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20% Reincarnated in The Owl House / Chapter 5: Encounter with a Blight

Capítulo 5: Encounter with a Blight

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed as I got out of bed to see Raine by my door. "Hey Az rise and shine! We have a full day of learning ahead of us!" Raine said as he pulled the covers off me. "Old man it's too early for this." I say as I look to see it isn't even sunrise yet. "Well that's too bad! This is what you signed up for when you agreed!" Raine said cheerfully as he dragged me to to the kitchen. "Ugh, so what are we having for breakfast?" I ask as he pulls out what looked to be egg shaped eyes and purple bacon. "eyeggs with bakon." Raine said as I turn to him. "Eyeggs and Bakon?" I asked not sure if I heard him right.

"Yep! Now how do you like your eyeggs?" He asks as I look at what was supposed to pass for eggs and bacon in the Boiling Isles as I take take a comical gulp of spit. 'Hey let's not judge it until I try it and since I'm a witch right now maybe it'll taste better than it would when I was a human?" I thought to myself before turning back to Raine seeing him look at me expectantly. "I-I'll have them scrambled." I say hesitantly as he grabs the 'eggs'. "Great! Now what do you want to drink this morning? Apple blood or Ghoul aid? I personally recommend the apple blood." Raine said as he let go of the pan where he'd been cooking the 'eggs' and grabbed out a carton of what looked to be the apple blood and a bottle of Ghoul aid. 'Ok I remember that in the show apple blood seemed to taste better so let's go with that!' I thought before pointing to the carton of apple's blood. "Good choice! I'll pour you some in a second so wait while I make your scrambled Eyeggs." Raine said as he put the Ghoul aid back in the fridge and put the Apple's blood on the counter before going back to the stove to finish cooking our breakfast.

"Ok sure." I say as I mentally prepare myself to try this new 'food'. "Alright, it's done! Here you go!" Raine said as he placed the Eyeggs and Bakon in front of me before pouring a cup of apple's blood and placing it in front of me all of this making me gulp down another comically large glob of spit. "T-thanks for the food." I say nervously as I pick my fork up and move towards the Eyeggs as I scoop up a small bit before I look at it as it looks back at me causing me to start sweating not being used to eggs that stare at you as you eat them. "Alright, here's to hoping it tasted good." I mumble to myself as I quickly shove it into my mouth as I start chewing before I stopped as a flavor I couldn't describe with words appears in my mouth as... I quickly move my fork reaching for more on my plate as I unceremoniously shovel more of the surprisingly delicious eye filled scrambled eggs before reaching for the purple Bakon as I shovel it into my mouth as well.

"Well I'm glad you like your breakfast it the Bakon was specially sourced from AF producers." He says as I swallow my last bit of breakfast. "Wait what do you mean by AF?" I ask confused and curious. "Why it means Abomination free of course!" Raine said as I take a sip of apple blood only to spit it out when I realized that there was meat in this world that may have been made of Abominations. "Wait what do you mean Abomination free?" I ask before he looks at me surprised. "Wait Az, you didn't know that the food you usually eat is processed by Abominations? Didn't your parents tell you where your food comes from?" Raine said as I let out a sigh of relief knowing that the meat here wasn't made out of abominations.

"I may have to enroll you in school if your that uninformed." Raine mumbles as he grabs the dishes and puts them in the sink. "What was that?" I asked not quite hearing what he said. "Oh nothing! Now let's get to your lesson on Bard magic!" Raine said as he quickly rushed me to his backyard before I could finish my apple blood. "Now this is your very first lesson on Bard magic so pay very close attention." Raine said very seriously before I nodded. "Ok then, so Bard magic is quite different from most magic that just uses a spell circle to activate since you have to use the sound's you make to use it and I don't mean something like a snap or a clap but something more musically inclined like a violin or a drum.

But for this lesson you won't be using an instrument since we aren't at that point yet, so we'll start with whistling!" Raine said as he started whistling causing a wave of sound started to lift a feather on the ground up towards him as he grabbed it. "See what I did there? That's what you'll be focusing on today." He said as he handed me a feather. "Now you try!" He said as I started to whistle at the feather in my hand as nothing happened. "Hey don't feel bad? I didn't get it on my first try either, so how about you try it again?" Raine said as I tried for a few minutes finally stopping when I ran out of breath.

