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7.27% One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother / Chapter 8: Against The Morningstar

Capítulo 8: Against The Morningstar

Hey guys sorry for not updating for a long time it's just that I'm very busy lately, I'm also trying to focus more on my other book (One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate) and finish it before I focused on this one. I'll be writing at least two chapters a week (Maybe more if I have time or if I see some support on this book), hope you understand and sorry for the inconvenience.

I also decided that the Mc will be eating a Human Human Mythical Zoan, but only after he enters the Grand Line so that he won't be overpowered and to also build a good foundation before that. I still haven't decided what exactly the fruit that I'm going to give him so leave me your thoughts in the comments (Something not super strong, kind of like Luffy's fruit where he still needs to be creative)


Kid and Kai took on the guards at the entrance gate, a formidable two against a swarm of two dozen. Kai's hammer shattered bones while Kid unleashed a flurry of punches, overwhelming their adversaries. Aware of the twins' disdain for interference, Killer and the others held their ground, ready to intervene only if absolutely necessary.

*BANG* With a powerful swing of his hammer, Kai crushed his opponent's skull, sending him tumbling to the ground, unconscious and bleeding profusely. Before he could fully savor his victory, two more adversaries closed in on him from opposite sides.

They swung their metal pipes at Kai's head, but he managed to block the strike from the left with his hammer. However, the second pipe struck him, causing blood to drip down his face. Undeterred by the pain, Kai retaliated swiftly. He swung his hammer, shattering the first attacker's ribs, before swiftly turning and delivering a powerful kick that sent the other assailant flying towards Kid.

A wicked grin spread across Kid's face as he observed the situation. Without hesitation, he seized the man's head and forcefully drove it into the solid ground, utilizing a nearby rock. The impact was brutal, instantly shattering the front of the man's skull, bringing about an immediate and final demise.

The battle raged on for a few more intense minutes until, at last, Kid and Kai stood as the victors. Blood-soaked and sporting sinister grins, it was impossible to discern whose blood stained their bodies—theirs or that of their fallen foes.

"Hehe, nice one bro…" Kid exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face as he bumped fists with Kai.

"You guys sure made a mess out there" Killer approached Kid and Kai, his eyes scanning the aftermath of the fierce battle. Dead bodies and unconscious figures lay strewn about, their twisted limbs a haunting testament to the intensity of the fight "You should probably reserve your strength for the big boss"

"I'm not going to hold back against these guys" Kai responded.

"Just follow our lead and don't worry about useless shit!" Kid said, as he and Kai proceeded to shatter the gate and stormed into the building. They were greeted by several guards, but they were quickly taken care off.

On the top of the building, Morningstar operation room,

Killbane, a hulking figure with a bald head and rugged scars on his right eye and cheek, sat confidently in the central chair, puffing on a thick cigar. He commanded the respect of his gang, as evident by the presence of his most loyal and formidable underlings, Ryogi and Snake. These top bosses of the Morningstar organization ranked only below Killbane himself, solidifying their authority within the criminal empire.

Amidst the calm atmosphere, a sudden interruption shattered the tranquility as an intruder burst into the room. Breathing heavily, the intruder quickly conveyed the news to Killbane, informing him of the ongoing attack downstairs. "Boss, we're under attack!"

"Puff…Under attack?…" Killbane questioned, blowing smoke from his mouth "Which stupid fuck dares to attack this place?"

"It's the Eustass twins, they are leading around fifty men including Killer and other gang bosses!" The man stated, Killbane's eyebrow arched as he heard the names mentioned. The twins, Kid and Kai, were infamous figures in the town, renowned for their fearlessness in battle. However, what concerned Killbane more was their rapid rise to power. He knew he had to establish his dominance and send a clear message that he alone was the boss of this island. Yet, it seemed that his message had failed it's purpose and backfired on him.

"Looks like my warning wasn't enough…should I discipline them more, or should I just crush them right here?" Killbane crushed the cigarette between his fingers, a spark of anger gleaming in his eyes.

"The Eustass twins, those brats are getting ahead of themselves" Beside Killbane sat Ryogi, a tall black-haired man, also known as one of the top bosses in the Morningstar. His reputation preceded him as a ruthless enforcer, wielding a wooden bat with bone-crushing precision.

"Should we go down and take care of them?" A black-haired man, seated across from Ryogi, spoke up. It was Snake, Ryogi's younger brother, who, like him, wielded a wooden bat as his preferred weapon.

