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39.47% This isn't High School DxD, damn it! / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Hopeful

Capítulo 15: Chapter 15: Hopeful

[Angelica's POV]

*Knock* *Knock*

She wiped off her tears, quickly fixing herself as she realized someone was outside her room.

For the last couple of days, no one had come to her room, not even her followers.

Though part of her was glad they didn't show their faces after their betrayal, another part was hurt to see they didn't even try much to ask for her forgiveness.

Their loyalty turned out to be quite shallow.

She looked at herself, finding dark circles under her eyes. A result of her sleepless nights ever since that day when she challenged that wench.

She couldn't help but leak a tired sigh. To think she would become like this. And she had always thought of herself as a strong person.

Turns out, she wasn't as strong as she thought. Her heart was especially frail.

Finally deciding to answer to door, she walked up and unlocked it. As the door opened, she looked at the two standing outside. Seeing the two familiar faces, she couldn't help but be surprised.

"… May I ask what you two are here for?"

She spoke, realizing how uneven her voice sounded just then.


"Excuse me if we came at a bad time. But I was told by my dorm neighbor that you tried to contact me a day or two ago. I was busy with some work back then so I couldn't reply sooner. If you don't mind, I have come to talk to you about that proposal."

Her eyes widened as she remembered. Among the people she tried to contact, one of them was this person. But she didn't expect to get a reply.

She quickly nodded and beckoned them to come inside.

She looked at the black-haired boy who sat casually in front of her.

Leon Alpenwind didn't say anything, seemingly waiting for her to begin the conversation.

Beside him, the blond-haired girl, the honor student Olivia looked sheepish.

She cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

He was the only one who responded to her call. And she was quite happy he did. She knew of his reputation. He cared little about things that weren't directly related to him. And he seldom deviated from that path.

But if he came here, despite likely knowing about her circumstances, then it meant he was going out of his way to listen to her request.

At this point, she was willing to even plea for his help. She had been cornered so bad.

She only had one more day before she had to either find champions or fight herself. And she didn't feel confident in beating the 5 opponents alone.

… But if she had the support of Leon Alpenwind, the one who was an S-ranked adventurer and maybe even the honor student, she could see herself winning.

"I have a request, Baron Alpenwind."

She saw him looking at her, urging her to continue.

"Would you please be my champion for the duel that is in two days' time?"

She waited on the edge of her seat for his reply.

And the reply finally did come.


As she expected it wasn't so easy. It hadn't been easy for her ever since that day.

Even he wouldn't want to go against the royal family and—

"Wait, what?!"

She blurted, eyes wide, as she finally realized.

"I accept. It sounds like fun."

He casually smiled, making her feel dumbfounded.

'He accepted just like that?!'

She tried to think about his easy acceptance. The only conclusion she came to was that he must have a demand in return.

It was natural. And she had already expected this from anyone who accepted her request. She was willing to offer money or favors… not that she had much power or influence left in the academy after that incident.

"Thank you, Baron Alpenwind. I am willing to offer you anything you want in return."

"Oh, that's fine. I don't really need anything. Ah, actually. I do have something. But it's more of an offer."

She blinked, unsure of what he meant. But since she had already steeled herself, she went through with it.


"If you remember, I will be opening my Amusement park and other recreational places on my private island soon. It has been fully completed. And I will be going to check it out in a couple of days. Would you like to join as well to be the first guest and customer? It'll only be Olivia, me, and in case you accept… you. I would like the opinion of someone like you who knows things about nobility and high-class society, their likes and dislikes. I would be happy if I could further improve the park or find out any flaws before the official opening. That's all. Oh, and I'm 99.99% sure it'll be fun for you as well. It would be kinda pointless if it wasn't."

… Was that his demand for becoming her champion?

Just that?

"… I… Yes, I accept. Thank you for inviting me personally. I was planning to visit it once it was opened anyway. But I am happy to accompany you."

She replied with practiced ease, but…

Why did it feel like she was completely out of the loop here?

Wasn't it supposed to be about her upcoming fight? The boy in front of her looked completely unfazed by the news of a duel with the price and his friends.

This caused her to feel unsure. Was he really serious? This duel was very important to her.

"Um, Baron Alpenwind. I don't mean to question your talent, but about the duel…"


"How confident are you that you can fight them head-on. The prince's party has 5 fighters, all of whom are well-known for their talents. And currently, I'm afraid we are lacking in fighters. I am planning to participate in the fight myself. But that'll still leave 3 spots."

At this, the boy raised his eyebrow.

"So, you don't have anyone else willing to fight for you?"

His honest-sounding question caused her to wince.

"Ugh. I… I don't. Everyone has been avoiding me like plague ever since that incident."

"I see. You've been outcast because you went against the prince and his boyb—ahem, his entourage."