"You *pant* know *pant* what? I'm going to take a break." I said as I sat down on the ground before Raine looked down at me. "Hey don't sweat it, Bard magic can be tough for people to start learning I mean it took me a week to learn that spell." Raine said trying to comfort me before something started ringing. "Oh shoot! That must be the alarm I set on my scroll! Sorry but I have to go pick up something from the market. Now I'm not sure if this would help but it's all in the breath! Don't worry if you don't get it! I'll explain when I get back!" Raine says as he runs back into the before I heard another door open as I heard the sound of shoes stamping down becoming louder and louder as I saw Raine run by the fence with multiple bags. "Remember! It's all in the breath!" Raine said as he ran further and further down the road until I couldn't hear or see him anymore. "In the breath... In the breath what does that mean?! Ugh whatever I guess I'll go to town since I have nothing better to do..." I say as I walk towards town to look around.

POV Change Unknown

"But mom I don't want to make new friends! I already have one!" A green haired girl said to her mother trying to convince her. "Well Amity you can't be associating with Witches like that girl, what was her name?" Amity's mother said thoughtfully. "Willow! Her names Willow!" Amity said answering her mother's question frustrated. "Ah yes, Willow! Always forget her name since she's so hard to remember." Amity's mother said as she looked back down at her her daughter. "You shouldn't be making friends like that, you should making friends with girls who have more talent than Willow." She said as Amity looked up with tear's threatening to fall from her eyes. "B-but." Amity stuttered looking at her mother. "No buts Sweetie, you're going to make new friends yourself or I do it for you." Amity's mother said as Amity runs off to her room crying.

As she reached her room she ran to her bed as she cried over how unfair her mother's decision was before she heard a knock on her window to see two people outside of it, two people she knew very well... Edric and Emira. As she saw them standing there by her window she started to panic a bit since her room was by the Garden which was off limits to everyone but their mother who puts a lot of effort to maintain it. "Edric! Emira! What are you doing in mom's garden! She'll kill you if she finds out that you were sneaking around doing whatever you were doing in it!" She said in a panic before the twins climbed into her room. "Come on Mittens. She's never going to know we were out there! At least she hasn't yet. " Edric said before his face shifted to a more thoughtful one as Emira pushed him aside. "More importantly! We saw you crying, are you ok?" Emira said as she placed her hand on Amity's head in a comforting gesture. "No... mom said I had to make new friends because mine isn't 'talented' enough." Amity said using air quotes as the twins look at her with sympathetic gazes.

"Hey don't worry about it. I'm sure we can ask dad to talk to mom about it, in the meantime how about we sneak out to town and have some fun? Would that cheer you up?" Emira asked as Edric tries to also put his hand on his younger sister's head only to have it swatted by Emira as Amity turned towards them and nodded. "Great then let's go!" Emira said as she practically dragged her out of the window as they ran towards town.

POV Change Chris, Town

"Nice a bookstore!" I say as I walk over to it opening the door. "Welcome." I heard from some bored looking teen at the register tapping on a floating scroll. 'I remember seeing those in the show being used to scroll through an off brand social media website called pinstagram, so going off that I can only assume those are the alternate version of phones that exist on the Boiling Isles.' I thought as I walk over to what I think is the section where textbooks on magic are. 'Maybe I should ask Raine for a scroll when I get back- oh nice a textbook on beast keeping magic!' I thought before getting distracted by a textbook on beast keeping.

POV Change Amity, Town

"Hey Amity look at this. Doesn't this look yummy?" Edric said as he waved some Abomination skewers in front of Amity who seemed kind of distracted before Emira stopped him shaking her head before turning to Amity. "Hey Mittens, are you ok?" Emira asks looking at Amity before Amity's snapped out of her thoughts as she looked towards her older sister. "Oh yeah! Yeah I'm ok. I'm just kind of distracted with this whole friend thing..." Amity said as Emira looked at her with concern before smiling at her. "Hey how about we help you find a friend then? I mean we're in town, what's a better place to make friends if not town? Look I see someone now that could be your friend!" Emira said as she points to a Azure haired boy walking with some textbooks in his hand before grabbing Amity's hand and pulling her towards him as she waved at him. "Hey kid! Can you come here for a second?" Emira yelled out as the boy looked towards them startled.

POV Change Chris, 1 minute before

"That'll be 90 snails." the clerk says at as she finishes scanning the two textbooks I picked. 'Good thing I took some snails from Raine's room before leaving." I thought as I took out all the snails I had on me putting them on the counter as I grabbed the books on the counter. "Thank you come again." The clerk said unenthusiastically as I walked towards the door opening it before I walked off towards the next spot I planned to visit on this town wide tour.

