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96% Dark Nephilim( Supernatural ) / Chapter 24: Chapter 23

Capítulo 24: Chapter 23

Before I went back to my bunker and snacked on my dragon, I stopped by my old address. Strangely enough, the idea of looking at "myself," if there is a certain Alexander Vasilyevich Buynov in this world, came to my exuberant head only now. It turned out there is.

Judging by the state, "I" just returned from the army and actively celebrating. Unfortunately, it was too late for me to get my head around it.

As the saying goes: "Saving the drowning is the work of the drowning".

At that time I had a good friend, Katya, whom I liked, but I never dared to ask her out, even for a banal walk. I thought that only an unemployed beggar returning from the army was not what she needed. But he didn't do anything to change that.

Could have gotten a good job at a security firm, through acquaintance. But he missed it by delaying the end-of-service celebration. Could have gone to correspondence school and gotten a decent education and again, didn't do it.

It may be a little immoral of me to just interfere in the life of "another person" like that, but the desire to change what I so strongly and so often regretted in lonely evenings was literally burning me from the inside.

Using telepathy with all possible caution, I do not want to make an idiot out of "myself" drooling. I checked if everything was the same as in my previous life.

I was able to see if everything was the same as it had been in my previous life. So I set to work, with all the fervor inherent in me.

I did it for myself.

I got my body all cleaned up, close to perfect, and sent it off for an interview. I wanted to control everything as much as possible, so I chased "myself" and whispered in his "ear", like an evil spirit, of course under the invisibility, otherwise it would have looked at least strange.

But the interview went great, that's what it is - an acquaintance.

After completing the process of employment and getting a little free time, "persuaded" Alexander to call Katya.

What can you do dating dating, but all sorts of medical examinations, references, and the like had to collect "myself", killed a lot of time. Both killed.

The first date is set and I hope they'll be okay. Love is a fragile thing and I'm definitely not getting involved here, it needs a specialist! Hmmm... a specialist.


In one of the usual restaurants, of which there are many in any large enough city, a couple of young people were having dinner.

He was a nice-looking, tall and athletic enough. He was obviously working on himself. And she, petite, you might say fragile, with an attractive body and a pretty face, on which appeared charming dimples every time she smiled. And judging by how often she did, the date was more than successful.

Luckily for them, and not only them, they could not see what was going on literally one meter from their table. It's not for ordinary people to see the supernatural.


- So, what do you think? - I asked my new best friend. He told me so himself, after a long hug.

- I'm telling you again, I'm not tagging them, I'm not supposed to! - "I'm not supposed to do that!" said the fat, naked guy standing next to me at the table where the date was taking place.

- What are you listening to? - For the tenth time, I had to say it again, I was sick of it. - There's no need to tag them, just look and tell me if they're right for each other or not.

And while he was looking for something there spinning next to them. I thought hard that finding a cherub was not a good idea. I would have nightmares about his embrace alone now, but yeah, I was awake, that made it easier.

But our meeting was pretty funny, he recognized me right away. All the birds know me by sight. My fame, the evil killer of angels, precedes me.

I am the Enemy.

This cherub said he was ready to accept his death as soon as he was done with the few pairs he had on his list. Courageous and responsible is just the thing.

But I told him I didn't kill angels for nothing, just to protect them, so I lied a little. And I was looking for a cherub to add some work for him, on the contrary.

As soon as the feathered man heard the reason for my arrival, first I heard a suspicious girl's sobs, and then I was embraced and began to mutter something about the power of love.

I could bear it, of course, which I did, but when he started wiping his snot all over me, I almost sprayed it all over the world. But I held back.

Man, the things you do for "yourself." And then I was forgiven all my sins, appointed best friend and we went to see someone else.

- Oh, Lord have mercy, Chuck, let me see this! - I groaned, holding my head.

I had to take my mind off the memories and pay attention to what was going on.

That dick...vim, hovered right above the table, between them. And if they could "see," it wouldn't be each other's faces.

- I'm done! - He landed next to me. - I mean, I won't mark it yet, but I'll keep an eye on it.

I'm all right with that. Then we can call it a day. In a year, if all goes well, Alexander will receive a small inheritance from distant relatives in the United States.

- Listen, I've been meaning to ask you, why don't you wear clothes? - I'm really curious.

- It chafes.

- Chafing?

- Sensitive nipples.

Oh, no comment. I didn't wait for a goodbye hug and took off.

And so ended my little adventure called "Help Yourself!"

Now I could have a dragon snack.

