Shadow crows: Ability, mana detection and shared vision.
Shadow servant: Ability, master chef, magical cleaning.
Name: Mary.
Golem: Fire immunity.
Shadow ninja: Camouflage and assassination ability.
Name: Hollow.
Shadow ninja: Teleportation ability.
Name: Yadrat.
Shadow angel: Dark magic.
Name: Selina.
Ring of darkness: Ability to hide magical power and become a weapon.
Tattoo: Ability to build an aura armor around the host's body.
Elf: Ability to control ice.
Name: Bella
Shadow angel: Ability to control light.
Name: Kiara.
Shadow Demon: Ability to make absolute contracts, the only one who could be exempt from the consequences of breaking the contract is Alex.
Name: Constantine
Dragon Tattoo: Ability to attract female members of the dragon race.
Gargoyle: Ability to create shields.
Dragon: ability to shoot beams of light from the mouth.
Dragon: ability to shoot beams of darkness from the mouth.
Dragon: ability to shoot beams of destruction from the mouth.
Reaper: ability to control death.
Ghost: ability to damage the soul and be immune to physical attacks.
Symbiote: ability to multiply the physical and magical strength of the host.
Lancer: ability to break defensive magic.
Tattoo: ability to use God-killing magic to kill immortals.
Tiamat lineage that gives Alex the ability of the dragon race.