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77.27% One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother / Chapter 85: Kid VS John Giant

Capítulo 85: Kid VS John Giant

[Turtle Shell Island, Karya Village Port]

"Surround the port!!"

"Escort the civilians out of the village, it will soon become a battlefield!!"


"Even the Marines are here now..." A villager remarked with a look of horror in his face.

"This place will surely turn into a battlefield"

"...the village is doomed...our homes will be destroyed!!"

"That's why I told you to kick out these damn pirates when they first arrived!!" Mayor Tazuna shouted in rage.

"We have no choice but to evacuate this location or we'll get caught in this as well"


"Move Move Move!! Spread out quickly!! Our main targets are 'Red Demon' Kai and 'Captain' Kid!!" Commodore Ralph informed the soldiers while following Vice Admiral John with his weapon drawn.

Karya Village and its port were quickly overrun by hundreds of Marines. They encircled the exits, guns trained on both the Victoria Punk and the Icebreaker. Soon, cannonballs from Marine Warships rained down on them.

When Kid saw that, he quickly leaped into the air and held out his open-palmed hand in front of the approaching cannonballs and repelled them back in the direction they came from.


BOOOM!! BOOOM!! BAAAM!! Some of the cannonballs ended up hitting the Marine battleships they were fired from, inflicting damage to the hull and deck.

"Be careful!! Most of the Eustass Pirates are ability users!!"

"Bring out the Pacifista quickly!!" ohn Giant commanded, his subordinates swiftly obeying his orders.

Soon after, four Pacifista Mark III stepped into the front line. They are the newer models of the Pacifista that were developed during the past year and now are ready for action.

These models still have the appearance of Kuma but with a slightly different outfit, a tougher body and a new functionality.

"Are those Pacifista? They look slightly different than they were back at Sabaody Archipelago" Gin commented on their appearance, while Bonney remained silent, her gaze a blend of anger and sadness.

Kid gave the little girl a gentle pat on the head, showing his sympathy, then turned to the crew and issued orders "Saga and Bonney you two stay here and protect the Victoria Punk! The rest of you, come with me!"

"Roger that!!"

Kid and the rest hopped off the ship and headed towards the Marine soldiers, who were standing in formation behind the Pacifista with shields up and weapons ready. John Giant watched from the rear.

"It's 'Captain' Kid!!"

"Pacifista, you have the permission to fire at will!!" Commodore Ralph exclaimed and soon after, the Pacifista's eyes glowed red as they identified the approaching pirates, then they proceeded to aim their open palms at them and fired several laser beams that caused enormous explosions and damaged the surroundings greatly.

"These lasers seem to be more powerful than the ones they used to have before" Kid remarked as everyone managed to avoid getting hit by them before suddenly, a figure appeared above a hill near the battlefield.

"Hey, look over there!!" A marine pointed at the person in shock.

It was Krieg who was standing atop of a hill with a cocky grin, he was carrying above his head an enormous boulder which was so massive before he used his More-More Fruit that he acquired yesterday to increase its size a 100 times while simultaneously amplifying his own strength 100 times, making his muscles bulge and enlarging the boulder to the size of a small mountain.

"It's Don Krieg!!"

"He's lifting a mountain!!!"

"What kind of ability is that?!!"

"That's the More-More Fruit of Byrnndi World, I thought Blackbeard alone was enough, now we have another crew of Devil Fruit hunters!! What the hell is happening?!" John Giant remarked with a serious face.

Krieg is a natural freak when it came to pure physical strength as he was able to lift large object with ease even before the last year and a half training, and now that he has the More-More fruit his physical strength was boosted even more than before.

"Kuhahaha!! This ability is awesome!!" Krieg laughed in excitement before he hurled the giant mountain-sized boulder at the Marines direction "Here is a little present for you Marine dogs!!"


"It's gonna crash down on us!!" The Marines looked up in horror.

"Don't falter, Pacifista shoot it!!" John Giant commanded and the Pacifista carried his orders.

Using their laser attacks, they managed to destroy the mountain-sized boulder into pieces. However, the debris still came crashing down, crushing some buildings in the village along with some unfortunate Marines and civilians.

"Tsk, I thought so..." Krieg clicked his tongue after seeing that, but he already predicted that something similar might happen.

"Fire Fire Fire!!" The Marines proceeded to engage with the pirates including the Whitey Bay Pirates who joined the battle in Kid's side.

Wire stepped forward to test his newly acquired fruit as well. The Cube-Cube Fruit, the main strength of this fruit allows the user to make anything into a cube and stack them. The user is also able to levitate the cubes and form structures from them such as towers and mazes or use one as a floating platform. The user can also compress the air around them or even living creatures such as humans around them into cubes.

