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70.37% A Legacy Continued / Chapter 76: Chapter 74 - Bullying

Capítulo 76: Chapter 74 - Bullying

***** Bonus chapter ***** A/N: kinda a long one today, that's why it's a bit later, as it took me longer to write Ahaha. But I've always had this in the plans, so here's the long awaited chapter. Y'all should be able to tell what it's about just from the title lol. 😂

Also, I'm personally rather surprised how well things are working out when building up this mystery. There's a lot of links and callbacks to old references that just are coincidentally working out ahaha. For example, his coma. Originally I put Khan in Book 4 because that's really where everything starts to happen. But him being in a coma for 103 years, and that being a prime number, just happened to work out perfectly with magical numbers and numerology ahaha. There's other things too, but that's like future spoiler stuff, so I can't mention it ahaha *****

Khan opened back up his eyes, slightly startled by the strange blond girl, who he immediately recognized just from the sound of her dreamy voice.

It was Luna, his Ravenclaw Junior! Khan always had the most random encounters with the girl, but slowly he had come to like her odd and quirky nature. Although he definitely did not appreciate it at this very moment.

Looking over, Jordan noticed that she was staring at the two of them from a few inches away, like they were some sort of display.

"Hello Luna…. No we're not." Khan greeted his random friend, before looking back over to Fleur, whom he was still holding closely.

She appeared a strange combination of shocked/embarrassed/angry; understandable as Jordan was also feeling the same way, truth be told.

He let out a sigh, knowing the intimate kissing moment had now passed.

Hopefully he could still salvage some of the romantic moment.

Slipping his hands out of Fleur's, he moved to her side, instead of facing her, his hand around her waist, with his arm over the small of her back, pulling her close, as they turned to face Luna.

This was another rule he had learned from his various books; Witches love little intimate gestures such as holding hands, or the Gentleman holding her closely by the waist.

And judging from Fleur's current reactions, with her blushing bright red, with a big smile on her face, it seemed that his books had been right about this as well.

Fleur meanwhile, had gone through a rollercoaster of emotions during their almost kiss.

While she was indeed previously angry that they were interrupted of their kissing moment, Fleur was currently feeling quite embarrassed and somewhat shy, not knowing how to react with Jordan and his new forwardness towards their relationship, with him now holding her by the waist.

He had gone from some oblivious boy, not even knowing how to pick up on her subtle cues she gave him that she was interested in him, to some suave man, who had planned this romantic date, and was now intimately holding her around the waist?

Wasn't she supposed to be the older one, leading him around and showing him the ropes of being in a relationship?

She wasn't sure if it was her Veela magic or not, since it wasn't as obvious as her losing her French accent, but ever since she had fallen for Khan, she had been reacting out of character to various situations.

Arguing in public with Hermione, acting embarrassed like some shy helpless maiden during certain romantic situations such as these; it was all completely new to Fleur.

Could it be that Jordan did have sexual experience with that elderly African lady in the past? His hand was slowly lowering down to her ass subconsciously as well, making her think that these were practiced motions.

Will he be the one show me the ropes instead?

She blushed even harder, currently Imagining herself as some princess, being taken by her prince, lost her fantasy, not really paying attention to Luna.

"Oh that's good! Gingivitis is a really nasty bit of dark magic!" Luna meanwhile commented in response to Khan, nodding her head cutely.

"Errr.. right…" Khan, who had yet to research any of Luna's new terms, and was not familiar with them, just ended up agreeing with the random blonde girl. "So what are you doing here Luna?"

"The nargles locked me out of the Ravenclaw dorms again, so I am here to read The Quibbler and look for the elusive Crumple-Horned Snorkack!"

She moved to have a seat with practiced motions, at the table both Fleur and Khan were just seated at, taking out a magazine and proceeding to open it.

Khan found her again acting rather odd, as she appeared to be once again blaming 'nargles' for her various issues (the last time blaming them for stealing her boots) as well as reading her magazine the Quibbler upside down…..

"Um… could you tell me what nargles are? And why you are reading that magazine upside down?" Khan could not help himself, asking about some of her terms in curiosity.

"Nargles are like you silly!" Luna responded dreamily, eyes still on her magazine. "They seem to be getting more active and mischievous now that it is Yuletide season and there is mistletoe all about!"

"Why would they be like me???" Khan asked with a confused look on his face. He remembered she had previously called him that when they first met.

