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Capítulo 69: Freya

Shoutout to my new patron:


You are a lagend!


(General POV)

"When we talked about 'relaxing', this was not quite what I had in mind." Lyze said as he sank deeper into the water. The only piece of cloth on his body was one wrapped around his head to keep his hair out of his face as he soaked in the aromatic water.

Across from him on the other side of the bath was Freya in a similar state except her hair was let loose. The locks of shining silver floated about on the water surface, and the steam that permeated the marble floored room made both their skin gleam somehow.

"Personally, I find myself agreeing with people that come from the Far East. Hot baths tend to be the greatest form of relaxation, especially when you share it with friends." She replied as she waved out a few of her children that had helped the two get settled in.

Lyze found her words to be true, as he was instantly at such peace, he dropped his Chaos Vision and darkness clouded his eyes as sight was lost to him. He didn't need it though as he felt the glares of the women before they left burn through his head.

"I wasn't aware we stood on such familiar grounds, Lady Freya."

"That is not what I was saying."

"It's what you were implying."

"No, that is you inferring."

"Touche." Lyze replied as he shifted a bit in the water and let the silence take over.

There was something about water, it did strange things to your senses and mental state if you were submerged into a large volume of it. It made you hear things that you normally wouldn't, feel things that you normally wouldn't, and provided you with such comfort, you would have no idea you could drown in it if you were not careful if not for the fact it was common sense.

As dislikeable as some of Freya's habits were, she was not a person who was an uncomfortable type to share these things with, even if it was out of the blue. The two allowed the silence to continue as they got used to the water.

Thanks to his smaller body, Lyze was seated in the more shallow end while Freya sat in the deep end.

It was frustrating what lacking a single foot in measurement of height could do to you. Lyze however was confident he would grow up to be tall enough that he would not be insecure. Hopefully it would exceed is height in his past life. It had been such a daunting realisation that he couldn't even scrape six feet, and he'd be damned if it was the same thing this time around.

"It does go unsaid however, my wish for our familiarity to become more intimate, Lyzof Keele."

"To what end?" He questioned. "And you can call me Lyze, just as everyone else does."

"Very well...Lyze. As for your question, I just simply believe that a close relationship between us would ultimately be better for the both of us in the long run, don't you believe?"

"It depends." He said in a tone unbecoming of his young age. It only fuelled her suspicions even more now that she was able to observe his soul at such close range. "It goes unsaid that a good relationship with the patron of the most powerful Familia in the world brings about many benefits to the lesser party. But we are only talking about material benefits. In terms of our actual selves and our emotions as well as our mental being, I can't say that it would be very good in this particular situation."

"And do, pray, tell me why?"

"To begin with..." Lyze sat up and seemed to stare at her even though his eyes were closed. "...I am a lesser ranked and still very much the newest member of your greatest rival Familia. If you mean to befriend me and me alone, I fear it would cause no small amount of jealousy amongst your group of infamously insecure children, and suspicion amongst my own fellow Familia members. People sometimes choose to be ignorant no matter how much you try to convince them, and I would be ostracized as self serving traitor by most. And I very much doubt that you actually meant a friendship between both our Familias."

"Why so?" Freya said as she leaned on her palm.

"The main differences lie with your children. They are put simply, fanatically and lustfully addled idiots who become instantly envious if someone so much looks your way. With the exception of Ottar whom I can honestly say is the one member of your Familia I truly respect. And bear in mind, I am not being arrogant when I say this but I trust very few people."

"I can imagine." She said quietly. "And I take it you put me to blame for that?"

"Are you going to deny it?"

"...No. What you assume is correct for the most part. I utilised my best qualities to ensnare complete loyalty from the ones that caught my eye. Down here in the mortal realm, cut off from our true powers, it is the most that we can do to survive this life surrounded by the mortal inconveniences."

"You all brought that misery upon yourself, you know that?"

"True, but it has been so much fun." She smiled before quirking an eyebrow. "You really don't seem to have respect for us gods, you know?"

"Want me to say it straight?"

"Go on."

Lyze leaned backwards with his arms resting on the sides of the bathtub.

"Because you and your kind...are not gods. Not to me anyway."

"Ooooh, blasphemy is it now?" She said playfully. "Well, go ahead and tell me the reason why you think that."

"Do you really expect me to believe that 'gods' are willing to be the same as mortals? To eat, sleep, cohabitate, urinate and defecate? That a god would stoop so low as to take on these animalistic traits of us lower beings for the sake of entertainment alone?" Lyze raised an eyebrow of his own. "Well I don't. 'God' is above all of that."

