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Rise of the Phoenix (ASOIAF FIC) Rise of the Phoenix (ASOIAF FIC) original

Rise of the Phoenix (ASOIAF FIC)

Autor: Zhorvak

© WebNovel


Jon Arryn – The Eyrie 283 AC

Jon Arryn has a son and heir, as he holds his firstborn the lord of the Vale, and Warden of the East also holds his tears.

"He is so beautiful.". Jon says as he looks at his son, the boy was almost pure Tully, he could see the high cheekbones and the small red tuff of hair in his head, while the Arryns also possess blue eyes the shades were that of a Tully, not an Arryn, but there was one detail that showed the boy was his son true and true, his chin, his chin was of the same shape as Jon's own and his father before him, no one else noticed it because Jon's long bear has been covering it for years, but it was still there. "I've got the perfect name for you my boy, Eddard, Eddard Arryn.".

Eddard smiles and laughs when his father said that name, Jon knew that his son agreed with him, after all, Eddard was named after Jon's foster son and greatest pride and joy until now, Eddard Stark, lord of Winterfell and warden of the North.

"Please Jon, let me hold him.". Lysa Arryn, Jon's wife and daughter of Hoster Tully says, almost desperate.

Jon gives the child to his mother who showers him with kisses and cuddles, their marriage hasn't been the happiest, Jon couldn't blame Lysa for it, she believed her betrothal would be with someone young and handsome like Jaime Lannister but instead, she was forced to marry Jon, a man old enough to be her father. But now, with Eddard in their life, Jon believes they could be a good family, not perfect and without problems, but good to each other.

"He is so beautiful.". Lysa says, hugging her son with love and care.

"That he is.". Jon says looking at the scene of mother and son, it gives warmth to his heart.

"I won't let anything bad ever happen to you, my sweet child.". Lysa says.

Lysa's words made Jon remembers the horror in the Red Keep, Elia, and her children, brutally murdered by Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch. Many believed Ned Stark was the only one who spoke against such a horrendous act, but that was far from the truth, Jon also spoke against it, unlike Ned though, he was more careful in his approach and spoke about it with Robert in private, away from Tywin's ears.

Red Keep

"Robert, this cannot stand.". Jon says, smacking the table Robert is sitting behind. "Elia and her children, butchered like pigs, and you laugh?! I didn't raise you like that.".

"I don't care.". Robert says, drinking wine and barely paying attention to Jon's words. "Those dragonspawns deserved it, all of them do, I don't care if they are babies, adults, or elders, I won't rest until every Targaryen is dead, even if I have to do it myself.".

"Robert.". Jon raises his voice, this time making Robert pay full attention to his words. "Do you have any idea what Elia's death will cause?! You just painted a target over your back, and because of that you will forever have to sleep with an eye open and have someone to taste your food.".

"Good.". Robert says, taking another sip of his drink, apparently happy for having his life at risk. "I'm craving for another fight, if those snakes dare to declare war on me the better.".

Jon can stop shaking his head, he raised Robert better than this, the feeling in his stomach was horrible after seeing how the boy he raised as his own had fallen.

"Robert, I want to take the bones of the princess and her children to Dorne.". Jon says, his tone showing there was no room for discussion.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT.". Robert screams, getting on his feet and not hiding the fury in his eyes. "Nothing but crows and buzzards feasting on their corpse are enough for them.".

"This is not open to debate Robert.". Jon says, his voice carrying the same fury as Robert but not showing as much. "If you deny me this request then you will better be prepared to have Tywin Lannister as your Hand because I will not accept it unless you go on with my wish.".

Jon thought his foster son would throw a tantrum, but in the end, he conceded, much to Jon's relief, the last thing he wanted was to have Tywin Lannister over Robert's ears.

In the end, things ended the best they possibly could, Doran Martell accepted going back into the fold and Jon became the hand of the king, avoiding the chaos it would be brought to the seven kingdoms if Tywin Lannister became the second most influential man of Westeros when he was already the most powerful.

The reason Jon was in the Eyrie and not King's Landing was because it was only a few days before Lysa entered birth labor and Jon wanted it to be in the Vale, this way he could leave Lysa away from the viper's nest the Red Keep is, and his son be raised in the place he will one day rule.

