Earlier that day
Kyle was walking around the school's halls looking for Isabelle. He had managed to keep calm during the first couple of classes, but now he started to get nervous.
A couple of Isabelle's classmates confirmed she went to school that day, but he has been missing her since the bell rang. Half of lunchtime had already passed, so he was starting to freak out a little.
He followed what other people said, as he kept asking everyone he could for the read-head. Someone pretty much hard to miss.
As he turned left on the corner next to the cafeteria, her red head caught his attention. She was heading to the back of the school, probably to have lunch with Cassidy. He jogged her way, when she suddenly turned around.
Her hazel eyes met his from the distance, like two enormous balls full of distrust. When she turned around to leave, he ran and stopped in front of her.
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