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48.21% TVD: The Tribrid Legacy / Chapter 27: Chapter 1.26

Capítulo 27: Chapter 1.26

(Orion's POV)

Before Grams embarked on her journey to Athens, she called me to sit down for a serious and heartfelt conversation. With a gentle smile, she began, "My dear, I have something extraordinary to give you. It's your grandpa's grimoire. He cherished it dearly, and now I want you to have it as a keepsake and a symbol of his legacy."

Her hand reached out to hold mine, and her eyes sparkled warmly. "This grimoire has been passed down through generations in your grandfather's family, and I felt it was time to entrust it to you. Your strength, courage, and curiosity remind me so much of him. Your demeanor resembles his in so many ways."

As Grams spoke these heartfelt words, her eyes locked onto mine, filled with love, concern, and wisdom. The room seemed to fall into a profound silence, and her words weighed heavily on my soul.

"Take care of your sister for me," she implored, her voice gentle yet persistent. "Besides me, you two only have each other."

Grams' words held an air of finality, and a poignant emotion filled the room. She was preparing to depart, her gratitude for the trip apparent in her tone.

"I'll be heading out," she announced, her gaze brimming with warmth and appreciation. "And thank you for the wonderful trip. I'll return if you need me; remember, I'm just a phone call away."

Her promise provided reassurance, and we understood that her departure marked a temporary parting, not a farewell.


Orion stood before Wickery Bridge, bathed in the silver glow of the moonlight. A glint passed through his eyes as he knew what to do. Determinedly, he harnessed his magic.

With a quick and decisive gesture, he used his magic to take a large chunk of wood from the bridge – the piece containing the white oak.

With that, Orion Left the bridge, headed back home, and entered the garden Grams had left for him to take care of.

Finding an empty plot of ground, Orion carefully placed the chunk of white oak into the earth, ensuring it was buried deep and well-hidden from prying eyes. With a solemn chant, he cast a Boundary spell, creating an invisible barrier around the buried wood, protecting it from unwanted discovery.

But he didn't stop there. Wanting to add an extra layer of protection, Orion weaved a Disguise spell over the area, making it appear unremarkable and ordinary to anyone who might stumble upon it. Only he and those he trusted would know its true significance.

With a deft hand wave, Orion planted Vervain seeds around the concealed area where the white oak was buried. Utilizing his formidable magical abilities, he accelerated the growth of the lavender plants, allowing them to flourish quickly and abundantly.


{ Mystic Falls High School}

"Jeremy, have you seen Stefan? I need to find him," Elena inquired urgently, her mind preoccupied with the search for her vampire boyfriend.

But Jeremy's worry wasn't about Stefan; it was about Anna. He revealed their deeper connection, confessing, "We're more than friends. Look, something could be seriously wrong, and if you know anything, you've got to tell me."

Elena's brow furrowed in surprise. "Anna? I didn't know that you guys were still friends," she admitted, unaware of the lingering bond between her brother and the vampire girl.

"We were more than friends, Elena," Jeremy emphasized, anxiety creeping into his voice. "I've left her all these messages, and she hasn't gotten back to me, not even a text."

Elena felt a pang of guilt, realizing that she had been unaware of Jeremy's feelings for Anna and the worry he carried for her. "I haven't talked to her, Jer," Elena said truthfully.

But Jeremy's emotions were running high, and his trust in Elena seemed wavering. "Are you lying to me right now?" he questioned, his voice trembling with hurt and frustration.

Elena protested, taken aback by his accusation, "Why do you say that?"

Jeremy's response was raw and honest. "'Cause that's what you do. Lying. You lie about everything. I know what Anna is, and I know that you know. So tell me, do you have any idea where she is?"

Elena's heart sank as her brother's words hit home. She had kept many secrets from him to protect him, but her actions had eroded their trust.

"No, but Jer...Jeremy, wait!" Elena called out as he turned away from her, his pain palpable.

As Elena turned around in desperation, she was met with another unexpected presence. Isobel, her estranged mother, stood right behind her. The sight of Isobel sent a chill down Elena's spine, knowing that her mother's motives were often unclear and potentially dangerous.

Elena's heart raced as she turned around to find Isobel standing right behind her. The sudden encounter sent a shiver down her spine, but she kept her composure.

"What are you doing here, Isobel?" Elena asked her voice firm but tinged with apprehension and curiosity.

"I'm your mother, Elena," Isobel replied, her tone devoid of emotion and a twinge of amusement. "And I want to be more involved in your life."

Elena's emotions swirled within her, torn between the desire to reconnect with her mother, but she knew that would be impossible as She had her feelings off. She took a deep breath before responding, "I don't want you in my life."

Isobel's eyes flashed with something Elena couldn't identify, but she pressed on, "I understand that. You have many people you care about, but I'll change that soon enough to understand. Let's see if I got this right."