She nodded, despite feeling the words hurtful. It was the truth, after all.

"That's just cruel. I'm sorry to hear that."

Maybe it was going to be a problem still. Yes, they were still lacking. Even if Leon Alpenwind was good, he was still just one person. It would be difficult for just him and herself to win against 5 of them.

Her eyes glanced at the blond quietly sitting, listening to their conversation.

'Do I ask her too? Will she even be able to fight? If I remember correctly, she's more of a support type. She might not be able to do much in a one-on-one fight.'

As if responding to her gaze, Olivia finally spoke.

"Um, I am not good at fighting. But, if it's okay with the two of you, I would also like to help Miss Angelica…"

The honor student meekly raised her hand, volunteering herself.

And despite her previous thought, she still felt relieved. She was catching straws here. So, she was willing to take any helping hand.

"No, Olivia. There's no need for you to fight."

Leon's words put a damper on it, however.

But his next words dispelled all her rising worries as he spoke to her.

"It's just a duel between the first years. I've seen their talents in combat classes. Honestly, I can easily take them all by myself. You don't really need anyone else if I'm here. Actually, I'll tell you what."

He looked at her.

"You sit this one out too. Let me finish the fight quickly. I can guarantee you a win. Then, I was thinking we can leave for my island to celebrate after the fight is over. What do you say?"

He smiled confidently and that seemed to ease her worries somehow.

His casual yet confident words gave her hope. She couldn't help but be amazed at the charisma he displayed despite acting so casually.

Maybe… Just maybe… She could win if it was with him on her side.

He was strong, after all. She had seen it first-hand during the dungeon run. In fact, he was probably the strongest first-year in the academy.

For the first time this week, she found her lips curling up and her heart at ease.

She finally had someone supporting her. And that someone was quite strong.

In her lowest moment, he had finally come to her rescue.

"I see. I accept, then. I'll put my faith in your words, Baron Alpenwind."

'Please don't let me down. I am putting my lifeline in your hands. If I lose this fight… I am as good as finished.'

"Just call me Leon. And you can rest easy. I am not being overconfident when I say I can win a fight."

He waved her worries.

"Understood. You can call me Angelica. Then, thank you once again for accepting my request and please take care of me."

She bowed politely, not letting her status cloud her actions anymore. She had been humbled a lot by the turn of events. She couldn't act high and mighty in front of her savior.


He smiled.

[End of Angelica's POV]


It was a chilly evening in the capital.

I sat on a bench in the Academy ground, enjoying the peaceful sunset and the approaching night.

The meeting with Angelica went quite well. And I was satisfied with the outcome. I didn't even have to do much. She was so desperate that she was almost clinging to my every word.

Luckily for her, I was going to save her from a rather sad ending.

And I will soon be getting a healthy amount of World Points once I win the fight and do some talk-no-jutsu in the arena.

It was a win-win for both of us.

I just had to deal with any unsavory reactions to this news if it got out. Though, I had asked her to keep quiet about it until the end. I wanted it to be a surprise.

Angelica understood my intentions. She was smart. She knew the possible repercussions it could bring to me or someone I was close with. Not that I cared much in reality. What could the little runts do to actually hurt me? Answer: Nothing.

They could, at best, be annoyances.

I smiled as I relaxed in the calm park.

I noticed it soon after I (reluctantly) started living in this world, but this world was quite gorgeous. From the beautiful and fantastical landscape to the simply dazzling night sky that I could never see in my previous world, it was a world filled with its own natural wonders.

With a flicker, the lamp posts started turning on one after another as the natural light died down. The place I was sitting in was empty since most had already gone inside their dorms and a few remaining ones didn't come near the area I was in.

As I sat there silently, I contemplated the day it all began.

It all started when I found 'him' one night during my trip to the grocery store.

A coincidental meeting that night changed my life forever.

It was the first time I saw someone die right in front of me and turn to nothing too.

That night I learned that the fantasies and fan fictions I had read were not just stories meant to entertain. To delude.

They were real.

That night, I became a Gamer. One with the ability to travel worlds at will no less… sort of.

Then shit happened. I (believe it was the Game who) messed up and I was sent to this world.

And I was now living here for the time being.

"Haa… has it really been 5 years since it all began?"

I took a deep breath, slumping on the bench as I let the thought sink deep.

It made me feel strange whenever I thought about it too deeply. I was in another world and it was exciting, sure. But I had gotten used to it somehow.


A short chuckle left my mouth as I relished in the absurdity that was my life for the umpteenth time. I must have insane luck to be given this opportunity. And while this wasn't exactly what I wanted, I was already somewhat invested and entertained.

I was doing something I never thought I would do. Building an Amusement Park in a fantasy version of Earth.