"Yes, nothing will ever happen to him.". Jon says, adamant about letting nothing bad ever happen to his child.

Jon lets his son and the mother rest and leaves the room. The head of House Arryn was tired but he still had some work to do. Entering the main hall Jon sees two men he deeply missed, his old friends Yohn Royce and Lyonel Corbray, they appeared to miss him as well since the first thing they do when seeing Jon is smile and laugh when the lord of the Vale gives them his hand for a shake.

"Yohn.". Jon says.

"Jon.". Yohn says, shaking Jon's hand.

"Lyonel.". Jon says.

"Jon.". Lyonel says, shaking Jon's hand.

"So, what bring you both to the Eyrie?". Jon asks while signing the two to follow him.

"Well, your son was just born, we needed to come and see the future head of House Arryn.". Yohn says with a smile and Lyonel nods in agreement.

"Thank you for your words, Yohn, I appreciated it.". Jon says as he sits on his chair that will one day be his son's seat and gestures for the two men to pick a sit as well.

"That isn't the only reason for the visit.". Lyonel says as he smirks and hit Yohn on the ribs with his shoulder. "Show him.".

"Show me what?". Jon asks with one eyebrow raised.

"A present.". Lyonel says as he and Jon watch Yohn procuring something from the pouch in his waist.

Jon didn't know how to react when Yohn takes a blue egg with strange black marks on it out of his pouch, at first, he thought it was a dragon egg, but he saw a fossilized dragon egg once and the shape was nothing like this one and while the size was too big to be a simple egg it was still too small to be a dragon's.

"What is this?". Jon asks open-mouthed at Yohn.

"Honestly, we don't know.". Yohn says with honesty.

"We found it on the way to the Eyrie.". Lyonel says, scratching his beard and remembering how they found it. "On our way here, we saw a nest in a tree, the nest looked like a falcon's nest, and inside of it was this egg, since House Arryn's sigil is a falcon, we believed it could be the perfect gift for your son's birth.".

"I appreciate it.". Jon says grabbing the egg and taking a better look at it, it was really strange, it did look like a falcon's egg, but the color and size begged to differ. "I'll try to make the bird inside hatches, though I don't believe it will live long enough to see Eddard reaches adulthood.". Jon says, looking at the two again.

"Eddard?". Both men say at the same time and smile.

Jon also smiles and nods his head. "Eddard!".

The three of them laugh.


After Jon's talk with Yohn and Lyonel was over he walked to his son's room, carrying his birth present in his hand. Entering the room Jon sees his son's crib, Lysa had already left to sleep herself, the Arryn takes a last glance at his child and smiles.

"Look little Ned! A present.". Jon says putting the egg a little close to the sleeping child. "I'm sure it will be a beautiful bird.".

Jon puts the egg over a bowl on the table next to the crib and four candles around it to keep the egg warm. Then he goes to Eddard and gives him a small kiss on the temple before leaving the room to sleep as well.

Ned Stark – Winterfell

Dear Ned, it is with the greatest and happiest of pleasures that I want to tell you about the birth of my firstborn, Eddard Arryn, as my foster son and his namesake I know you will feel honored for this as I was when you named your son after me, bastard or not I know that Jon Snow will bring honor to the name you gave him, just as my son will do the same to the name I gave him.

-Jon Arryn, Hand of the king, lord of the Vale, and Warden of the East.

Ned smiles at the letter, his foster father named him firstborn after him and Ned feels honored just like Jon knew he would.

"Jon, Eddard, and Robb.". Ned says with a smile. "Looks like history repeats itself.".

Robb Stark, Ned's firstborn, looked like a Tully through and through, but Ned could see the Starks traits in him, he still couldn't describe the happiness he felt whenever he held him in his arms, it always felt like the first time. Then there was Jon, the so-called bastard of Ned Stark and the only stain in his perfect honor, he looked nothing like a Stark except for his dark brown hair, it still pained him to see Jon being called a bastard when Ned knew better, Jon wasn't a bastard, he was Jon Targaryen, son of prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, his sister, Ned still couldn't figure how that was possible since Rhaegar was already married to Elia and had two children with her, but he no longer crave answers, they were dead, Lyanna was gone before being even able to name her son leaving Eddard to choose his name.