"Hey kid! Can you come here for a second?" I heard as I turned to see some green haired teens standing around a younger mint green haired girl who seemed to be blushing. 'Ha, that girls probably nervous because of her sister calling out to somebody.' I thought as I see them approaching me. "Hey could you be friends with my sister here she's been looking for some but she's too shy to ask." The older girl said to me confusing me a bit. "Um sure? Nice to meet you, names Az short for Azure." I say tilting my head before looking at the mint green haired girl and smiling, holding out my hand as she takes it. "Um nice to meet you too. My names... Atty." Atty said awkwardly. 'Huh weird name? That aside there's something about her, something familiar, hm' I thought looking at her. "Nice to meet you too Atty!" I say smiling.

POV Change Amity

"Um sure? Nice to meet you, names Az short for Azure." The gloomy looking boy Az said to me as I looked down at the ground. 'I can't let him know I'm a Blight, it'll scare him away.' I thought panicked as I tried to come up with a fake name for myself. "Um nice to meet you too. My names... Atty." I said as he looked at me thoughtfully for a second. 'Oh no! Did he realize who I was' I thought panicking before he smiled. "Nice to meet you too Atty!" He said enthusiastically smiling at me. "Great, now that 'Atty' has a friend you two can go off and play." Emira said shoving me forward towards him causing me to stumble. "Whoa, you ok?" Az said as he caught me, helping me regain my balance. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine!" I stutter nervously not expecting to be end up in this situation as he lets go before he starts walking along. "W-wait, where are you going?" I ask nervously as he turns around to me. "Well I'm new to town and I wanted to look around." He said as I looked down nervously. "Well if you want I could potentially guide you around town since your new and all?" I ask nervously as I wait in anticipation before I saw a hand on mine. "Sure let's go!" He said smiling making me feel relieved.

POV Change Chris, present

'Nice! Scored myself a guide. This'll make touring the town much easier.' I thought with a smirk as I looked at the smiling green haired girl with some satisfaction. "Ok so where are we going first?" I ask curious as she turns to me. "Well where do you want to go? You seemed to be walking somewhere before I ran into you." She asks cheerfully. "Well I was going to try some abomination skewers just to confirm something." I said looking away from Atty's gaze which seemed to make me nervous. "Oh? What did you want to confirm about it?" Atty said as I tried to avoid her gaze. "I-I wanted to confirm if the abomination skewers were made out of abominations." I say awkwardly as I glance at her reaction to my answer only to see a confused stare. "You want confirm if abomination skewers are made of abominations?" She said as I saw her holding back a snicker.

"H-he wants t-to know if abomination skewers are made of abominations, hahahaha!" Atty stuttered out before breaking out into laughter. "Hahahaha... ha, sorry it's just what you said sounds so absurdly funny that I couldn't help but laugh. Of course it's not made of abominations, they aren't even made of meat, just some goop that you can morph into what ever you want, see?" Atty said clearing up my lingering misconception about the skewers as she made a bit of it appear and form into a few shapes before dropping it as it melted back into the ground. "Ah! Okay." I say embarrassed by my question as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey don't worry about it! Not everyone knows what an abomination is made of." Atty said reassuringly before I looked at her curious. "Then why do you know what they're made of so well?" I ask curious to know where she learned this as she grabbed my hand. "Hey let's not ask questions that aren't really relevant to the tour.

Now let's head over to that skewer stand!" Atty said excitedly as she led me towards it before I could respond. When we arrived at the skewer stall we saw an abomination standing in behind the stall holding purple colored meat skewers as we heard someone yelling. "Get your skewers, get your abomination skewers. Be handed a skewer by a real abomination." A man standing out in front of the stall yelled into the crowd like a hotdog guy dragging around a cart. "Excuse me? Could we get two skewers?" Atty said as the abomination handed two skewers before she took some snails out of her pocket and handed it to the abomination. "Here you go Az! I hope you like it!" Atty said excitedly as she seemed to glow making me feel a bit relaxed as I took a bite out of the skewer as I stood there for a second mesmerized by the taste before I felt my taste buds explode with flavor as I practically shoveled it into my mouth like my breakfast. 'Everything here taste's so good! Why did I want to avoid this place again?' I thought to myself before I froze as I thought about Bellos and the Collector. 'Right... that's why." I thought to myself before Atty turned to me noticing my odd reaction.