"Notify the others…I want everyone to go after those brats' heads" Killbane barked out orders, then rose to his feet and descended the stairs to witness the unfolding chaos.

In a swift response, over a hundred gang members flocked to the building. Even those who were out on town missions hurried back upon learning of the assault on their hideout.

Now Kai and the rest were completely outnumbered and surrounded inside the building, it was do or die as they slowly made their way through the endless enemies.

"Tsk, they have no end!" Kid's annoyance flared as he snatched hold of an enemy's head and proceeded to strike him with his knee, destroying his teeth before he kicked him away, sending him crashing into his allies.

"At this rate we'll be exhausted before we even meet the boss!" With a swift motion, Kai thrust his hammer towards the enemy in front of him, obliterating his insides with a brutal force. The man expelled a mouthful of blood before Kai swiftly dispatched him, delivering a fatal blow to his head.

At this fight there was no room for mercy, it was a personal fight to avenge Doryanaika's death and bring down the Morningstar.

"We will make a way for you two, you make sure to kill the bastard!" Killer informed Kai and Kid while slicing through his enemies using his punishers.

"You guys think you can handle them?" Kai asked.

"We'll hold them off while you deal with the big boss!"

"Yeah, don't worry, you guys take down that bastard's head!" Heat and Wire said enthusiastically.

"Alright don't die!" Kai and Kid pressed forward while their comrades held off the hordes of foes. Though the enemy lacked the same strength, their sheer numbers created a relentless onslaught, leaving Killer and the others gasping for breath.

*Footstep*-*Footsteps* Ascending the stairs, Kid and Kai swiftly dispatched numerous adversaries, clearing their path with ruthless efficiency. However, their relentless progress was abruptly interrupted when they reached a sprawling hallway. A formidable obstacle awaited them—a group of around a dozen individuals blocking their way. Standing at the forefront were Killbane and the other notorious top bosses of Morningstar.

As Kid and Kai laid eyes on him, they initially struggled to place his identity. It was evident, however, that he exuded an air of power and authority that set him apart from an ordinary gangster. The same held true for those standing beside him, a group of individuals emanating a formidable presence and possessing the unmistakable aura of seasoned fighters.

"Who the hell are you?!" Kid asked clenching his fists "Forget that question, I'll just beat your ass--"

"You're Killbane, right?" Kai asked, cutting Kid's sentence as he flashed a hostile looked at his direction.

"Killbane?!..." Kid was surprise hearing Kai's words "So, that's the bastard"

Killbane was a towering figure easily two times the twins' height as well as extremely muscular.

"I feel offended that you couldn't recognize me…" Killbane's deep, intimidating voice rumbled as he took slow, deliberate steps forward. A wicked grin curled upon his face as he raised a hand, a signal that ignited a swift response from his loyal subordinates. In an instant, weapons were drawn, the room filled with the glint of steel and the weight of impending danger.

"It's admirable at how far you've reached, but this is it for you" Killbane said, then he added "I could've sparred your lives if you just stayed low and out of my business, but you guys were growing so fast and so big I just…I couldn't allow a few shitty brats have their way while I'm still around"

Without uttering a word, Kid and Kai stood their ground, their eyes locked on Killbane and his cohorts. The tension in the room was palpable as they prepared for the inevitable clash. The twins knew they were facing a strong opponent, the big boss of stronger gang in the entire Island.

"Admirable or not, we're here to bring you down baldy" Kai retorted, gripping his hammer tightly. His muscles tensed, ready to unleash his devastating attacks.

Hearing that, Killbane's eyes narrowed while trying to hide his anger. It seems like Kai hit a sensitive chord.

Kid cracked his knuckles, a smirk on his face. "You've made a big mistake crossing paths with us, baldy. We're not backing down until we take your head"

"Insolent brats, kill them!" As Killbane gave orders everyone except him charged at the twin with their weapons drawn.

Kid and Kai braced themselves as the ten top bosses of Morningstar, including the formidable brothers Ryogi and Snake, closed in on them. The room became a chaotic battleground, filled with the sound of clashing weapons and grunts of exertion.

Ryogi swung his wooden bat with incredible precision, aiming for Kid's head. Kid swiftly ducked, narrowly avoiding the blow, but he underestimated the reach of Snake's bat. A sharp pain exploded in Kid's side as Snake's strike connected, sending him crashing into a nearby table.

Kai roared with rage, his eyes fixed on his fallen brother. He mustered every ounce of strength and charged towards the two brothers, his hammer spinning in his hands. With a mighty swing, Kai aimed for Ryogi, intending to knock him out of the fight. But Snake, ever vigilant, intercepted the attack with his bat, deflecting it away.