'Promise me, Ned.'. Ned hears Lyanna saying in his head.

"I promise.". Ned says, remembering the promise he made his sister, no matter what happened in the rebellion, Jon was innocent, his nephew and his son, and Ned would do anything to keep him safe.

Getting off his chair Ned goes to see his children, when he arrives he sees both his sons sleeping, first, he takes a look at Robb, wondering what kind of lord of Winterfell he will become when Ned passes, then he takes a look at Jon, thinking what kind of future he will have.

Jon's birth raises too many questions that would never have answers, when Lyanna died in his arms, she said nothing but beg Ned to protect her son, the documents she had proved she married Rhaegar, but what really happened? Had the prince forced his marriage and himself into his sister? Had his sister run with him and caused the death of their father and brother?

"I guess, some questions are better left unanswered.". Says Ned looking at his sons with sorrow all over his face, afraid of what could it mean had his sister ran away with Rhaegar and caused a war that killed thousands.

When Ned was ready to leave Jon opens his eyes and Ned smiles, Jon just smiles at him too and the warden of the North grabs him and hold the baby boy in his arms. While looking at Jon's purple eyes Ned does not think about Rhaegar even once, instead, he thinks about a woman, a woman he loved and who was now dead because of him.

Ashara Dayne, Ned first met her in Harrenhal at the ball of that damn tourney where all began, it was love at first sight, that night, they danced until their feet hurt and leave longing for each other. When Ned's father had betrothed Brandon to Catelyn, Ned promised he would marry Ashara that night, and like immature youngsters, they gave each other their first time. Then, the war happened, Ned and Ashara were on different sides, and by the time it was over, Ned was married to his brother's betrothed, breaking his promise to the woman he loved, but as if that wasn't enough, he also killed her brother, and the nail of the coffin was when he learned that they had a baby together, unfortunately, it was stillborn. When Ned left, he received the news that Ashara had killed herself once he reached King's Landing to tell Robert about Lyanna's demise, Ashara had jumped into the ocean out of grief for losing the man she loved, her brother, and her baby, and Ned knew that a part of him was responsible for it.

Looking at Jon, Ned wonders if his child with Ashara would've looked like him, with the same hair and eyes, and smiles at his son before kissing his brow and putting him back in his crib.

Ned goes to his room where he sees his wife sitting on their bed and reading a book about the story of the north. Once Catelyn stops reading, she looks at him and smiles, Ned responds with a smile of his own and goes to sit at her side.

"Where have you been lord husband?". Catelyn asks.

"Seeing our son.". Ned responds and kisses his wife's cheek. "That boy will be a great lord one day.".

"He is his father's trueborn son after all.". Catelyn says with pride.

Ned cringes at the word trueborn, he could never blame Catelyn, her suffering because of Jon is his fault due to his lies, and he knows Jon's future suffering will be because of him as well. "We are uncles now Catelyn, Jon sent me a raven, his son and Lysa's was recently born, he named him Eddard.".

"After you I suppose?". Catelyn asks an obvious question and Ned only chuckles in response.

"You are wise beyond your years' lady wife.". Ned says as they both lay in bed ready to sleep, with the lord of Winterfell only being able to imagine what kind of future his sons, and his nephew will have.

Jon Arryn – The Eyrie

The next day

The first thing Jon did once he awoke was see his son, he couldn't stop himself, only thinking about the young lad filled his heart with joy.

When he enters the room he is surprised, the blue egg he left had hatched, curious about what kind of bird it could be Jon approached the table and sees the young creature, its appearance was strange, the beak didn't resemble any bird he has ever seen, and due to just being hatched, there were no feathers to help him identify it.

As Jon calls a servant to bring his food and something for the bird, the head of House Arryn sits next to his son's crib and holds him in his arm after just waking up.

"Look at it, son.". Jon says, holding Eddard in front of the little bird so he could see it. "That is your birth present, once you are big that bird will be your loyal companion.".

Eddard screams and giggles at seeing the bird, wanting to grab it, Jon chuckles at the energy his son is displaying and firms his grip on him.

"You're awake.". a voice says, Jon turns his head at the source and sees it's none other than his wife. "What is that thing?". Lysa asks, looking at the bird at the top of the table.