"Hey are you ok? Did the meat taste weird? I know some people don't have the taste for it so you don't have to keep eating it if you don't want to..." Atty said nervously looking at me. "Huh? Oh no I was just thinking about something. This stuff is delicious, thanks for paying." I say as I snap back from my thoughts and smile at Atty. "Oh, ok then?" She said a bit confused before looking off into the distance at something. "Hey let's go there next I heard from someone that the statue over there was made only using plant magic!" Atty said as she grabbed my hand before she took off practically pulling me along. The day continued like this for a while before we found ourselves sitting on a bench catching our breath. "You know today was pretty fun! I thought I was going to be stuck thinking about how my parents told me to end my friendship with Willow but now that you helped me build my confidence up I think I might just have enough courage to try and convince my parents to allow me to stay friends with her." Atty said while I was distracted missing what she said while looking for my books that I bought.

"Hey are you ok?" Atty asked as I turned to her. "What? Yeah just looking for the books I bought. I can't seem to find them." I say before I turn to see some kids a bit older holding what looked to be my books. "Hey what did you-" Atty said before I ran over to the kids holding my books. "Hey what do you think you're doing with my books?" I say causing them to turn towards me. "Your books? Not sure what your talking about, these are mine." A grouchy looking demon kid said trying to feign ignorance. "You don't know what I'm talking about? Ok then tell me what those books are about?" I say annoyed. "Easy they're about magic!" He said smugly. "What type of magic?" I ask looking at him blankly as Atty walks up to my side. "Hey what are you doing Az? Why are you talking to these guys?" Atty asks as she points to the 3 demon kids. "Hey isn't that the kid from that rich family that lives in that mansion near town? What was her name? Blight? That's right it's Amity Blight. So are you her friend or something?" The demon kid said as he looks at me with an annoyed glare. 'Amity Blight? Wait what!?" I thought as I turn to Amity who turned away from me.

"That doesn't matter right now just give me back my books!" I say focusing back on the demon kid. "Try and take 'em then?" The demon kid said grinning smugly as I charged into him knocking him down before I grabbed the books I bought as he landed flat on his butt before his expression became angrier than what it already was as he started to stand up. As he got up I grabbed Amity's hand without thinking as I ran away before the demon kids started chasing us. 'Wait why did I grab Atty- I mean Amity's hand?' I thought as I ran into an alley realizing it was a dead end I tried to run back out only to see the kids chasing me had already blocked it off. "No where to run now blue hair." He said as I tried to think of a way out before I saw him start to build up flames in his mouth as I thought back on what Raine said. 'It's all in the breath...' I thought as I realize what Raine meant. "Amity do you trust me?" I say as Amity looks towards me and hesitantly nods as I draw an ice glyph on the ground before I take a deep breath in gathering magic from my body as I pucker my lips and whistle using the Bard magic I was taught while I stomped on the glyph causing a large cloud of dust to be blown up into the air before a large pillar of ice launched me and Amity out of the alley landing on the ground outside it as we got up and ran away while the demons kids were distracted. "Haha! Wow that was fun!" I said as we came to a stop in front of the bookstore I was in previously. "Huh? Amity?" I said as I turned towards Amity who was tearing up.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything bad by lying about who I was, I just... didn't want to scare you off." She said as I realized what kind of situation I was in. 'Shoot I didn't realize it till now but Amity probably felt bad for lying to me.' I thought before I put my hand on her head trying to comfort her. "Hey it's fine just try not to do it again." I say as she wipes her tears on her sleeve. "Okay" She said as I notice how dark it is. "Oh shoot! I lost track of time! Raines going to kill me if I don't get back soon! See you later Amity!" I said as I start running towards Raine's house as I faintly notice a smile on Amity's face as I'm running.

POV Change, Amity

"See you later..." Amity said as she held a faint smile on her face before turning around to see Edric and Emira standing there. "Sooo how did your little date go?" Edric said trying to tease Amity before Emira pushed him aside and turned to Amity. "Stop it Edric. Though really how did hanging out with him go? Did he seem nice?" Emira asked curious as Amity looked towards the direction Chris took off in. "It was fun and he was really friendly even after learning who I was he didn't really treat me any differently." Amity said smiling before Edric interrupted again. "So you like him? Hmmm?" He said as he puckered his lips and made kissy face as he continued to mess with her before he was stopped again as he saw his younger sister's blushing face as Edric was pushed away. "Well whatever let's go home." He said as the Blight siblings walked back together peacefully.

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