Wire proceeded to form an enormous air cube in-between his outstretched arms, trapping a massive portion of air within. He then slowly compresses the air by repelling it over and over, causing the cube to shrink rapidly. Once compact enough to fit between his hands, Wire launched the compressed air cube at one of the Pacifista, like a bomb. Once it reached him, the air inside the cube decompressed at once and caused a massive, cube-shaped explosion

"Kyubu Shock!!"

KA-BOOOOM!!! The massive explosion caused the Pacifista to be sent flying a few meters back, but it wasn't damaged at all. When the dust settled you could see that the Pacifista was using what appears to be Yarukiman-type resin which he dispensed from a hole in his palm.

<Bubble Shield>

It appears to be the same resin applied to ships at the Sabaody Archipelago which is extremely durable and used to protect against the crushing ambient pressure of the deep sea, and this one employed by the Mark III is also resilient to more focused force as well, since it managed to withstand Wire's attack.

"Not only new looks but they also have new moves as well" Wire remarked.

Wyper was calmly standing beside Wire before he cracked a savage grin as smoke billowed from his cigarette. He proceeded to take another puff before he stepped forward and aimed his rifle 'The Giant Queller' that he was holding in his right hand at one of the Pacifista "Puff…don't let a dumb cyborg intimidate you…*CLICK*--*GUNSHOT*--!!!"

CLANG…KA-BOOOM!!! With a powerful Haki imbued bullet Wyper managed to pierce the Pacifista's head, dealing massive damage to the cyborg. The impact caused it to malfunction, prompting Wyper to swiftly fire another bullet, which made the Pacifista explode on the spot.

"H-He destroyed the Pacifista?!!!"

"What kind of rifle is that?!!"

"That's just a normal rifle, but he used Armament Haki in his bullets…" Commodore Ralph stated, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"If you wanna take us down, you'd better bring something better than mindless cyborgs" Wyper said while grinning with confidence.

"So, they were not playing around the past year and half" John Giant remarked before Killer suddenly appeared in front of another Pacifista, smirking behind his mask.

The Pacifista quickly opened his mouth and prepared to shoot a laser beam, but Killer was faster.

His leg turned metallic black as he hardened it with Haki before he infused it with lightning power on top of that "Have you ever been kicked at the speed of lightning?" He questioned as he proceeded to kick the Pacifista in the head, sending him flying sideways and crashing into a house before exploding from taking too much damage.

"Damn it, they're going around destroying the Pacifista like they're nothing!! The funds required for the construction of just one of them are roughly equal to that of a Marine-issued battleship" John Giant stated as they were only two out of four left, he was visibly pissed because of that before he stepped forward himself "It seems that I have to do things myself…step aside, I'll deal with them personally!"

John Giant proceeded to rush towards Killer, imbuing his Katana with Haki and then swinging it at him in a downward motion. But before the blade could reach Killer, Kid appeared in front of him and blocked his blade with a metallic arm.


"Stand back Killer, he's my prey!...Unlike before, we're not going to need three of us to defeat one Vice Admiral! I'll be more than enough!" Kid declared as he landed in front of the Giant Vice Admiral, he was the size of his shoes as the difference in heigh was enormous "A giant, huh?...You're huge as fuck!..."

"Hmph, you dare to challenge me little man?" John Giant peeped down at him with a look of arrogance and disdain "Jyojyojyo!! I'll crush you like an ant!!"

"…and arrogant, and what's with that weird laugh?" Kid's body crackled with magnetic energy as attracted a large quantity of metal from his surroundings including the weapons that the enemy was using and shaped them in the form of a gigantic skull-faced demon-like golem made of scrap. The demon is composed of a floating torso with two disembodied arms one of them holds a harpoon gun that can rapidly fire large metal spears at a target akin to a gatling gun, with Kid seating himself on its back and controlling it from there.

"Punk Rotten!!"

"So, you're a magnet man, interesting. But… " John Giant raised his Haki imbued katana above his head before he swung it downward at Kid with the attention to slice him along with his golem in half.

FWOOSH!! BAAAAM!! Kid imbued his entire golem with Haki and crossed both its arms above him, successfully blocking the attack. The impact of that small clash sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

"Nghh!—HAAAA!!" Kid let out a loud battle cry as he pushed John Giant's weapon away and used his magnetic power to have his golem float up to the level of the Vice Admiral's torso. 

"What?!" John was shocked after his attack was easily stopped.

"Punk Pistols!!" Kid used the harpoon gun mounted on the golem's right arm to fire several metal spears at high speed.

CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! John raised his weapon and used its blade to deflect the spears before slashing the air in front of him and unleashing a powerful crescent shape, Haki imbued slash.

The slash traveled at high speed, horizontally cutting the lower half of Kid's golem "That was pretty dangerous…" but Kid quickly reshaped it back with his magnetic power before he flew towards the giant's head and made the golem slam it with both hands, attempting to crush it. 