"I don't know.". Jon says as he gives Eddard for Lysa to hold after she sits next to him. "Last night Yohn and Lyonel came to congratulate me and gave a strange egg to me, a present for Eddard's birth, they told me they found a nest and a strange egg inside of it and brought it here.".

"Strange.". Lysa says, looking at the egg before ignoring it and playing with Eddard. "Did you like your birth present my little falcon?".

Eddard smiles and Lysa robles her nose at his and they both chuckle.

Jon smiles at the sight that he barely notices the servant with the food he ordered. Before eating himself he feeds the bird, Jon had to admit, he was impressed, the creature didn't make a sound, and when Jon tried to feed it patiently waited and ate little by little after Jon finished putting the food in front of it.

"Clever little thing.". Jon comments as he grabs a piece of bread and starts eating.

"When are we returning to King's Landing?". Lysa asks making Jon turn at her and ask for her to repeat what she said. "I asked; when are we returning to King's Landing?".

"I will return in a moon.". Jon says, having decided that Lysa won't go back with him, he refuses to raise his son in that viper's nest. "You will stay here with our son ruling the Vale with the help of Yohn and Lyonel.".

Lysa appeared to want to object to Jon's decision but after opening her mouth no word came out and instead of talking, she just focused on their son.

"Why?". Lysa asks, her voice lacking emotions.

"I don't want Eddard in that cesspool.". Jon comments. "One day he will be the ruler of the Vale, better be raised on the Vale.".

"What about me?". Lysa asks looking Jon in the eyes.

"You just gave birth. You aren't strong enough to travel yet.". Jon says as he finishes his bread. "I need you to learn to rule the Vale in my absence, now that I'm Hand of the king I won't be here as much as I want or need, so that leaves you to do it in my place.".

"When you'll return?". Lysa asks, her voice recovering a little animosity, making Jon believe she will somehow miss him.

"In six moons.". Jon says, taking a look at Eddard whose eyes were once more focused on the bird. "I managed to talk to Stannis before coming here, every six moons I'll return to the Eyrie and stay for one while he takes my duties for the time.".

"I see.". Lysa says, looking at her son, then, at the direction Eddard is looking at, once she sees the bird her reaction was the same as Jon's, wonder. "It really is a strange bird.".

"That it is.". Jon comments.

Doran Martell – Dorne

While Oberyn was whining Doran was planning. After Jon Arryn brought Elia and her children's bones to Sunspear hell almost broke as his younger brother wanted to kill the head of House Arryn.

Doran almost felt the same, but his spies on King's Landing told him that Jon Arryn and Ned Stark spoke against such cruel acts and demanded the execution of Gregor Clegane for killing Elia and Aegon, unfortunately, not only their demand was denied by Robert but they weren't able to discover who killed poor Rhaenys, since Clegane wasn't blamed for that as well Doran suspect it wasn't him.

"I can't believe we will just sit here while Elia's murderers go unpunished.". Oberyn yells.

"This is a time for brains, not muscles brother.". Doran says as calmly as he could, but deep inside his anger was as higher as his brother's. "Elia won't be avenged if our house is extinct.".

"Neither if we just sit still.". Oberyn spats.

"We won't.". Doran says.

"You have a plan.". Oberyn says, knowing the tone his brother was using.

Doran nods his house and looks into his brother's eyes. "You will go to Essos, and you will find the Targaryens, if Rhaella gave birth to a daughter, you will offer her a wedding between Arianne and Viserys, and between Quentyn and her daughter, if it's a boy then let her use him as a coin to other houses.".

Oberyn nods his head and leaves Doran alone. The head of house Martell starts to think of other schemes for helping in his future revenge, Ned Stark had a bastard, Doran could offer one of his bastards' nieces for marriage, Stark was honorable, and when the war started his honor would oblige him to fight for Robert but with his son married to someone with Martell blood he would be put into a corner, of course, he might ignore due to being his bastard son but Doran somehow doubt it, a man like Ned Stark wouldn't take his bastard to his castle if he didn't genuinely care for the boy.