"Because they are mischievous little thieves!" Luna responded as if it were common knowledge.

"Just. Like. You!" She added at the end with emphasis.

Khan's eyes widened with her statement.

How did she know that he stole things?!? Was that her Divination skill acting up again?

He thought for sure that other than Harry and Hermione witnessing him looking through Fake-Moody's things, nobody had ever seen him steal anything!

"I…. Uh….. wait! If they are thieves, how did they manage to lock you out of the Dorm?" Khan stumbled a bit with his words, in his slight panic of potentially being labeled a thief, before attempting to redirect the conversation.

"Nargles like to play tricks and take things…. That's just how they are." She shrugged. "I really wish they didn't take my mother's locker or my boots, but at least it allowed me to meet you!"

"What?!?" Khan was beginning to catch on. "What do you mean!?"

"It's ok… Even if you are like a Nargle, you have a good heart!" She seemed to be placating him.

"No, Luna…. Not about me! Are nargles actual people?" Khan had realized that these 'nargles' might actually be real people, and not make believe creatures like he originally assumed. "Have they been taking your boots, cloak and mothers locket, and on top of that, locking you out of the dorms?"

"They haven't taken anything lately…. I think you might be scaring them away, since you are the more dangerous nargle." Luna finally looked up from her upside down magazine, confirming that the nargles were indeed thieves and most likely bullies, tilting her head cutely, as if she were thinking hard about the question. "Kinda like how smaller dragons won't hunt in larger dragons territories!"

Khan deadpanned. Turns out she was thinking hard not about the question, but the analogy, as She appeared quite proud of it when she finally thought about it and explained it.

When he got through thinking about that however, and started thinking about the actual situation little Luna was in, he started to become angry. And the more he thought about the situation, the angrier he became.

Luna reminded him of his old friend Poppy, with her innocent demeanor, and her strange lack of human friends. And for some reason, bullies always liked to target his innocent friends, just like they had in the past with Poppy.

It seemed there would be no shortage of bullies, in any era.

"So they've stopped taking your things, and have instead resorted to locking you out of the dorm." Khan confirmed, before stating dangerously. "Seems I need to have a word with our Housemates."

Khan looked towards Fleur, who was looking quite heatedly at him, before turning back to Luna, Jordan deciding to make an executive decision for the two of them.

"Come along Luna! You can join Fleur and I, as we get rid of a nargle infestation."



The 3 appeared in a bright flash, in the middle of the Ravenclaw Common Room, startling all the current students who were idly passing the time after dinner.

The two girls were each holding onto one of Jordan's hands, with his Phoenix Sol perched angrily on his shoulder.

Sol, like usual, was mirroring her bond's current emotions, feeling quite angry and protective over Little Luna.

Luna herself, had gotten a little overexcited when Khan had summoned Sol to teleport them back to the Ravenclaw Dorms, and had gone a little crazy of The appearance of the the adolescent phoenix, mobbing her immediately with hugs and pets, much to Sol delight.

Again with the similarities to Poppy, it seemed that Luna also had a clear affinity with magical beasts, with how quickly she appeared to get along with Sol.

Fleur meanwhile, had been forced to come along for the show, with Khan deciding to bring her along without asking, not that she minded.

Although she found the sweet and Romantic Jordan good, she had to admit, watching him all angry with his 'take-no-nonsense' attitude in Defense of that little girl, had Fleur feeling rather flush in the face.

Perhaps it was a combination of his protectiveness and his power, but regardless, the woman part of her as well as Veela part of her made her want to mate with him immediately, when he acted like this!

Fleur would never tell anybody this, especially as a lady of the noble Delacour house, but she always did have a very big attraction towards 'bad boys'.

A perfect gentleman to her, and a completely dominant personality towards everyone else; that's the dream!

And it looks like she had finally found it in her future husband!

Khan of course, was rather upset with the entire situation. He had learned that on top of them taking Luna's mother's locket, that it was the only memory of her, as she had passed away when Luna was younger.

Khan who had lost his own parents, thanks to his coma, immediately felt sympathetic towards the young girl. Similar to how he felt with Harry, who also lost his parents, Jordan felt a sense of kinship with the two younger students, almost subconsciously treating them as if they were his younger siblings.

To learn that these Bullies had taken the last and only thing Luna had to remember her dead mother by, had Khan feeling even more upset than previously.

