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Battle Plans

"Let's proceed." Revan urged, leading the Jedi atop the large ramp, and into hangar.



Multiple medical clones quickly approached them and took away the injured toward the Medical Bay, while Revan and the rest of the Jedi traversed the metal hallways.

Eventually, they entered the command center and the dozens of Jedi started surrounding a large hologram table, including Revan at the head of the table with Windu, Plo-Koon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ashoka, and dozens more around.

Once everyone was settled, he started speaking.

"Before we begin, I must inform you that I've mobilized the other legions assigned to Masters Kenobi, Plo-Koon, Windu, and among others." Revan announced, projecting a holographic map.

"Where are these Legions of ours?" Obi-Wan questioned from Revan's right.

"They are stationed with their Acclamators according to the plan." He answered.

"If that's the case, please enlighten us on this plan." Windu interjected, his arms crossed, with all the Jedi focusing their attention on Revan.

"First, let me inform you of your legions. Master Kenobi's 212th Legion is positioned in the East, Master Plo-Koon's 104th Legion in the South, Master Windu's 187th Legion in the West, and my own 7th Legion is in the North. Currently, all these Legions are maintaining the same blockade/formation observed outside." Revan explained as the large hologram map depicted the legions' positions.

"This setup allows us to target and destroy multiple droid factories while preventing any escape."

Before he could continue, he was abruptly interrupted, "With all due respect Master Revan, I don't think we have the time for talk." Anakin remarked from beside Obi-Wan.

"I can't help but agree with Anakin, the separatists are probably escaping as we speak." Obi-Wan added.

Revan seemed unconcerned, as he addressed their worries, "I understand your impatience. However, during the Venator's assault, it wasn't solely directed at your rescue. Other cannons targeted the Separatists' hangars, delaying their departure and allowing time for this briefing." 

At his statement, an apologetic smile appeared on Obi-Wan's face, "Then please excuse me and Anakin's interruption."

Anakin also nodded in agreement, signaling his readiness to hear the strategy, allowing Revan to resume.

"Our current deployment positions our troops at each battlefront, but it's essential to note that Geonosis boasts an extensive network of catacombs beneath its surface. We'll dispatch a Company of soldiers—100 in total—to infiltrate these catacombs simultaneously across all four fronts."

"These troops will strategically plant powerful explosives on specific pillars beneath the droid formations, targeted at the enemy forces facing our blockade on each front. Once detonated, the resulting collapse will create a vast trench, spanning hundreds of meters deep and wide, effectively decimating a significant portion of the droid ranks. It's akin to engineering a colossal sinkhole, but with deliberate precision."

As Revan elaborated, he utilized a holographic simulation to illustrate the intricacies of the catacombs operation, holding the attention of all the Jedi present.

"However, this tactic alone won't secure victory. To complement the catacombs assault, we'll deploy two battalions—each comprising over 1000 troops—for a total of 2000. One battalion will execute a flanking maneuver from the east, while the other will do the same from the west, utilizing the cover of canyons to remain concealed at a distance. These battalions will refrain from engaging until after the catacombs explosions. The resulting chaos and distraction among the enemy forces will provide an opportune moment for their assault."

"After the detonations and the commencement of the flanking maneuvers, our troops will maintain their positions, employing ranged blaster fire to support the main assault."

Windu then spoke suddenly, "Forgive my interruption, Master Revan, but is it prudent to adopt a passive stance in such a situation?"

Revan wasted no time to respond, "The efficiency of the battle hinges not on blind charges, but on calculated strategy," He explained, his tone logical. "To send our troopers rushing into the fray without a plan would only result in needless casualties. We as Jedi are peacekeepers, and our duty extends to all life, including that of our clone comrades. They are not expendable pawns, but valued allies whose lives must be safeguarded whenever possible."

Windu frowned as he reasoned, "Revan, you know that's not what I meant... If we adopt a partially passive approach like you say, the Separatists will simply slip away." His gaze locked with Revan's, creating an atmosphere thick with tension.

The other Jedi Masters were on the verge of intervening when Windu let out a sigh.

"It seems my eagerness to capture Count Dooku is clouding my judgment. I once again apologize for my interruption." He conceded, his brows furrowed with frustration. It was clear that the prospect of letting Dooku escape troubled him more then he'd like to admit.

Revan nodded understandingly, "No matter. As for what I was saying..." He continued, "Once the two battalions flank and start providing cover fire from a distance, they will then deploy smoke grenades to obscure the droids' vision. Meanwhile, our main force will use ladders to cross the trench created by the catacomb explosions. Gunships equipped with magnetic systems will assist in transporting heavier vehicles like the AT-TEs across."