This journey may have started reluctantly and I still wanted to leave this world, but at least it wasn't completely boring and without any result. I was leaving my mark here.

After 5 years, I had done more than I could ever dream of doing in my old world.

I had to wonder if this was why so many wanted to live this kind of life in my old world. Because it truly was so much better than my boring old reality.

But as amusing as it was to think of my new life after that fateful day, I had things to do. This was only a short break to keep my head clear after the long report Eris gave me about the park's inauguration day. It's hard being the owner of an island.



[Someone is coming here. They seem… unnatural.]


I blinked, wondering why she had to tell me that. It wasn't like I was waiting for someone.

I turned to look at the approaching figure.

With wobbly steps, the figure walked on the park's footpath, slowly approaching the place I was sitting.

"T-That…. Damned man…!"

The figure cried.

"After—*hicc* I did so mush for… HIM! *sniff*"

Now that it was closer, their voice was now almost on the level of a scream.

"Ee threw mi away like nuthin!"

The figure stumbled, almost falling on the ground, but somehow preventing itself from falling down completely. Standing back up, the figure continued its wobbly walk.

Finally, the figure reached the bench I was sitting on, and somehow stumbling again, fell.

'Wow, she's drunk, alright. <Observe>'

[Name: Clarice Fia Atlee

Race: Human

Level: 18

Thoughts about you: None (She doesn't know you)]

I mentally commented as I stared at the figure of Clarice Fia Atlee lying on the ground, face first, hips up in the air.

It was quite an uncouth sight for a young lady like her. But I was not above finding it somewhat amusing. So, I may or may not have just looked at her for a brief second or two before taking action.

Then, I slowly muttered to my companion.

"Hey, Eris. Click a picture of her current state for… keepsake."

I chuckled.

'And for possible future blackmail material… is definitely not what I am thinking right now. Nope. I mean, why would I need to blackmail her in the first place?'


I stood up and walked up to the girl, looking down at her sorry state.

The scene was quite dramatic if one thought about it.

In the calm and quiet early night, a girl is (inappropriately and comedically) lying on the ground, vulnerable. And a guy with an unreadable expression and questionable intentions is staring down at her. The light of the street lamp is falling on them both.

Where would this lead to?

What will happen to the poor girl?

Is this the beginning of a tragic story or something else?

Find out in the next episode of Drago—

Ahem. Anyway, moving on from whatever weirdness that was just now.

I bent down and carefully pulled her up using her shoulders. Her unkempt academy uniform was missing the ribbon girls used instead of a tie and the upper buttons were opened, giving her quite a scandalous look.

She jolted as she perhaps woke up from her stupor, turning her face up to look at me.


She spoke through dazed eyes.


"I am Leon. Are you alright?"

I simply asked. But she didn't reply.

So, I calmly asked again.

"Do you need help?"

Looking up close, I noticed her face was completely flushed and red, with some dirt sticking to the smeared cheeks, likely wet from tears she may have shed not that long ago.

Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen and her breath smelled of fruity but strong alcohol.

At least, she didn't seem to have hurt herself from the fall. Surprising, since she had quite literally fallen face first.


She tried to speak, but then she stopped, new tears now rolling down her dirties cheeks.

I finally made her stand up, and pulling out a handkerchief, wiped off her dirty cheek.

She just watched me do it, without any resistance.

But when I was done, she was now using me as a support to stand up.

I took her to the bench to let her sit. She was in no position to stand. Honestly, it made me wonder how she was walking just a little while ago.

"He threw me away…"

She finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Who did?"

I asked, looking at her downcast face and lifeless eyes.

"Jilk, he… he—*hicc*. He broke off our engagement… He… bloody LEFT me!"

She suddenly turned to me, looking at me with anger and frustration, which was actually directed towards a certain long green-haired boy.

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that."


She shouted, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Y-You… dun unnerstand!"

"What do you mean?"

She looked at me, pain and tears in her eyes.

"Dat idiot broke mah heart!"

She began crying.



Hmmm... I might be stretching the drama too much. But you guys will have to wait for one more chapter before the fight scene actually begins.

Thanks for the ever-increasing support and popularity. I just hope you guys understand that this fan fic is something I write for fun and as a pastime. So, it'll always be lacking in many regards. I am not trying to create an amazing story or anything. Just doing whatever I want. It's a surprise that there are so many of you reading it.

If you start having expectations, you'll naturally be dissapointed sooner or later, if you aren't already. I see quite a few disspointed people already with how I decided to change things a bit. I can't say it is bettter my way, but I'm just trying out new things.

It is inevitable that there will be issues here, because I am a complete noob at writing.

Still, I thank you for the generous support. I won't take it for granted. :)

Anyway, until next chapter~

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