Lightning flashed in his eyes, as he took a few deep breaths to attempt to calm himself; he didn't want to accidentally kill any students after all in his rage.

All the Ravenclaw students who were at first surprised and excited at their House celebrity's flash appearance, quickly quieted down, as they immediately felt the tension and magical power rolling off of him.

"Luna's things…. I know you all took it. Bring all it here. Now! And I better not find anything missing if I use the 'accio' charm later…" Khan barked out, sounding strangely similar to Moody.

A bunch of students immediately all scrambled out of the common room, presumably to get Luna's stolen things.

Within a few minutes all of the recently departed students had all returned, bringing with them all of the things they had stolen from Luna over the years.

And from the size of the pile, it appeared to be quite a lot of items.

Silence immediately descended upon the common room, as Khan stared wide-eyed the sheer amount of things stolen.

'What the actual fuck happened to my house…..' Khan wondered to himself angrily.

Even Poppy who was targeted by bullies, was not targeted by her own house. Did these people not understand what a family meant anymore?

He turned to address all his housemates.

"When I first heard of Hogwarts, and learned of its house system, I couldn't help but grow excited at the idea that your House was your family."

Khan spoke quietly, yet similar to the first task, everyone could hear him in The Ravenclaw tower, even those that were not presently in the common room, but in their respective bedrooms instead.

Even Flitwick, who was in his charms office, heard Khan clearly, the castle herself allowing for all current Ravenclaws to hear Khans speech. He immediately left for the Ravenclaw tower, stopping by only to grab the headmaster.

Soon they both arrived to find the common room was packed, as many of the other students hand come up to see what all the commotion was about, recognizing Khan's voice.

"I myself always had a small family, having no siblings or close family friends of similar age growing up. So to me, a big family seemed like a dream."

"We would be A group of people, who would be forced to live together 9-10 months out of the year, for 7 years; for much of our young adult life, we will in fact spend more time with our housemates, than we do with our actual families."

"Instead of your families, These people would become your closest friends and allies, watching your back, as you watched theirs. They would become your most reliable companions, as you grew up together side by side, overcoming all challenges and obstacles as a family."

"And Family, by definition, should be a sanctuary; a safe haven where individuals find solace, encouragement, and most of all, unwavering support."

"It is a bond formed by blood or by choice, built upon trust, loyalty, and the belief that no matter what, we are all there for one another."

Khan took a pause, to eye the Ravenclaw students.

"Therefore, to discover that my family, my very own Ravenclaw house, has strayed away from this sacred pact and allowed bullying of all things, to permeate to its core, greatly upsets me."

"Bullying, in any setting, is a grave transgression, eroding self-esteem, destroying confidence, and inflicting irreparable emotional and psychological wounds, often leaving lifelong scars and haunting memories that shape an individual's sense of worth and belonging."

"But within the context of a family, it becomes even worse. The family unit, ideally, should provide a nurturing environment, where understand, acceptance, and unconditional love prevail."

"It should be a place where differences are celebrated, and individuals are empowered to embrace and become their true selves."

"To have this environment instead become so toxic, that it causes its own family to turn on one of its own members, to the point that she has no possessions and is sleeping outside in the cold forest, in the middle of December, is not only saddening, it is downright fucking shameful!"

"Bullying, be it verbal, physical, or emotional, is an outright betrayal of the bonds that should unite us. It tears families like ours apart, sows seeds of resentment, and perpetuates a cycle of pain that can span generations."

"No individual should be made to feel inadequate, ostracized, or diminished simply because they don't conform to certain norms or expectations in our Ravenclaw House, especially one so pure and kind hearted as Little Luna is!"

"I will be the first the admit, that I do not understand half the things that she is talking about or referring to. But it is these things in fact, that interested me, and caused me to want to befriend her. It was not because she was so similar to me, but because she was so uniquely gifted and different."

He held up Luna's hand, drawing attention to her.

"Change begins with all of us; with a conscious commitment to create an environment that is loving, compassionate and accepting to everyone within our family."

"It is our responsibility together, to foster an atmosphere and family where differences are not punished, but celebrated. Where individuality is embraced, and everyone feels valued for who they are."

"Let us lead by example, teaching others the values of having a true family standing behind you, having your back. Let us display to the rest of Hogwarts our unity, and show everyone just how much of a family the Ravenclaw house truly is!"


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