While Revan spoke, he manipulated the hologram to illustrate the strategy, "As the troopers advance, they will maintain a blockade formation, supported by Gunships. This plan should allow us to decimate the droid forces on all battlefronts." He concluded, his gaze sweeping over the gathered Jedi.

Most of the Jedi regarded Revan with a mixture of surprise and admiration. While the plan was straightforward, its effectiveness was undeniable.

"I must say, this is impressive," Plo-Koon remarked, voicing the sentiments of many present. "But what about the Massive Core Ships in the air?" He inquired, pointing out a potential flaw.

Revan replied thoughtfully, "I have tasked the Acclamators with focusing their firepower on the Core Ships. However, their destruction might not be feasible, given our current resources. Nevertheless, Master Yoda's imminent arrival with reinforcements should tip the scales in our favor."

Plo-Koon nodded in understanding, accepting Revan's reasoning.

"As for the capture of Count Dooku, myself, Master Windu, and Anakin will lead the effort." Obi-Wan commented with a determined expression, outlining the next steps.

Revan nodded in agreement, "Agreed. The other Legions are under the command of their respective Clone Commanders. This will allow a select group of us to pursue Dooku and his ally with minimal interference."

"Ally?" Obi-Wan queried, his interest piqued.

"Yes, Grievous, a formidable cyborg allied with Dooku. We must neutralize him as well." Revan briefly explained.

He then glanced around and did a quick headcount of the available Jedi, he counted about 108, but there were also about 43 injured Jedi in the Medical Bay, so in total 151 Jedi survived out of 212, as compared to canon, only around 33 survived.

The Jedi and Revan quickly formed 4 teams in total for each battlefront and some had already left the Command Center to their designated battlefronts.

Only Revan, Plo-Koon, Ahsoka, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Windu, Kit Fisto and Padme were left behind.

Revan, for the first time, noticed Padme standing beside Anakin. Her presence, amidst all these powerful Force users had been so small that he hadn't even paid her any attention.

Glancing at her figure, he couldn't help but acknowledge her beauty, but he quickly shook his head inwardly. Anakin had already won her heart, and he had no interest in pursuing someone who was already committed. Not to mention she wasn't his type.

Yet, as he observed Padme more closely, he noted her strong posture and fearless demeanor. Clad in a white long-sleeved tank top and matching pants, with a blaster in hand, she exuded confidence.

"Alright, time is of the essence. Count Dooku could be escaping at any moment. Let's go, Anakin." Obi-Wan declared, prompting both Windu and himself to head towards the exit.

"I'm coming." Anakin responded, his gaze lingering on Padme for a moment longer before he turned to follow Obi-Wan and Windu out of the room.

However, before Anakin could take another step, Revan lightly grasped his shoulder, halting his movement.

"Skywalker, a word of advice."

 Anakin raised a curious brow as he glanced towards the masked Jedi, "Advice?"

Revan spoke, "Their is nothing wrong with love, but don't let it cloud your judgment."

Anakin furrowed his brows momentarily, before chuckling awkwardly, "I-I'm not sure what your talking about, Master Revan."

Revan continued in a rather cryptic tone, "Just be mindful of your emotions, they can be a source of great strength, yet they can also be a source of great weakness."

Anakin's expression darkened, realizing Revan knew more than he let on.

Nevertheless, Revan reassuringly squeezed Anakin's shoulder, "Calm yourself..." However, Anakin's posture only got more tense, "You have nothing to fear, this is not my secret to tell. Your personal life, is of your own business, I'm simply giving you advice."

Anakin's frown slowly curled into a thin line, creating neutral features on his face as he regarded his fellow Jedi with a serious gaze.

Usually he wouldn't just trust a stranger's word, but it was weird, the force itself seemed to be coxing him, whispering into his mind, 'He is trustworthy', 'Trust him', 'He is your ally'.

Revan smirked, unbeknownst to Anakin, "And for what it's worth, I also appreciate the beauty of women." His tone hinted playfulness as he finally let go of his shoulder.

While conflicted inwardly, Anakin decided to trust the Force, causing him to slightly relax, "While I don't understand you much, I hope we can talk more after, Master Revan." 

They just silently stared at each other, before being disrupted.

"What are you two secretly talking about?" Plo-Koon suddenly chimed in as he appeared beside them.

Anakin quickly shook his head, "Nothing of importance, Master Plo-Koon. I should join Obi-Wan and Master Windu. Excuse me." With a nod of farewell, Anakin swiftly made his way out of the room.


If I were to propose an idea where I would allow the readers to vote on a specific storyline on where you want the story to go, would you guys be interested? Not just one storyline, but various ones that work well with the story and turn into multiple interesting arcs that I could expand on.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna try this anytime soon, but eventually in future chapters I might try it. But that's wayyyy in the future.







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