The remaining bosses of Morningstar closed in on Kai, overwhelming him with their sheer numbers. Blow after blow rained down upon him, and he struggled to keep his footing. Blood streamed from a cut on his forehead, impairing his vision, but he didn't mind the pain and kept fighting.

Kid, despite the pain coursing through his body, forced himself to his feet and he launched himself back into the fight, attacking the bosses with a flurry of punches and kicks. He fought with a speed and agility that belied his injuries.

Ryogi and Snake, impressed by the twins' resilience, focused their attention on Kid who was more injured. Ryogi swung his bat with brutal force, aiming for Kid's head. Kid managed to block the attack, but the impact jarred his arm, sending waves of pain shooting through his body.

Gritting his teeth, Kid retaliated with a swift kick, aiming for Snake's midsection. Snake barely had time to react, the blow knocking the wind out of him and momentarily stunning him. Kid seized the opportunity and unleashed a barrage of punches.

Meanwhile, Kai fought valiantly against the remaining bosses, his hammer becoming an extension of his body. He endured blow after blow, his body was bruised and battered.

Although the enemy was formidable they were no match to the twins who spent their entire life training and fighting.

With a final burst, Kid and Kai unleashed a synchronized assault on Ryogi and Snake. Their attacks were swift and precise, leaving the brothers struggling to defend themselves.

Kai swung his hammer with all his might, shattering Ryogi's bat into splinters. With a follow-up kick, he sent him crashing to the ground. Sensing an opening, Kid seized the opportunity, delivering a devastating punch that sent Snake flying across the room.

The battle came to a brief pause as the room fell into an eerie silence. The defeated bosses of Morningstar lay scattered on the ground, their bodies broken and battered.

But there was still one person who was watching the fight closely from a distance. Killbane who was very well and in his perfect form finally moved to fight the twins, who looked exhausted and injured from the fight.

"You're finally making your move baldy?" Kai asked with a smirk.

Kid and Kai, their bodies battered and bruised from their previous battle, now faced their ultimate adversary—Killbane, the big boss of Morningstar. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon them, and their movements were slower.

Killbane smirked, towering over the weary twins. "You've put up a good fight, but it ends here. I am the true ruler of this island, and you are nothing more than insects."

Kid wiped a trail of blood from his mouth, a defiant grin stretching across his face. "Insects, huh? Well, we've been buzzing around in your ears for quite some time, haven't we? Maybe it's time for a proper sting."

Kai's eyes blazed with fire. "Even if you beg me on your knees I'll still smash your head to pieces…You have sentenced yourself to a death penalty the moment you killed Doruyanaika "

"Oh you mean the little girl?" Killbane laughed, a deep, mocking sound that reverberated through the room. "I will crush you like the insignificant pests you are."

With a burst of remaining strength, Kid lunged forward, he aimed a quick punch at Killbane's torso, but the big boss effortlessly deflected it with his immense strength, sending Kid sprawling backward.

Kai charged in from the side, his hammer swinging with every ounce of power he had left. The impact of the strike rattled the room, but Killbane withstood the blow, his muscles bulging with raw power.

"Impressive, but not enough," Killbane taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Kid rose to his feet, bloodied but unbowed. He smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "You talk too much, let's see if you can back it up."

With a renewed burst of energy, Kid launched himself at Killbane once more. He weaved through his defenses, delivering a series of fast punches that left the big boss momentarily staggered.

Kai seized the opportunity, his hammer whirling through the air in a devastating arc. "Go to hell!" he shouted as he brought the hammer crashing down on Killbane's outstretched arm.

The impact shattered bone, and Killbane let out a roar of pain. But the big boss was far from defeated. With a surge of fury, he unleashed a barrage of strikes, pummeling the twins with his colossal strength.

Blood trickled down their faces as they absorbed blow after blow.

"Why don't you go down you shitty brats?!!" Killlbane shouted in rage.

"That's because you punch like a little girl" Kai replied.

With a final surge of energy, Kid and Kai synchronized their movements. Kid launched himself into the air, clenching his fist, while Kai swung his hammer in a wide arc, gathering momentum.

In a split second, Kid's fist connected with Killbane's jaw,. Simultaneously, Kai's hammer crashed down with earth-shattering force, causing his head to split open from the sheer force of the attack and fall dead immediately.

"Finally…we did it"

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