"Would you look at that? A monotheistic mortal in THIS world." She closed her eyes in barely concealed mirth. "One more thing as further proof that you do not belong in this plane."

Lyze stilled, not expecting that at all from her. "What are you talking about?"

"We'll come back to that right after you tell me why you are so convinced of that truth. Tell me, what is 'God' to you and how are you so sure?"

"...Because I met someone who could wish your kind out of existence, and even he dared not blaspheme. I was witness first-hand to how powerful he was and I'm prepared to take his word over any of yours."

"And the list of mysteries go on." Freya chuckled and reclined on a part of the tub that was shaped for someone to lean into. "Is there no end to the ambiguities with you?...Well, I suppose you may be right. It would make sense for the Origin Of All to possess such qualities. I guess when you have an infinite lifespan and command greater power over lesser beings, it can get to your head." Freya lifted an arm and rubbed the water in in with her hand. "I would suppose an Omnipotent being could not possibly be 'formed' like the rest of us did back in Tenkai. You tend to forget things like this when you live as long as we have."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Lyze muttered. "It's true though isn't it? You are just a part of Creation, just like the rest of us. You were just given greater Authority than we were."

"Perhaps." She replied. "And speaking of which, you want to know how I know of 'your' origins correct?"

He nodded.

"Well, I was once the Arbiter of Souls. For hundreds of millions of years, I resided over the passing of souls into the next phase. Those that were too stained by dark deeds were...cast into rehabilitation. And those that passed the test were purified of their memories and sent into the cycle of reincarnation." She lifted one of her fingers. "The purification is what allows for a soul to become innocent and bright once again. Every soul has different colours, but that process gives it the same 'texture', which your soul lacks. I would suppose that Loki has already informed you of my special ability to see past your vessels and look upon your souls."

"I can confirm that I am aware." Freya noticed how he avoided saying that it was Loki who told him. Interesting. "But how can you be so sure that I was not one soul that happened to 'miss' being purified? Or that I am simply a new soul altogether?"

"It is impossible for the first to happen. And as for the second one, your soul would still have that soft texture, the tell-tale signs of innocence and childhood. Thirdly, your behaviour and line of questioning this subject only serves to confirm my theory even more."

"That theory being?"

"That you are at soul, an Otherworlder." She smiled. "And Otherworldly souls cannot just simply drift into our midst with absurdly powerful entities attached to them. For such a thing to happen, it would have had to be helped along by an outside force, and a being of Authority greater than Primordials as no of Us would dare attempt doing such things." She opened her eyes and gave him a sly look. "And I further theorize that it is that same being that affirmed your monotheism, correct?"

"...You know there is point in telling a lie to you."

"Well done. And you can be rest assured that I was fully convinced of these things..." She gestured to their surroundings. "...otherwise I would have not brought a child into my bathing area. So, mighty soul from beyond the stars, whose true age of mind I still don't know, what more have you learnt about me from our conversation?"

"I was 16 when I died the first time around. And I have not learnt much more than I already know?"


"Yes. I have known much about you before you even knew about me, and I have been observing you just as keenly as you have been trying to get close to me and observe me...Miss Flover."

Freya gave him a shocked stare before she covered her mouth and giggled.

"My, my. It looks like I was not as sneaky as I thought I was." She paused to think for a moment before a slightly upset expression came over her face. "Hold on, when you said that particular line the other day, that principle you lived by, were you directly addressing me?"

"That 'the most beautiful things are often the ugliest within'. Not necessarily, but if it teaches you more on the kind of person I am, you're welcome to interpret that way. After all, can you say that many of the things you've done over the years could be considered beautiful?"

"No. I suppose I've been a bit naughty over the years." She bonked herself on the head while sticking out her tongue, expressing the same mannerisms she did as Syr as if to confirm that fact.

"I wouldn't call destroying two elven nations just to pinch their kings, or having a bunch of Pallums kill their master, or giving your children the slip to start problems in nearby nations, or bullying two weakened Familias into self imposed exile and banishment so you could take the top place, or sending your strongest member to beat the living daylights out of a child just 'naughty' behaviour." He said bluntly.

Freya lost her jovial expression and she narrowed her eyes. "Okay, those are things you 'definitely' should not know. How-"

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Lyze said.

"A clairvoyance skill? An ability that allows you to see things from great distances?" She pressed. "Or perhaps someone in the guild sold information to you?"