Her gaze shifted to Bonnie, Elena's witchy best friend, and she remarked, "There's the witchy best friend, Bonnie. Going to stay away from that one, Along with her brother as well ." She Said while looking at Bonnie entering Orion's car.

Jeremy, who had been with Elena, wasn't spared either as Isobel looked at him with a hint of mockery, "Oh...sad little brother Jeremy."

Isobel's observations took Elena aback, and she felt the weight of her mother's threats. But the atmosphere quickly turned tense as Isobel continued, "And there's Caroline...obnoxious Caroline. I got all of my info from her, by the way. She had no idea who I was and wouldn't stop yapping."

"Oh, and who could forget about Matty blue eyes?" She said with malice in her voice, pointing at the boy Working on the mystical falls float.

Elena's eyes darted to her friends. "Matt is not involved in this," Elena pleaded.

Isobel's tone remained cold and calculating, "He's involved with you, isn't he?"

The situation took a terrifying turn when Isobel revealed her sinister intentions, mentioning a man named Frank and the rusty axles on a trailer nearby. Elena felt a wave of panic as Isobel showed her how easily she could hurt the people Elena cared about.

"No!" Elena exclaimed as the chaos unfolded, and the trailer crushed Matt's arm.

Caroline and Tyler rushed to help Matt while Stefan arrived to lend a hand. As they freed Matt from the wreckage, Elena couldn't shake the fear gnawing at her. She turned to confront Isobel once more, "Why are you doing this?"

Isobel's eyes locked with Elena's, full of malice, "I'm showing you how easy it is to hurt the people you care about."

Elena's eyes narrowed in frustration. "And you're doing this just because of Johnathan Gilbert's invention?" she questioned, still struggling to grasp the motives behind her mother's actions.

"Hand it over, and all will be stopped," Isobel demanded, her tone unwavering.

"I told you, Damon is not going to give it to me," Elena retorted, her resolve unshaken despite the threat.

A glint of amusement danced in Isobel's eyes. "I think that you underestimate how much Damon cares about you," she taunted, seemingly enjoying the tension she had created.

Elena's heart pounded in her chest as she grappled with the situation. She knew Damon's protective instincts, but she also knew his stubbornness. "He'll kill you before he gives it up," she warned, trying to reason with her mother.

Isobel's expression darkened, and she lowered her voice, sending a chill down Elena's spine. "Is that before or after I kill your brother Jeremy, or maybe your aunt Jenna?" she coldly threatened.

With that, Isobel Vamped away, grabbing Jeremy along the way.

Elena's eyes darted around, panic rising within her. "Jeremy?" she called out, desperately searching for her younger brother.

Stefan, silently observing the tense exchange, looked at Elena with concern. "Jeremy?" he echoed, his voice laden with worry.

But as Elena scanned the surroundings, her brother was nowhere to be found. Her heart pounded in her chest, fear gripping her as she realized that Isobel and Jeremy had vanished.

"Jeremy?!" Elena's voice quivered, filled with a mix of anguish and desperation. She looked everywhere, her mind racing about her brother's safety.

But just like that, Isobel had disappeared too, leaving Elena standing there, her emotions in turmoil. The revelation of her mother's involvement, coupled with the sudden disappearance of Jeremy, left her shaken and uncertain about what would happen next.


Two things annoyed Orion: one was people who couldn't solve their problems, and the second was people who heavily relied on others.

Orion's irritation flared as he opened the door to find Elena disheveled and distressed. Her presence was a stark reminder of the two traits he couldn't stand in people: an inability to solve their problems and a heavy reliance on others.

He folded his arms and raised an eyebrow, his annoyance evident. "Elena, what's going on this time?"

Elena raked her fingers through her hair, her worry palpable. "Is Bonnie around? I need her help."

Orion's head bobbed, a nonchalant gesture as he gestured towards the living room. "Yeah, she's here. You've got a visitor, Bonnie," he chimed, a mischievous grin on his lips.

Elena's rushed entrance and plea for help surprised Bonnie, but Orion knew it was coming. Orion was about to reiterate his stance on not helping without some form of exchange When Bonnie stepped in,

"Orion, let's hear her out," Bonnie said calmly, giving him a reassuring glance before turning her attention to Elena. "Elena, take a deep breath and start from the beginning. We'll see what we can do."

Elena nodded gratefully at Bonnie, appreciating her willingness to listen and help. She took a deep breath to compose herself before launching into her story.

"Okay, so Isobel has kidnapped Jeremy. She's got him locked up somewhere. She wants the compass; I'm scared she will hurt him, Bonnie," Elena explained, her voice trembling with worry. "Stefan and Damon are waiting at the boarding house, and we must devise a plan to rescue him."