Then there was Jon Arryn, news that he had a newborn son just arrived in Dorne, while it would be almost impossible to stop the Arryns from fighting alongside Robert there was still the possibility of winning something out of a marriage deal with the heir of House Arryn, but unless Oberyn marries and give birth to a trueborn daughter or Doran fathers one that was out of the table for the time being.

Olenna Tyrell – Highgarden

When Olenna learned that Jon Arryn had a son the queen of thorns couldn't stand still and started scheming. The boy would one day be the head of House Arryn, lord of the Vale and Warden of the East and she needed to make sure Tyrell's blood could be in the veins of his successor, the soldiers of the Vale were one of the most skilled fighters in all seven kingdoms and every great house would try to have a part of that power.

Margaery was out of the question, Olenna would raise her to be the queen, not a warden's wife, but there was Desmera, her granddaughter by Mina, she may still be a baby but now that the Targaryens lost the rebellion the Tyrells needed to adapt, otherwise, they wouldn't grow stronger.

"Damn you Mace.". Olenna grunts.

Her son Mace Tyrell made the stupid mistake of sieging Storm's End in a foolish attempt of starving Stannis Baratheon to surrender, had he used his head and sent him men to the trident to help Rhaegar against Robert, the Targaryens would still be in power and with Rhaegar on the throne, the chance of marrying into the royal family would no longer be impossible, Rhaegar married a Martell, it was safe to assume his son Aegon would follow his footsteps, and Margaery could've been his queen.

Now, she is forced to wait until that whoremonger Robert fathers a son for Margaery to marry.

"Call for Mina.". Olenna tells a servant without sparing them a single glance.

Not long after Mina enters the solar and sits beside her mother.

"You've called for me mother?". Mina asks trying to imagine what could this be.

"Good to see you're not senile yet.". Olenna remarks, finally looking at her daughter. "I just learned that Jon Arryn now has a son.".

Mira's eyes widen hearing the words, Olenna smiles at the fact that, unlike her oaf son, she was quick to learn and understand what Olenna is implying.

"You want to marry Desmera to him?". Mina asks for confirmation.

"It is a possibility.". Olenna says, looking out the window. "The Tyrells will be weakened over the next years because of our role in the rebellion, to compensate for that, we will need strong alliances, and that means marriage. The boy is the future warden of the East, I'm sure you can see the benefits.".

Mina could see them, and her daughter marrying a Warden was more beneficial than a bannerman.

"Do you think Robert will accept Margaery marrying his son?". Mina asks, curious about her niece's future now that they were already talking about her daughter's own.

"One can only hope, but it's not Robert, nor Cersei that we need to convince.". Olenna says.

Both Olenna and Mira think about the real power behind the iron throne and the man they needed to convince about Margaery being the wife of the future king.

Tywin Lannister – Casterly Rock

There were few things that really impressed Tywin throughout his life, Lord Arryn fathering a child at his age was one of them, the lion of the rock always considered the old falcon a craven old man, but after rebelling against Aerys he proved he was not craven, thought nothing could prove he wasn't old.

Despite Tywin's animosity against the Warden of the East for stealing his position as Hand of the king the fact that Jon's son was the future ruler of the Vale demanded his attention, the boy would possess great influence in the future and for that he was worthy enough for Tywin to give him attention.

"Cersei needs work faster. We can let this chance go to waste.". Tywin tells himself as he looks into a map of Westeros and looks at all the great houses, and the houses of the Vale.

Unfortunately for Tywin, there were no Lannister women close of age to Eddard Arryn, and until Cersei has a girl or his brothers do, House Lannister didn't have a wife candidate for the future head of House Arryn.

"Enter.". Tywin says in a low tone after hearing a knock on his door.

Tywin's brother Kevan enters the room but the warden of the west doesn't spare him a glance.

"I came at your request, my lord.". Kevan says, looking at where Tywin's eye would've been, were they not focused on the map at the top of the table.

"I'm sure you are aware of the news?". Tywin asks.

"Jon Arryn has a son.". Kevan states.

"Good, now look at the map and tell me what you think, and it better be what I already know.". Tywin states as he sits so he can oversee his brother's attempt to guess what he concluded.

"First there is Ned Stark.". Kevan says as he looks at the map and points at Winterfell. "He still doesn't have a daughter yet, but when he has one, he will try to marry her to Jon's son or Robert's if he finds out the meaning of ambition.".