This was my first dragon, so I took my time. What I was most interested in was how a ten-meter lizard could be raised from a human body.

It was "simple" enough, this scaly beast was growing extra flesh with its enormous supply of life force. Eva was not weakly invested in the first Alpha.

He could only take one form, which was prescribed in the "settings" with magic. Eva made this restriction after she realized that her child was already too strong.

I figured out roughly what I had to do to change my appearance. I had no magical restraints. I'm tired of seeing the younger Winchester's scowl in the mirror every time I look in it. But too much life energy is "heavy" will have to train a lot.

It was a natural progression for a dragon. It's all right, what are my years? I'll manage.

I was able to breathe fire, which was easy. I burned my lungs out a few times. I turned my magical energy into fire too soon, and this body isn't exactly fireproof.

And then, finally, I tried to heat my hands up so that I could melt metal, like in the show. The result was ambiguous. I couldn't replicate that ability, but now I can do the disappearing trick.

I have my hands, and then they're gone, just crumbling ashes.

I was in the mood for a couple of virgins and the exorbitant accumulation of gold, but I didn't feel like eating them. I had to add cannibalism and kleptomania to my head problems.

Now I was lying on one of the many beaches of the Mediterranean. I had to make my vacation a little more classic, and all the monsters were monsters.

I made a couple of unburdensome connections of a personal nature. Fortunately, in resorts such as the one in which I vacationed, there is always someone to spend time with for the benefit of both body and soul.

The "shock" was the fact that all sorts of evil people are not only in America.

And they are not bad here. Crowds of tourists, if they go missing, if the search begins, it is not immediately.

To be honest, because of the constant hunting for all sorts of creatures, I'm a little tired, morally. And even made a strong-willed decision not to interfere in the process of supernatural selection.

But man, when they tried to eat me three times in a row in one night, even my nerves of steel Nephilim failed.


Ananias Argyropoulos, a young purebred werewolf from Greece, was now pacing nervously in his office.

A week ago, he had succeeded in taking the lead of the pack. And it was not by force, as usual, but by slyness and cunning, which he was really good at. Having subdued the last dissatisfied with such a turn of events, he gave his wolves a free hand. Faithful subjects must be encouraged.

In a wave of euphoria at the fact that his plan of many years finally worked and he was now, without a little, a full-fledged ruler of the dark side of the city, a foolish mistake was made.

After all, letting go of almost all of his loyal followers, and that's thirty-seven creatures hungry for human flesh, is nothing short of stupid.

Not the whole pack, of course, but the most faithful.

The number of "missing persons" would of course increase greatly overnight. But that was not what Ananias was worried about. It was noon, but none of his soldiers had returned.

This was very strange, for his pocket army was prized above all for its unquestioning obedience.

And the orders were more than clear. Return by morning! - For to seize power is only the beginning, it must be held and multiplied.

Somewhere inside he felt a slight chill of fear, for it was the last thing to lie to himself and he was well aware that without the support of his soldiers, he would be literally torn to pieces.

He was distracted from his gloomy thoughts by a sudden roar. He rushed to the window he saw that a young tall man was coming toward the house, and thanks to the enhanced vision that is inherent in any werewolf, you could see the blazing orange light eyes of the intruder.

The large, iron wrought-iron gate, which should have been a nuisance, now rested to the side, torn from its hinges.

The ten werewolves that had rushed toward the intruder seemed destined to end the farce, but before they knew it, they were scattered in bloody shards all over the courtyard.

Ananias thought quickly and in a matter of moments made a decision, to scurry away from here with all his inhuman speed. Throwing one last glance at the unknown man, he met the gaze of the intruder and the last doubts disappeared. It was possible to start anew in another place, the main thing was to survive.

Turning away from the window, he met that gaze again, but much closer. The creature looking at him was simply overwhelming in its power. Before Ananias could understand anything, he was grabbed with one hand and rammed into the wall.

- Your bitches were disturbing my rest! - The monster in human form spoke, continuing to hold him by the throat with one hand. -And as you can see, I didn't like it very much. I'll be in this town for another week, and if any of the local creatures come at me, I'll do the same to your head.

Any problem can be solved, all can be negotiated with one way or another, but not this one, Ananias realized, when after threatening him, his arm was simply and uncomplicatedly ripped off.

That his beautiful black hair, of which he was rightly proud, had turned gray, he did not yet know.


No one bothered me again after that incident. Ananias heeded my wishes and checked out the local baddies. He's an understanding dog.

I also visited Britannia, I had wanted to go there for a long time, but didn't have the time.

