatures shrieked in agony as they fell lifeless to the ground.

Jedi Master Mundi frowned at the ruthless efficiency of the clones. "Captain! What is the meaning of this? They could have been friendly."

"With all due respect, sir, General Revan ordered us to be ruthless. And given their Geonosian weapons and armor, they were likely hostile." Explained the Captain calmly.

Mundi sighed, "I will determine when it is time to engage or not from now on."

"Understood, sir."

"Let's continue. Back into formation." Ordered Mundi as they resumed their journey, with the clones falling back into their orderly rows.

They eventually reached a large cavern dotted with pillars.

"Captain, your mission is to ensure the safety of your troops while planting the bombs. Good luck." Mundi instructed before he and the other Jedi began to survey the area.

The Captain directed the troops to divide into squads and approach designated pillars. They planted multiple small circular bombs to each pillar, working swiftly and efficiently.

Once the task was completed, they regrouped in the center of the cavern, ready to depart.

"General Mundi, we are prepared to leave." Reported the Captain.

"Then let's go." Replied Mundi as he led the way back along the pathway, with the other Jedi following closely behind.

Along the return journey, they encountered hostile Geonosians, but Mundi swiftly dealt with them, ensuring the safety of the group.


Meanwhile, in a different part of the battle, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Windu found themselves aboard a flying Gunship with the doors opened, hovering above the sandy desert.

Below them, two speeders zipped across the dunes.

"That's Count Dooku, no doubt about it." Anakin muttered, his gaze fixed on the speeding vehicles below.

"Indeed, but who is his companion?" Obi-Wan pondered, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

"It must be Grievous." Windu concluded quietly before abruptly stepping forward.

"Master Windu? What are you-" Obi-Wan began, but before he could finish, Windu leaped off the Gunship and descended toward the two speeders at immense speeds.

Anakin grinned, "Looks like we're in for some excitement."

"Wait, Anakin, we should inform Master Reva-" Obi-Wan started, but Anakin had already followed Windu, leaping off the Gunship without hesitation.

"*Sigh* Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only sane one." Obi-Wan muttered to himself before tapping his com-link.

"Master Revan, we believe we've located Grievous. He's with Count Dooku." Obi-Wan reported swiftly, providing the coordinates of their location. As he finished speaking, he watched the two speeders crash due to Anakin and Windu's intervention.

With a soft thud, Obi-Wan landed gracefully in the sand, joining the fray just as Count Dooku and Grievous confronted Anakin and Windu.

"I will not allow you to escape again, Count Dooku. This ends now." Windu declared boldly, his hand hovering over his lightsaber.

"Ah, my old friend, you persist in your delusions." Count Dooku retorted, a smirk playing on his lips as he ignited his red lightsaber.

"We'll see about that." Windu replied, activating his own purple saber.

As they clashed lightsabers. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Grievous faced each other, ready to face their respective adversaries.

"I shall relish in your demise, Jedi." Grievous hissed, his four lightsabers whirling menacingly as he advanced toward Anakin and Obi-Wan.



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