"Punk Vise!!"

Unfortunately, though, John Giant was very attentive and predicted that with his Observation Haki as he swiftly tilted back his head avoiding getting crushed by that.

"Don't think for once that I'm your average Vice Admiral!! The only thing holding me from becoming an Admiral is a good Devil Fruit ability!!" He declared while flashing a hostile look at Kid.

"An Admiral? Don't make me laugh!" Kid proceeded to attack him again right away, taking the Vice Admiral by surprise. He used his golem's gigantic right arm to grab him by the face and then slammed him to the ground.

"Slam Gibson!!"

BAAAM!! John was brought down by the force of that attack, and caused him to bleed from the corner of his mouth.

"GYAAAHH!!" Some marines nearby got crushed by him when he fell.

"Vice Admiral John was brought down!!" They looked shocked after witnessing Kid's display of power.

"I can't believe that…John Giant is exceptionally strong even among other Vice Admirals and Giants!!" Commodore Ralph remarked while glancing at his superior's direction. His thoughts were soon interrupted when Gin attacked him.

"What are you looking at?! Your opponent is me!!" Gin declared, charging towards the Commodore with his pair of tonfa swinging.

"Damn you punk!!" John shouted from rage as quickly got on his feet again "I'm a proud warrior of the Elbaf Tribe, I'm not gonna accept getting humiliated by a little man pirate!!!"

The two figures went on to clash for a few more minutes, trading continuous blows.



"Hahahaha! Is that all you've got?!" Kid mocked trying to get under his skin. But even when he says that he doesn't let his guard down nor underestimate his opponent.

John Giant's forehead veins bulged from anger "I'm the mightiest warrior from Elbaf!!" He declared slashing his katana downward at Kid. The latter was able to dodge it and it end up hitting the ground instead. Though John's attack was so devastating that it cut open the entire ground ahead and tore it apart. 

At this point the entire village and its surrounding were completely devastated by the ongoing battle.

"You keep saying that but all I see are pathetic attacks, if you're really that strong then show me what you can do instead of spitting useless crap!!" Kid exclaimed while making his golem float up to the level of the giant's head before attempting to strike him again.

John swiftly jumped back to evade the incoming threat. His scowl transformed into a smirk upon hearing Kid's words, which he interpreted as a challenge. The giant's pride wouldn't permit him to let the insult slide without retaliation.

"Verry well then, I'll show you…" he said to Kid. The latter narrowed his eyes and looked at him seriously "…It's been a while since last time I used this…"

"Jyojyojyojyo!! Hey little man, if you challenge a proud warrior then don't be surprised when you see what they're capable of!!" John said, bending his knees slightly before he clutched his Haki imbued katana tightly with both hands and raised it above his head, and then gathered all of his strength to perform his next attack. 

"What's he trying to do?..." Kid questioned while getting on guard.

"Behold the strongest spear of the Giant Warrior Tribe of Elbaf!!" He declared before putting all of his strength into it, calling upon Elbaf's 'warrior code', and slashed his weapon at Kid, creating a compressed air beam that slices through anything in its path.


"Hakoku Sovereignty!!!" 


VWOOOOSH!! KA-BOOOOOM!! The compressed air beam destroyed the entire ground along the way while flying towards Kid at an incredible speed. Once it hit him, it destroyed his golem into pieces while sending him flying back.

While mid-air, Kid quickly created a magnetic sphere around himself and floated away while John Giant's attack proceeded to travel towards the large mountain at the center of the island that is shaped like a turtle shell and destroyed it, leaving a large hole at its center.

"AARRGHHH!!!" Kid threw a mouthful of blood upon receiving that attack. If it wasn't for his metal golem that protected him from most of the damage, he would've been badly injured by that. 

"You've survived that?!" John was in complete shock before he broke into laughter "Jyojyojyojyo!! I take back what I said before, you're a strong warrior of the sea pirate--no Eustass 'Captain' Kid!!"

"And I take back what I said before, you're a strong giant man!!" Kid responded before shaping a gigantic drill from metal scraps that matches the giant's weapon in size and imbued it with Haki before he made it spin at high speed.

"Heaven Piercing Drill!!"

VROOOM!! With a powerful thrust, he aimed to stab the Vice Admiral's stomach. John used his katana and intercepted Kid's attack and the two weapons clashed for a few seconds before Kid overpowered the giant and managed to stab him in the stomach and sent him flying away unconscious and drowning in his own blood.

"…" Everyone looked speechless after seeing that.

"Vice Admiral John…was defeated?..."

"I can't believe my eyes…"

Kid swiftly landed on the ground again, his red coat fluttering in the wind as he turned to speak to the remaining Marines "If anyone has the guts to face me then step forward…I'll make sure my face is the last thing you see before going to hell!"

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