"No. And judging by that last sentence, I assume the Guild actively works to hide sensitive information like that, indicating a certain level of corruption."

"You'd be surprised exactly how much." She said.

"Leverage that you use against them so you can have your way?"

"Precisely." She said with no hint of shame.

Lyze took a deep breath as they reached the crux of the conversation, the part he'd been most anxious and uncomfortable about. Better late than never.

"The same way you're going to make me join your Familia I assume?"

"Hm?" She had the audacity to look confused.

"Is that not what we've been dancing around? Speaking of hostile relationships between our Familias as a result of a friendship between you and me, the secrets we hold against each other (more you than me), the activities that the two of us know the other gets up to. Would that not be solved if you manged to ensnare me just the way you have with others. That way your secrets would be safe as well as mine, providing a mutual benefit to both of us. Has that not been your aim all along?"

"...All of that could easily be settled if we just promised to keep our friendship a secret would it not? Especially if we kept each other's secrets to our chests as a sign of our commitment to that relationship."

Lyze narrowed his eyes, not sure if he was hearing correct.

"What are you saying?"

"You silly boy." She sighed. "I'm saying I don't want you in my Familia."





"At least, not anymore." She continued.

...The hell was going on here then?!

"Are you playing yet another game of yours with me?" He asked dangerously as he half transitioned to his demon form, in such a way that the bloodlust of that form did not go beyond the room they were in and alert anyone nearby. Freya shivered a little but her mood did not change.

"No." She said sincerely. "I did once want you in my Familia. I first saw you before you even joined Loki, and I wanted you so badly." She chuckled to herself. "I have not been angry in a long time as I was when I saw that you paid no attention to normal procedure and instead headed straight for the Familia itself. Had you gone to the guild, I would have had somebody bring you here from there. Although, now that we've spoken together as much as we have coupled with the fact that my charm has absolutely no effect on you, I suppose that would have been a fruitless endeavour as well. You were aiming for the Loki Familia from the start, weren't you?"

He nodded carefully as he rescinded his demon form and the warmth of the bathwater returned.

"What changed then?" He asked. "What happened that you gave up on acquiring someone like me for yourself? I 'know' I am literally a treasure for any god that gets to claim me, no matter how weak and pathetic I am now." Lyze suddenly squinted as he remembered what she did with Bell in canon. "Or are you simply comparing me to a 'fruit' after all, Lady Freya? You wish for me to 'ripen', so you can pluck me at my prime, when I have become powerful and special enough that you can relish the feeling of having obtained and experienced the reap of the greatest fruit of all, something that no-one else shall?"

"No. You are once again correct somewhat in your assumptions as that is something I do, quite a lot actually. Although I do have a penchant for growing and grooming some fruits from the seed..." Like Ottar, Lyze assumed. "...but that is not what I aim to do with you."

"Then what?"

Freya put a hand on her heart, or her left breast for that matter. "Believe me when I say that I want nothing more than happiness for you. I have come to realize that you are so much more special than an especially unique fruit, and to treat you like a trophy would undermine your very existence."

"In what way?"

"I will answer that, if you would care to answer something for me."

"And that would be?"

Freya smiled as she rose out of the water and waded over to him. She brought their bodies closer to the point he could feel the warmth of her skin as she held his face. Her actions did not faze him though as he 'stared' directly at her eyes. Only now did he realise how strange they were.

It kind of reminded him of Vira's hair.

Freya's eyes looked to be silver at times, yet when the light shone in at certain angles, they somehow became purple. Was this the universe's settlement on her eye colour after being unable to decide to keep to the novels or keep to the anime?

"Tell me Lyzof Keele." She breathed in a surprisingly soft voice. The tone confused him. It was like...a vulnerable inner voice or a cry for help just beneath the surface of her perfect exterior that was well hidden yet unintentionally released just a little, he had to concentrate to find it.

It was then he finally saw it.

Freya's face was indeed perfect and radiant as someone of her identity should be. She was the image of a perfect golden ratio, the perfect woman that could lower the heads of men and women alike from her sheer beauty. It was the face of someone many would wish they were.

But deep, deep in her eyes. In the very windows to her soul, he saw a deeply buried which he'd once assumed could have been there, but had lightly dismissed as a musing in his earlier life.

"Tell you what?" He gulped, all the stoic bravado he'd held onto this whole time melting away in his bewilderment.

"What am I to you? Who am I to you?...Unimposed on by preconceived notions or things that people may have told you about me...What do you 'truly' think of me?"


A.N. I had to make chapter 69 a bath chapter lol.

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