What can I say about their security system, it's bullshit. Here I am, a monster that can kill ordinary people by the thousands without much distraction from personal matters.

And where are their enlightened ones, why don't they catch the terrible me.

For the sake of the experiment, I brought in a vampire. The most common of the newcomers.

Here they have already started to move, the response team arrived on the spot within ten minutes, which in my unsophisticated opinion is a fucking result.

Everything is nice and coherent, the equipment is at the level, as is the training.

I don't know what they thought when they spotted a vampire appearing out of nowhere in the middle of London. But they sure got a few gray hairs after this same vampire appeared in almost every corner of their country. And that for an entire week.

The locals really did their jobs, even though they couldn't find anyone every time they came on a call. By the end of the week, each of the thirty response teams was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Seven days of constant nervous tension and lack of sleep were taking their toll.

And for the first time in my life, I felt sorry for one of the monsters. After all, on the seventh day he was caught. And what the pissed off Brits did to him, I wouldn't wish it on the enemy.

In my defense, I was bored, and the British are arrogant assholes. But there are advantages to centralized control of the supernatural. Ideally, when the Winchester grandfather arrives from the past, he should stay here and revive the American enlightened. But those times are yet to come.

I went to their base, wanted to see what's up, maybe steal a few things like GHG. It's a very useful thing, even though it's an egg.

I laughed for a long time when I read one title, namely, "Mystery Squad. I couldn't help myself and cleaned out one of the backups. Several racks of ancient books and scrolls, or rather copies of them. As well as the same but on electronic media. And a few pairs of fancy brass knuckles, too, wouldn't be out of place, if I'm not mistaken - those are the ones you can beat the Devil in the face with. And I had fun, too, again.


The Phantom chase ended a few days ago. That was the nickname given to an unknown monster that could move across the country without any problems, and which no trap could hold. And when it was finally captured, it turned out to be a regular weak bloodsucker. Enraged agents almost tore the unfortunate man apart on the spot, but professionalism won out. Everyone wanted answers.

Even after torturing Miss Watt, the local lady of steel, he swore he didn't know how he was in Britain or what was going on.

But no sooner had the British dealt with that problem than a new one appeared, one of the backup vaults was robbed.

But that's not the strangest thing either...

- And remind me, Harold, when was the last time you were examined by our psychologist? - Asked the young blonde to the agent standing in front of her, and also the guy in charge of technical matters.

- Lady Antonia, your jokes are inappropriate here. - tried to argue the guy.

- My jokes? - The mask of the aristocratic hereditary woman was cracked under the pressure of emotion. - Who cleaned out the vault again?

- Dumbledore..." The boy was perfectly aware of the stupidity of what he was saying, so he did not wait for another round of insults. - Come, I'll show you the CCTV footage. If you do not believe me, maybe believe your own eyes. - masterfully hiding his irritation continued the guy, this arrogant bitch, having been promoted, was fed up with everyone. Almost no experience, but the arrogance of an elder.

- It's obviously some kind of illusion or mojo, maybe we were hacked and slipped this tape. - Antonia enlightened her subordinates. No one wanted to tell them that it was obvious without her wise words.

- We're done, it's all clear! - interrupted the brainstorming of the agents, a man in a white coat and glasses. Typical lab technician.

- Well? - hurried the boss.

- Well, first this. - He showed me a simple, deep plate. - Here we have the usual lemon slices. - Not caring how the blonde's face twisted, he continued. - No foreign substances.


- The letter. Plain old parchment, clean too, you can look at it.

"Headmaster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

(Knight of the Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Wizard, Supreme Wizard, President of the International Confederation of Wizards)

Dear Miss Bevelle!

We are pleased to inform you that We have requisitioned the contents of one of your reserve vaults. Please refer to the attached list of borrowed books and items.

Yours sincerely, DDD!"

And then there was a very impressive list of items stolen.

- He's supposed to be a light wizard, why rob us? - asked one of the agents, while his superiors stood there with their faces red with anger.

- I don't know," Harold replied with true Jedi serenity, "there must have been a reason.

Immediately after his words, the ink flowed and the text of the note began to change.

"Harry, my boy, it's all for the greater good!!!

Eat a lemon slice."


All this fooling around just helps to stall for time. After all, after completing my soul unification, I realized that I could open a spatial rift. And I'm a little scared. Leaving this universe, not yet. But I want to visit the parallel world.

- I don't want to die. - I mumbled aloud, taking a step into the pillar of fire that hovered in front of me.

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