Orion's tone remained firm as he reiterated his stance. "Elena, keep in mind that not everything is free. If we help you with this, I'll expect something in return."

Elena looked back and forth between Orion and Bonnie, understanding that their assistance came with a price, as had been the case with Orion's previous offer. She knew she had to agree to their terms if she wanted their help rescuing Jeremy from Isobel's clutches.

With a determined expression, she nodded. "I get it, Orion. I'm willing to make a deal. Just help me with the compass, and we'll figure out what you want in return afterward."

Orion's stern demeanor softened slightly, and he gave her a nod of agreement. "Very well, Elena. Let's focus on the task at hand for now, and we'll discuss the terms of our deal once the compass is dealt with."

{Salvatore Boarding House: After Elena's Begging}

As Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan exchanged glances, they tried to persuade Damon to hand over the device that Isobel and John sought to use against him.

"Absolutely not!" he declared, unwilling to entertain the notion of giving the device to Isobel. Elena, however, was determined to make her case.

"Just hear me out," Elena implored, hoping to reason with Damon.

Damon remains resolute, stating, "I'm not going to give the device to Isobel so she could give it to John, who is going to turn it to kill me. I like being a living dead person."

Elena countered, convincing him that the device would be rendered useless. "But it'll be useless; Bonnie and Orion can take its power away," she explained.

Damon's skepticism remained strong. "I don't trust them, especially him," he retorted, pointing his finger at Orion, who just winked at him.

"Hmm, and we don't trust you either, Damon," Orion retorted

Bonnie stepped in, offering reassurance. "I can remove the original spell," she asserted.

Elena urged Damon to consider the plan, emphasizing that John and Isobel needed to learn about their intentions. However, Damon was adamant. "No, I'll get Jeremy in my way," he insisted,

This isn't working," Orion muttered with frustration.

"Santi doulè a,"

In an instant, Damon crumpled to the ground, his face contorted with agony. He let out a series of desperate screams, and blood trickled from his ears, eyes, and nose, creating macabre streaks across his face.

Seeing his brother in unbearable pain, Stefan couldn't hold back his protective instincts. He lunged toward Orion, a mixture of anger and worry in his eyes. But Before Stefan could reach Orion, Bonnie used her magic with a flick of her wrist, sending Stefan flying through the air. He collided with the wall, where he was pinned, struggling to break free.

"Bonnie, stop it!" Elena exclaimed, seeing her boyfriend in distress, pinned against the wall. Bonnie looked at Elena, her eyes filled with anger. "He tried to attack my brother, Elena. I don't care if he's your boyfriend."

Orion's voice broke through the eerie tension, firm but urgent. "Let's not make this any harder, Damon. Where's the device?" He briefly released the spell's grip and granted Damon a momentary reprieve. Gasping for breath and still writhing in pain, Damon croaked out his response, "In the bourbon cabinet."

Orion's tone was tinged with exasperation as he addressed Damon, "See, Damon? That wasn't so hard, was it? You have a knack for making things unnecessarily complicated. If only you had cooperated from the start, we could have avoided all this."

With that, Orion turned his attention to the liquor cabinet, scanning its contents until he finally saw the coveted compass. The room sighed with relief and tension as the device was located.

Orion, with a calm and authoritative tone, intervened again. "Bonnie, you can let him go."

Reluctantly, Bonnie released her magical hold on Stefan, allowing him to step away from the wall. Stefan straightened his clothes and took a deep breath, grateful for the respite from the magical restraint.

Bonnie's eyes narrowed as she stepped toward Stefan, her tone laced with a menacing threat. "Try and attack my brother again, Stefan, and you'll regret it."

Still recovering from the earlier confrontation, Stefan met Bonnie's gaze with caution and anger.

"Okay, let's do this, Bonnie," Orion said with determination as he took the grimoire out of his backpack. He flipped through a couple of pages, searching for a de-empowering spell. Once he found it, he laid the grimoire on the floor, allowing Bonnie to see the spell. She studied it for a few minutes, ensuring she understood every detail.

Orion then placed the compass between them, and Bonnie held out her hands. He grasped her hands, and together, they began to chant in unison, their voices resonating with power.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Exum Sue, Redem Su Pas Quo."

As they continued to chant the incantation, a potent surge of energy enveloped them both. Orion, attuned to Bonnie's intentions, skillfully followed her lead. To the observer, it appeared they were working together to remove the original spell; their voices and gestures synchronized harmoniously.

However, behind the façade, Orion and Bonnie executed a more subtle plan. They were not wholly undoing the original spell but carefully weakening it, subtly altering its effects.