Tywin hums to his brother and signs with his head for him to continue.

"The Tyrells have two daughters at the moment, Olenna will probably try to marry her granddaughter by Mace to Robert's son and her granddaughter by Mina to Eddard.". Kevan states and looks at his brother. "Will you accept the Tyrells marrying into the royal family?".

"I still haven't come to a conclusion yet.". Tywin says as he gets back on his feet. "Unfortunately, the Tyrells and Starks have an advantage over us. Ned Stark because of his friendship with Jon Arryn, and Olenna because she has more gold dragons to gamble with. We are cornered. As much as I hate to admit it.".

"One of her granddaughters is the daughter of the head of House Tyrell, the other is from House Redwyne, you have to accept the marriage between Margaery and Robert's future son because otherwise she will be offered to Eddard Arryn.". Kevan says, with as much distaste in his tone as Tywin.

Tywin nods. "Cersei needs a daughter, and fast, we can't let the Tyrells marry the royal family and the Arryns.".

"Either that or hope that Jon marries his son to one of his bannerman.". Kevan comments, and just like Tywin, hating the idea of losing the chance of obtaining and increasing power, and influence, for House Lannister.

"That is a risk I'm not willing to take.". Tywin states as the stares at Westeros' map, his eyes focusing on one specific part. The Vale.

Jon Arryn – The Eyrie

A moon later

It was time for him to return to King's Landing, Jon has never been so reluctant to leave the Eyrie since the rebellion, even more now that he has a son.

In front of the main gate, Jon watches all his bannerman who have come to wish him farewell and safe travels. He spoke with each one of them, together in the main hall, and alone on his solar.

Yohn would stay and watch over his son and help Lysa rule the Vale in his stead.

Before leaving Jon approaches his wife as she is holding their child, he kisses her on the forehead and proceeds to kiss his son's cheek.

"I'll be going now Eddard, be good and take care of your mother.". Jon says and makes the boy smile at him, he then puts a hand on his wife's shoulder and looks her in the eyes. "Take care Lysa.".

Lysa nods to her husband and then looks at the bird over the carriage. "You'll take it with you?".

Jon looks at the bird as well and chuckles. In a moon's time, the bird that hatched from the egg Yohn and Lyonel brought him was already growing to the size of an eagle, and Jon felt that it wasn't fully grown yet. The bird was the most beautiful creature the Vale has ever seen, his feathers looked like blue fire and his appearance was nothing less than majestic, Jon might have never seen a dragon, but he doubts they would've been as graceful as the bird on the top of the carriage.

"Hehe… for some reason it doesn't want to be too far from me.". Jon says as he stares at the bird who is also staring at him. "The maester said he had no idea what species it is, damn fool even tried to convince me to let him take it to the Citadel in Oldtown, as if I would've let him the fool.".

Jon says as he chuckles at the memory, when the maester asked to study the bird, it had flown away and only returned at night while Jon was finishing writing some letters, shocked that the bird returned to him after believing it was gone forever and having chastised the master for it.

"Lord Arryn, it is time to go.". Says a young man with a goatee smiling at Jon and Lysa.

"Well, off I go.". Jon says, giving Lysa one last hug before walking over to the carriage.

"I want to thank you again for the offer Lord Arryn.". The young man says.

"Gratitude isn't necessary, I know you will make a great master of coin, Petyr.".

Zhorvak Zhorvak

Author’s note: And done, what name would you call a phoenix if you had one, honestly, I want to name it Phoenix, and you may be thinking; are you an idiot? Why would you call a Phoenix… Phoenix? Well, Phoenixes never existed in the world George created (as far as I know) so calling it Phoenix is kind of a way to not only name it but also name the species if another one ever shows up in the future.

About Jon’s name, unlike many stories I won’t romanticize Rhaegar and Lyanna, you are free to interpret what happened, the only fact stated is that they married and Jon is trueborn, how and why is up to you. The reason I made him trueborn is that I’m already writing a story where Jon is Rhaegar’s bastard so I did it to avoid writing the same thing.

Please leave a review, feedback always helps, also if you didn’t like it, please be polite.

English is not my first language.

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