As the chanting ended, Orion and Bonnie slowly rose, fulfilling their task. Yet, the room's eerie tension still hung like a foreboding cloud. Orion's unwavering gaze fixated on Elena, and a grim determination shadowed his expression. It was unmistakable that he had arrived to settle a debt.

Orion's voice, low and steady, broke the silence. "Elena," he began. " It's time to fulfill our agreement."

Bewildered by the situation, Stefan asked Elena, "What does he mean?"

Pale with apprehension, Elena hesitated before he answered for her, "Oh, she didn't tell you. In exchange for performing the spell, I made a deal with her, and now I want to cash it in."

With an air of cold resolve, Orion reached into his backpack and pulled out a large vial. He approached Elena, his eyes never leaving her, and with a swift hand motion, he used his magic to send Stefan and Damon against the wall, rendering them powerless to intervene.

The two vampires spewed threats and struggled against their magical restraints, but their efforts were futile. Seeing the escalating tension, Bonnie ended it by snapping their necks using her magic, effectively silencing them.

Meanwhile, as Orion stood beside Elena, fear etched across her face, he wasted no time. With a calculated precision that sent shivers down Elena's spine, he grabbed her arm and, using his magic, created a small, precise slit, allowing her blood to flow into the waiting vial. It was a chilling transaction, a payment demanded and exacted without mercy.

Once the vial was filled to his satisfaction, Orion cast a spell, "Ad sonum," causing Elena to fall unconscious. The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of her unconscious form hitting the ground. Orion had collected his debt.

With their task completed and the unsettling exchange concluded, Orion placed the modified compass near Elena's unconscious body. "Let's head out, Bon-Bon,


As the Bennett siblings returned home, Orion knew the vial containing Elena's blood must be stored securely. He went to Grams' room, where he had a hidden safe carefully concealed from prying eyes.

With a sense of caution, he took the vial out of his backpack and placed it inside the safe. Orion didn't stop there; he knew the potential risks involved. To further protect the vial and their secret, he cast a discreet spell on it, making it appear as nothing more than a harmless piece of paper to anyone who might stumble upon it—

With his task completed, Orion headed to the kitchen and decided to whip up some dinner for himself and Bonnie. The savory aroma wafted through the house, and he called Bonnie down when he deemed the food ready.

They sat at the table, chatting casually as they ate, trying to put the day's events on the back burner for a while. Their conversation flowed easily, ranging from mundane matters to shared memories and inside jokes, giving them a much-needed break from the constant mysteries and dangers surrounding their lives.

However, their cozy dinner was abruptly interrupted when Bonnie's phone rang. It was Caroline, urgently requesting her help with a Mystic Falls event. After quickly washing up, Bonnie headed out the door.

"Make sure you're back before midnight, Bon-Bon!"

"Okay," she yelled back.


Isobel's composure remained surprisingly steady, her voice betraying no hint of fear as she addressed the unseen presence in her home. "I know you're here; whoever you are can hear your heartbeat and might as well come in," she stated calmly. The door swung open to reveal Orion Bennett.

Without a word, Orion moved with an unnerving speed, appearing before Isobel instantly. Her surprise was evident, and her apprehension grew as she faced him.

"What are you doing here, Bennett?" Isobel questioned, struggling to maintain a façade of control.

Orion's lips curled into a menacing smirk, a foreboding glint in his eyes. He cast a potent aneurysm spell on Isobel with a swift and precise motion. The pain struck her like a lightning bolt, her blood feeling like acid coursing through her veins.

Isobel couldn't contain her cries of torment, and the room echoed with her anguished screams as she writhed in pain on the floor.

Amidst Isobel's suffering, Orion advanced towards her, his approach foreboding and determined. He seized her chin firmly, holding it with a threatening grip, and their eyes locked in an intense stare.

"Tell Katherine I want to talk to her and don't lie. I know you are in contact with her. And let John know I'm coming for him," Orion delivered his chilling warning, his voice cold and unyielding. The room held an air of dread, and Isobel had no choice but to heed his ominous message.

There is no room for misunderstanding; his message is crystal clear. Orion gives one final look of disdain before retreating, leaving Isobel on the ground as her pain slowly subsides. However, the impact of his words remains.

In agony, Isobel raced upstairs, her body still convulsing from the effects of the aneurysm spell. The pain gnawed at her, but she couldn't afford to dwell on it now. Urgency consumed her as she grabbed her phone and dialed Katherine's number.

Katherine's voice came through the line, and Isobel could barely contain the urgency in her tone as she delivered the chilling message.

"Katherine, we have a problem," she said,


Hypothetically, If a witch that was gonna be turned into a vampire put their magic into an object, then became a vampire got their magic back would that be possible to get the magic into them or have another witch transfer it back into them. Would they become a witch vampire hybrid? They wouldn't loose their magic bc it didn't die with them but was placed somewhere. Let me know what you all think!!

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